Also see definition of "Lamb" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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lamarckism | lamasery | lamaze | lamaze method | lamaze method of childbirth | Lamb | lamb chop | lamb curry | lamb roast | lamb succory | lamb's lettuce



Noun, Verb (intransitive)


Lambn. [AS. lamb; akin to D. & Dan. lam, G. & Sw. lamm, OS., Goth., & Icel. lamb.].
  •  The young of the sheep.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Any person who is as innocent or gentle as a lamb.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A simple, unsophisticated person; in the cant of the Stock Exchange, one who ignorantly speculates and is victimized.  [1913 Webster]
    "The twelve apostles of the Lamb."  [1913 Webster]
    "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."
Lambv. i. 
     To bring forth a lamb or lambs, as sheep.  [1913 Webster]


Lamb, n. & v.
1 a young sheep.
2 the flesh of a lamb as food.
3 a mild or gentle person, esp. a young child.
1 a tr. (in passive) (of a lamb) be born. b intr. (of a ewe) give birth to lambs.
2 tr. tend (lambing ewes).

The Lamb (or The Lamb of God) a name for Christ (see John 1:29) (cf. AGNUS DEI). lamb's fry lamb's testicles or other offal as food. lamb's lettuce a plant, Valerianella locusta, used in salad. lamb's-tails catkins from the hazel tree. like a lamb meekly, obediently.
lamber n. lambhood n. lambkin n. lamblike adj.
OE lamb f. Gmc



agneau, angel, babe, baby, baby-doll, bairn, bellwether, birdling, breast of lamb, buttercup, calf, catling, cherub, chick, chickabiddy, chickling, chicky, child, child of nature, chit, colt, cub, darling, dear, deary, dogie, doll, dove, duck, duckling, dupe, ewe, ewe lamb, fawn, fledgling, foal, fryer, gigot, gosling, hick, hon, honey, honey bunch, honey child, infant, ingenue, innocent, jambe de mouton, jumbuck, kid, kit, kitten, lambkin, leg of lamb, leg of mutton, litter, little bugger, little fellow, little guy, little innocent, little one, little tad, little tot, lout, love, lover, mere child, mite, mouton, mutton, nest, nestling, newborn babe, nipper, noble savage, oaf, offspring, peewee, pet, petkins, piglet, pigling, polliwog, precious, precious heart, pullet, pup, puppy, ram, rube, saddle of mutton, shaver, sheep, shoat, simple soul, snookums, sugar, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, sweetkins, sweets, tad, tadpole, teg, tot, tup, unsophisticate, weaner, wee tot, wether, whelp, yeanling, yokel




N infant, babe, baby, babe in arms, nurseling, suckling, yearling, weanling, papoose, bambino, kid, vagitus, child, bairn, little one, brat, chit, pickaninny, urchin, bantling, bratling, elf, youth, boy, lad, stripling, youngster, youngun, younker, callant, whipster, whippersnapper, whiffet, schoolboy, hobbledehoy, hopeful, cadet, minor, master, scion, sap, seedling, tendril, olive branch, nestling, chicken, larva, chrysalis, tadpole, whelp, cub, pullet, fry, callow, codlin, codling, foetus, calf, colt, pup, foal, kitten, lamb, lambkin, aurelia, caterpillar, cocoon, nymph, nympha, orphan, pupa, staddle, girl, lass, lassie, wench, miss, damsel, demoiselle, maid, maiden, virgin, hoyden, infantine, infantile, puerile, boyish, girlish, childish, babyish, kittenish, baby, newborn, unfledged, new-fledged, callow, in the cradle, in swaddling clothes, in long clothes, in arms, in leading strings, at the breast, in one's teens.


N innocence, guiltlessness, incorruption, impeccability, clean hands, clear conscience, mens sibi conscia recti, innocent, lamb, dove, innocent, not guilty, unguilty, guiltless, faultless, sinless, stainless, bloodless, spotless, clear, immaculate, rectus in curia, unspotted, unblemished, unerring, undefiled, unhardened, Saturnian, Arcadian, inculpable, unculpable, unblamed, unblamable, blameless, unfallen, inerrable, above suspicion, irreproachable, irreprovable, irreprehensible, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, unimpeachable, salvable, venial, harmless, inoffensive, innoxious, innocuous, dove-like, lamb-like, pure, harmless as doves, innocent as a lamb, innocent as the babe unborn, more sinned against than sinning, virtuous, unreproved, unimpeached, unreproached, innocently, with clean hands, with a clear conscience, with a safe conscience, murus aeneus conscientia sana.


N animal, animal kingdom, fauna, brute creation, beast, brute, creature, critter, wight, created being, creeping thing, living thing, dumb animal, dumb creature, zoophyte, mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, crustacean, shellfish, mollusk, worm, insect, arthropod, microbe, microbe, animalcule, alligator, crocodile, saurian, dinosaur (extinct), snake, serpent, viper, eft, asp, aspick, frog, toad, trout, bass, tuna, muskelunge, sailfish, sardine, mackerel, ant, mosquito, bee, honeybee, tardigrade, spider, biped, quadruped, webfoot, flocks and herds, live stock, domestic animals, wild animals, game, ferae naturae, beasts of the field, fowls of the air, denizens of the sea, black game, black grouse, blackcock, duck, grouse, plover, rail, snipe, horse, cattle, kine, ox, bull, bullock, cow, milch cow, calf, heifer, shorthorn, sheep, lamb, lambkin, ewe, ram, tup, pig, swine, boar, hog, sow, steer, stot, tag, teg, bison, buffalo, yak, zebu, dog, cat, dog, hound, pup, puppy, whelp, cur, mongrel, house dog, watch dog, sheep dog, shepherd's dog, sporting dog, fancy dog, lap dog, toy dog, bull dog, badger dog, mastiff, blood hound, grey hound, stag hound, deer hound, fox hound, otter hound, harrier, beagle, spaniel, pointer, setter, retriever, Newfoundland, water dog, water spaniel, pug, poodle, turnspit, terrier, fox terrier, Skye terrier, Dandie Dinmont, collie, feline, puss, pussy, grimalkin, gib cat, tom cat, fox, Reynard, vixen, stag, deer, hart, buck, doe, roe, caribou, coyote, elk, moose, musk ox, sambar, bird, poultry, fowl, cock, hen, chicken, chanticleer, partlet, rooster, dunghill cock, barn door fowl, feathered tribes, feathered songster, singing bird, dicky bird, canary, warbler, finch, aberdevine, cushat, cygnet, ringdove, siskin, swan, wood pigeon, vermin, varmint, pest, animal, zoological equine, bovine, vaccine, canine, feline, fishy, piscatory, piscatorial, molluscous, vermicular, gallinaceous, rasorial, solidungulate, soliped.

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