Also see definition of "Carry" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: C C- C. C2 Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci Cj Cl Cm Cn Co Cp Cr Cs Ct Cu Cv Cw Cx Cy Cz
carrot stick | carrottop | carroty | carrousel | carrow | Carry | carry amelia moore nation | carry away | carry back | carry forward | carry nation



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive)


Carryv. t. [OF. carier, charier, F. carrier, to cart, from OF. car, char, F. car, car. See Car.].
  •  To convey or transport in any manner from one place to another; to bear; -- often with away or off.  [1913 Webster]
    "When he dieth he shall carry nothing away."  [1913 Webster]
    "Devout men carried Stephen to his burial."  [1913 Webster]
    "Another carried the intelligence to Russell."  [1913 Webster]
    "The sound will be carried, at the least, twenty miles."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To have or hold as a burden, while moving from place to place; to have upon or about one's person; to bear; as, to carry a wound; to carry an unborn child.  [1913 Webster]
    "If the ideas . . . were carried along with us in our minds."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To move; to convey by force; to impel; to conduct; to lead or guide.  [1913 Webster]
    "Go, carry Sir John Falstaff to the Fleet."  [1913 Webster]
    "He carried away all his cattle."  [1913 Webster]
    "Passion and revenge will carry them too far."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To transfer from one place (as a country, book, or column) to another; as, to carry the war from Greece into Asia; to carry an account to the ledger; to carry a number in adding figures.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To convey by extension or continuance; to extend; as, to carry the chimney through the roof; to carry a road ten miles farther.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bear or uphold successfully through conflict, as a leader or principle; hence, to succeed in, as in a contest; to bring to a successful issue; to win; as, to carry an election.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "The carrying of our main point."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To get possession of by force; to capture.  [1913 Webster]
    "The town would have been carried in the end."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To contain; to comprise; to bear the aspect of ; to show or exhibit; to imply.  [1913 Webster]
    "He thought it carried something of argument in it."  [1913 Webster]
    "It carries too great an imputation of ignorance."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bear (one's self); to behave, to conduct or demean; -- with the reflexive pronouns.  [1913 Webster]
    "He carried himself so insolently in the house, and out of the house, to all persons, that he became odious."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bear the charges or burden of holding or having, as stocks, merchandise, etc., from one time to another; as, a merchant is carrying a large stock; a farm carries a mortgage; a broker carries stock for a customer; to carry a life insurance.  [1913 Webster]
Carry arms (Mil. Drill), a command of the Manual of Arms directing the soldier to hold his piece in the right hand, the barrel resting against the hollow of the shoulder in a nearly perpendicular position. In this position the soldier is said to stand, and the musket to be held, at carry. -- To carry all before one, to overcome all obstacles; to have uninterrupted success. -- To carry arms (a) To bear weapons. (b) To serve as a soldier. -- To carry away. (a) (Naut.) to break off; to lose; as, to carry away a fore-topmast. (b) To take possession of the mind; to charm; to delude; as, to be carried by music, or by temptation. -- To carry coals, to bear indignities tamely, a phrase used by early dramatists, perhaps from the mean nature of the occupation. Halliwell. -- To carry coals to Newcastle, to take things to a place where they already abound; to lose one's labor. -- To carry off (a) To remove to a distance. (b) To bear away as from the power or grasp of others. (c) To remove from life; as, the plague carried off thousands. -- To carry on (a) To carry farther; to advance, or help forward; to continue; as, to carry on a design. (b) To manage, conduct, or prosecute; as, to carry on husbandry or trade. -- To carry out. (a) To bear from within. (b) To put into execution; to bring to a successful issue. (c) To sustain to the end; to continue to the end. -- To carry through. (a) To convey through the midst of. (b) To support to the end; to sustain, or keep from falling, or being subdued. “Grace will carry us . . . through all difficulties.” Hammond. (c) To complete; to bring to a successful issue; to succeed. -- To carry up, to convey or extend in an upward course or direction; to build. -- To carry weight. (a) To be handicapped; to have an extra burden, as when one rides or runs. “He carries weight, he rides a race” Cowper. (b) To have influence.
Carryv. i. 
  •  To act as a bearer; to convey anything; as, to fetch and carry.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To have propulsive power; to propel; as, a gun or mortar carries well.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To hold the head; -- said of a horse; as, to carry well i. e., to hold the head high, with arching neck.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To have earth or frost stick to the feet when running, as a hare.  Johnson.  [1913 Webster]
To carry on, to behave in a wild, rude, or romping manner. [Colloq.]
Carryn. [U.S.].
     A tract of land, over which boats or goods are carried between two bodies of navigable water; a carrying place; a portage.  [1913 Webster]


Carry, v. & n.
--v. (-ies, -ied)
1 tr. support or hold up, esp. while moving.
2 tr. convey with one from one place to another.
3 tr. have on one's person (carry a watch).
4 tr. conduct or transmit (pipe carries water; wire carries electric current).
5 tr. take (a process etc.) to a specified point (carry into effect; carry a joke too far).
6 tr. (foll. by to) continue or prolong (carry modesty to excess).
7 tr. involve, imply; have as a feature or consequence (carries a two-year guarantee; principles carry consequences).
8 tr. (in reckoning) transfer (a figure) to a column of higher value.
9 tr. hold in a specified way (carry oneself erect).
10 tr. a (of a newspaper or magazine) publish; include in its contents, esp. regularly. b (of a radio or television station) broadcast, esp. regularly.
11 tr. (of a retailing outlet) keep a regular stock of (particular goods for sale) (have stopped carrying that brand).
12 intr. a (of sound, esp. a voice) be audible at a distance. b (of a missile) travel, penetrate.
13 tr. (of a gun etc.) propel to a specified distance.
14 tr. a win victory or acceptance for (a proposal etc.). b win acceptance from (carried the audience with them). c win, capture (a prize, a fortress, etc.). d US gain (a State or district) in an election. e Golf cause the ball to pass beyond (a bunker etc.).
15 tr. a endure the weight of; support (columns carry the dome). b be the chief cause of the effectiveness of; be the driving force in (you carry the sales department).
16 tr. be pregnant with (is carrying twins).
17 tr. a (of a motive, money, etc.) cause or enable (a person) to go to a specified place. b (of a journey) bring (a person) to a specified point.
--n. (pl. -ies)
1 an act of carrying.
2 Golf the distance a ball travels before reaching the ground.
3 a portage between rivers etc.
4 the range of a gun etc.

1 a light carriage (cf. CARRIOLE).
2 US a car with seats placed sideways.
3 US a large bag or case. carry all before one succeed; overcome all opposition. carry away 1 remove.
2 inspire; affect emotionally or spiritually.
3 deprive of self-control (got carried away).
4 Naut. a lose (a mast etc.) by breakage. b break off or away. carry back take (a person) back in thought to a past time. carry one's bat Cricket be not out at the end of a side's completed innings. carry the can colloq. bear the responsibility or blame. carry conviction be convincing. carry-cot a portable cot for a baby. carry the day be victorious or successful. carry forward transfer to a new page or account. carrying-on (or carryings-on) = carry-on. carrying-trade the conveying of goods from one country to another by water or air as a business. carry it off (or carry it off well) do well under difficulties.
carry off
1 take away, esp. by force.
2 win (a prize).
3 (esp. of a disease) kill.
4 render acceptable or passable.
carry on
1 continue (carry on eating; carry on, don't mind me).
2 engage in (a conversation or a business).
3 colloq. behave strangely or excitedly.
4 (often foll. by with) colloq. flirt or have a love affair.
5 advance (a process) by a stage. carry-on n. Brit.
1 a state of excitement or fuss.
2 a questionable piece of behaviour.
3 a flirtation or love affair. carry out put (ideas, instructions, etc.) into practice. carry-out attrib.adj. & n. esp. Sc. & US = take-away.
carry over
1 = carry forward.
2 postpone (work etc.).
3 Stock Exch. keep over to the next settling-day.
carry-over n.
1 something carried over.
2 Stock Exch. postponement to the next settling-day.
carry through
1 complete successfully.
2 bring safely out of difficulties. carry weight be influential or important. carry with one bear in mind.
ME f. AF & ONF carier (as CAR)



accept, accomplish, acquit, act, act up, adopt, affiliate, afford support, air express, airfreight, airlift, announce, approve, asportation, attend, back, back up, balance, balance the books, be gravid, be in, be knocked up, be pregnant, be with child, bear, bear the palm, bear up, bearing, bolster, bolster up, book, brace, breed, bring, bring off, broadcast, brood, buck, buoy up, buttress, capitalize, capture, carry away, carry it, carry off, carry on, carry out, carry over, carry the day, carry young, carrying, cart, cartage, cast up accounts, channel, chaperon, charge off, close out, close the books, come out first, communicate, companion, company, compass, complete, comport, conclude, conduct, consort with, continue, convey, conveyance, convoy, cover, cradle, credit, crutch, cushion, deal in, debit, decide, delight, demean, deport, determine, diapason, display, disport, dispose, disseminate, do, docket, drag, drayage, drive, effect, embrace, encompass, engage, enlist, enrapture, enter, entrust, environ, escort, espouse, excite, execute, expressage, extend, extend credit, ferriage, ferry, fetch, finance, finish in front, fluke, fly, fool around, freight, freightage, funnel, gain, gain the day, gamut, gestate, get, get to do, give, give credit, give support, give tick, go, go in for, go on, go out, handle, hatch, haulage, hauling, have, hold, hold up, hump, impel, implement, impress, incline, incubate, induce, influence, inspire, interest in, job, journalize, keep, keep afloat, keep at, keep books, keep on, keep up, kidnap, kill, lead, lend support, lie, lift, lighterage, log, lug, lugging, lure, mainstay, maintain, make a killing, make an entry, manage, manhandle, market, merchandise, minute, misbehave, move, nick, note, offer, operate, pack, packing, pass, perform, persevere, persist, pillow, pinch, pipe, play up, portage, porterage, possess, post, post up, present, proceed, procure, prompt, prop, purloin, quit, radius, railway express, range, ratify, reach, reach out, read, register, reinforce, release, remove, report, retail, run, scale, schlep, scope, secure, sell, sell on credit, send, set, shift, shipment, shipping, shore, shore up, shoulder, siphon, sit, span, spectrum, spread, stay, stock, straddle, stretch, stretch out, strike, strike a balance, subsidize, subvention, succeed, support, surround, sustain, sway, sweep, take, take in, take the cake, take up, telpherage, tempt, thrust out, tote, toting, touch, trade in, traffic in, traject, transfer, transmit, transport, transportation, transshipment, truckage, trust, underbrace, undergird, underlie, underpin, underset, upbear, uphold, upkeep, waft, waftage, wagonage, whisk, wholesale, win, win out, win the battle, win the laurels, win the palm, win the prize, win through, wing




VB induce, move, draw, draw on, bring in its train, give an impulse, to, inspire, put up to, prompt, call up, attract, beckon, stimulate, spirit up, inspirit, rouse, arouse, animate, incite, foment, provoke, instigate, set on, actuate, act upon, work upon, operate upon, encourage, pat on the back, pat on the shoulder, clap on the back, clap on the shoulder, influence, weigh with, bias, sway, incline, dispose, predispose, turn the scale, inoculate, lead by the nose, have influence with, have influence over, have influence upon, exercise influence with, exercise influence over, exercise influence upon, go round, come round one, turn the head, magnetize, lobby, persuade, prevail with, prevail upon, overcome, carry, bring round to one's senses, bring to one's senses, draw over, win over, gain over, come over, talk over, procure, enlist, engage, invite, court, tempt, seduce, overpersuade, entice, allure, captivate, fascinate, bewitch, carry away, charm, conciliate, wheedle, coax, lure, inveigle, tantalize, cajole, tamper with, bribe, suborn, grease the palm, bait with a silver hook, gild the pill, make things pleasant, put a sop into the pan, throw a sop to, bait the hook, enforce, force, impel, propel, whip, lash, goad, spur, prick, urge, egg on, hound, hurry on, drag, exhort, advise, call upon, press, advocate, set an example, set the fashion, keep in countenance, be persuaded, yield to temptation, come round, concede, obey a call, follow advice, follow the bent, follow the dictates of, act on principle.


VB tend, contribute, conduce, lead, dispose, incline, verge, bend to, trend, affect, carry, redound to, bid fair to, gravitate towards, promote.


VB be supported, lie on, sit on, recline on, lean on, loll on, rest on, stand on, step on, repose on, abut on, bear on, be based on, have at one's back, bestride, bestraddle, support, bear, carry, hold, sustain, shoulder, hold up, back up, bolster up, shore up, uphold, upbear, prop, under prop, under pin, under set, riprap, bandage, give support, furnish support, afford support, supply support, lend support, give foundations, furnish foundations, afford foundations, supply foundations, lend foundations, bottom, found, base, ground, imbed, embed, maintain, keep on foot, aid.


VB be insolent, bluster, vapor, swagger, swell, give oneself airs, snap one's fingers, kick up a dust, swear, rap out oaths, roister, arrogate, assume, presume, make bold, make free, take a liberty, give an inch and take an ell, domineer, bully, dictate, hector, lord it over, traiter de haut en bas, regarder de haut en bas, exact, snub, huff, beard, fly in the face of, put to the blush, bear down, beat down, browbeat, intimidate, trample down, tread down, trample under foot, dragoon, ride roughshod over, out face, outlook, outstare, outbrazen, outbrave, stare out of countenance, brazen out, lay down the law, teach one's grandmother to suck eggs, assume a lofty bearing, talk big, look big, put on big looks, act the grand seigneur, mount the high horse, ride the high horse, toss the head, carry, with a high hand, tempt Providence, want snuffing.


VB transfer, transmit, transport, transplace, transplant, translocate, convey, carry, bear, fetch and carry, carry over, ferry over, hand pass, forward, shift, conduct, convoy, bring, fetch, reach, tote, port, import, export, send, delegate, consign, relegate, turn over to, deliver, ship, embark, waft, shunt, transpose, displace, throw, drag, mail, post, shovel, ladle, decant, draft off, transfuse, infuse, siphon.

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