Also see definition of "custom" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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custodianship | custodier | custody | custody battle | custody case | custom | custom made | custom-built | custom-made | custom-make | customable



Adjective, Noun
16 in 16 verses (in OT : 8 in 8 verses) (in NT : 8 in 8 verses)


customn. [OF. custume, costume, Anglo-Norman coustome, F. coutume, fr. (assumed) LL. consuetumen custom, habit, fr. L. consuetudo, -dinis, fr. consuescere to accustom, verb inchoative fr. consuere to be accustomed; con- + suere to be accustomed, prob. originally, to make one's own, fr. the root of suus one's own; akin to E. so, adv. Cf. Consuetude, Costume.].
  •  Frequent repetition of the same act; way of acting common to many; ordinary manner; habitual practice; usage; method of doing or living.  [1913 Webster]
    "And teach customs which are not lawful."  [1913 Webster]
    "Moved beyond his custom, Gama said."  [1913 Webster]
    "A custom
    More honored in the breach than the observance.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Habitual buying of goods; practice of frequenting, as a shop, manufactory, etc., for making purchases or giving orders; business support.  [1913 Webster]
    "Let him have your custom, but not your votes."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Long-established practice, considered as unwritten law, and resting for authority on long consent; usage. See Usage, and Prescription.  [1913 Webster]
    " Usage is a fact. Custom is a law. There can be no custom without usage, though there may be usage without custom."  Wharton.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Familiar aquaintance; familiarity.  [1913 Webster]
    "Age can not wither her, nor custom stale
    Her infinite variety.
    "  [1913 Webster]
Custom of merchants, a system or code of customs by which affairs of commerce are regulated. -- General customs, those which extend over a state or kingdom. -- Particular customs, those which are limited to a city or district; as, the customs of London.
Syn. -- Practice; fashion. See Habit, and Usage.
customv. t. [Cf. OF. costumer. Cf. Accustom.].
  •  To make familiar; to accustom.  Gray.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To supply with customers.  Bacon.  [1913 Webster]
customv. i. 
     To have a custom.  [1913 Webster]
    "On a bridge he custometh to fight."  [1913 Webster]
customn. [OF. coustume, F. coutume, tax, i. e., the usual tax. See 1st Custom.].
  •  The customary toll, tax, or tribute.  [1913 Webster]
    "Render, therefore, to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Duties or tolls imposed by law on commodities, imported or exported.  [1913 Webster]
customv. t. 
     To pay the customs of.  Marlowe.  [1913 Webster]


custom, n.
1 a the usual way of behaving or acting (a slave to custom). b a particular established way of behaving (our customs seem strange to foreigners).
2 Law established usage having the force of law.
3 business patronage; regular dealings or customers (lost a lot of custom).
4 (in pl.; also treated as sing.) a a duty levied on certain imported and exported goods. b the official department that administers this. c the area at a port, frontier, etc., where customs officials deal with incoming goods, baggage, etc.

custom-built (or -made etc.) made to a customer's order. custom-house the office at a port or frontier etc. at which customs duties are levied. customs union a group of States with an agreed common tariff, and usu. free trade with each other.
ME and OF custume ult. f. L consuetudo -dinis: see CONSUETUDE



Mishnah, Spiritus Mundi, Sunna, Talmud, action, actions, activity, acts, address, affectation, air, ancient wisdom, archetypal myth, archetypal pattern, assembled, automatism, bad habit, bearing, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, bienseance, bon ton, built, business, canon, carriage, carriage trade, cast, characteristic, civility, clientage, clientele, common law, comportment, conduct, conformity, constructed, consuetude, convenance, convention, conventional usage, conventionalism, conventionality, correctness, crafted, created, creature of habit, culture pattern, custom-built, custom-made, customs, decency, decorousness, decorum, demeanor, deportment, doing, doings, dues, duty, especially, etiquette, excise, exclusively, expressly, extracted, fabricated, fashion, fashioned, fixture, folk motif, folklore, folktale, folkway, force of habit, forged, form, formality, formed, gathered, gestures, goings-on, good form, good name, goodwill, grown, guise, habit, habit pattern, habitude, handcrafted, handmade, harvested, haute couture, high fashion, homemade, homespun, immemorial usage, impost, institution, law, legend, levy, lore, machine-made, machined, made, made to order, maintien, man-made, manner, manners, manufactured, market, matter of course, method, methodology, methods, mien, milled, mined, mode, modus vivendi, mold, molded, motions, movements, moves, myth, mythology, observable behavior, particularly, patronage, pattern, peculiarity, poise, port, pose, posture, practice, praxis, precedent, precept, prefab, prefabricated, prescription, presence, prevailing taste, procedure, proceeding, processed, proper thing, propriety, public, purchasing public, put together, racial memory, raised, ready-for-wear, ready-formed, ready-made, ready-prepared, ready-to-wear, refined, repute, ritual, routine, rubric, rule, rural market, second nature, seemliness, shaped, smelted, social convention, social science, social usage, specially, stereotype, stereotyped behavior, stream of fashion, style, suburban market, support, swim, tactics, tailor-made, tariff, tax, to order, toll, tone, trade, tradition, traditionalism, traditionality, traffic, trend, trick, usage, use, vogue, way, way of life, ways, well-built, well-constructed, well-made, wont, youth market




N habit, habitude, assuetude, assuefaction, wont, run, way, common state of things, general state of things, natural state of things, ordinary state of things, ordinary course of things, ordinary run of things, matter of course, beaten path, beaten track, beaten ground, prescription, custom, use, usage, immemorial usage, practice, prevalence, observance, conventionalism, conventionality, mode, fashion, vogue, etiquette, order of the day, cry, conformity, consuetude, dustoor, one's old way, old school, veteris vestigia flammae, laudator temporis acti, rule, standing order, precedent, routine, red-tape, red-tapism, pipe clay, rut, groove, cacoethes, bad habit, confirmed habit, inveterate habit, intrinsic habit, addiction, trick, training, seasoning, second nature, acclimatization, knack, habitual, accustomary, prescriptive, accustomed, of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence, consuetudinary, wonted, usual, general, ordinary, common, frequent, everyday, household, garden variety, jog, trot, well-trodden, well-known, familiar, vernacular, trite, commonplace, conventional, regular, set, stock, established, stereotyped, prevailing, prevalent, current, received, acknowledged, recognized, accredited, of course, admitted, understood, conformable, according to use, according to custom, according to routine, in vogue, in fashion, in, with it, fashionable, wont, used to, given to, addicted to, attuned to, habituated, in the habit of, habitue, at home in, seasoned, imbued with, devoted to, wedded to, hackneyed, fixed, rooted, deep-rooted, ingrafted, permanent, inveterate, besetting, naturalized, ingrained, habitually, always, as usual, as is one's wont, as things go, as the world goes, as the sparks fly upwards, more suo, more solito, ex more, as a rule, for the most part, usually, generally, typically, most often, most frequently, cela s'entend, abeunt studia in mores, adeo in teneris consuescere multum est, consuetudo quasi altera natura, hoc erat in more majorum, How use doth breed a habit in a man!, magna est vis consuetudinis, morent fecerat usus.


N oldness, age, antiquity, cobwebs of antiquity, maturity, decline, decay, senility, seniority, eldership, primogeniture, archaism, thing of the past, relic of the past, megatherium, Sanskrit, tradition, prescription, custom, immemorial usage, common law, old, ancient, antique, of long standing, time-honored, venerable, elder, eldest, firstborn, prime, primitive, primeval, primigenous, paleolontological, paleontologic, paleoanthropological, paleoanthropic, paleolithic, primordial, primordinate, aboriginal, diluvian, antediluvian, protohistoric, prehistoric, antebellum, colonial, precolumbian, patriarchal, preadamite, paleocrystic, fossil, paleozoolical, paleozoic, preglacial, antemundane, archaic, classic, medieval, Pre-Raphaelite, ancestral, black-letter, immemorial, traditional, prescriptive, customary, whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contr, inveterate, rooted, antiquated, of other times, rococo, of the old school, after-age, obsolete, out of date, out of fashion, out of it, stale, old-fashioned, behind the age, old-world, exploded, gone out, gone by, passe, run out, senile, time worn, crumbling, secondhand, old as the hills, old as Methuselah, old as Adam, old as history, Archeozoic, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Paleogene, Neocene, Quaternary, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Recent, since the world was made, since the year one, since the days of Methuselah, vetera extollimus recentium incuriosi.


N barter, exchange, scorse, truck system, interchange, a Roland for an Oliver, quid pro quo, commutation, composition, Indian gift, trade, commerce, mercature, buying and selling, bargain and sale, traffic, business, nundination, custom, shopping, commercial enterprise, speculation, jobbing, stockjobbing, agiotage, brokery, deal, dealing, transaction, negotiation, bargain, free trade, commercial, mercantile, trading, interchangeable, marketable, staple, in the market, for sale, wholesale, retail, across the counter, cambio non e furto.


N sale, vent, disposal, auction, roup, Dutch auction, outcry, vendue, custom, vendibility, vendibleness, seller, vender, vendor, merchant, auctioneer, under the hammer, on the market, for sale, salable, marketable, vendible, unsalable unpurchased, unbought, on one's hands, chose qui plait est a demi vendue.


N price, amount, cost, expense, prime cost, charge, figure, demand, damage, fare, hire, wages, value, dues, duty, toll, tax, impost, cess, sess, tallage, levy, abkari, capitation tax, poll tax, doomage, likin, gabel, gabelle, gavel, octroi, custom, excise, assessment, benevolence, tithe, tenths, exactment, ransom, salvage, tariff, brokerage, wharfage, freightage, bill, shot, priced, to the tune of, ad valorem, dutiable, mercenary, venal, no penny no paternoster, point d'argent point de Suisse, no longer pipe no longer dance, no song no supper, if you dance you have to pay the piper, you get what you pay for, there's no such thing as a free lunch, one may have it for, a bon marche.


N fashion, style, ton, bon ton, society, good society, polite society, monde, drawing-room, civilized life, civilization, town, beau monde, high life, court, world, fashionable world, gay world, Vanity Fair, show, manners, breeding, air, demeanor, savoir faire, gentlemanliness, gentility, decorum, propriety, biens_eance, conventions of society, Mrs, Grundy, punctilio, form, formality, etiquette, point of etiquette, dress, custom, mode, vogue, go, rage, prevailing taste, fad, trend, bandwagon, furore, thing, in thing, craze, chic, last word, man of fashion, woman of fashion, man of the world, woman of the world, height of fashion, pink of fashion, star of fashion, glass of fashion, leader of fashion, arbiter elegantiarum, the beautiful people, the fashion set, upper ten thousand, elite, smart set, the four hundred, in crowd, fashionable, in fashion, a la mode, comme il faut, admitted in society, admissible in society, presentable, conventional, genteel, well-bred, well mannered, well behaved, well spoken, gentlemanlike, gentlemanly, ladylike, civil, polite, polished, refined, thoroughbred, courtly, distingue, unembarrassed, degage, janty, jaunty, dashing, fast, modish, stylish, chic, trendy, recherche, newfangled, all the rage, all the go, with it, in, faddish, in court, in full dress, in evening dress, en grande tenue, fashionably, for fashion's sake, a la francaise, a la parisienne, a l' anglaise, a l' americaine, autre temps autre mauers, chaque pays a sa guise.

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