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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: U- U. U3 Ua Ub Uc Ud Uf Ug Uh Ui Uk Ul Um Un Up Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
unremarkable | unremarkably | unremarked | unremedied | unremembrance | unremitting | unremorseful | unremorseless | unremunerative | unrenewable | unrenewed




     Not remitting; incessant; continued; persevering; as, unremitting exertions.  [1913 Webster]


unremitting, adj. never relaxing or slackening, incessant.

unremittingly adv. unremittingness n.



abiding, ageless, ardent, articulated, assiduous, catenated, ceaseless, changeless, chattering, coeternal, concatenated, connected, constant, continual, continued, continuing, continuous, cyclical, dateless, diligent, direct, dogged, endless, enduring, energetic, eternal, eterne, ever-being, ever-durable, ever-during, everlasting, everliving, faithful, featureless, fervent, gapless, hard, hardworking, immediate, immemorial, immutable, inalterable, incessant, incommutable, inconvertible, indefatigable, indefeasible, indestructible, indomitable, industrious, inert, infinite, insistent, insusceptible of change, interminable, intransmutable, invariable, invincible, irretrievable, irreversible, irrevocable, joined, jointless, laborious, lasting, linked, loyal, machine gun, monotonous, never idle, never-ceasing, never-ending, never-tiring, noble, nonreturnable, nonreversible, nonstop, nonterminating, nonterminous, obstinate, olamic, oscillating, patient, patient as Job, perdurable, perennial, periodic, permanent, perpetual, perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, pertinacious, plodding, plugging, preoccupied, pulsating, rapid, rapt, recurrent, regular, relentless, remaining, repeated, repetitive, resolute, reverseless, round-the-clock, running, seamless, sedulous, sempiternal, serried, single-minded, sleepless, slogging, smooth, stable, staccato, staying, steadfast, steady, sticking, straight, strenuous, stubborn, stuttering, sustained, tenacious, timeless, tireless, twenty-four-hour, unabating, unalterable, unalterative, unaltered, unbroken, unceasing, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, unconquerable, undaunted, undeflectable, undeviating, undifferentiated, undiscouraged, undrooping, undying, unending, unfailing, unfaltering, unflagging, unflinching, uniform, unintermitted, unintermittent, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unmodifiable, unnodding, unrelaxing, unrelenting, unrelieved, unrestorable, unreturnable, unsleeping, unsparing, unstopped, unsusceptible, unswerving, untiring, unvariable, unvarying, unwavering, unwearied, unwearying, unwinking, utterly attentive, vehement, vibrating, weariless, without end, zealous




N perseverance, continuance, permanence, firmness, constancy, steadiness, singleness of purpose, tenacity of purpose, persistence, plodding, patience, sedulity, pertinacy, pertinacity, pertinaciousness, iteration, bottom, game, pluck, stamina, backbone, grit, indefatigability, indefatigableness, bulldog courage, persevering, constant, steady, steadfast, undeviating, unwavering, unfaltering, unswerving, unflinching, unsleeping, unflagging, undrooping, steady as time, unrelenting, unintermitting, unremitting, plodding, industrious, strenuous, pertinacious, persisting, persistent, solid, sturdy, staunch, stanch, true to oneself, unchangeable, unconquerable, indomitable, game to the last, indefatigable, untiring, unwearied, never tiring, through evil report and good report, through thick and thin, through fire and water, per fas et nefas, without fail, sink or swim, at any price, vogue la galere, never say die, give it the old college try, vestigia nulla retrorsum, aut vincer aut mori, la garde meurt et ne se rend pas, tout vient a temps pour qui sait attendre.


N continuity, consecution, consecutiveness, succession, round, suite, progression, series, train chain, catenation, concatenation, scale, gradation, course, ceaselessness, constant flow, unbroken extent, procession, column, retinue, cortege, cavalcade, rank and file, line of battle, array, pedigree, genealogy, lineage, race, ancestry, descent, family, house, line, line of ancestors, strain, rank, file, line, row, range, tier, string, thread, team, suit, colonnade, continuous, continued, consecutive, progressive, gradual, serial, successive, immediate, unbroken, entire, linear, in a line, in a row, uninterrupted, unintermitting, unremitting, unrelenting (perseverence), perennial, evergreen, constant, continuously, seriatim, in a line, in succession, in turn, running, gradually, step by step, gradatim, at a stretch, in file, in column, in single file, in Indian file.


N diuturnity, a long time, a length of time, an age, a century, an eternity, slowness, perpetuity, blue moon, coon's age, dog's age, durableness, durability, persistence, endlessness, lastingness, continuance, standing, permanence, survival, survivance, longevity, distance of time, protraction of time, prolongation of time, extension of time, delay, durable, lasting, of long duration, of long-standing, permanent, endless, chronic, long-standing, intransient, intransitive, intransmutable, persistent, lifelong, livelong, longeval, long-lived, macrobiotic, diuturnal, evergreen, perennial, sempervirent, sempervirid, unrelenting, unintermitting, unremitting, perpetual, lingering, protracted, prolonged, spun out, long-pending, long-winded, slow, long, for a long time, for an age, for ages, for ever so long, for many a long day, long ago, longo intervallo, all the day long, all the year round, the livelong day, as the day is long, morning noon and night, hour after hour, day after day, for good, permanently.

For further exploring for "unremitting" in Webster Dictionary Online

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