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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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recitative | recitativo | recite | reciter | reck | reckless | recklessly | recklessness | reckling | reckon | reckon on


3 in 3 verses (in OT : 1 in 1 verses) (in NT : 2 in 2 verses)


recklessa. [AS. recceleás, r.].
  •  Inattentive to duty; careless; neglectful; indifferent.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Rashly negligent; utterly careless or heedless.  [1913 Webster]
    "It made the king as reckless as them diligent."  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Heedless; careless; mindless; thoughtless; negligent; indifferent; regardless; unconcerned; inattentive; remiss; rash.


reckless, adj. disregarding the consequences or danger etc.; lacking caution; rash.

recklessly adv. recklessness n.
OE recceleas (as RECK)



accident-prone, adventuresome, agile, airy, apathetic, ataractic, audacious, blase, brash, breakneck, carefree, careless, casual, cursory, dangerous, daredevil, daring, dashing, degage, desperate, devil-may-care, disinterested, dispassionate, disregardant, disregardful, double-quick, eagle-winged, easygoing, expeditious, express, fast, feckless, fleet, flippant, flying, foolhardy, foolish, forgetful, free and easy, furious, galloping, hair-trigger, harum-scarum, hasty, headlong, heedless, hopeless, hotheaded, hurried, hustling, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-contrived, ill-devised, ill-gauged, ill-judged, impatient, impetuous, impolitic, imprudent, impulsive, inadvisable, inattentive, incautious, inconsiderate, incurious, indifferent, indiscreet, inexcitable, inexpedient, injudicious, insensate, insouciant, irrational, irresponsible, lackadaisical, lazy, light of heel, light-footed, listless, lively, mad, madcap, mercurial, mindless, misadvised, misguided, myopic, negligent, nimble, nimble-footed, nonchalant, oblivious, offhand, overeager, overenthusiastic, overhasty, overzealous, perfunctory, pococurante, precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, prompt, quick, quick as lightning, quick as thought, rapid, rash, reasonless, regardless, respectless, running, senseless, shortsighted, slap-bang, slapdash, snappy, spanking, speedy, sudden, swift, tactless, temerarious, thoughtless, turned-off, unadvised, unanxious, unconcerned, unconsidered, undiplomatic, undiscerning, undiscriminating, unforeseeing, unheedful, unheeding, uninterested, unmindful, unprepared, unready, unreasonable, unreflecting, unreflective, unseeing, unsensible, unsolicitous, unsound, untactful, unthinking, unthoughtful, unwise, venturesome, venturous, wanton, wild, winged, witless




N rashness, temerity, want of caution, imprudence, indiscretion, overconfidence, presumption, audacity, precipitancy, precipitation, impetuosity, levity, foolhardihood, foolhardiness, heedlessness, thoughtlessness, carelessness, desperation, Quixotism, knight-errantry, fire eating, gaming, gambling, blind bargain, leap in the dark, leap of faith, fool's paradise, too many eggs in one basket, desperado, rashling, madcap, daredevil, Hotspur, fire eater, bully, bravo, Hector, scapegrace, enfant perdu, Don Quixote, knight-errant, Icarus, adventurer, gambler, gamester, dynamitard, boomer, rash, incautious, indiscreet, imprudent, improvident, temerarious, uncalculating, heedless, careless, without ballast, heels over head, head over heels, giddy, wanton, reckless, wild, madcap, desperate, devil-may-care, hot-blooded, hotheaded, hotbrained, headlong, headstrong, breakneck, foolhardy, harebrained, precipitate, impulsive, overconfident, overweening, venturesome, venturous, adventurous, Quixotic, fire eating, cavalier, janty, jaunty, free and easy, off one's guard, post haste, a corps perdu, hand over head, tete baissee, headforemost, happen what may, come what may, neck or nothing, the devil being in one, non semper temeritas est felix, paucis temeritas est bono multis malo.


N neglect, carelessness, trifling, negligence, omission, oversight, laches, default, supineness, inattention, nonchalance, imprudence, recklessness, slovenliness improvidence, noncompletion, inexactness, paralipsis, paralepsis, paraleipsis (in rhetoric), trifler, waiter on Providence, Micawber, neglecting, unmindful, negligent, neglectful, heedless, careless, thoughtless, perfunctory, remiss, feebleness, inconsiderate, uncircumspect, incircumspect, off one's guard, unwary, unwatchful, unguarded, offhand, supine, inattentive, insouciant, imprudent, reckless, slovenly inexact, improvident, neglected, unheeded, uncared-for, unperceived, unseen, unobserved, unnoticed, unnoted, unmarked, unattended to, unthought of, unregarded, unremarked, unmissed, shunted, shelved, unexamined, unstudied, unsearched, unscanned, unweighed, unsifted, unexplored, abandoned, buried in a napkin, hid under a bushel, negligently, hand over head, anyhow, in an unguarded moment, per incuriam, Int, never mind, no matter, let it pass, out of sight, out of mind.

For further exploring for "reckless" in Webster Dictionary Online

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