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shiplet | shipload | shipman | shipmaster | shipmate | shipment | shipowner | shippen | shipper | shipping | shipping agent




  •  The act or process of shipping; as, he was engaged in the shipment of coal for London; an active shipment of wheat from the West.  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which is shipped.  [1913 Webster]
    "The question is, whether the share of M. in the shipment is exempted from condemnation by reason of his neutral domicle."  [1913 Webster]


shipment, n.
1 an amount of goods shipped; a consignment.
2 the act or an instance of shipping goods etc.



air express, airfreight, airlift, asportation, baggage, bearing, cargo, carriage, carry, carrying, cartage, consignment, conveyance, drayage, expressage, ferriage, freight, freightage, goods, haulage, hauling, impedimenta, lading, lighterage, load, luggage, lugging, pack, packing, payload, portage, porterage, railway express, shipping, telpherage, toting, transport, transportation, transshipment, truckage, waft, waftage, wagonage




N contents, cargo, lading, freight, shipment, load, bale, burden, jag, cartload, shipload, cup of, basket of, of, inside, stuffing, ullage.


N transfer, transference, translocation, elocation, displacement, metastasis, metathesis, removal, remotion, amotion, relegation, deportation, asportation, extradition, conveyance, draft, carrying, carriage, convection, conduction, contagion, transfer, transit, transition, passage, ferry, gestation, portage, porterage, carting, cartage, shoveling, vection, vecture, vectitation, shipment, freight, wafture, transmission, transport, transportation, importation, exportation, transumption, transplantation, translation, shifting, dodging, dispersion, transposition, traction, drift, transferred, drifted, movable, portable, portative, mailable, contagious, from hand to hand, from pillar to post, on the way, by the way, on the road, on the wing, under way, in transit, on course, as one goes, in transitu, en route, chemin faisant, en passant, in mid progress, in mid course.

For further exploring for "shipment" in Webster Dictionary Online

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