Also see definition of "Ready" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: R R& R- R. Ra Rb Rc Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rn Ro Rp Rt Ru Rv Rw Ry
readopt | readorn | readout | readvance | readvertency | Ready | ready and waiting | ready cash | ready made | ready money | ready reckoner



Adjective, Noun


Readya. [AS. r; akin to D. gereed, bereid, G. bereit, Goth. garáids fixed, arranged, and possibly to E. ride, as meaning originally, prepared for riding. Cf. Array, 1st Curry.].
  •  Prepared for what one is about to do or experience; equipped or supplied with what is needed for some act or event; prepared for immediate movement or action; as, the troops are ready to march; ready for the journey.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Fitted or arranged for immediate use; causing no delay for lack of being prepared or furnished.  Fielding.  [1913 Webster]
    "My oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Prepared in mind or disposition; not reluctant; willing; free; inclined; disposed.  [1913 Webster]
    "I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord Jesus."  [1913 Webster]
    "If need be, I am ready to forego
    And quit.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception of any kind; dexterous; prompt; easy; expert; as, a ready apprehension; ready wit; a ready writer or workman.  Macaulay.  [1913 Webster]
    "Gurth, whose temper was ready, though surly."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Offering itself at once; at hand; opportune; convenient; near; easy.  Milton.  [1913 Webster]
    "A sapling pine he wrenched from out the ground,
    The readiest weapon that his fury found.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  On the point; about; on the brink; near; -- with a following infinitive.  [1913 Webster]
    "My heart is ready to crack."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A word of command, or a position, in the manual of arms, at which the piece is cocked and held in position to execute promptly the next command, which is, aim.  [1913 Webster]
All ready, ready in every particular; wholly equipped or prepared. “[I] am all redy at your hest.” Chaucer. -- Ready money, means of immediate payment; cash. “'T is all the ready money fate can give.” Cowley. -- Ready reckoner, a book of tables for facilitating computations, as of interest, prices, etc. -- To make ready, to make preparation; to get in readiness.
Syn. -- Prompt; expeditious; speedy; unhesitating; dexterous; apt; skillful; handy; expert; facile; easy; opportune; fitted; prepared; disposed; willing; free; cheerful. See Prompt.
     In a state of preparation for immediate action; so as to need no delay.  [1913 Webster]
    "We ourselves will go ready armed."  [1913 Webster]
     Ready money; cash; -- commonly with the; as, he was well supplied with the ready.  [1913 Webster]
    "Lord Strut was not flush in ready, either to go to law, or to clear old debts."  [1913 Webster]
Readyv. t. 
     To dispose in order.  Heywood.  [1913 Webster]


Ready, adj., adv., n., & v.
--adj. (readier, readiest) (usu. predic.)
1 with preparations complete (dinner is ready).
2 in a fit state (are you ready to go?).
3 willing, inclined, or resolved (he is always ready to complain; I am ready for anything).
4 within reach; easily secured (a ready source of income).
5 fit for immediate use (was ready to hand).
6 immediate, unqualified (found ready acceptance).
7 prompt, quick, facile (is always ready with excuses; has a ready wit).
8 (foll. by to + infin.) about to do something (a bud just ready to burst).
9 provided beforehand.
1 beforehand.
2 so as not to require doing when the time comes for use (the cases are ready packed).
--n. (pl. -ies) sl.
1 (prec. by the) = ready money.
2 (in pl.) bank notes. (-ies, -ied) make ready; prepare.

at the ready ready for action. make ready prepare. ready-made (or -to-wear) (esp. of clothes) made in a standard size, not to measure. ready-mix (or -mixed) (of concrete, paint, food, etc.) having some or all of the constituents already mixed together. ready money
1 actual coin or notes.
2 payment on the spot. ready reckoner a book or table listing standard numerical calculations as used esp. in commerce. ready, steady (or get set), go the usual formula for starting a race.
readiness n.
ME r{aelig}di(g), re(a)di, f. OE r{aelig}de f. Gmc



Daedalian, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, about, accessible, accordant, acquiescent, active, acute, adaptable, adept, adjusted, adroit, affirmative, agape, agile, agog, agreeable, agreeing, alacritous, alert, alive, all agog, all ready, all set, all-around, amenable, animated, anticipant, anticipating, anticipative, anticipatory, anxious, apprentice, approving, apt, apt to, arch, ardent, armed, armed and ready, arrange, artful, artistic, assenting, astute, at hand, attentive, authoritative, available, avid, awaiting, awake, booted and spurred, brace, bravura, break, break in, breathless, breed, briefed, bright, brilliant, bring up, bursting to, cagey, calculated to, canny, cash, certain, cheerful, clairvoyant, clean, clear for action, clear the decks, clever, close at hand, close to, coached, cobble, cocked, commission, compliable, compliant, condition, confident, consentient, consenting, content, convenient, cooperative, coordinated, cordial, crack, crackerjack, crafty, cultivate, cunning, cure, cute, daedal, darn, deceitful, decisive, deep, deep-laid, deft, deploy, designing, desirous, develop, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, discipline, dispatchful, disposed, disposed to, divinatory, do up, docile, doctor, dress, drill, dynamic, eager, educable, endorsing, enthusiastic, equip, equipped, excellent, exercise, expectant, expecting, expeditious, expert, facile, fain, familiarized, fancy, farseeing, farsighted, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably inclined, feline, fetch up, fit, fit out, fix, fix up, forearmed, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forestalling, forethoughted, forethoughtful, forewarned, form, formable, fortify, forward, foster, foxy, friendly, full of life, game, gaping, genial, get, get ready, given, given to, good, good and ready, goodish, graceful, gracious, groom, groomed, guileful, handy, happy, hopeful, house-train, housebreak, immediate, impatient, impressionable, improve, in anticipation, in arms, in battle array, in condition, in danger of, in expectation, in position, in readiness, in the mind, in the mood, in the saddle, inclined, inclined to, informed, ingenious, insidious, instant, instantaneous, instructable, intelligent, intuitive, inventive, keen, knowing, liable, liable to, lick into shape, likely, likely to, live, lively, loaded, loaded for bear, longsighted, looking for, looking forward to, make, make arrangements, make preparations, make ready, make up, malleable, marshal, masterful, masterly, mature, mend, minded, minded to, mobilize, mobilized, moldable, money, motivated, neat, nimble, no mean, not surprised, nothing loath, nurse, nurture, of all work, on call, on deck, on hand, on tap, on the, on the alert, on the ball, on the job, on the mark, optimistic, organize, overhaul, panting, patch, patch up, pawky, perceptive, permissive, plan, planned, plastic, pliable, pliant, poised, politic, practice, prearrange, prearranged, precognitive, precognizant, predisposed, predisposed to, prep, prepare, prepared, prepared and ready, prepped, prescient, pretreat, primed, process, professional, proficient, prompt, prone, prone to, provide, provided, provident, providential, prudent, psyched up, punctual, put in commission, put in order, put in repair, put in shape, put in tune, put to school, qualified, qui vive, quick, quite some, raise, rapid, raring to, ratifying, ready and willing, ready for anything, ready to, ready up, rear, recap, receptive, recondition, rehearse, repair, resourceful, responsive, retread, ripe, ripe for instruction, sagacious, sanctioning, sanguine, scheming, schoolable, send to school, serpentine, service, set, set to rights, settle preliminaries, sew up, sharp, shifty, shrewd, skilled, skillful, sleepless, slick, slippery, sly, smart, smooth, snaky, sneaky, some, sophistical, speedy, spirited, spry, statesmanlike, stealthy, steel, strategic, strengthen, stylish, subject to, submissive, subtile, subtle, summary, supple, sure, susceptible, swift, tactful, tactical, take in hand, tan, teachable, the compleat, the complete, thirsty for knowledge, timely, tinker, tinker up, to hand, tractable, train, trainable, treat, trickish, tricksy, tricky, trim, try out, unblinking, ungrudging, unloath, unnodding, unrefusing, unreluctant, unsleeping, unsurprised, unwinking, up, up in arms, versatile, vigilant, virtuoso, vital, vivacious, vivid, vulpine, waiting, waiting for, wakeful, wary, watching for, well-disposed, well-done, well-inclined, well-prepared, wherewithal, wide-awake, willed, willing, willinghearted, wily, workmanlike, zealous, zestful




N willingness, voluntariness, willing mind, heart, disposition, inclination, leaning, animus, frame of mind, humor, mood, vein, bent, penchant, aptitude, docility, docibleness, persuasibleness, persuasibility, pliability, geniality, cordiality, goodwill, alacrity, readiness, earnestness, forwardness, eagerness, asset, compliance, pleasure, gratuitous service, labor of love, volunteer, volunteering, willing, minded, fain, disposed, inclined, favorable, favorably- minded, favorably inclined, favorably disposed, nothing loth, in the vein, in the mood, in the humor, in the mind, ready, forward, earnest, eager, bent upon, predisposed, propense, docile, persuadable, persuasible, suasible, easily persuaded, facile, easy-going, tractable, genial, gracious, cordial, cheering, hearty, content, voluntary, gratuitous, spontaneous, unasked &c (ask), unforced, willingly, fain, freely, as lief, heart and soul, with pleasure, with all one's heart, with open arms, with good will, with right will, de bonne volonte, ex animo, con amore, heart in hand, nothing loth, without reluctance, of one's own accord, graciously, with a good grace, a la bonne heure, by all means, by all manner of means, to one's heart's content, yes.


N utility, usefulness, efficacy, efficiency, adequacy, service, use, stead, avail, help, applicability, subservience, function, value, worth, money's worth, productiveness, cui bono, utilization, step in the right direction, common weal, commonwealth public good, public interest, utilitarianism, useful, of use, serviceable, proficuous, good for, subservient, conducive, subsidiary, advantageous, profitable, gainful, remunerative, worth one's salt, valuable, prolific, adequate, efficient, efficacious, effective, effectual, expedient, applicable, available, ready, handy, at hand, tangible, commodious, adaptable, of all work, usefully, pro bono publico.


N preparation, providing, provision, providence, anticipation, precaution, preconcertation, predisposition, forecast, rehearsal, note of preparation, arrangement, clearance, adjustment, tuning, equipment, outfit, accouterment, armament, array, ripening, maturation, evolution, elaboration, concoction, digestion, gestation, batching, incubation, sitting, groundwork, first stone, cradle, stepping-stone, foundation, scaffold, scaffolding, echafaudage, training, inurement, novitiate, cooking, cookery, brewing, culinary art, tilling, plowing sowing, semination, cultivation, preparedness, readiness, ripeness, mellowness, maturity, un impromptu fait a loisir, preparer, trainer, pioneer, trailblazer, avant-courrier, avant-coureur, voortrekker, sappers and miners, pavior, navvy, packer, stevedore, warming pan, preparing, in preparation, in course of preparation, in agitation, in embryo, in hand, in train, afoot, afloat, on foot, on the stocks, on the anvil, under consideration, brewing, batching, forthcoming, brooding, in store for, in reserve, precautionary, provident, preparative, preparatory, provisional, inchoate, under revision, preliminary, prepared, in readiness, ready, ready to one's band, ready made, ready cut and dried: made to one's hand, handy, on the table, in gear, in working order, in working gear, snug, in practice, ripe, mature, mellow, pukka, practiced, labored, elaborate, highly-wrought, smelling of the lamp, worked up, in full feather, in best bib and tucker, in harness, at harness, in the saddle, in arms, in battle array, in war paint, up in arms, armed at all points, armed to the teeth, armed cap a pie, sword in hand, booted and spurred, in utrumque paratus, semper paratus, on the alert, at one's post, in preparation, in anticipation of, against, for, abroach, a bove majori discit arare minor, looking before and after, si vis pacem para bellum.


N activity, briskness, liveliness, animation, life, vivacity, spirit, dash, energy, snap, vim, nimbleness, agility, smartness, quickness, velocity, alacrity, promptitude, despatch, dispatch, expedition, haste, punctuality, eagerness, zeal, ardor, perfervidum aingenium, empressement, earnestness, intentness, abandon, vigor, devotion, exertion, industry, assiduity, assiduousness, sedulity, laboriousness, drudgery, painstaking, diligence, perseverance, indefatigation, habits of business, vigilance, wakefulness, sleeplessness, restlessness, insomnia, pervigilium, insomnium, racketing, movement, bustle, stir, fuss, ado, bother, pottering, fidget, fidgetiness, flurry, officiousness, dabbling, meddling, interference, interposition, intermeddling, tampering with, intrigue, press of business, no sinecure, plenty to do, many irons in the fire, great doings, busy hum of men, battle of life, thick of the action, housewife, busy bee, new brooms, sharp fellow, sharp blade, devotee, enthusiast, zealot, meddler, intermeddler, intriguer, busybody, pickthank, hummer, hustler, live man, rustler, active, brisk, brisk as a lark, brisk as a bee, lively, animated, vivacious, alive, alive and kicking, frisky, spirited, stirring, nimble, nimble as a squirrel, agile, light-footed, nimble-footed, featly, tripping, quick, prompt, yare, instant, ready, alert, spry, sharp, smart, fast, quick as a lamplighter, expeditious, awake, broad awake, go-ahead, live wide-awake, forward, eager, strenuous, zealous, enterprising, in earnest, resolute, industrious, assiduous, diligent, sedulous, notable, painstaking, intent, indefatigable, unwearied, unsleeping, never tired, plodding, hard-working, businesslike, workaday, bustling, restless, restless as a hyena, fussy, fidgety, pottering, busy, busy as hen with one chicken, working, at work, on duty, in harness, up in arms, on one's legs, at call, up and doing, up and stirring, busy, occupied, hard at work, hard at it, up to one's ears in, full of business, busy as a bee, busy as a one-armed paperhanger, meddling, meddlesome, pushing, officious, overofficious, intrigant, astir, stirring, agoing, afoot, on foot, in full swing, eventful, on the alert, actively, with life and spirit, with might and main &c, with haste, with wings, full tilt, in mediis rebus, Int, be alive, look alive, look sharp!, move on, push on!, keep moving!, go ahead!, stir your stumps!, age quod agis!, jaldi!, karo!, step lively!, carpe diem, seize the day, nulla dies sine linea, nec mora nec requies, the plot thickens, No sooner said than done, veni vidi vici, catch a weasel asleep, abends wird der Faule fleissig, dictum ac factum, schwere Arbeit in der Jugend ist sanfte Ruhe im Al, hard work in youth means soft rest in age, the busy hum of men.


N skill, skillfulness, address, dexterity, dexterousness, adroitness, expertness, proficiency, competence, technical competence, craft, callidity, facility, knack, trick, sleight, mastery, mastership, excellence, panurgy, ambidexterity, ambidextrousness, sleight of hand, seamanship, airmanship, marksmanship, horsemanship, rope-dancing, accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, art, science, technicality, technology, practical knowledge, technical knowledge, knowledge of the world, world wisdom, savoir faire, tact, mother wit, discretion, finesse, craftiness, management, self-help, cleverness, talent, ability, ingenuity, capacity, parts, talents, faculty, endowment, forte, turn, gift, genius, intelligence, sharpness, readiness, invention, aptness, aptitude, turn for, capacity for, genius for, felicity, capability, curiosa felicitas, qualification, habilitation, proficient, masterpiece, coup de maitre, chef d'euvre, tour de force, good stroke, skillful, dexterous, adroit, expert, apt, handy, quick, deft, ready, gain, slick, smart, proficient, good at, up to, at home in, master of, a good hand at, au fait, thoroughbred, masterly, crack, accomplished, conversant, experienced, practiced, skilled, hackneyed, up in, well up in, in practice, in proper cue, competent, efficient, qualified, capable, fitted, fit for, up to the mark, trained, initiated, prepared, primed, finished, clever, cute, able, ingenious, felicitous, gifted, talented, endowed, inventive, shrewd, sharp, on the ball, cunning, alive to, up to snuff, not to be caught with chaff, discreet, neat-handed, fine-fingered, nimble-fingered, ambidextrous, sure- footed, cut out for, fitted for, technical, artistic, scientific, daedalian, shipshape, workman- like, business-like, statesman-like, skillfully, well, artistically, with skill, with consummate skill, secundum artem, suo Marte, to the best of one's abilities, ars celare artem, artes honorabit, celui qui veut celui-la peut, c'est une grande habilite que de savoir cacher son, expertus metuit, es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille sich ein C, heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or the hand to execute, if you have lemons, make lemonade.


N expectation, expectance, expectancy, anticipation, reckoning, calculation, foresight, contemplation, prospection, lookout, prospect, perspective, horizon, vista, destiny, suspense, waiting, abeyance, curiosity, anxious expectation, ardent expectation, eager expectation, breathless expectation, sanguine expectation, torment of Tantalus, hope, trust, auspices, assurance, confidence, presumption, reliance, expectant, expecting, in expectation, on the watch, open-eyed, open-mouthed, in wide-eyed anticipation, agape, gaping, all agog, on tenterhooks, on tiptoe, on the tiptoe of expectation, aux aguets, ready, curious, looking forward to, expected, long expected, foreseen, in prospect, prospective, in one's eye, in one's view, in the horizon, on the horizon, just over the horizon, just around the corner, around the corner, impending, on the watch, with breathless expectation, with bated breath, with rapt anticipation, arrectis auribus, we shall see, nous verrons, expectation whirls me round, the light at the end of the tunnel.

Also see definition of "Ready" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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