Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: G G- G. G< Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gh Gi Gj Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gr Gs Gu Gw Gy
gestour | gestural | gesture | gestureless | gesturement | get | get a line | get a load | get a look | get a noseful | get a whiff



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive)
326 in 312 verses (in OT : 240 in 227 verses) (in NT : 86 in 85 verses)


     Jet, the mineral.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
getn. [OF. get.].
  •  Fashion; manner; custom.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Artifice; contrivance.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
getv. t. [OE. geten, AS. gitan, gietan (in comp.); akin to Icel. geta, Goth. bigitan to find, L. prehendere to seize, take, Gr. chanda`nein to hold, contain. Cf. Comprehend, Enterprise, Forget, Impregnable, Prehensile.].
  •  To procure; to obtain; to gain possession of; to acquire; to earn; to obtain as a price or reward; to come by; to win, by almost any means; as, to get favor by kindness; to get wealth by industry and economy; to get land by purchase, etc.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Hence, with have and had, to come into or be in possession of; to have.  Johnson.  [1913 Webster]
    "Thou hast got the face of man."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To beget; to procreate; to generate.  [1913 Webster]
    "I had rather to adopt a child than get it."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To obtain mental possession of; to learn; to commit to memory; to memorize; as to get a lesson; also with out; as, to get out one's Greek lesson.  [1913 Webster]
    "It being harder with him to get one sermon by heart, than to pen twenty."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To prevail on; to induce; to persuade.  [1913 Webster]
    "Get him to say his prayers."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To procure to be, or to cause to be in any state or condition; -- with a following participle.  [1913 Webster]
    "Those things I bid you do; get them dispatched."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To betake; to remove; -- in a reflexive use.  [1913 Webster]
    " Get, as a transitive verb, is combined with adverbs implying motion, to express the causing to, or the effecting in, the object of the verb, of the kind of motion indicated by the preposition; thus, to get in, to cause to enter, to bring under shelter; as, to get in the hay; to get out, to make come forth, to extract; to get off, to take off, to remove; to get together, to cause to come together, to collect."  [1913 Webster]
    "Get thee out from this land."  [1913 Webster]
    "He . . . got himself . . . to the strong town of Mega."  [1913 Webster]
To get by heart, to commit to memory. -- To get the better of, To get the best of, to obtain an advantage over; to surpass; to subdue. -- To get up, to cause to be established or to exit; to prepare; to arrange; to construct; to invent; as, to get up a celebration, a machine, a book, an agitation.
Syn. -- To obtain; gain; win; acquire. See Obtain.
getv. i. 
  •  To make acquisition; to gain; to profit; to receive accessions; to be increased.  [1913 Webster]
    "We mourn, France smiles; we lose, they daily get."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To arrive at, or bring one's self into, a state, condition, or position; to come to be; to become; -- with a following adjective or past participle belonging to the subject of the verb; as, to get sober; to get awake; to get beaten; to get elected.  [1913 Webster]
    " It [get] gives to the English language a middle voice, or a power of verbal expression which is neither active nor passive. Thus we say to get acquitted, beaten, confused, dressed.
    "  Earle.  [1913 Webster]
    " Get, as an intransitive verb, is used with a following preposition, or adverb of motion, to indicate, on the part of the subject of the act, movement or action of the kind signified by the preposition or adverb; or, in the general sense, to move, to stir, to make one's way, to advance, to arrive, etc.; as, to get away, to leave, to escape; to disengage one's self from; to get down, to descend, esp. with effort, as from a literal or figurative elevation; to get along, to make progress; hence, to prosper, succeed, or fare; to get in, to enter; to get out, to extricate one's self, to escape; to get through, to traverse; also, to finish, to be done; to get to, to arrive at, to reach; to get off, to alight, to descend from, to dismount; also, to escape, to come off clear; to get together, to assemble, to convene."  [1913 Webster]
    "To get rid of fools and scoundrels."  [1913 Webster]
    "His chariot wheels get hot by driving fast."  [1913 Webster]
To get ahead, to advance; to prosper. -- To get along, to proceed; to advance; to prosper. -- To get a mile (or other distance), to pass over it in traveling. -- To get among, to go or come into the company of; to become one of a number. -- To get asleep, to fall asleep. -- To get astray, to wander out of the right way. -- To get at, to reach; to make way to. To get away with, to carry off; to capture; hence, to get the better of; to defeat. -- To get back, to arrive at the place from which one departed; to return. -- To get before, to arrive in front, or more forward. -- To get behind, to fall in the rear; to lag. -- To get between, to arrive between. -- To get beyond, to pass or go further than; to exceed; to surpass. “Three score and ten is the age of man, a few get beyond it.” Thackeray. -- To get clear, to disengage one's self; to be released, as from confinement, obligation, or burden; also, to be freed from danger or embarrassment. -- To get drunk, to become intoxicated. -- To get forward, to proceed; to advance; also, to prosper; to advance in wealth. -- To get home, to arrive at one's dwelling, goal, or aim. -- To get into. (a) To enter, as, “she prepared to get into the coach.” Dickens. (b) To pass into, or reach; as, “ a language has got into the inflated state.” Keary. -- To get loose or To get free, to disengage one's self; to be released from confinement. -- To get near, to approach within a small distance. -- To get on, to proceed; to advance; to prosper. -- To get over. (a) To pass over, surmount, or overcome, as an obstacle or difficulty. (b) To recover from, as an injury, a calamity. -- To get through. (a) To pass through something. (b) To finish what one was doing. -- To get up. (a) To rise; to arise, as from a bed, chair, etc. (b) To ascend; to climb, as a hill, a tree, a flight of stairs, etc.
     Offspring; progeny; as, the get of a stallion.  [1913 Webster]
     A divorce granted by a Rabbi in accordance with Jewish law; also, the document attesting to the divorce.  [PJC]


get, v. & n.
--v. (getting; past got; past part. got or US (and in comb.) gotten)
1 tr. come into the possession of; receive or earn (get a job; got {pound}200 a week; got first prize).
2 tr. fetch, obtain, procure, purchase (get my book for me; got a new car).
3 tr. go to reach or catch (a bus, train, etc.).
4 tr. prepare (a meal etc.).
5 intr. & tr. reach or cause to reach a certain state or condition; become or cause to become (get rich; get one's feet wet; get to be famous; got them ready; got him into trouble; cannot get the key into the lock).
6 tr. obtain as a result of calculation.
7 tr. contract (a disease etc.).
8 tr. establish or be in communication with via telephone or radio; receive (a radio signal).
9 tr. experience or suffer; have inflicted on one; receive as one's lot or penalty (got four years in prison).
10 a tr. succeed in bringing, placing, etc. (get it round the corner; get it on to the agenda; flattery will get you nowhere). b intr. & tr. succeed or cause to succeed in coming or going (will get you there somehow; got absolutely nowhere).
11 tr. (prec. by have) a possess (have not got a penny). b (foll. by to + infin.) be bound or obliged (have got to see you).
12 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) induce; prevail upon (got them to help me).
13 tr. colloq. understand (a person or an argument) (have you got that?; I get your point; do you get me?).
14 tr. colloq. inflict punishment or retribution on, esp. in retaliation (I'll get you for that).
15 tr. colloq. a annoy. b move; affect emotionally. c attract, obsess. d amuse.
16 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) develop an inclination as specified (am getting to like it).
17 intr. (foll. by verbal noun) begin (get going).
18 tr. (esp. in past or perfect) catch in an argument; corner, puzzle.
19 tr. establish (an idea etc.) in one's mind.
20 intr. sl. be off; go away.
21 tr. archaic beget.
22 tr. archaic learn; acquire (knowledge) by study.
1 a an act of begetting (of animals). b an offspring (of animals).
2 sl. a fool or idiot.

get about (or around)
1 travel extensively or fast; go from place to place.
2 manage to walk, move about, etc. (esp. after illness).
3 (of news) be circulated, esp. orally.
get across
1 manage to communicate (an idea etc.).
2 (of an idea etc.) be communicated successfully.
3 colloq. annoy, irritate.
get along (or on)
1 (foll. by together, with) live harmoniously, accord.
2 be off! nonsense! get at
1 reach; get hold of.
2 colloq. imply (what are you getting at?).
get away
1 escape.
2 (as imper.) colloq. expressing disbelief or scepticism.
3 (foll. by with) escape blame or punishment for. get back at colloq. retaliate against.
get by colloq.
1 just manage, even with difficulty.
2 be acceptable.
get down
1 alight, descend (from a vehicle, ladder, etc.).
2 record in writing. get a person down depress or deject him or her. get down to begin working on or discussing. get even (often foll.
by with)
1 achieve revenge; act in retaliation.
2 equalize the score. get his (or hers etc.) sl. be killed.
get hold of
1 grasp (physically).
2 grasp (intellectually); understand.
3 make contact with (a person).
4 acquire.
get in
1 enter.
2 be elected. get into become interested or involved in. get it sl. be punished or in trouble. get it into one's head (foll. by that + clause) firmly believe or maintain; realize.
get off
1 colloq. be acquitted; escape with little or no punishment.
2 start.
3 alight; alight from (a bus etc.).
4 go, or cause to go, to sleep.
5 (foll. by with, together) Brit. colloq. form an amorous or sexual relationship, esp. abruptly or quickly. get a person off colloq. cause a person to be acquitted.
get on
1 make progress; manage.
2 enter (a bus etc.).
3 = get along 1.
get on to colloq.
1 make contact with.
2 understand; become aware of.
get out
1 leave or escape.
2 manage to go outdoors.
3 alight from a vehicle.
4 transpire; become known.
5 succeed in uttering, publishing, etc.
6 solve or finish (a puzzle etc.).
7 Cricket be dismissed. get-out n. a means of avoiding something.
get a person out
1 help a person to leave or escape.
2 Cricket dismiss (a batsman).
get out of
1 avoid or escape (a duty etc.).
2 abandon (a habit) gradually. get a thing out of manage to obtain it from (a person) esp. with difficulty. get outside (or outside of) sl. eat or drink.
get over
1 recover from (an illness, upset, etc.).
2 overcome (a difficulty).
3 manage to communicate (an idea etc.). get a thing over (or over with) complete (a tedious task) promptly. get one's own back colloq. have one's revenge. get-rich-quick adj. designed to make a lot of money fast. get rid of see RID.
get round (US around)
1 successfully coax or cajole (a person) esp. to secure a favour.
2 evade (a law etc.). get round to deal with (a task etc.) in due course. get somewhere make progress; be initially successful.
get there colloq.
1 succeed.
2 understand what is meant.
get through
1 pass or assist in passing (an examination, an ordeal, etc.).
2 finish or use up (esp. resources).
3 make contact by telephone.
4 (foll. by to) succeed in making (a person) listen or understand. get a thing through cause it to overcome obstacles, difficulties, etc.
get to
1 reach.
2 = get down to. get together gather, assemble. get-together n. colloq. a social gathering.
get up
1 rise or cause to rise from sitting etc., or from bed after sleeping or an illness.
2 ascend or mount, e.g. on horseback.
3 (of fire, wind, or the sea) begin to be strong or agitated.
4 prepare or organize.
5 enhance or refine one's knowledge of (a subject).
6 work up (a feeling, e.g. anger).
7 produce or stimulate (get up steam; get up speed).
8 (often refl.) dress or arrange elaborately; make presentable; arrange the appearance of.
9 (foll. by to) colloq. indulge or be involved in (always getting up to mischief). get-up n. colloq. a style or arrangement of dress etc., esp. an elaborate one. get-up-and-go colloq. energy, vim, enthusiasm. get the wind up see WIND(1). get with child archaic make pregnant. have got it bad (or badly) sl. be obsessed or affected emotionally.
gettable adj.
ME f. ON geta obtain, beget, guess, corresp. to OE gietan (recorded only in compounds), f. Gmc



OD, absorb, accede to, accept, access, accumulate, acquire, addle, admit, advance, affect, age, aggravate, agree with, alight, amaze, anger, annex, annoy, answer, apparel, appreciate, apprehend, approach, arise, arouse, arrange, arrest, arrive, arrive at, ascend, ascertain, assemble, assimilate, associate with, assume, attend to, attire, avails, avoid, awaken, back, badger, baffle, bag, bait, bamboozle, be agreeable, be at, be brought down, be changed, be converted into, be felled, be informed, be into, be off, be paid, be responsible for, be seized of, be struck down, be successful, be traumatized, be up to, be with one, beat, beat it, become, become acquainted with, become aware of, become known, bedevil, beget, begone, beset, bewilder, blast, blot out, boggle, book, bother, bottom, bound, box office, break away, break free, break out, breed, breed true, bribe, bring, bring back, bring down, bring on, bring upon, bristle, broaden the mind, brood, brown off, buffalo, bug, bullyrag, bump off, burn up, buy, bypass, cajole, call for, call forth, canter, capital gains, capture, carp, catch, catch cold, catch on, catch up, cause, chalk up, chase after, children, chivy, circulate, circumvent, claim, clap hands on, clasp, claw, cleanup, clear, clear out, clear profit, clear up, clench, climb, climb down, climb up, clinch, clothe, clutch, coax, collapse, collar, collect, come, come back, come by, come down, come down with, come in, come in for, come into, come to, come to be, come to terms, commissions, communicate, communicate with, compass, complete, comprehend, conceive, concentrate on, conclude, confound, confuse, congregate, contact, contemplate, contract, contrive, convene, cope, copulate, corral, corrupt, crack, cram the mind, create, credit, credits, criticize, croak, cross, crossbreed, damage, daze, debug, decipher, deck out, decode, deject, delineate, depart, deplane, depress, derive, derive from, descend, descend from, describe, detail, determine, detrain, devil, devise, dig, digest, disappear, discompose, discourage, discover, discuss, disembark, disentangle, dishearten, dismount, dispirit, disposable income, distemper, disturb, dividend, dividends, divine, do, do in, do well, doff, dog, don, dope, dope out, drag down, drag out, drain off, draw, draw down, draw from, draw off, draw on, dress, dress in, dress up, earn, earned income, earnings, eat, effect, elicit, elude, embark, embrace, emplane, engage, engender, enjoy, enplane, enter, enter into possession, entrain, erase, erupt, escape, evade, evoke, exasperate, excite, exercise, explain, extract, fall, fall in with, fall into, family, fare, farrow, fash, father, fathom, fetch, fetch and carry, fever, figure out, filthy lucre, finance, find, find out, find out about, find the answer, find the solution, finish, fit, fit in, fit out, fit up, fix, flake off, flatter, flee, floor, flourish, focus on, folks, follow, force, fox-trot, fry, fuddle, fund, gad about, gain, gain knowledge, gains, gallop, gate, gate receipts, gather, generate, get, get about, get across, get ahead, get along, get an earful, get around, get at, get away, get back, get back at, get behind, get by, get down, get even with, get from, get going, get high on, get hold of, get in, get into, get lost, get off, get on, get on with, get out, get out of, get over, get right, get round, get the drift, get the idea, get the picture, get through, get to, get to be, get together, get up, get up on, gettings, git, give the business, glean, gleanings, glom on to, go, go aboard, go about, go after, go along, go and get, go around, go away, go back, go by, go down, go fetch, go for, go get, go in, go into, go into shock, go off, go out, go places, go to get, grab, grab hold of, grapple, grasp, grip, gripe, gross, gross income, gross profit, gross receipts, grow, guess, guess right, gun down, harass, harm, harry, harvest, hatch, have, have coming in, have in mind, have in view, have it, have it taped, hear, hear of, hear tell of, hearth, heckle, hector, hightail, hint at, hire, hit, hit it, hit the road, hoard, homefolks, hop, hop along, hotfoot, hound, house, household, hug, hunt down, hurt, hype, ice, impart, imply, impress, inbreed, include, income, incur, induce, influence, inherit, injure, insert, insinuate, inspire, instigate, intake, intend, interest, interpret, intimidate, invent, invite, irk, irritate, issue, journey, keep in suspense, ken, killing, know, land, lay hands on, lay hold of, lay out, lead, leak out, leap, learn, learn about, lease, leave, lick, like, listen to, litter, load the mind, locate, loot, lope, lucre, make, make clear, make do, make good, make love, make out, make tracks, make yourself scarce, makings, manage, manipulate, master, maze, mean, meet, menage, miff, molest, mother, motivate, mount, move, move away, muddle, multiply, mystify, nab, nag, nail, near, neat profit, needle, nest, net, net income, net profit, net receipts, nettle, nip, nip up, nonplus, note down, nudzh, obtain, off, offspring, open the lock, organize, outbreed, outfit, outflank, output, outsmart, outwit, overdose, overhear, palm, paper profits, partake, pass, peeve, pelf, penetrate, people, perceive, percentage, perk, perks, perplex, perquisite, persecute, persuade, perturb, pester, pick on, pick up, pick up information, pickings, pillage, pinch, pinpoint, pique, place, plague, pluck the beard, plug, plumb, pocket, polish off, possess, pother, prepare, prevail upon, proceed, proceeds, procreate, procure, produce, profit, profits, progress, proliferate, promote, propagate, prosper, provoke, pry out, psych, psych out, pull down, punch, purchase, pursue, push, put, put across, put on, put over, puzzle, puzzle out, rake-off, ravel, ravel out, reach, reacquire, read, realize, reap, receipt, receipts, receivables, receive, record, recoup, recover, rediscover, regain, remove, rent, repossess, reproduce in kind, resolve, retain, retire, retrieve, return, returns, revenue, riddle, ride, rig out, rile, roil, royalties, rub out, ruffle, run, run a temperature, run about, run after, run around, run down, run to earth, sack, sadden, savvy, score, scram, secure, see, seize, seize the meaning, sense, set, set off, set out, settle, shag, shed, shift, shoot, shove off, sicken, sidestep, sire, skirt, slip in, slug, smack, snap up, snatch, socialize, sock, solve, sort out, spat, spawn, spread, spring, sprint, squeeze in, stand up, start, steal, step, step down, step lively, stick, stimulate, stir, store, strike, study, stump, suborn, subvert, succeed, succeed to, suggest, superinduce, support, surmount, survive, swallow, sway, take, take by assault, take by storm, take care of, take hold of, take ill, take in, take off, take on, take over, take possession, take up, take-in, takings, taunt, tease, thrive, throw, torment, touch, trace, trace down, track down, travel, traverse, treat, trip, trot, try the patience, turn, turn into, turn out, turn up, tweak the nose, twig, undermine, understand, undo, unearned income, unlock, unravel, unriddle, unscramble, untangle, untwist, unweave, vamoose, vex, wake up, wangle, waste, wealth, welcome, wheedle, whip up, wiggle, win, win over, winnings, wipe out, work, work out, worry, wrest, wriggle, wring from, write down, yield, young, zap




VB assemble, collect, muster, meet, unite, join, rejoin, cluster, flock, swarm, surge, stream, herd, crowd, throng, associate, congregate, conglomerate, concentrate, precipitate, center round, rendezvous, resort, come together, flock get together, pig together, forgather, huddle, reassemble, assemble, muster, bring together, get together, put together, draw together, scrape together, lump together, collect, collocate, colligate, get, whip in, gather, hold a meeting, convene, convoke, convocate, rake up, dredge, heap, mass, pile, pack, put up, truss, cram, acervate, agglomerate, aggregate, compile, group, aggroup, concentrate, unite, collect into a focus, bring into a focus, amass, accumulate, collect in a dragnet, heap Ossa upon Pelion.


VB acquire, get, gain, win, earn, obtain, procure, gather, collect, pick, pickup, glean, find, come upon, pitch upon, light upon, scrape up, scrape together, get in, reap and carry, net, bag, sack, bring home, secure, derive, draw, get in the harvest, profit, make profit, draw profit, turn a quick profit, turn to profit, turn to account, make capital out of, make money by, obtain a return, reap the fruits of, reap an advantage, gain an advantage, turn a penny, turn an honest penny, make the pot boil, bring grist to the mill, make money, coin money, raise money, raise funds, raise the wind, fill one's pocket, treasure up, realize, clear, produce, take, get back, recover, regain, retrieve, revendicate, replevy, redeem, come by one's own, come by, come in for, receive, inherit, step into a fortune, step into the shoes of, succeed to, get hold of, get between one's finger and thumb, get into one's hand, get at, take possession, come into possession, enter into possession, be profitable, pay, answer, accrue.


VB be converted into, become, get, wax, come to, turn to, turn into, evolve into, develop into, turn out, lapse, shift, run into, fall into, pass into, slide into, glide into, grow into, ripen into, open into, resolve itself into, settle into, merge into, emerge as, melt, grow, come round to, mature, mellow, assume the form of, assume the shape of, assume the state of, assume the nature of, assume the character of, illapse, begin a new phase, assume a new phase, undergo a change, convert into, resolve into, make, render, mold, form, remodel, new model, refound, reform, reorganize, assimilate to, bring to, reduce to.


VB produce, perform, operate, do, make, gar, form, construct, fabricate, frame, contrive, manufacture, weave, forge, coin, carve, chisel, build, raise, edify, rear, erect, put together, set up, run up, establish, constitute, compose, organize, institute, achieve, accomplish, flower, bear fruit, fructify, teem, ean, yean, farrow, drop, pup, kitten, kindle, bear, lay, whelp, bring forth, give birth to, lie in, be brought to bed of, evolve, pullulate, usher into the world, make productive, create, beget, get, generate, fecundate, impregnate, procreate, progenerate, propagate, engender, bring into being, call into being, bring into existence, breed, hatch, develop, bring up, induce, superinduce, suscitate, cause, acquire.

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