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jugement | juger | jugful | jugger | juggernaut | juggle | juggler | juggleress | jugglery | juggling | juggs


Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


jugglev. i. [OE. juglen; cf. OF. jogler, jugler, F. jongler. See Juggler.].
  •  To play tricks by sleight of hand; to cause amusement and sport by tricks of skill; to conjure; especially, to maintian several objects in the air at one time by tossing them up with one hand, catching them with the other hand, and passing them from the catching to the tossing hand.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To practice artifice or imposture.  [1913 Webster]
    "Be these juggling fiends no more believed."  [1913 Webster]
jugglev. t. 
  •  To deceive by trick or artifice.  [1913 Webster]
    "Is't possible the spells of France should juggle
    Men into such strange mysteries?
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To maintain (several objects) in continuous motion in the air at one time by tossing them up with one hand, catching them with the other hand, and passing them from the catching to the tossing hand; variations on this basic motion are also used. Also used figuratively: see senses 3 and 4.  [PJC]
  •  To alter (financial records) secretly for the purpose of theft or deception; as, to juggle the accounts.  [PJC]
  •  To arrange the performance two tasks or responsibilities at alternate times, so as to be able to do both; as, to juggle the responsibilities of a job and a mother  [PJC]
  •  A trick by sleight of hand.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An imposture; a deception.  Tennyson.  [1913 Webster]
    "A juggle of state to cozen the people."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A block of timber cut to a length, either in the round or split.  Knight.  [1913 Webster]


juggle, v. & n.
1 a intr. (often foll. by with) perform feats of dexterity, esp. by tossing objects in the air and catching them, keeping several in the air at the same time. b tr. perform such feats with.
2 tr. continue to deal with (several activities) at once, esp. with ingenuity.
3 intr. (foll. by with) & tr. a deceive or cheat. b misrepresent (facts). c rearrange adroitly.
1 a piece of juggling.
2 a fraud.

ME, back-form. f. JUGGLER or f. OF jogler, jugler f. L joculari jest f. joculus dimin. of jocus jest



adulterate, alter, arrange, bamboozle, beguile, betray, bluff, cajole, cheat on, circumvent, conjure, cook, delude, diddle, distort, doctor, double-cross, dupe, fake, falsify, fix, forestall, gammon, get around, gull, hoax, hocus-pocus, hornswaggle, humbug, let down, load, manipulate, mislead, misrepresent, misstate, mock, outmaneuver, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, pack, pigeon, plant, play one false, put something over, retouch, rig, salt, snow, sophisticate, stack, string along, take in, tamper with, trick, two-time




N cunning, craft, cunningness, craftiness, subtlety, artificiality, maneuvering, temporization, circumvention, chicane, chicanery, sharp practice, knavery, jugglery, concealment, guile, doubling, duplicity, foul play, diplomacy, politics, Machiavelism, jobbery, backstairs influence, art, artifice, device, machination, plot, maneuver, stratagem, dodge, sidestep, artful dodge, wile, trick, trickery, ruse, ruse de guerre, finesse, side blow, thin end of the wedge, shift, go by, subterfuge, evasion, white lie, juggle, tour de force, tricks of the trade, tricks upon travelers, espieglerie, net, trap, Ulysses, Machiavel, sly boots, fox, reynard, Scotchman, Jew, Yankee, intriguer, intrigant, floater, Indian giver, keener, repeater, cunning, crafty, artful, skillful, subtle, feline, vulpine, cunning as a fox, cunning as a serpent, deep, deep laid, profound, designing, contriving, intriguing, strategic, diplomatic, politic, Machiavelian, timeserving, artificial, tricky, tricksy, wily, sly, slim, insidious, stealthy, underhand, subdolous, deceitful, slippery as an eel, evasive, crooked, arch, pawky, shrewd, acute, sharp, sharp as a tack, sharp as a needle, canny, astute, leery, knowing, up to snuff, too clever by half, not to be caught with chaff, tactful, diplomatic, politic, polite, cunningly, slyly, slily, on the sly, by a side wind, diamond cut diamond, a' bis ou a blanc, fin contre fin, something is rotten in the state of Denmark.


N deception, falseness, untruth, imposition, imposture, fraud, deceit, guile, fraudulence, fraudulency, covin, knavery, misrepresentation, bluff, straw-bail, straw bid, spoof, delusion, gullery, juggling, jugglery, slight of hand, legerdemain, prestigiation, prestidigitation, magic, conjuring, conjuration, hocus-pocus, escamoterie, jockeyship, trickery, coggery, chicanery, supercherie, cozenage, circumvention, ingannation, collusion, treachery, practical joke, trick, cheat, wile, blind, feint, plant, bubble, fetch, catch, chicane, juggle, reach, hocus, bite, card sharping, stacked deck, loaded dice, quick shuffle, double dealing, dealing seconds, dealing from the bottom of the deck, artful dodge, swindle, tricks upon travelers, stratagem, confidence trick, fake, hoax, theft, ballot-box stuffing, barney, brace game, bunko game, drop game, gum game, panel game, shell game, thimblerig, skin game, snare, trap, pitfall, decoy, gin, springe, springle, noose, hoot, bait, decoy-duck, tub to the whale, baited trap, guet-a-pens, cobweb, net, meshes, toils, mouse trap, birdlime, dionaea, Venus's flytrap, ambush, trapdoor, sliding panel, false bottom, spring-net, spring net, spring gun, mask, masked battery, mine, flytrap, green goods, panel house, Cornish hug, wolf in sheep's clothing, disguise, disguisement, false colors, masquerade, mummery, borrowed plumes, pattes de velours, mockery, copy, counterfeit, sham, make- believe, forgery, fraud, lie, a delusion a mockery and a snare, hollow mockery, whited sepulcher, painted sepulcher, tinsel, paste, junk jewelry, costume jewelry, false jewelry, synthetic jewels, scagliola, ormolu, German silver, albata, paktong, white metal, Britannia metal, paint, veneer, jerry building, man of straw, illusion, ignis fatuus, mirage, deceived, deceiving, cunning, prestigious, prestigiatory, deceptive, deceptious, deceitful, covinous, delusive, delusory, illusive, illusory, elusive, insidious, ad captandum vulgus, untrue, mock, sham, make-believe, counterfeit, snide, pseudo, spurious, supposititious, so-called, pretended, feigned, trumped up, bogus, scamped, fraudulent, tricky, factitious bastard, surreptitious, illegitimate, contraband, adulterated, sophisticated, unsound, rotten at the core, colorable, disguised, meretricious, tinsel, pinchbeck, plated, catchpenny, Brummagem, artificial, synthetic, ersatz, simulated, under false colors, under the garb of, under cover of, over the left, keep the word of promise to the ear and break it t, fronti nulla fides, ah that deceit should steal such gentle shapes, a quicksand of deceit, decipimur specie recti, falsi crimen, fraus est celare fraudem, lupus in fabula, so smooth, he daubed his vice with show of virtue.

VB deceive, take in, defraud, cheat, jockey, do, cozen, diddle, nab, chouse, play one false, bilk, cully, jilt, bite, pluck, swindle, victimize, abuse, mystify, blind one's eyes, blindfold, hoodwink, throw dust into the eyes, dupe, gull, hoax, fool, befool, bamboozle, flimflam, hornswoggle, trick, impose upon, practice upon, play upon, put upon, palm off on, palm upon, foist upon, snatch a verdict, bluff off, bluff, bunko, four flush, gum, spoof, stuff (a ballot box), circumvent, overreach, outreach, out wit, out maneuver, steal a march upon, give the go-by, to leave in the lurch decoy, waylay, lure, beguile, delude, inveigle, entrap, intrap, ensnare, nick, springe, set a trap, lay a trap, lay a snare for, bait the hook, forelay, spread the toils, lime, trapan, trepan, kidnap, let in, hook in, nousle, nousel, blind a trail, enmesh, immesh, shanghai, catch, catch in a trap, sniggle, entangle, illaqueate, hocus, escamoter, practice on one's credulity, hum, humbug, gammon, stuff up, sell, play a trick upon one, play a practical joke upon one, put something over on one, put one over on, balk, trip up, throw a tub to a whale, fool to the top of one's bent, send on a fool's errand, make game, make a fool of, make an April fool of, make an ass of, trifle with, cajole, flatter, come over, gild the pill, make things pleasant, divert, put a good face upon, dissemble, cog, cog the dice, load the dice, stack the deck, live by one's wits, play at hide and seek, obtain money under false pretenses, conjure, juggle, practice chicanery, deacon, play off, palm off, foist off, fob-off, lie, misinform, mislead, betray, be deceived.

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