Also see definition of "Gall" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: G G- G. G< Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gh Gi Gj Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gr Gs Gu Gw Gy
galium boreale | galium lanceolatum | galium mollugo | galium odoratum | galium verum | Gall | gall gnat | gall midge | gall of the earth | gall wasp | gall-berry



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)


Galln. [OE. galle, gal, AS. gealla; akin to D. gal, OS. & OHG. galla, Icel. gall, SW. galla, Dan. galde, L. fel, Gr. , and prob. to E. yellow. Yellow, and cf. Choler].
  •  The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found in the gall bladder, beneath the liver. It consists of the secretion of the liver, or bile, mixed with that of the mucous membrane of the gall bladder.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The gall bladder.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Anything extremely bitter; bitterness; rancor.  [1913 Webster]
    "He hath . . . compassed me with gall and travail."  [1913 Webster]
    "Comedy diverted without gall."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Impudence; brazen assurance.  [1913 Webster]
Gall bladder (Anat.), the membranous sac, in which the bile, or gall, is stored up, as secreted by the liver; the cholecystis. See Illust. of Digestive apparatus. -- Gall duct, a duct which conveys bile, as the cystic duct, or the hepatic duct. -- Gall sickness, a remitting bilious fever in the Netherlands. Dunglison. -- Gall of the earth (Bot.), an herbaceous composite plant with variously lobed and cleft leaves, usually the Prenanthes serpentaria.
Galln. [F. galle, noix de galle, fr. L. galla.].
     An excrescence of any form produced on any part of a plant by insects or their larvae. They are most commonly caused by small Hymenoptera and Diptera which puncture the bark and lay their eggs in the wounds. The larvae live within the galls. Some galls are due to aphids, mites, etc. See Gallnut.  [1913 Webster]
    " The galls, or gallnuts, of commerce are produced by insects of the genus Cynips, chiefly on an oak (Quercus infectoria syn. Quercus Lusitanica) of Western Asia and Southern Europe. They contain much tannin, and are used in the manufacture of that article and for making ink and a black dye, as well as in medicine."  [1913 Webster]
Gall insect (Zoöl.), any insect that produces galls. -- Gall midge (Zoöl.), any small dipterous insect that produces galls. -- Gall oak, the oak (Quercus infectoria) which yields the galls of commerce. -- Gall of glass, the neutral salt skimmed off from the surface of melted crown glass;- called also glass gall and sandiver. Ure.-- Gall wasp. (Zoöl.) See Gallfly.
Gallv. t. 
     To impregnate with a decoction of gallnuts.  Ure.  [1913 Webster]
Gallv. t. [OE. gallen; cf. F. galer to scratch, rub, gale scurf, scab, G. galle a disease in horses' feet, an excrescence under the tongue of horses; of uncertain origin. Cf. Gall gallnut.].
  •  To fret and wear away by friction; to hurt or break the skin of by rubbing; to chafe; to injure the surface of by attrition; as, a saddle galls the back of a horse; to gall a mast or a cable.  [1913 Webster]
    "I am loth to gall a new-healed wound."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To fret; to vex; as, to be galled by sarcasm.  [1913 Webster]
    "They that are most galled with my folly,
    They most must laugh.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To injure; to harass; to annoy; as, the troops were galled by the shot of the enemy.  [1913 Webster]
    "In our wars against the French of old, we used to gall them with our longbows, at a greater distance than they could shoot their arrows."  [1913 Webster]
Gallv. i. 
     To scoff; to jeer.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
     A wound in the skin made by rubbing.  [1913 Webster]


Gall, n.
1 sl. impudence.
2 asperity, rancour.
3 bitterness; anything bitter (gall and wormwood).
4 the bile of animals.
5 the gall-bladder and its contents.

gall-bladder the vessel storing bile after its secretion by the liver and before release into the intestine.
Gall, n. & v.
1 a sore on the skin made by chafing.
2 a mental soreness or vexation. b a cause of this.
3 a place rubbed bare.
1 rub sore; injure by rubbing.
2 vex, annoy, humiliate.

gallingly adv.
Gall, n.
1 a growth produced by insects or fungus etc. on plants and trees, esp. on oak.
2 (attrib.) of insects producing galls (gall-fly).

ME f. OF galle f. L galla



ablate, abrade, abrase, abrasion, acerbity, acid, acidity, acidulousness, acridity, acridness, acrimony, afflict, affliction, aggravate, aggravation, agonize, ail, anger, animosity, annoy, annoyance, arouse, arrogance, asperity, astringence, astringency, audacity, autacoid, bad humor, bad temper, badger, balls, bark, bedevil, bile, bilge, biliousness, bite, bitter cup, bitter draft, bitter draught, bitter pill, bitter resentment, bitterness, bitterness of spirit, blain, bleb, blemish, blister, blob, bloody, boss, bother, bow, brashness, brass, brazen boldness, brazenness, break, bubble, bulb, bulge, bulla, bump, bunch, burden, burden of care, burl, burn, burn up, button, cahot, cankerworm of care, care, causticity, causticness, chafe, chalone, check, cheek, chide, chine, chip, choler, chutzpah, claw, clump, conceit, concussion, condyle, confidence, convex, convulse, corrosiveness, crack, crackle, craze, cross, crown of thorns, crucify, crust, curse, cut, digestive secretion, discontent, distress, disturb, dowel, ear, effrontery, embitterment, encumbrance, endocrine, enrage, erase, erode, exacerbate, exacerbation, exasperate, exasperation, excoriate, excruciate, exercise, face, fester, file, flange, flap, flash burn, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, front, gall and wormwood, gash, gastric juice, get, give pain, gnarl, gnashing of teeth, gnaw, gnaw away, goad, grate, grate on, gravel, graze, grievance, grind, gripe, grit, guts, handle, harass, hard feelings, harrow, harry, harshness, haughtiness, heartburning, hector, heroics, hill, hormone, hubris, hump, hunch, hurt, ill humor, ill nature, ill temper, impertinence, improvidence, imprudence, impudence, incense, incise, incision, indiscretion, inflame, inflict pain, infliction, infuriate, injudiciousness, injure, injury, insolence, intestinal juice, irk, irritant, irritate, irritation, jog, joggle, kill by inches, knob, knot, knur, knurl, lacerate, laceration, lesion, lip, load, loftiness, loop, lordliness, lump, maim, make mincemeat of, martyr, martyrize, maul, mole, mordacity, mortal wound, mountain, moxie, mucus, mutilate, mutilation, nag, needle, nerve, nettle, nevus, nip, nub, nubbin, nubble, nuisance, oppression, overbearance, overboldness, overcarelessness, overconfidence, oversureness, overweeningness, pack of troubles, pain, pancreatic juice, papilloma, peck of troubles, peg, pester, pierce, pinch, plague, poison, pomposity, presumption, prick, pride, priggishness, prolong the agony, prostatic fluid, provocation, provoke, puncture, pungency, put to torture, rack, rancidity, rancidness, rancor, rankle, rankling, rashness, rasp, raze, rend, rent, rheum, rib, ridge, rile, ring, rip, roil, rub, rub away, rub off, rub out, ruffle, run, rupture, salivary secretion, sauce, sauciness, savage, scald, scorch, score, scotch, scour, scrape, scratch, scrub, scuff, sea of troubles, second-degree burn, self-importance, semen, set on edge, sharpness, shoulder, skin, slash, slit, slow burn, smugness, sore, sore spot, soreness, sorrow, sourness, sperm, spine, spleen, sprain, stab, stab wound, stick, sting, strain, stud, style, tab, tartness, tear, tears, temerariousness, temerity, third-degree burn, thorn, thyroxin, torment, torture, trauma, traumatize, trouble, tubercle, tubercule, tweak, twist, unchariness, unwariness, venom, venomousness, verruca, vesicle, vex, vexation, virulence, vitriol, wale, wart, waters of bitterness, wear, wear away, weight, welt, woe, worry, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench, wring




VB cause pain, occasion pain, give pain, bring pain, induce pain, produce pain, create pain, inflict pain, pain, hurt, wound, pinch, prick, gripe, pierce, lancinate, cut, hurt the feelings, wound the feelings, grate upon the feelings, grate upon the nerves, jar upon the feelings, wring the heart, pierce the heart, lacerate the heart, break the heart, rend the heart, make the heart bleed, tear the heart strings, rend the heart strings, draw tears from the eyes, sadden, make unhappy, plunge into sorrow, grieve, fash, afflict, distress, cut up, cut to the heart, displease, annoy, incommode, discompose, trouble, disquiet, faze, feaze, feeze, disturb, cross, perplex, molest, tease, tire, irk, vex, mortify, wherret, worry, plague, bother, pester, bore, pother, harass, harry, badger, heckle, bait, beset, infest, persecute, importune, wring, harrow, torment, torture, bullyrag, put to the rack, put to the question, break on the wheel, rack, scarify, cruciate, crucify, convulse, agonize, barb the dart, plant a dagger in the breast, plant a thorn in one's side, irritate, provoke, sting, nettle, try the patience, pique, fret, rile, tweak the nose, chafe, gall, sting to the quick, wound to the quick, cut to the quick, aggrieve, affront, enchafe, enrage, ruffle, sour the temper, give offense, maltreat, bite, snap at, assail, smite, sicken, disgust, revolt, nauseate, disenchant, repel, offend, shock, stink in the nostrils, go against the stomach, turn the stomach, make one sick, set the teeth on edge, go against the grain, grate on the ear, stick in one's throat, stick in one's gizzard, rankle, gnaw, corrode, horrify, appal, appall, freeze the blood, make the flesh creep, make the hair stand on end, make the blood curdle, make the blood run cold, make one shudder, haunt the memory, weigh on the heart, prey on the heart, weigh on the mind, prey on the mind, weigh on the spirits, prey on the spirits, bring one's gray hairs with sorrow to the grave, add a nail to one's coffin.


N resentment, displeasure, animosity, anger, wrath, indignation, exasperation, bitter resentment, wrathful indignation, pique, umbrage, huff, miff, soreness, dudgeon, acerbity, virulence, bitterness, acrimony, asperity, spleen, gall, heart-burning, heart-swelling, rankling, ill humor, bad humor, ill temper, bad temper, irascibility, ill blood, revenge, excitement, irritation, warmth, bile, choler, ire, fume, pucker, dander, ferment, ebullition, towering passion, acharnement, angry mood, taking, pet, tiff, passion, fit, tantrums, burst, explosion, paroxysm, storm, rage, fury, desperation, violence, fire and fury, vials of wrath, gnashing of teeth, hot blood, high words, scowl, sulks, affront, provocation, offense, indignity, grudge, crow to pluck, bone to pick, sore subject, casus belli, ill turn, outrage, Furies, Eumenides, buffet, slap in the face, box on the ear, rap on the knuckles, angry, wrath, irate, ireful, wrathful, cross, Achillean, sulky, bitter, virulent, acrimonious &c (discourteous), violent, warm, burning, boiling, boiling over, fuming, raging, foaming, foaming at the mouth, convulsed with rage, offended, waxy, acharne, wrought, worked up, indignant, hurt, sore, set against, fierce, wild, rageful, furious, mad with rage, fiery, infuriate, rabid, savage, relentless, flushed with anger, flushed with rage, in a huff, in a stew, in a fume, in a pucker, in a passion, in a rage, in a fury, in a taking, in a way, on one's high ropes, up in arms, in high dudgeon, angrily, in the height of passion, in the heat of passion, in the heat of the moment, Int, tantaene animis coelestibus irae!, marry come up!, zounds!, 'sdeath!, one's blood being up, one's back being up, one's monkey being up, fervens difficili bile jecur, the gorge rising, eyes flashing fire, the blood rising, the blood boiling, haeret lateri lethalis arundo, beware the fury of a patient man, furor arma ministrat, ira furor brevis est, quem Jupiter vult perdere dementat prius, What, drunk with choler?.


N malevolence, bad intent, bad intention, unkindness, diskindness, ill nature, ill will, ill blood, bad blood, enmity, hate, malignity, malice, malice prepense, maliciousness, spite, despite, resentment, uncharitableness, incompassionateness, gall, venom, rancor, rankling, virulence, mordacity, acerbity churlishness, hardness of heart, heart of stone, obduracy, cruelty, cruelness, brutality, savagery, ferity, ferocity, barbarity, inhumanity, immanity, truculence, ruffianism, evil eye, cloven foot, torture, vivisection, ill turn, bad turn, affront, outrage, atrocity, ill usage, intolerance, persecution, tender mercies, unkindest cut of all, malevolent, unbenevolent, unbenign, ill-disposed, ill-intentioned, ill-natured, ill-conditioned, ill-contrived, evil-minded, evil- disposed, black-browed, malicious, malign, malignant, rancorous, despiteful, spiteful, mordacious, caustic, bitter, envenomed, acrimonious, virulent, unamiable, uncharitable, maleficent, venomous, grinding, galling, harsh, disobliging, unkind, unfriendly, ungracious, inofficious, invidious, uncandid, churlish, surly, sullen, cold, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, black-hearted, hard-hearted, flint-hearted, marble-hearted, stony-hearted, hard of heart, unnatural, ruthless, relentless, cruel, brutal, brutish, savage, savage as a bear, savage as a tiger, ferine, ferocious, inhuman, barbarous, barbaric, semibarbaric, fell, untamed, tameless, truculent, incendiary, bloodthirsty, atrocious, bloodyminded, fiendish, fiendlike, demoniacal, diabolic, diabolical, devilish, infernal, hellish, Satanic, Tartaran, malevolently, with bad intent, cruel as death, hard unkindness' alter'd eye, homo homini lupus, mala mens, malus animus, rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind, sharp-tooth'd unkindness.

Physical Pain

VB feel pain, experience pain, suffer pain, undergo pain, suffer, ache, smart, bleed, tingle, shoot, twinge, twitch, lancinate, writhe, wince, make a wry face, sit on thorns, sit on pins and needles, give pain, inflict pain, lacerate, pain, hurt, chafe, sting, bite, gnaw, gripe, pinch, tweak, grate, gall, fret, prick, pierce, wring, convulse, torment, torture, rack, agonize, crucify, cruciate, excruciate, break on the wheel, put to the rack, flog, grate on the ear.


N bitterness, acridness, acridity, acrimony, caustic, alkali, acerbity, gall, wormwood, bitters, astringent bitters, Angostura, aromatic bitters, sourness, pungency, alkaloids, turmeric, bitter, bitterish, acrid, acerb, acerbic, bitter as gall, bitter pill to take, sugar coating on a bitter pill.

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