Also see definition of "Outlandish" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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outkeeper | outknave | outlabor | outland | outlander | Outlandish | outlandishly | outlandishness | outlast | outlaugh | outlaw




Outlandisha. [AS. foreign. See Out, Land, and -ish.].
  •  Foreign; not native.  [1913 Webster]
    "Him did outlandish women cause to sin."  [1913 Webster]
    "Its barley water and its outlandish wines."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Deviating conspicuously from common practice; strange; freakish; bizarre; rude; barbarous; uncouth; clownish; as, an outlandish dress, behavior, or speech; -- usually used in a negative sense.  [1913 Webster]
    "Something outlandish, unearthy, or at variance with ordinary fashion."  [1913 Webster]


Outlandish, adj.
1 looking or sounding foreign.
2 bizarre, strange, unfamiliar.

outlandishly adv. outlandishness n.
OE utlendisc f. utland foreign country f. OUT + LAND



Doric, Gothic, Neanderthal, absurd, alien, animal, apart, back, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, baroque, beguiling, bestial, bewildering, bizarre, brain-born, brutal, brutish, cacophonous, campy, clumsy, coarse, crude, curious, detached, different, disconnected, discrete, disjunct, disrelated, dissociated, doggerel, dream-built, dysphemistic, eccentric, enigmatic, exceptional, exotic, exterior, external, exterrestrial, exterritorial, extragalactic, extralateral, extraliminal, extramundane, extramural, extraneous, extraordinary, extrapolar, extraprovincial, extrasolar, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, extratribal, extravagant, extrinsic, fabulous, fanciful, fancy-born, fancy-built, fancy-woven, fantasque, fantastic, fascinating, florid, foreign, foreign-born, freaked out, freakish, freaky, frontier, funny, graceless, gross, grotesque, harsh, ill-bred, impolite, improper, impure, in bad taste, incommensurable, incomparable, incomprehensible, inconceivable, inconcinnate, inconcinnous, incorrect, incredible, indecorous, independent, inelegant, infelicitous, insular, intrusive, irrelative, isolated, kinky, kooky, low, maggoty, marvelous, miraculous, monstrous, noncivilized, notional, odd, oddball, off, off the wall, offbeat, other, out, outland, outrageous, outre, outside, passing strange, peculiar, phenomenal, preposterous, primitive, prodigious, puzzling, quaint, queer, rare, remarkable, remote, removed, rococo, rough-and-ready, rude, savage, segregate, sensational, separate, separated, singular, strange, striking, stupendous, tasteless, troglodytic, ulterior, ultra, unaffiliated, unallied, unassociated, uncivil, uncivilized, uncombed, unconnected, unconventional, uncourtly, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, undignified, unearthly, uneuphonious, unfamiliar, unfelicitous, ungraceful, unheard-of, unimaginable, unique, unkempt, unknown, unlicked, unorthodox, unpolished, unprecedented, unrefined, unrelatable, unrelated, unseemly, unsettled, untamed, unusual, vulgar, weird, whimsical, wild, wonderful, wondrous, wondrous strange




N irrelation, dissociation, misrelation, inapplicability, inconnection, multifariousness, disconnection, inconsequence, independence, incommensurability, irreconcilableness, heterogeneity, unconformity, irrelevancy, impertinence, nihil ad rem, intrusion, non-pertinence, irrelative, irrespective, unrelated, arbitrary, independent, unallied, unconnected, disconnected, adrift, isolated, insular, extraneous, strange, alien, foreign, outlandish, exotic, not comparable, incommensurable, heterogeneous, unconformable, irrelevant, inapplicable, not pertinent, not to the, purpose, impertinent, inapposite, beside the mark, a propos de bottes, aside from the purpose, away from the purpose, foreign to the purpose, beside the purpose, beside the question, beside the transaction, beside the point, misplaced, traveling out of the record, remote, far-fetched, out of the way, forced, neither here nor there, quite another thing, detached, segregate, disquiparant, multifarious, discordant, incidental, parenthetical, obiter dicta, episodic, parenthetically, by the way, by the by, en passant, incidentally, irrespectively, without reference to, without regard to, in the abstract, a se.


N unconformity, nonconformity, unconformity, disconformity, unconventionality, informality, abnormity, abnormality, anomaly, anomalousness, exception, peculiarity, infraction of law, breach, of law, violation of law, violation of custom, violation of usage, infringement of law, infringement of custom, infringement of usage, teratism, eccentricity, bizarrerie, oddity, je ne sais quoi, monster, monstrosity, rarity, freak, freak of Nature, weirdo, mutant, rouser, snorter, individuality, idiosyncrasy, originality, mannerism, aberration, irregularity, variety, singularity, exemption, salvo, nonconformist, nondescript, character, original, nonesuch, nonsuch, monster, prodigy, wonder, miracle, curiosity, flying fish, black sheep, black swan, lusus naturae, rara avis, queer fish, mongrel, random breed, half-caste, half-blood, half-breed, metis, crossbreed, hybrid, mule, hinny, mulatto, tertium quid, hermaphrodite, phoenix, chimera, hydra, sphinx, minotaur, griffin, griffon, centaur, saggittary, kraken, cockatrice, wyvern, roc, dragon, sea serpent, mermaid, merman, merfolk, unicorn, Cyclops, men whose heads do grow beneath their shoulders, teratology, fish out of water, neither one thing nor another, neither fish nor fowl, neither fish flesh nor fowl nor good red herring, one in a million, one in a way, one in a thousand, outcast, outlaw, off the beaten track, oasis, uncomformable, exceptional, abnormal, abnormous, anomalous, anomalistic, out of order, out of place, out of keeping, out of tune, out of one's element, irregular, arbitrary, teratogenic, lawless, informal, aberrant, stray, wandering, wanton, peculiar, exclusive, unnatural, eccentric, egregious, out of the beaten track, off the beaten track, out of the common, out of the common run, beyond the pale of, out of the pale of, misplaced, funny, unusual, unaccustomed, uncustomary, unwonted, uncommon, rare, curious, odd, extraordinary, out of the ordinary, strange, monstrous, wonderful, unexpected, unaccountable, outre, out of the way, remarkable, noteworthy, queer, quaint, nondescript, none such, sui generis, unfashionable, fantastic, grotesque, bizarre, outlandish, exotic, tombe des nues, preternatural, denaturalized, heterogeneous, heteroclite, amorphous, mongrel, amphibious, epicene, half blood, hybrid, androgynous, androgynal, asymmetric, adelomorphous, bisexual, hermaphrodite, monoclinous, qualified, singular, unique, one-of-a-kind, newfangled, novel, non-classical, original, unconventional, unheard of, unfamiliar, undescribed, unprecedented, unparalleled, unexampled, unconformably, except, unless, save barring, beside, without, save and except, let alone, however, yet, but, once in a blue moon, once in a million years, Int, what on earth!, what in the world!, What the devil!, Holy cow!, Can you top that?, Sacre bleu, never was seen the like, never was heard the like, never was known the like, I could hardly believe it, I saw it, but I didn't believe it.


N vulgarity, vulgarism, barbarism, Vandalism, Gothicism, mauvis gout, bad taste, gaucherie, awkwardness, want of tact, ill-breeding, courseness, indecorum, misbehavior, lowness, homeliness, low life, mauvais ton, rusticity, boorishness, brutality, rowdyism, blackguardism, ribaldry, slang, bad joke, mauvais plaisanterie, gaudiness, tawdriness, false ornament, finery, frippery, trickery, tinsel, gewgaw, clinquant, baroque, rococo, rough diamond, tomboy, hoyden, cub, unlicked cub, clown, Goth, Vandal, Boeotian, snob, cad, gent, parvenu, frump, dowdy, slattern, in bad taste vulgar, unrefined, coarse, indecorous, ribald, gross, unseemly, unbeseeming, unpresentable, contra bonos mores, ungraceful, dowdy, slovenly, ungenteel, shabby genteel, low, common, hoi polloi, uncourtly, uncivil, ill bred, ill mannered, underbred, ungentlemanly, ungentlemanlike, unladylike, unfeminine, wild, wild as an unbacked colt, untutored, unschooled (ignorant), unkempt, uncombed, untamed, unlicked, unpolished, uncouth, plebeian, incondite, heavy, rude, awkward, homely, homespun, home bred, provincial, countrified, rustic, boorish, clownish, savage, brutish, blackguard, rowdy, snobbish, barbarous, barbaric, Gothic, unclassical, doggerel, heathenish, tramontane, outlandish, uncultivated, Bohemian, obsolete, unfashionable, newfangled, odd, particular, affected, meretricious, extravagant, monstrous, horrid, shocking, gaudy, tawdry, overornamented, baroque, rococo, bedizened, tricked out, gingerbread, obtrusive.


N ridiculousness, comicality, oddity, extravagance, drollery, farce, comedy, burlesque, buffoonery, frippery, doggerel verses, absurdity, bombast, anticlimax, bathos, eccentricity, monstrosity, laughingstock, ridiculous, ludicrous, comical, droll, funny, laughable, pour rire, grotesque, farcical, odd, whimsical, whimsical as a dancing bear, fanciful, fantastic, queer, rum, quizzical, quaint, bizarre, screaming, eccentric, strange, outlandish, out of the way, baroque, weird, awkward, extravagant, outre, monstrous, preposterous, bombastic, inflated, stilted, burlesque, mock heroic, drollish, seriocomic, tragicomic, gimcrack, contemptible, doggerel, ironical, risible, risum teneatis amici, rideret Heraclitus, du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas.

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