Also see definition of "Sure" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: S S- S. S/ Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sy Sz
surculose | surd | surdal | surdiny | surdity | Sure | sure as shooting | sure enough | sure sign | sure thing | sure-enough



Adjective, Adverb


Surea. [OE. sur, OF. seÜr, F. sûr, L. securus; se aside, without + cura care. See Secure, and cf. Assure, Insure, Sicker sure.].
  •  Certainly knowing and believing; confident beyond doubt; implicity trusting; unquestioning; positive.  [1913 Webster]
    "We are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things."  [1913 Webster]
    "I'm sure care 's an enemy of life."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Certain to find or retain; as, to be sure of game; to be sure of success; to be sure of life or health.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Fit or worthy to be depended on; certain not to fail or disappoint expectation; unfailing; strong; permanent; enduring.  Keble.  [1913 Webster]
    "The Lord will certainly make my lord a sure house; because my lord fighteth the battles of the Lord."  [1913 Webster]
    "The testimony of the Lord is sure."  [1913 Webster]
    "Which put in good sure leather sacks."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Betrothed; engaged to marry.  [1913 Webster]
    "The king was sure to Dame Elizabeth Lucy, and her husband before God."  [1913 Webster]
    "I presume . . . that you had been sure as fast as faith could bind you, man and wife."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Free from danger; safe; secure.  [1913 Webster]
    "Fear not; the forest is not three leagues off;
    If we recover that we are sure enough.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "She that's made sure to him she loves not well."  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Certain; unfailing; infallible; safe; firm; permanent; steady; stable; strong; secure; indisputable; confident; positive.
     In a sure manner; safely; certainly.  Spenser.  [1913 Webster]
    "'T is pleasant, sure, to see one's name in print."  [1913 Webster]


Sure, adj. & adv.
1 having or seeming to have adequate reason for a belief or assertion.
2 (often foll. by of, or that + clause) convinced.
3 (foll. by of) having a certain prospect or confident anticipation or satisfactory knowledge of.
4 reliable or unfailing (there is one sure way to find out).
5 (foll. by to + infin.) certain.
6 undoubtedly true or truthful.
--adv. colloq. certainly.

as sure as eggs is eggs see EGG(1). as sure as fate quite certain. be sure (in imper. or infin.; foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) take care to; not fail to (be sure to turn the lights out). for sure colloq. without doubt. make sure
1 make or become certain; ensure.
2 (foll. by of) establish the truth or ensure the existence or happening of.
sure enough colloq.
1 in fact; certainly.
2 with near certainty (they will come sure enough). sure-fire colloq. certain to succeed. sure-footed never stumbling or making a mistake. sure-footedly in a sure-footed way. sure-footedness being sure-footed. sure thing int. esp. US colloq. certainly.
to be sure
1 it is undeniable or admitted.
2 it must be admitted.
sureness n.
ME f. OF sur sure (earlier s{euml}ur) f. L securus SECURE



OK, Roger, abiding, absolute, absolutely, accurate, adducible, admissible, agape, agog, all agog, all right, alright, alrighty, amen, anticipant, anticipating, anticipative, anticipatory, apodictic, arrogant, as you say, assured, assuredly, attestative, attestive, authentic, awaiting, aye, based on, believing, bound, by all means, calculable, certain, certainly, certified, changeless, circumstantial, clear, clear and distinct, clear as day, cocksure, cocky, conclusive, confident, constant, convinced, convincing, covered, cumulative, da, damning, decided, decisive, definite, dependable, determinate, determinative, determined, devout, documentary, documented, dogmatic, doubtless, eager, effective, enduring, ensured, established, evidential, evidentiary, ex parte, exactly, expectant, expecting, eye-witness, factual, faithful, faithworthy, fast, fated, fateful, fideistic, final, fine, firm, firsthand, fixed, foolproof, forearmed, forestalling, forewarned, founded on, gaping, genuine, good, good enough, grounded on, guaranteed, hear, hearsay, hopeful, hubristic, implicit, impressed with, in anticipation, in expectation, incontestable, incontrovertible, incorruptible, indeed, indeedy, indefeasible, indicative, indisputable, indubitable, ineluctable, inerrable, inerrant, inescapable, inevasible, inevitable, inexorable, infallible, inflexible, insured, invincible, inviolable, irrefutable, irresistible, irrevocable, ja, just so, looking for, looking forward to, mais oui, material, most assuredly, naturally, naturellement, necessary, never-failing, not surprised, nuncupative, of course, okay, optimistic, oui, overconfident, oversure, overweening, overwhelming, perfectly sure, persuaded, pert, pietistic, pious, pistic, poised, pompous, positive, positively, precisely, predestined, predetermined, predictable, prepared, presumptive, probative, proud, proven, quite, rather, ready, real, really, reassured, reliable, resistless, responsible, right, righto, safe, sanguine, satisfied, secure, secured, self-assured, self-confident, self-important, self-possessed, self-reliant, self-satisfied, set, significant, sold on, solid, sound, stable, staunch, steadfast, steady, straight, strong, substantial, suggestive, sure as death, sure as fate, sure thing, sure-enough, sure-fire, surefire, surely, symptomatic, telling, tested, to be sure, to be trusted, tried, tried and true, true, truly, trustable, trustworthy, trusty, unafraid, unambiguous, unavoidable, unchangeable, unchanging, uncompromising, uncontestable, uncontrollable, undeflectable, undeniable, under the impression, undeviating, undoubtful, undoubting, unequivocal, unerring, unfailing, unfalse, unfaltering, unflinching, unhesitating, univocal, unmistakable, unperfidious, unpreventable, unqualified, unquestionable, unquestioning, unshakable, unshakeable, unshaken, unstoppable, unsurprised, unswerving, untreacherous, unvarying, unwavering, unyielding, valid, very well, waiting, waiting for, warranted, watching for, weighty, well and good, well-founded, well-grounded, wholehearted, why yes, yea, yeah, yep, yes, yes indeed, yes indeedy, yes sir, yes sirree




N safety, security, surety, impregnability, invulnerability, invulnerableness, danger past, danger over, storm blown over, coast clear, escape, means of escape, blow valve, safety valve, release valve, sniffing valve, safeguard, palladium, guardianship, wardship, wardenship, tutelage, custody, safekeeping, preservation, protection, auspices, safe-conduct, escort, convoy, guard, shield, guardian angel, tutelary god, tutelary deity, tutelary saint, genius loci, protector, guardian, warden, warder, preserver, custodian, duenna, chaperon, third person, watchdog, bandog, Cerberus, watchman, patrolman, policeman, cop, dick, fuzz, smokey, peeler, zarp, sentinel, sentry, scout, garrison, guardship, refuge &c, anchor, precaution, quarantine, cordon sanitaire, confidence, protect, take care of, preserve, cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward, guard, secure, entrench, intrench, fence round, house, nestle, ensconce, take charge of, escort, convoy, garrison, watch, mount guard, patrol, make assurance doubly sure, take up a loose thread, take precautions, double reef topsails, seek safety, take shelter, find shelter, Adj, safe, secure, sure, in safety, in security, on the safe side, under the shield of, under the shade of, under the wing of, under the shadow of one's wing, under cover, under lock and key, out of danger, out of the woods, out of the meshes, out of harm's way, unharmed, unscathed, on sure ground, at anchor, high and dry, above water, unthreatened, unmolested, protected, cavendo tutus, panoplied, snug, seaworthy, weatherproof, waterproof, fireproof, defensible, tenable, proof against, invulnerable, unassailable, unattackable, impenetrable, impregnable, imperdible, inexpugnable, Achillean, safe and sound, scathless, unhazarded, not dangerous, unthreatening, harmless, friendly (cooperative), protecting, protective, guardian, tutelary, preservative, trustworthy, ex abundanti cautela, with impunity, all's well, salva res est, suave mari magno, a couvert, e terra alterius spectare laborem, Dieu vous garde.


N certainty, necessity, certitude, surety, assurance, dead certainty, moral certainty, infallibleness, infallibility, reliability, indubitableness, inevitableness, unquestionableness, gospel, scripture, church, pope, court of final appeal, res judicata, ultimatum positiveness, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatizer, doctrinaire, bigot, opinionist, Sir Oracle, ipse dixit, fact, positive fact, matter of fact, fait accompli, certain, sure, assured, solid, well-founded, unqualified, absolute, positive, determinate, definite, clear, unequivocal, categorical, unmistakable, decisive, decided, ascertained, inevitable, unavoidable, avoidless, ineluctable, unerring, infallible, unchangeable, to be depended on, trustworthy, reliable, bound, unimpeachable, undeniable, unquestionable, indisputable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, conclusive, without power of appeal, indubious, without doubt, beyond a doubt, without a shade or shadow of doubt, without question, beyond question, past dispute, clear as day, beyond all question, beyond all dispute, undoubted, uncontested, unquestioned, undisputed, questionless, doubtless, authoritative, authentic, official, sure as fate, sure as death and taxes, sure as a gun, evident, self-evident, axiomatic, clear, clear as day, clear as the sun at noonday, certainly, for certain, certes, sure, no doubt, doubtless, and no mistake, flagrante delicto, sure enough, to be sure, of course, as a matter of course, a coup sur, to a certainty, in truth, at any rate, at all events, without fail, coute que coute, coute qu'il coute, whatever may happen, if the worst come to the worst, come what may, happen what may, come what will, sink or swim, rain or shine, cela va sans dire, there is no question, no question, not a shadow of doubt, there is not a shadow of doubt, the die is cast, facts are stubborn things, certainty, necessity, certitude, surety, assurance, dead certainty, moral certainty, infallibleness, infallibility, reliability, indubitableness, inevitableness, unquestionableness, gospel, scripture, church, pope, court of final appeal, res judicata, ultimatum positiveness, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatizer, doctrinaire, bigot, opinionist, Sir Oracle, ipse dixit, fact, positive fact, matter of fact, fait accompli, certain, sure, assured, solid, well-founded, unqualified, absolute, positive, determinate, definite, clear, unequivocal, categorical, unmistakable, decisive, decided, ascertained, inevitable, unavoidable, avoidless, ineluctable, unerring, infallible, unchangeable, to be depended on, trustworthy, reliable, bound, unimpeachable, undeniable, unquestionable, indisputable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indubitable, irrefutable, conclusive, without power of appeal, indubious, without doubt, beyond a doubt, without a shade or shadow of doubt, without question, beyond question, past dispute, clear as day, beyond all question, beyond all dispute, undoubted, uncontested, unquestioned, undisputed, questionless, doubtless, authoritative, authentic, official, sure as fate, sure as death and taxes, sure as a gun, evident, self-evident, axiomatic, clear, clear as day, clear as the sun at noonday, certainly, for certain, certes, sure, no doubt, doubtless, and no mistake, flagrante delicto, sure enough, to be sure, of course, as a matter of course, a coup sur, to a certainty, in truth, at any rate, at all events, without fail, coute que coute, coute qu'il coute, whatever may happen, if the worst come to the worst, come what may, happen what may, come what will, sink or swim, rain or shine, cela va sans dire, there is no question, no question, not a shadow of doubt, there is not a shadow of doubt, the die is cast, facts are stubborn things.


N belief, credence, credit, assurance, faith, trust, troth, confidence, presumption, sanguine expectation, dependence on, reliance on, persuasion, conviction, convincement, plerophory, self- conviction, certainty, opinion, mind, view, conception, thinking, impression, surmise, conclusion, tenet, dogma, principle, way of thinking, popular belief, firm belief, implicit belief, settled belief, fixed rooted deep- rooted belief, staunch belief, unshaken belief, steadfast belief, inveterate belief, calm belief, sober belief, dispassionate belief, impartial belief, well-founded belief, firm opinion, implicit opinion, settled opinion, fixed rooted deep-rooted opinion, staunch opinion, unshaken opinion, steadfast opinion, inveterate opinion, calm opinion, sober opinion, dispassionate opinion, impartial opinion, well-founded opinion, uberrima fides, system of opinions, school, doctrine, articles, canons, article of faith, declaration of faith, profession of faith, tenets, credenda, creed, thirty-nine articles, catechism, assent, propaganda, credibility, believing, certain, sure, assured, positive, cocksure, satisfied, confident, unhesitating, convinced, secure, under the impression, impressed with, imbued with, penetrated with, confiding, suspectless, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, void of suspicion, credulous, wedded to, believed, accredited, putative, unsuspected, worthy of, deserving of, commanding belief, credible, reliable, trustworthy, to be depended on, satisfactory, probably, fiducial, fiduciary, persuasive, impressive, relating to belief, doctrinal, in the opinion of, in the eyes of, me judice, meseems, methinks, to the best of one's belief, I dare say, I doubt not, I have no doubt, I am sure, sure enough, depend upon, rely upon it, be assured, rest assured, I'll warrant you, experto crede, fata viam invenient, Justitiae soror incorrupta Fides, live to explain thy doctrine by thy life, stands not within the prospect of belief, tarde quae credita laedunt credimus, vide et crede.

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