Also see definition of "constancy" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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constancyn. [L. constantia: cf. F. constance. See Constant.].
  •  The state or quality of being constant or steadfast; freedom from change; stability; fixedness; immutability; as, the constancy of God in his nature and attributes.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Fixedness or firmness of mind; persevering resolution; especially, firmness of mind under sufferings, steadiness in attachments, or perseverance in enterprise; stability; fidelity.  [1913 Webster]
    "A fellow of plain uncoined constancy."  [1913 Webster]
    "Constancy and contempt of danger."
Syn. -- Fixedness; stability; firmness; steadiness; permanence; steadfastness; resolution. See Firmness.


constancy, n.
1 the quality of being unchanging and dependable; faithfulness.
2 firmness, endurance.

L constantia (as constant)



abidingness, accordance, adherence, adhesion, age, allegiance, antiquity, aplomb, application, assiduity, assiduousness, attachment, balance, balanced personality, bona fides, bond, bonne foi, bulldog tenacity, calm, ceaselessness, changelessness, chattering, clockwork regularity, coeternity, commitment, concentration, consecutiveness, consistency, consonance, constant flow, continualness, continuance, continuity, continuousness, cool, correspondence, daily round, dedication, defeat of time, defiance of time, devotedness, devotion, diligence, dingdong, diuturnity, dogged perseverance, doggedness, drone, durability, durableness, duration, endlessness, endurance, engrossment, equability, equanimity, equilibrium, eternalness, eternity, even pace, even tenor, evenness, ever-duringness, everlastingness, everness, faith, faithfulness, fastness, fealty, featurelessness, fidelity, firmness, firmness of mind, fixedness, flintiness, foreverness, frozenness, fullness, gaplessness, good faith, hardening, homage, homeostasis, homogeneity, immobility, immovability, immovableness, immutability, imperturbability, incessancy, indefatigability, indestructibility, industriousness, industry, infinite duration, infinity, inflexibility, insistence, insistency, interminability, invariability, invariableness, inveteracy, jointlessness, lastingness, long standing, long-lastingness, long-livedness, longevity, loyalty, maintenance, methodicalness, monolithism, monologue, monotone, monotonousness, monotony, nerve, never-endingness, noninterruption, obstinacy, orderliness, oscillation, patience, patience of Job, perdurability, perennation, perenniality, perennialness, permanence, permanency, perpetualness, perpetuity, perseverance, persistence, persistency, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, plenitude, plodding, plugging, preoccupation, pulsation, punctuality, quick fire, quiescence, rapid fire, rapid recurrence, rapid succession, rapidity, regularity, relentlessness, reliability, repetition, resolution, rigidity, rootedness, sameliness, sameness, sang-froid, seamlessness, secureness, security, sedulity, sedulousness, sempiternity, settledness, single-mindedness, singleness of purpose, singsong, slogging, smoothness, solidity, soundness, stability, stable equilibrium, stable state, staccato, stamina, standing, stasis, staunchness, staying power, steadfastness, steadiness, steady nerves, steady state, steeliness, stick-to-itiveness, stubbornness, stuttering, substantiality, successiveness, survival, survivance, sustainment, systematicalness, tattoo, tenaciousness, tenacity, tie, timelessness, tirelessness, torpor, treadmill, tried-and-trueness, triedness, troth, true blue, trueness, unbrokenness, unceasingness, unchangeability, unchangingness, undeflectability, undeviation, undifferentiation, uniformity, unintermission, unintermittedness, uninterruptedness, uninterruption, unity, unrelievedness, unremittingness, unruffledness, unshakable nerves, unshakableness, unswerving attention, unvariation, unyieldingness, vibration




N perseverance, continuance, permanence, firmness, constancy, steadiness, singleness of purpose, tenacity of purpose, persistence, plodding, patience, sedulity, pertinacy, pertinacity, pertinaciousness, iteration, bottom, game, pluck, stamina, backbone, grit, indefatigability, indefatigableness, bulldog courage, persevering, constant, steady, steadfast, undeviating, unwavering, unfaltering, unswerving, unflinching, unsleeping, unflagging, undrooping, steady as time, unrelenting, unintermitting, unremitting, plodding, industrious, strenuous, pertinacious, persisting, persistent, solid, sturdy, staunch, stanch, true to oneself, unchangeable, unconquerable, indomitable, game to the last, indefatigable, untiring, unwearied, never tiring, through evil report and good report, through thick and thin, through fire and water, per fas et nefas, without fail, sink or swim, at any price, vogue la galere, never say die, give it the old college try, vestigia nulla retrorsum, aut vincer aut mori, la garde meurt et ne se rend pas, tout vient a temps pour qui sait attendre.


N uniformity, homogeneity, homogeneousness, consistency, connaturality, connaturalness, homology, accordance, conformity, agreement, consonance, uniformness, regularity, constancy, even tenor, routine, monotony, uniform, homogeneous, homologous, of a piece, consistent, connatural, monotonous, even, invariable, regular, unchanged, undeviating, unvaried, unvarying, unsegmented, uniformly, uniformly with, in harmony with, always, invariably, without exception, without fail, unfailingly, never otherwise, by clockwork, ab uno disce omnes.


N obedience, observance, compliance, submission, subjection, nonresistance, passiveness, resignation, allegiance, loyalty, fealty, homage, deference, devotion, constancy, fidelity, submissness, submissiveness, ductility, obsequiousness, obedient, complying, compliant, loyal, faithful, devoted, at one's call, at one's command, at one's orders, at one's beck and call, under beck and call, under control, restrainable, resigned, passive, submissive, henpecked, pliant, unresisted, obediently, in compliance with, in obedience to, to hear is to obey, as you please, if you please, your wish is my command, as you wish, no sooner said than done.


N frequency, oftness, oftenness, commonness, repetition, normality, example (conformity), routine, custom (habit), regularity, uniformity, constancy, clock-work precision, punctuality, even tenor, system, routine, formula, rule, keynote, standard, model, precedent, conformity, frequent, many times, not rare, thickcoming, incessant, perpetual, continual, steady, constant, thick, uniform, repeated, customary, (habit), regular (normal), according to rule, common, everyday, usual, ordinary, familiar, old-hat, boring, well-known, trivial, often, oft, ofttimes, oftentimes, frequently, repeatedly, unseldom, not unfrequently, in quick succession, in rapid succession, many a time and oft, daily, hourly, every day, every hour, every moment, perpetually, continually, constantly, incessantly, without ceasing, at all times, daily and hourly, night and day, day and night, day after day, morning noon and night, ever anon, invariably (habit), most often, commonly, sometimes, occasionally, at times, now and then, from time to time, there being times when, toties quoties, often enough, when the mood strikes, again and again.


N stability, immutability, unchangeability unchangeableness, constancy, stable equilibrium, immobility, soundness, vitality, stabiliment, stiffness, ankylosis, solidity, aplomb, establishment, fixture, rock, pillar, tower, foundation, leopard's spots, Ethiopia's skin, permanence, obstinacy, unchangeable, immutable, unaltered, unalterable, not to be changed, constant, permanent, invariable, undeviating, stable, durable, perennial, fixed, steadfast, firm, fast, steady, balanced, confirmed, valid, fiducial, immovable, irremovable, riveted, rooted, settled, established, vested, incontrovertible, stereotyped, indeclinable, tethered, anchored, moored, at anchor, on a rock, rock solid, firm as a rock, firmly seated, firmly established, deep-rooted, ineradicable, inveterate, obstinate, transfixed, stuck fast, aground, high and dry, stranded, stuck, jammed, unremovable, quiescent, deterioration, indefeasible, irretrievable, intransmutable, incommutable, irresoluble, irrevocable, irreversible, reverseless, inextinguishable, irreducible, indissoluble, indissolvable, indestructible, undying, imperishable, incorruptible, indelible, indeciduous, insusceptible, insusceptible of change, Int, stet, littera scripta manet.


N probity, integrity, rectitude, uprightness, honesty, faith, honor, bonne foi, good faith, bona fides, purity, clean hands, fairness, fair play, justice, equity, impartiality, principle, even-handedness, grace, constancy, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, incorruption, incorruptibility, trustworthiness, truth, candor, singleness of heart, veracity, tender conscience, punctilio, delicacy, nicety, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, scruple, point, point of honor, punctuality, dignity, (repute), respectability, respectableness, gentilhomme, gentleman, man of honor, man of his word, fidus Achates, preux chevalier, galantuomo, truepenny, trump, brick, true Briton, white man, court of honor, a fair field and no favor, argumentum ad verecundiam, upright, honest, honest as daylight, veracious, virtuous, honorable, fair, right, just, equitable, impartial, evenhanded, square, fair and aboveboard, open and aboveboard, white, constant, constant as the northern star, faithful, loyal, staunch, true, true blue, true to one's colors, true to the core, true as the needle to the pole, marble-constant, true- hearted, trusty, trustworthy, as good as one's word, to be depended on, incorruptible, straightforward, frank, candid, open-hearted, conscientious, tender-conscienced, right-minded, high-principled, high-minded, scrupulous, religious, strict, nice, punctilious, correct, punctual, respectable, reputable, gentlemanlike, inviolable, inviolate, unviolated, unbroken, unbetrayed, unbought, unbribed, innocent, pure, stainless, unstained, untarnished, unsullied, untainted, unperjured, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, undepraved, undebauched, integer vitae scelerisque purus, justus et tenax propositi, chivalrous, jealous of honor, sans peur et sans reproche, high-spirited, supramundane, unworldly, other-worldly, overscrupulous, honorable, bona fide, on the square, in good faith, honor bright, foro conscientiae, with clean hands, a face untaught to feign, bene qui latuit bene vixit, mens sibi conscia recti, probitas laudatur et alget, fidelis ad urnam, his heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth, loyaute m'oblige, loyaute n'a honte, what stronger breastplate than a heart untainted?.

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