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republisher | republishing | repudiable | repudiate | repudiated | repudiation | repudiative | repudiator | repugn | repugnable | repugnance




repudiationn. [Cf.F. répudiation, L. repudiatio.].
     The act of repudiating, or the state of being repuddiated; as, the repudiation of a doctrine, a wife, a debt, etc.  [1913 Webster]
     One who favors repudiation, especially of a public debt.  [1913 Webster]



abjuration, abjurement, abnegation, abrogation, absolute contradiction, agreement to disagree, alienation, annulment, apostasy, bad debt, ban, bar, barring, blockade, boycott, chucking, chucking out, circumscription, contempt, contradiction, contrary assertion, contravention, controversion, counter-culture, countering, crossing, debarment, debarring, declension, declination, declinature, declining, default, defection, delinquence, delinquency, demarcation, denial, deprivation, despisal, despising, difference, disaccord, disaffirmation, disagreement, disallowance, disapprobation, disapproval, disavowal, discard, disclaimer, disclamation, discounting, dishonor, dishonoring, dismissal, disobedience, disowning, disownment, disparity, disproof, disregard, dissatisfaction, dissension, dissent, dissentience, dissidence, diversity, dropping out, embargo, exception, exclusion, expatriation, forswearing, gainsaying, holding back, ignoring, impugnment, inadmissibility, injunction, lockout, minority opinion, narrowing, nay, negation, negative, negative answer, nix, no, nonacceptance, nonadmission, nonagreement, nonapproval, nonassent, noncompliance, nonconcurrence, nonconformity, nonconsent, nonconsideration, nondischarge of debts, nonobservance, nonpayment, nonremittal, nullification, omission, opposition, palinode, palinody, passing by, preclusion, prohibition, protest, protested bill, putting away, putting out, rebuff, recantation, recusance, recusancy, refusal, refutation, rejection, relegation, reneging, renouncement, renunciation, repulse, restriction, retention, retractation, retraction, revocation, revokement, scouting, secession, spurning, taboo, throwing out, thumbs-down, turndown, turning out, uncollectible, underground, unsaying, unwillingness, variance, withdrawal, withholding




N rejection, repudiation, exclusion, refusal, declination, rejected, reject, rejectaneous, rejectious, not chosen, to be thought of, out of the question, neither, neither the one nor the other, no, non haec in faedera.


N exclusion, nonadmission, omission, exception, rejection, repudiation, exile, noninclusion, preclusion, prohibition, separation, segregation, seposition, elimination, expulsion, cofferdam, excluding, exclusive, excluded, unrecounted, not included in, inadmissible, exclusive of, barring, except, with the exception of, save, bating, exclusion, seclusion, exclusion, seclusion, privacy, retirement, reclusion, recess, snugness, delitescence, rustication, rus in urbe, solitude, solitariness, isolation, loneliness, estrangement from the world, voluntary exile, aloofness, cell, hermitage, convent, sanctum sanctorum, depopulation, desertion, desolation, wilderness, howling wilderness, rotten borough, Old Sarum, exclusion, excommunication, banishment, exile, ostracism, proscription, cut, cut direct, dead cut, inhospitality, inhospitableness, dissociability, domesticity, Darby and Joan, recluse, hermit, eremite, cenobite, anchoret, anchorite, Simon Stylites, troglodyte, Timon of Athens, Santon, solitaire, ruralist, disciple of Zimmermann, closet cynic, Diogenes, outcast, Pariah, castaway, pilgarlic, wastrel, foundling, wilding, secluded, sequestered, retired, delitescent, private, bye, out of the world, out of the way, the world forgetting by the world forgot, snug, domestic, stay-at-home, unsociable, unsocial, dissocial, inhospitable, cynical, inconversable, unclubbable, sauvage, troglodytic, solitary, lonely, lonesome, isolated, single, estranged, unfrequented, uninhabitable, uninhabited, tenantless, abandoned, deserted, deserted in one's utmost need, unfriended, kithless, friendless, homeless, lorn, forlorn, desolate, unvisited, unintroduced, uninvited, unwelcome, under a cloud, left to shift for oneself, derelict, outcast, banished, noli me tangere, among them but not of them, and homeless near a thousand homes I stood, far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife, makes a solitude and calls it peace, magna civitas magna solitudo, never less alone than when alone, O sacred solitude! divine retreat!.


N abrogation, annulment, nullification, recision, vacatur, canceling, cancel, revocation, revokement, repeal, rescission, defeasance, dismissal, conge, demission, bounce, deposal, deposition, dethronement, disestablishment, disendowment, deconsecration, sack, walking papers, pink slip, walking ticket, yellow cover, abolition, abolishment, dissolution, counter order, countermand, repudiation, retraction, retractation, recantation, abolitionist, abrogated, functus officio, Int, get along with you!, begone!, go about your business!, away with!.


N nonobservance, evasion, inobservance, failure, omission, neglect, laches, laxity, informality, infringement, infraction, violation, transgression, piracy, retraction, retractation, repudiation, nullification, protest, forfeiture, lawlessness, disobedience, bad faith, violating, lawless, transgressive, elusive, evasive, unfulfilled &c (fulfill).


N nonpayment, default, defalcation, protest, repudiation, application of the sponge, whitewashing, insolvency, bankruptcy, failure, insufficiency, run upon a bank, overdrawn account, waste paper bonds, dishonored bills, protested bills, bogus check, bogus cheque, rubber check, bankrupt, insolvent, debtor, lame duck, man of straw, welsher, stag, defaulter, levanter, not paying, non-paying, non-performing, in debt, behindhand, in arrear, behind in payments, in arrears, beggared, unable to make both ends meet, minus, worse than nothing, worthless, insolvent, bankrupt, in the gazette, gazetted, unpaid, gratis, unremunerated.


N negation, abnegation, denial, disavowal, disclaimer, abjuration, contradiction, contravention, recusation, protest, recusancy, flat contradiction, emphatic contradiction, emphatic denial, dementi, qualification, repudiation, retraction, confutation, refusal, prohibition, denying, denied, contradictory, negative, negatory, recusant, at issue upon, no, nay, not, nowise, not a bit, not a whit, not a jot, not at all, nohow, not in the least, not so, negative, negatory, no way, no such thing, nothing of the kind, nothing of the sort, quite the contrary, tout au contraire, far from it, tant s'en faut, on no account, in no respect, by no, by no manner of means, negatively, never, never in a million years, at no time, there never was a greater mistake, I know better, non haec in faedera, a thousand times no.

For further exploring for "repudiation" in Webster Dictionary Online

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