Also see definition of "Help" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: H H- H. H2 H< Ha Hb Hc Hd He Hf Hg Hh Hi Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hw Hy Hz
helotiaceae | helotiales | helotism | helotium | helotry | Help | help desk | help oneself | help out | helpdesk | helper



Interjection, Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Helpv. t. [AS. helpan; akin to OS. helpan, D. helpen, G. helfen, OHG. helfan, Icel. hjālpa, Sw. hjelpa, Dan. hielpe, Goth. hilpan; cf. Lith. szelpti, and Skr. klp to be fitting.].
  •  To furnish with strength or means for the successful performance of any action or the attainment of any object; to aid; to assist; as, to help a man in his work; to help one to remember; -- the following infinitive is commonly used without to; as, “Help me scale yon balcony.”  Longfellow.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To furnish with the means of deliverance from trouble; as, to help one in distress; to help one out of prison.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To furnish with relief, as in pain or disease; to be of avail against; -- sometimes with of before a word designating the pain or disease, and sometimes having such a word for the direct object.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "The true calamus helps coughs."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To change for the better; to remedy.  [1913 Webster]
    "Cease to lament for what thou canst not help."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To prevent; to hinder; as, the evil approaches, and who can help it?  Swift.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To forbear; to avoid.  [1913 Webster]
    "I can not help remarking the resemblance betwixt him and our author."
  •  To wait upon, as the guests at table, by carving and passing food.  [1913 Webster]
    "The god of learning and of light
    Would want a god himself to help him out.
Syn. -- To aid; assist; succor; relieve; serve; support; sustain; befriend.
Helpv. i. 
     To lend aid or assistance; to contribute strength or means; to avail or be of use; to assist.  [1913 Webster]
    "A generous present helps to persuade, as well as an agreeable person."  [1913 Webster]
To help out, to lend aid; to bring a supply.
Helpn. [AS. help; akin to D. hulp, G. hÜlfe, hilfe, Icel. hjālp, Sw. hjelp, Dan. hielp. See Help, v. t.].
  •  Strength or means furnished toward promoting an object, or deliverance from difficulty or distress; aid; ^; also, the person or thing furnishing the aid; as, he gave me a help of fifty dollars.  [1913 Webster]
    "Give us help from trouble, for vain is the help of man."  [1913 Webster]
    "God is . . . a very present help in trouble."  [1913 Webster]
    "Virtue is a friend and a help to nature."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Remedy; relief; as, there is no help for it.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A helper; one hired to help another; also, thew hole force of hired helpers in any business.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Specifically, a domestic servant, man or woman.  [1913 Webster]


Help, v. & n.
1 provide (a person etc.) with the means towards what is needed or sought (helped me with my work; helped me (to) pay my debts).
2 (foll. by up, down, etc.) assist or give support to (a person) in moving etc. as specified (helped her into the chair; helped him on with his coat).
3 (often absol.) be of use or service to (a person) (does that help?).
4 contribute to alleviating (a pain or difficulty).
5 prevent or remedy (it can't be helped).
6 (usu. with neg.) a tr. refrain from (can't help it; could not help laughing). b refl. refrain from acting (couldn't help himself).
7 tr. (often foll. by to) serve (a person with food) (shall I help you to greens?).
1 the act of helping or being helped (we need your help; came to our help).
2 a person or thing that helps.
3 a domestic servant or employee, or several collectively.
4 a remedy or escape (there is no help for it).

helping hand assistance. help oneself (often foll. by to)
1 serve oneself (with food).
2 take without seeking help or permission. help a person out give a person help, esp. in difficulty. so help me (or help me God) (as an invocation or oath) I am speaking the truth.
helper n.
OE helpan f. Gmc



Samaritan, abet, acolyte, adjutant, administer to, advance, advantage, advise, agent, aid, aide, aide-de-camp, aider, alimony, alleviate, allotment, allowance, alterative, ameliorate, amend, analeptic, ancilla, annuity, antepast, anticipate, appropriate, arrogate, assist, assistance, assistant, assistants, assister, attend, attend on, attendant, auxiliary, avail, avert, avoid, back, backer, bail out, balm, balsam, bar, bear a hand, befriend, befriender, benefactor, benefactress, benefit, benefiter, best man, better, bolster, boost, bounty, break no bones, care for, champion, chore, clear the way, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, comfort, commandeer, confer a benefit, cooperation, corrective, course, cover, crew, cure, dance attendance upon, debar, deflect, depletion allowance, deputy, dessert, deter, discourage, dish, dishearten, do a favor, do a kindness, do for, do good, do no harm, do service to, doctor, dole, domestic, domestic servant, domestics, drudge, ease, employees, entree, entremets, escape, eschew, estop, exclude, executive officer, expedite, explain, expropriate, facilitate, favor, fellowship, fend, fend off, finance, financial assistance, forbear, forbid, force, foreclose, forestall, forward, fund, further, gang, give a boost, give a hand, give a lift, give help, good Samaritan, good offices, good person, grant, grant-in-aid, grease, grease the ways, grease the wheels, guaranteed annual income, hand, hands, hasten, healing agent, healing quality, help along, help out, helper, helpers, helping, helping hand, helpmate, helpmeet, hired help, improve, inform, jack-at-a-pinch, keep from, keep off, laborers, lackey, lend a hand, lend one aid, lieutenant, lift, look after, loose, lubricate, maid, make clear, make way for, meliorate, men, menial, minister to, ministering angel, ministrant, ministration, ministry, mitigate, nick, obviate, office, offices, oil, old-age insurance, open the way, open up, palliate, pander to, paranymph, paraprofessional, patron, pave the way, pay the bills, pecuniary aid, pension, pension off, personnel, pinch, pirate, place, plagiarize, plate, portion, preclude, prepare the way, prescription, prevent, price support, proffer aid, profit, prohibit, promote, protect, protection, public assistance, public welfare, purloin, quicken, rally, receipt, recipe, reclaim, redeem, refrain from, relief, relieve, remedial measure, remedy, remove friction, render a service, render assistance, repel, rescue, resist, restorative, restore, resuscitate, retinue, retirement benefits, revive, rule out, run interference for, save, scholarship, scullion, second, second helping, servant, servantry, servants, serve, service, serving, servitor, set up, sideman, simplify, slavey, smooth, smooth the way, soap the ways, sovereign remedy, specific, specific remedy, speed, staff, stand back of, stave off, stead, steal, stipend, stop, striker, subsidization, subsidize, subsidy, subvention, succor, succorer, support, supporter, supporting actor, supporting instrumentalist, take, take care of, take in tow, tax benefit, tend, the help, therapy, turn aside, turnspit, unbar, unblock, unclog, unjam, uphold, upon, use, usurp, valet, wait, wait on, ward off, welfare, welfare aid, welfare payments, work for, workers




N utility, usefulness, efficacy, efficiency, adequacy, service, use, stead, avail, help, applicability, subservience, function, value, worth, money's worth, productiveness, cui bono, utilization, step in the right direction, common weal, commonwealth public good, public interest, utilitarianism, useful, of use, serviceable, proficuous, good for, subservient, conducive, subsidiary, advantageous, profitable, gainful, remunerative, worth one's salt, valuable, prolific, adequate, efficient, efficacious, effective, effectual, expedient, applicable, available, ready, handy, at hand, tangible, commodious, adaptable, of all work, usefully, pro bono publico.

VB be useful, avail, serve, subserve, conduce, answer, serve one's turn, answer a purpose, serve a purpose, act a part, perform a function, discharge a function, render a service, render good service, render yeoman's service, bestead, stand one in good stead be the making of, help, bear fruit, bring grist to the mill, profit, remunerate, benefit, find one's account in, find one's advantage in, reap the benefit of, render useful.


N remedy, help, cure, redress, medicine, medicament, diagnosis, medical examination, medical treatment, surgery, preventive medicine, clinical thermometer, stethoscope, X-ray machine, anthelmintic, antidote, antifebrile, antipoison, counterpoison, antitoxin, antispasmodic, bracer, faith cure, placebo, helminthagogue, lithagogue, pick-meup, stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, prophylactic, corrective, restorative, sedative, palliative, febrifuge, alterant, alterative, specific, antiseptic, emetic, analgesic, pain-killer, antitussive, antiinflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, carminative, Nepenthe, Mithridate, cure, treatment, regimen, radical cure, perfect cure, certain cure, sovereign remedy, examination, diagnosis, diagnostics, analysis, urinalysis, biopsy, radiology, medicine, physic, Galenicals, simples, drug, pharmaceutical, prescription, potion, draught, dose, pill, bolus, injection, infusion, drip, suppository, electuary, linctus, lincture, medicament, pharmacon, nostrum, receipt, recipe, prescription, catholicon, panacea, elixir, elixir vitae, philosopher's stone, balm, balsam, cordial, theriac, ptisan, agueweed, arnica, benzoin, bitartrate of potash, boneset, calomel, catnip, cinchona, cream of tartar, Epsom salts, feverroot, feverwort, friar's balsam, Indian sage, ipecac, ipecacuanha, jonquil, mercurous chloride, Peruvian bark, quinine, quinquina, sassafras, yarrow, salve, ointment, cerate, oil, lenitive, lotion, cosmetic, plaster, epithem, embrocation, liniment, cataplasm, sinapism, arquebusade, traumatic, vulnerary, pepastic, poultice, collyrium, depilatory, emplastrum, eyewater, vesicant, vesicatory, compress, pledget, bandage, treatment, medical treatment, regimen, dietary, dietetics, vis medicatrix, vis medicatrix naturae, medecine expectante, bloodletting, bleeding, venesection, phlebotomy, cupping, sanguisae, leeches, operation, surgical operation, transfusion, infusion, intravenous infusion, catheter, feeding tube, prevention, preventative medicine, immunization, inoculation, vaccination, vaccine, shot, booster, gamma globulin, pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmacopoeia, formulary, acology, Materia Medica, therapeutics, posology, homeopathy, allopathy, heteropathy, osteopathy, hydropathy, cold water cure, dietetics, surgery, chirurgery, chirurgy, healing art, leechcraft, orthopedics, orthopedy, orthopraxy, pediatrics, dentistry, midwifery, obstetrics, gynecology, tocology, sarcology, hospital, infirmary, pesthouse, lazarhouse, lazaretto, lock hospital, maison de sante, ambulance, dispensary, dispensatory, drug store, pharmacy, apothecary, druggist, chemist, Hotel des Invalides, sanatorium, spa, pump room, well, hospice, Red Cross, doctor, physician, surgeon, medical practitioner, general practitioner, specialist, medical attendant, apothecary, druggist, leech, osteopath, osteopathist, optometrist, ophthalmologist, internist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, epidemiologist, public health specialist, dermatologist, podiatrist, witch doctor, shaman, faith healer, quack, exorcist, Aesculapius, Hippocrates, Galen, accoucheur, accoucheuse, midwife, oculist, aurist, operator, nurse, registered nurse, practical nurse, monthly nurse, sister, nurse's aide, candystriper, dresser, bonesetter, pharmaceutist, pharmacist, druggist, chemist, pharmacopolist, remedial, restorative, corrective, palliative, healing, sanatory, sanative, prophylactic, preventative, immunizing, salutiferous, medical, medicinal, therapeutic, chirurgical, epulotic, paregoric, tonic, corroborant, analeptic, balsamic, anodyne, hypnotic, neurotic, narcotic, sedative, lenitive, demulcent, emollient, depuratory, detersive, detergent, abstersive, disinfectant, febrifugal, alterative, traumatic, vulnerary, allopathic, heteropathic, homeopathic, hydropathic, anthelmintic, antifebrile, antiluetic, aperient, chalybeate, deobstruent, depurative, laxative, roborant, dietetic, alimentary, nutritious, nutritive, peptic, alexipharmic, alexiteric, remediable, curable, aux grands maux les grands remedes, Dios que da la llaga da la medicina, para todo hay remedio sino para la muerte, temporis ars medicina fere est, the remedy is worse than the disease, throw physic to the dogs, I'll none of it.


N aid, aidance, assistance, help, opitulation, succor, support, lift, advance, furtherance, promotion, coadjuvancy, patronage, championship, countenance, favor, interest, advocacy, sustentation, subvention, alimentation, nutrition, nourishment, eutrophy, manna in the wilderness, food, means, ministry, ministration, subministration, accommodation, relief, rescue, help at a dead lift, supernatural aid, deus ex machina, supplies, reinforcements, reenforcements, succors, contingents, recruits, support, adjunct, ally, aiding, auxiliary, adjuvant, helpful, coadjuvant, subservient, ministrant, ancillary, accessory, subsidiary, at one's beck, at one's beck and call, friendly, amicable, favorable, propitious, well-disposed, neighborly, obliging, with the aid, by the aid of, on behalf of, in behalf of, in aid of, in the service of, in the name of, in favor of, in furtherance of, on account of, for the sake of, on the part of, non obstante, Int, help!, save us!, to the rescue!, alterum alterius auxilio eget, God befriend us as our cause is just, at your service.

VB aid, assist, help, succor, lend one's aid, come to the aid, of, contribute, subscribe to, bring aid, give aid, furnish aid, afford aid, supply aid, give a helping hand, stretch a hand, lend a helping hand, lend a hand, bear a helping hand, hold out a hand, hold out a helping hand, give one a life, give one a cast, give one a turn, take by the hand, take in tow, help a lame dog over a stile, lend wings to, relieve, rescue, set up, set agoing, set on one's legs, bear through, pull through, give new life to, be the making of, reinforce, reenforce, recruit, set forward, put forward, push forward, give a lift, give a shove, give an impulse to, promote, further, forward, advance expedite, speed, quicken, hasten, support, sustain, uphold, prop, hold up, bolster, cradle, nourish, nurture, nurse, dry nurse, suckle, put out to nurse, manure, cultivate, force, foster, cherish, foment, feed the flame, fan the flame, serve, do service to, tender to, pander to, administer to, subminister to, minister to, tend, attend, wait on, take care of, entertain, smooth the bed of death, oblige, accommodate, consult the wishes of, humor, cheer, encourage, second, stand by, back, back up, pay the piper, abet, work for, make interest for, stick up for, take up the cudgels for, take up the cause of, espouse the cause of, adopt the cause of, advocate, beat up for recruits, press into the service, squire, give moral support to, keep in countenance, countenance, patronize, lend oneself to, lend one's countenance to, smile upon, shine upon, favor, befriend, take in hand, enlist under the banners of, side with, be of use to, subserve, benefit, render a service, conduce.


N auxiliary, recruit, assistant, adjuvant, adjutant, ayudante, coaid, adjunct, help, helper, help mate, helping hand, midwife, colleague, partner, mate, confrere, cooperator, coadjutor, coadjutrix, collaborator, ally, friend, confidant, fidus Achates, pal, buddy, alter ego, confederate, accomplice, complice, accessory, accessory after the fact, particeps criminis, socius criminis, aide-de-camp, secretary, clerk, associate, marshal, right-hand, right-hand man, Friday, girl Friday, man Friday, gopher, gofer, candle- holder, bottle-holder, handmaid, servant, puppet, cat's-paw, jackal, tool, dupe, stooge, ame damnee, satellite, adherent, votary, sectarian, secretary, seconder, backer, upholder, abettor, advocate, partisan, champion, patron, friend at court, mediator, angel (theater, entertainment), friend in need, Jack at a pinch, deus ex machina, guardian angel, tutelary genius.


N servant, subject, liegeman, servant, retainer, follower, henchman, servitor, domestic, menial, help, lady help, employe, attache, official, retinue, suite, cortege, staff, court, attendant, squire, usher, page, donzel, footboy, train bearer, cup bearer, waiter, lapster, butler, livery servant, lackey, footman, flunky, flunkey, valet, valet de chambre, equerry, groom, jockey, hostler, ostler, tiger, orderly, messenger, cad, gillie, herdsman, swineherd, barkeeper, bartender, bell boy, boots, boy, counterjumper, khansamah, khansaman, khitmutgar, yardman, bailiff, castellan, seneschal, chamberlain, major-domo, groom of the chambers, secretary, under secretary, assistant secretary, clerk, subsidiary, agent, subaltern, underling, understrapper, man, maid, maidservant, handmaid, confidente, lady's maid, abigail, soubrette, amah, biddy, nurse, bonne, ayah, nursemaid, nursery maid, house maid, parlor maid, waiting maid, chamber maid, kitchen maid, scullery maid, femme de chambre, femme fille, camarista, chef de cuisine, cordon bleu, cook, scullion, Cinderella, potwalloper, maid of all work, servant of all work, laundress, bedmaker, journeyman, charwoman, bearer, chokra, gyp (Cambridge), hamal, scout (Oxford), serf, vassal, slave, negro, helot, bondsman, bondswoman, bondslave, ame damnee, odalisque, ryot, adscriptus gleboe, villian, villein, beadsman, bedesman, sizar, pensioner, pensionary, client, dependant, dependent, hanger on, satellite, parasite, led captain, protege, ward, hireling, mercenary, puppet, tool, creature, badge of slavery, bonds, in the train of, in one's pay, in one's employ, at one's call, in bonds.


N giving, bestowal, bestowment, donation, presentation, presentment, accordance, concession, delivery, consignment, dispensation, communication, endowment, investment, investiture, award, almsgiving, charity, liberality, generosity, gift, donation, present, cadeau, fairing, free gift, boon, favor, benefaction, grant, offering, oblation, sacrifice, immolation, lagniappe, pilon, grace, act of grace, bonus, allowance, contribution, subscription, subsidy, tribute, subvention, bequest, legacy, devise, will, dotation, dot, appanage, voluntary settlement, voluntary conveyance, amortization, alms, largess, bounty, dole, sportule, donative, help, oblation, offertory, honorarium, gratuity, Peter pence, sportula, Christmas box, Easter offering, vail, douceur, drink money, pourboire, trinkgeld, bakshish, fee, consideration, bribe, bait, ground bait, peace offering, handsel, boodle, graft, grease, blat, giver, grantor, donor, feoffer, settlor, giving, given, allowed, allowable, concessional, communicable, charitable, eleemosynary, sportulary, tributary, gratis, donative, auctor pretiosa facit, ex dono, res est ingeniosa dare.

VB deliver, hand, pass, put into the hands of, hand over, make over, deliver over, pass over, turn over, assign dower, present, give away, dispense, dispose of, give out, deal out, dole out, mete out, fork out, squeeze out, pay, render, impart, communicate, concede, cede, yield, part with, shed, cast, spend, give, bestow, confer, grant, accord, award, assign, intrust, consign, vest in, make a present, allow, contribute, subscribe, furnish its quota, invest, endow, settle upon, bequeath, leave, devise, furnish, supply, help, administer to, afford, spare, accommodate with, indulge with, favor with, shower down upon, lavish, pour on, thrust upon, tip, bribe, tickle the palm, grease the palm, offer, sacrifice, immolate.

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