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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: U- U. U3 Ua Ub Uc Ud Uf Ug Uh Ui Uk Ul Um Un Up Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
unfret | unfretted | unfriend | unfriended | unfriendliness | unfriendly | unfriendship | unfrightened | unfrock | unfrosted | unfrozen


Adjective, Adverb


  •  Not friendly; not kind or benevolent; hostile; as, an unfriendly neighbor.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not favorable; not adapted to promote or support any object; as, weather unfriendly to health.  [1913 Webster]


unfriendly, adj. (unfriendlier, unfriendliest) not friendly.

unfriendliness n.



adversary, adversative, adverse, aggressive, alien, allergic, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, autistic, averse, bashful, battling, bellicose, belligerent, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, chauvinist, chauvinistic, chill, chilly, clashing, close, closed, cold, combative, competitive, con, conflicting, contentious, contradictory, contrary, cool, counter, cross, disaccordant, disaffected, disenchanted, disinclined, displeased, dissentient, dissociable, enemy, ferocious, fierce, fighting, fractious, frosty, full of fight, hawkish, hostile, icy, ill, incompatible, inhospitable, inimical, insociable, jingo, jingoish, jingoist, jingoistic, martial, militant, militaristic, military, mopey, mopish, morose, negative, noncooperative, nongregarious, not charmed, obstinate, offensive, opponent, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, overthwart, perverse, pugnacious, put off, quarrelsome, recalcitrant, refractory, repugnant, rival, saber-rattling, sanguinary, sanguineous, savage, scrappy, self-contained, self-sufficient, snug, socially incompatible, soldierlike, soldierly, strained, sullen, tense, trigger-happy, truculent, unamiable, unamicable, unclubbable, uncommunicative, uncompanionable, uncongenial, uncooperative, uncordial, unfavorable, ungenial, ungracious, unharmonious, unhospitable, unneighborly, unpacific, unpeaceable, unpeaceful, unpropitious, unreceptive, unsociable, unsocial, warlike, warmongering, warring




N opposition, antagonism, oppugnancy, oppugnation, impugnation, contrariety, contravention, counteraction, counterplot, cross fire, undercurrent, head wind, clashing, collision, conflict, competition, two of a trade, rivalry, emulation, race, absence of aid, resistance, restraint, hindrance, opposing, opposed, adverse, antagonistic, contrary, at variance, at issue, at war with, unfavorable, unfriendly, hostile, inimical, cross, unpropitious, in hostile array, front to front, with crossed bayonets, at daggers drawn, up in arms, resistant, competitive, emulous, against, versus, counter to, in conflict with, at cross purposes, against the grain, against the current, against the stream, against the wind, against the tide, with a headwind, with the wind ahead, with the wind in one's teeth, in spite, in despite, in defiance, in the way, in the teeth of, in the face of, across, athwart, overthwart, where the shoe pinches, in spite of one's teeth, though, even, quand meme, per contra, nitor in adversum.


N enmity, hostility, unfriendliness, discord, bitterness, rancor, alienation, estrangement, dislike, hate, heartburning, animosity, malevolence, inimical, unfriendly, hostile, at enmity, at variance, at daggers drawn, at open war with, up in arms against, in bad odor with, on bad terms, not on speaking terms, cool, cold, cold hearted, estranged, alienated, disaffected, irreconcilable.


N malevolence, bad intent, bad intention, unkindness, diskindness, ill nature, ill will, ill blood, bad blood, enmity, hate, malignity, malice, malice prepense, maliciousness, spite, despite, resentment, uncharitableness, incompassionateness, gall, venom, rancor, rankling, virulence, mordacity, acerbity churlishness, hardness of heart, heart of stone, obduracy, cruelty, cruelness, brutality, savagery, ferity, ferocity, barbarity, inhumanity, immanity, truculence, ruffianism, evil eye, cloven foot, torture, vivisection, ill turn, bad turn, affront, outrage, atrocity, ill usage, intolerance, persecution, tender mercies, unkindest cut of all, malevolent, unbenevolent, unbenign, ill-disposed, ill-intentioned, ill-natured, ill-conditioned, ill-contrived, evil-minded, evil- disposed, black-browed, malicious, malign, malignant, rancorous, despiteful, spiteful, mordacious, caustic, bitter, envenomed, acrimonious, virulent, unamiable, uncharitable, maleficent, venomous, grinding, galling, harsh, disobliging, unkind, unfriendly, ungracious, inofficious, invidious, uncandid, churlish, surly, sullen, cold, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, black-hearted, hard-hearted, flint-hearted, marble-hearted, stony-hearted, hard of heart, unnatural, ruthless, relentless, cruel, brutal, brutish, savage, savage as a bear, savage as a tiger, ferine, ferocious, inhuman, barbarous, barbaric, semibarbaric, fell, untamed, tameless, truculent, incendiary, bloodthirsty, atrocious, bloodyminded, fiendish, fiendlike, demoniacal, diabolic, diabolical, devilish, infernal, hellish, Satanic, Tartaran, malevolently, with bad intent, cruel as death, hard unkindness' alter'd eye, homo homini lupus, mala mens, malus animus, rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind, sharp-tooth'd unkindness.

For further exploring for "unfriendly" in Webster Dictionary Online

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