Also see definition of "wax" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: W- W. Wa Wb Wc We Wh Wi Wl Wm Wn Wo Wp Wr Ws Wt Wu Wv Ww Wy
wavy-leaved aster | waw | wawaskeesh | wawe | wawl | wax | wax and wane | wax bean | wax begonia | wax crayon | wax figure



Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)
4 in 4 verses (in OT : 4 in 4 verses)


waxv. i. [AS. weaxan; akin to OFries. waxa, D. wassen, OS. & OHG. wahsan, G. wachsen, Icel. vaxa, Sw. växa, Dan. voxe, Goth. wahsjan, Gr. to increase, Skr. waksh, uksh, to grow. Waist.].
  •  To increase in size; to grow bigger; to become larger or fuller; -- opposed to wane.  [1913 Webster]
    "The waxing and the waning of the moon."  [1913 Webster]
    "Truth's treasures . . . never shall wax ne wane."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To pass from one state to another; to become; to grow; as, to wax strong; to wax warmer or colder; to wax feeble; to wax old; to wax worse and worse.  [1913 Webster]
    "Your clothes are not waxen old upon you."  [1913 Webster]
    "Where young Adonis oft reposes,
    Waxing well of his deep wound.
    "  [1913 Webster]
Waxing kernels (Med.), small tumors formed by the enlargement of the lymphatic glands, especially in the groins of children; -- popularly so called, because supposed to be caused by growth of the body. Dunglison.
waxn. [AS. weax; akin to OFries. wax, D. was, G. wachs, OHG. wahs, Icel. & Sw. vax, Dan. vox, Lith. vaszkas, Russ. vosk'.].
  •  A fatty, solid substance, produced by bees, and employed by them in the construction of their comb; -- usually called beeswax. It is first excreted, from a row of pouches along their sides, in the form of scales, which, being masticated and mixed with saliva, become whitened and tenacious. Its natural color is pale or dull yellow.  [1913 Webster]
    " Beeswax consists essentially of cerotic acid (constituting the more soluble part) and of myricyl palmitate (constituting the less soluble part)."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Hence, any substance resembling beeswax in consistency or appearance.  [1913 Webster]
Japanese wax, a waxlike substance made in Japan from the berries of certain species of Rhus, esp. Rhus succedanea. -- Mineral wax. (Min.) See Wax, 2 (f), above. -- Wax cloth. See Waxed cloth, under Waxed. -- Wax end. See Waxed end, under Waxed. -- Wax flower, a flower made of, or resembling, wax. -- Wax insect (Zoöl.), any one of several species of scale insects belonging to the family Coccidæ, which secrete from their bodies a waxlike substance, especially the Chinese wax insect (Coccus Sinensis) from which a large amount of the commercial Chinese wax is obtained. Called also pela. -- Wax light, a candle or taper of wax. -- Wax moth (Zoöl.), a pyralid moth (Galleria cereana) whose larvæ feed upon honeycomb, and construct silken galleries among the fragments. The moth has dusky gray wings streaked with brown near the outer edge. The larva is yellowish white with brownish dots. Called also bee moth. -- Wax myrtle. (Bot.) See Bayberry. -- Wax painting, a kind of painting practiced by the ancients, under the name of encaustic. The pigments were ground with wax, and diluted. After being applied, the wax was melted with hot irons and the color thus fixed. -- Wax palm. (Bot.) (a) A species of palm (Ceroxylon Andicola) native of the Andes, the stem of which is covered with a secretion, consisting of two thirds resin and one third wax, which, when melted with a third of fat, makes excellent candles. (b) A Brazilian tree (Copernicia cerifera) the young leaves of which are covered with a useful waxy secretion. -- Wax paper, paper prepared with a coating of white wax and other ingredients. -- Wax plant (Bot.), a name given to several plants, as: (a) The Indian pipe (see under Indian). (b) The Hoya carnosa, a climbing plant with polished, fleshy leaves. (c) Certain species of Begonia with similar foliage. -- Wax tree (Bot.) (a) A tree or shrub (Ligustrum lucidum) of China, on which certain insects make a thick deposit of a substance resembling white wax. (b) A kind of sumac (Rhus succedanea) of Japan, the berries of which yield a sort of wax. (c) A rubiaceous tree (Elæagia utilis) of New Grenada, called by the inhabitants “arbol del cera.” -- Wax yellow, a dull yellow, resembling the natural color of beeswax.
waxv. t. 
     To smear or rub with wax; to treat with wax; as, to wax a thread or a table.  [1913 Webster]
Waxed cloth, cloth covered with a coating of wax, used as a cover, of tables and for other purposes; -- called also wax cloth. -- Waxed end, a thread pointed with a bristle and covered with shoemaker's wax, used in sewing leather, as for boots, shoes, and the like; -- called also wax end. Brockett.


wax, n. & v.
1 a sticky plastic yellowish substance secreted by bees as the material of honeycomb cells; beeswax.
2 a white translucent material obtained from this by bleaching and purifying and used for candles, in modelling, as a basis of polishes, and for other purposes.
3 any similar substance, e.g. earwax.
4 colloq. a a gramophone record. b material for the manufacture of this.
5 (attrib.) made of wax.
1 cover or treat with wax.
2 colloq. record for the gramophone.

be wax in a person's hands be entirely subservient to a person. lost wax = CIRE PERDUE. wax-light a taper or candle of wax. wax-myrtle a tree, Myrtus cerifera, yielding wax and oil used for candles. wax-painting = ENCAUSTIC. wax palm
1 a South American palm, Ceroxylon alpinum, with its stem coated in a mixture of resin and wax.
2 a carnauba. wax paper paper waterproofed with a layer of wax. wax-pod a yellow-podded bean. wax-tree an Asian tree, Rhus succedanea, having white berries which yield wax.
waxer n.
wax, v.intr.
1 (of the moon between new and full) have a progressively larger part of its visible surface illuminated, increasing in apparent size.
2 become larger or stronger.
3 pass into a specified state or mood (wax lyrical).

wax and wane undergo alternate increases and decreases.
wax, n. sl. a fit of anger.

19th c.: orig. uncert.: perh. f. WAX(2) wroth etc.



accrue, accumulate, advance, aluminum oxide, ambergris, anoint, antifriction, appreciate, augment, auto polish, balloon, bear fruit, beeswax, black lead, bloat, bloom, blossom, blubber, boom, boost, breakthrough, breed, breeze, brew, broaden, buff, build, burgeon, burnish, butter, candelilla wax, carnauba wax, cartridge, cassette, cat fit, cerate, ceresin, clay, colcothar, come, come over, conniption, conniption fit, convulsion, corundum, crescendo, crocus, cushion, daub, develop, disc, dough, down, dress, duck fit, eiderdown, electrical transcription, embrocate, emery, emery board, emery paper, enlarge, evolute, evolve, expand, feather bed, feathers, fig wax, file, finish, fit, fit of anger, fit of temper, fleece, floor wax, floss, flourish, flower, flue, fluff, foam, fossil wax, furbish, gain, gain strength, garnet, gather, germinate, get, get ahead, glance, glaze, gloss, glycerin, glycerolate, go, go up, gondang wax, graphite, grease, grease the wheels, grow, grow up, hike, hypertrophy, increase, intensify, kapok, lac wax, lard, lubricant, lubricate, lubricating oil, lubricator, luster, maturate, mature, mellow, mineral wax, mount, mucilage, mucus, multiply, mushroom, nail file, oil, outgrow, overdevelop, overgrow, overtop, ozokerite, paraffin scale, paraffin wax, paroxysm, phonograph record, pillow, plumbago, plush, polish, polishes, pomade, procreate, progress, proliferate, pudding, puff, pullulate, pumice, pumice stone, putty, rage, rasp, record, recording, reproduce, ripen, rise, rottenstone, rouge, rub, rubber, run, run up, salve, sandpaper, satin, scale wax, scour, sealing wax, shine, shoe polish, shoot up, silicon carbide, silicone, silk, silver polish, ski wax, sleek, slick, slick down, slick on, smear, smooth the way, snowball, soap the ways, spread, spring up, sprout, sprout up, strengthen, swansdown, swell, tantrum, tape, tape cartridge, tape cassette, tape recording, temper tantrum, thistledown, thrive, tower, transcription, turn, unguent, upgrade, upshoot, upspear, upspring, upsprout, upsurge, varnish, vegetable wax, vegetate, velvet, widen, wire recording, wool, zephyr




VB increase, augment, add to, enlarge, dilate, grow, wax, get ahead, gain strength, advance, run up, shoot up, rise, ascend, sprout, aggrandize, raise, exalt, deepen, heighten, strengthen, intensify, enhance, magnify, redouble, aggravate, exaggerate, exasperate, exacerbate, add fuel to the flame, oleum addere camino, superadd, spread.


VB be converted into, become, get, wax, come to, turn to, turn into, evolve into, develop into, turn out, lapse, shift, run into, fall into, pass into, slide into, glide into, grow into, ripen into, open into, resolve itself into, settle into, merge into, emerge as, melt, grow, come round to, mature, mellow, assume the form of, assume the shape of, assume the state of, assume the nature of, assume the character of, illapse, begin a new phase, assume a new phase, undergo a change, convert into, resolve into, make, render, mold, form, remodel, new model, refound, reform, reorganize, assimilate to, bring to, reduce to.


VB become larger &c (large), expand, widen, enlarge, extend, grow, increase, incrassate, swell, gather, fill out, deploy, take open order, dilate, stretch, distend, spread, mantle, wax, grow up, spring up, bud, bourgeon, shoot, sprout, germinate, put forth, vegetate, pullulate, open, burst forth, gain flesh, gather flesh, outgrow, spread like wildfire, overrun, be larger than, surpass, render larger &c (large), expand, spread, extend, aggrandize, distend, develop, amplify, spread out, widen, magnify, rarefy, inflate, puff, blow up, stuff, pad, cram, exaggerate, fatten.


N softness, pliableness, flexibility, pliancy, pliability, sequacity, malleability, ductility, tractility, extendibility, extensibility, plasticity, inelasticity, flaccidity, laxity, penetrability, clay, wax, butter, dough, pudding, alumina, argil, cushion, pillow, feather bed, down, padding, wadding, foam, mollification, softening, soft, tender, supple, pliant, pliable, flexible, flexile, lithe, lithesome, lissom, limber, plastic, ductile, tractile, tractable, malleable, extensile, sequacious, inelastic, aluminous, remollient, yielding, flabby, limp, flimsy, doughy, spongy, penetrable, foamy, cushiony, flaccid, flocculent, downy, edematous, oedematous, medullary, argillaceous, mellow, soft as butter, soft as down, soft as silk, yielding as wax, tender as chicken.


VB lubricate, lubricitate, oil, grease, lather, soap, wax.


N semiliquidity, stickiness, viscidity, viscosity, gummosity, glutinosity, mucosity, spissitude, crassitude, lentor, adhesiveness, inspissation, incrassation, thickening, jelly, mucilage, gelatin, gluten, carlock, fish glue, ichthyocol, ichthycolla, isinglass, mucus, phlegm, goo, pituite, lava, glair, starch, gluten, albumen, milk, cream, protein, treacle, gum, size, glue (tenacity), wax, beeswax, emulsion, soup, squash, mud, slush, slime, ooze, moisture, marsh, semifluid, semiliquid, tremellose, half melted, half frozen, milky, muddy, lacteal, lactean, lacteous, lactescent, lactiferous, emulsive, curdled, thick, succulent, uliginous, gelatinous, albuminous, mucilaginous, glutinous, glutenous, gelatin, mastic, amylaceous, ropy, clammy, clotted, viscid, viscous, sticky, tacky, gooey, slab, slabby, lentous, pituitous, mucid, muculent, mucous, gummy.


N oil, fat, butter, cream, grease, tallow, suet, lard, dripping exunge, blubber, glycerin, stearin, elaine, oleagine, soap, soft soap, wax, cerement, paraffin, spermaceti, adipocere, petroleum, mineral, mineral rock, mineral crystal, mineral oil, vegetable oil, colza oil, olive oil, salad oil, linseed oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, nut oil, animal oil, neat's foot oil, train oil, ointment, unguent, liniment, aceite, amole, Barbados tar, fusel oil, grain oil, rape oil, seneca oil, hydrate of amyl, ghee, heating oil, #2 oil, No, 2 oil, distillate, residual oils, kerosene, jet fuel, gasoline, naphtha, stearin.


N calefaction, increase of temperature, heating, calefaction, tepefaction, torrefaction, melting, fusion, liquefaction, burning, ambustion, combustion, incension, accension, concremation, cremation, scorification, cautery, cauterization, ustulation, calcination, cracking, refining, incineration, cineration, carbonization, cupellation, ignition, inflammation, adustion, flagration, deflagration, conflagration, empyrosis, incendiarism, arson, auto dafe, boiling, coction, ebullition, estuation, elixation, decoction, ebullioscope, geyser, distillation (vaporization), furnace, blanket, flannel, fur, wadding, clothing, still, refinery, fractionating column, fractionating tower, cracking tower, match, incendiary, petroleuse, cauterizer, caustic, lunar caustic, alkali, apozem, moxa, acid, aqua fortis, aqua regia, catheretic, nitric acid, nitrochloro-hydric acid, nitromuriatic acid, radioactivity, gamma rays, alpha particles, beta rays, X-rays, radiation, cosmic radiation, background radiation, radioactive isotopes, tritium, uranium, plutonium, radon, radium, sunstroke, coup de soleil, insolation, pottery, ceramics, crockery, porcelain, china, earthenware, stoneware, pot, mug, terra cotta, brick, clinker, cinder, ash, scoriae, embers, soot, slag, coke, carbon, charcoal, wood alcohol, turpentine, tea tree oil, gasoline, kerosene, naptha, fuel oil (fuel), wax, paraffin, residue, tar, inflammability, combustibility, diathermancy, transcalency, conduction, convection, radiation, radiant heat, heat conductivity, conductivity, thermal expansion, coefficient of expansion, heated, molten, sodden, r_echauff_e, heating, adust, inflammable, combustible, diathermal, diathermanous, burnt, volcanic, radioactive.


N fuel, firing, combustible, coal, wallsend, anthracite, culm, coke, carbon, charcoal, bituminous coal, tar shale, turf, peat, firewood, bobbing, faggot, log, cinder, ingle, tinder, touchwood, sulphur, brimstone, incense, port-fire, fire-barrel, fireball, brand, amadou, bavin, blind coal, glance coal, German tinder, pyrotechnic sponge, punk, smudge, solid fueled rocket, wax, paraffin wax, paraffin oil, lamp oil, whale oil, oil, petroleum, gasoline, high octane gasoline, nitromethane, petrol, gas, juice, gasohol, alcohol, ethanol, methanol, fuel oil, kerosene, jet fuel, heating oil, number 2 oil, number 4 oil, naphtha, rocket fuel, high specific impulse fuel, liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen, lox, natural gas, synthetic gas, synthesis gas, propane, butane, hydrogen, brand, torch, fuse, wick, spill, match, light, lucifer, congreve, vesuvian, vesta, fusee, locofoco, linstock, candle, oil, carbonaceous, combustible, inflammable, high octane, high specific impulse, heat of combustion.

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