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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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dasyuridae | dasyurus | dasyurus quoll | dasyurus viverrinus | dat | data | data communication | data conversion | data converter | data encryption | data file

data (root: datum)




data, n.pl. (also treated as sing., as in that is all the data we have, although the singular form is strictly datum)
1 known facts or things used as a basis for inference or reckoning.
2 quantities or characters operated on by a computer etc.

data bank
1 a store or source of data.
2 = DATABASE. data capture the action or process of entering data into a computer. data processing a series of operations on data, esp. by a computer, to retrieve or classify etc. information. data processor a machine, esp. a computer, that carries out data processing. data protection legal control over access to data stored in computers.
pl. of DATUM



ALGOL, COBOL, FORTRAN, Festschrift, a priori principle, account, acquaintance, affirmation, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, ana, angular data, announcement, anthology, apriorism, aquarium, assembler, assertion, assumed position, assumption, axiom, basis, basis for belief, binary digit, binary scale, binary system, bit, blue book, body, body of evidence, brass tacks, briefing, bug, bulletin, byte, categorical proposition, chain of evidence, chrestomathy, clue, collectanea, collection, command pulses, commands, communication, communique, compilation, compiler, computer code, computer language, computer program, control signals, controlled quantity, corpus, correcting signals, datum, details, directory, dispatch, documentation, enlightenment, error, error signals, essential facts, essentials, evidence, exhibit, experience, expertise, fact, facts, factual base, factual information, familiarity, familiarization, feedback pulses, feedback signals, figures, film data, first principles, florilegium, foundation, fund, gen, general information, ground, grounds, grounds for belief, guidebook, handout, hard information, hexadecimal system, holdings, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, incidental information, indication, info, information, input data, input quantity, instruction, instructions, intelligence, intimacy, item of evidence, ken, know-how, knowing, knowledge, lemma, library, light, machine language, major premise, manifestation, mark, material grounds, materials, matter, menagerie, mention, message, minor premise, multiple messages, muniments, museum, mute witness, noise, notice, notification, numeric data, octal system, oscillograph data, output data, output quantity, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, piece of evidence, play, polar data, position, postulate, postulation, postulatum, practical knowledge, premise, premises, presentation, presupposition, private knowledge, privity, promotional material, proof, proposition, propositional function, publication, publicity, punch-card data, random data, ratio cognoscendi, raw data, reason to believe, rectangular data, reference quantity, release, relevant fact, report, ruly English, self-knowledge, sidelight, sign, signals, single messages, statement, statistics, sumption, supposal, symptom, technic, technics, technique, text, the data, the details, the dope, the facts, the goods, the information, the know, the particulars, the picture, the scoop, the score, the specifics, the whole story, theorem, thesis, token, transmission, treasure, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, unorganized data, visible-speech data, white book, white paper, word, zoo




N evidence, facts, premises, data, praecognita, grounds, indication, criterion, testimony, testification, expert testimony, attestation, deposition, examination, admission, authority, warrant, credential, diploma, voucher, certificate, doquet, docket, testamur, record, document, pi ce justificative, deed, warranty, signature, seal, exhibit, material evidence, objective evidence, witness, indicator, hostile witness, eyewitness, earwitness, material witness, state's evidence, deponent, sponsor, cojuror, oral evidence, documentary evidence, hearsay evidence, external evidence, extrinsic evidence, internal evidence, intrinsic evidence, circumstantial evidence, cumulative evidence, ex parte evidence, presumptive evidence, collateral evidence, constructive evidence, proof, evidence in chief, secondary evidence, confirmation, corroboration, support, ratification, authentication, compurgation, wager of law, comprobation, citation, reference, legal research, literature search (experiment), showing, indicative, indicatory, deducible, grounded on, founded on, based on, corroborative, confirmatory, by inference, according to, witness, a fortiori, still more, still less, raison de plus, in corroboration, of, valeat quantum, under seal, under one's hand and seal, dictum de dicto, mise en evidence.


N reasoning ratiocination rationalism, dialectics, induction, generalization, discussion, comment, ventilation, inquiry, argumentation, controversy, debate, polemics, wrangling, contention, logomachy, disputation, disceptation, paper war, art of reasoning, logic, process of reasoning, train of reasoning, chain of reasoning, deduction, induction, abduction, synthesis, analysis, argument, case, plaidoyer, opening, lemma, proposition, terms, premises, postulate, data, starting point, principle, inference, prosyllogism, syllogism, enthymeme, sorites, dilemma, perilepsis, a priori reasoning, reductio ad absurdum, horns of a dilemma, argumentum ad hominem, comprehensive argument, empirema, epagoge, reasoner, logician, dialectician, disputant, controversialist, controvertist, wrangler, arguer, debater polemic, casuist, rationalist, scientist, eristic, logical sequence, good case, correct just reasoning, sound reasoning, valid reasoning, cogent reasoning, logical reasoning, forcible reasoning, persuasive reasoning, persuasory reasoning, consectary reasoning, conclusive, subtle reasoning, force of argument, strong point, strong argument, persuasive argument, arguments, reasons, pros and cons, reasoning, rationalistic, argumentative, controversial, dialectic, polemical, discursory, discursive, disputatious, Aristotelian, eristic, eristical, debatable, controvertible, logical, relevant, for, because, hence, whence, seeing that, since, sith, then thence so, for that reason, for this reason, for which reason, for as, inasmuch as, whereas, ex concesso, considering, in consideration of, therefore, wherefore, consequently, ergo, thus, accordingly, a fortiori, in conclusion, in fine, finally, after all, au bout du compt, on the whole, taking one thing with another, ab actu ad posse valet consecutio, per troppo dibatter la verita si perde, troppo disputare la verita fa errare.


N supposition, assumption, assumed position, postulation, condition, presupposition, hypothesis, blue sky hypothesis, postulate, postulatum, theory, thesis, theorem, data, proposition, position, proposal, presumption, divination, conjecture, guess, guesswork, speculation, rough guess, shot, shot in the dark, conjecturality, surmise, suspicion, sneaking suspicion, estimate, approximation (nearness), inkling, suggestion, hint, intimation, notion, impression, bare supposition, vague supposition, loose supposition, loose suggestion, association of ideas, (analogy), metonym, metonymy, simile (metaphor), conceit, idea, thought, original idea, invention (imagination), supposing, given, mooted, postulatory, assumed, supposititious, suppositive, suppositious, gratuitous, speculative, conjectural, hypothetical, theoretical, academic, supposable, presumptive, putative, suppositional, suggestive, allusive, if, if so be, an, on the supposition, ex hypothesi, in the case, in the event of, quasi, as if, provided, perhaps, for aught one knows.


N information, enlightenment, acquaintance, knowledge, publicity, data, communication, intimation, notice, notification, enunciation, annunciation, announcement, communiqu_e, representation, round robin, presentment, case, estimate, specification, report, advice, monition, news, return, account, statement, mention, acquainting, instruction, outpouring, intercommunication, communicativeness, informant, authority, teller, intelligencer, reporter, exponent, mouthpiece, informer, eavesdropper, delator, detective, sleuth, mouchard, spy, newsmonger, messenger, amicus curiae, valet de place, cicerone, pilot, guide, guidebook, handbook, vade mecum, manual, map, plan, chart, gazetteer, itinerary, hint, suggestion, innuendo, inkling, whisper, passing word, word in the ear, subaudition, cue, byplay, gesture, gentle hint, broad hint, verbum sapienti, a word to the wise, insinuation, information theory, bit, byte, word, doubleword, quad word, paragraph, segment, magnetic media, paper medium, optical media, random access memory, RAM, read-only memory, ROM, write once read mostly memory, WORM, informed, communique, reported, published, expressive, explicit plain spoken, (artless), nuncupative, nuncupatory, declaratory, expository, enunciative, communicative, communicatory, from information received, a little bird told me, I heard it through the grapevine.

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