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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: U- U. U3 Ua Ub Uc Ud Uf Ug Uh Ui Uk Ul Um Un Up Ur Us Ut Uu Uv Uw Ux Uy Uz
unfacile | unfactual | unfaded | unfading | unfailable | unfailing | unfailingly | unfair | unfairly | unfairness | unfaith


4 in 4 verses (in OT : 4 in 4 verses)


     Not failing; not liable to fail; inexhaustible; certain; sure.  [1913 Webster]


unfailing, adj.
1 not failing.
2 not running short.
3 constant.
4 reliable.

unfailingly adv. unfailingness n.



abiding, assiduous, calculable, certain, changeless, consistent, constant, continuing, dependable, devoted, diligent, dogged, durable, enduring, faithful, faithworthy, fast, firm, fixed, frozen, immobile, immutable, inalterable, indefatigable, indomitable, industrious, insistent, intact, invariable, invincible, inviolate, lasting, loyal, marble-constant, never-tiring, obstinate, patient, patient as Job, permanent, perpetual, perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, pertinacious, plodding, plugging, predictable, preoccupied, quiescent, rapt, relentless, reliable, remaining, resolute, rigid, secure, sedulous, single-minded, sleepless, slogging, solid, sound, stable, static, stationary, staunch, staying, steadfast, steady, stubborn, substantial, sure, surefire, sustained, tenacious, tireless, torpid, true, true-blue, trustworthy, trusty, unabating, unaltered, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, unchecked, unconquerable, undaunted, undestroyed, undiscouraged, undrooping, unfading, unfaltering, unflagging, unflinching, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unnodding, unrelaxing, unrelenting, unremitting, unshifting, unsleeping, unswerving, untiring, unvaried, unvarying, unwavering, unwearied, unwearying, unwinking, utterly attentive, weariless, well-founded, well-grounded




N permanence, stability, quiescence, obstinacy, permanence, persistence, endurance, durability, standing, status quo, maintenance, preservation, conservation, conservation, law of the Medes and Persians, standing dish, stable, persisting, permanent, established, unchanged &c (change), renewed, intact, inviolate, persistent, monotonous, uncheckered, unfailing, undestroyed, unrepealed, unsuppressed, conservative, qualis ab incepto, prescriptive, stationary, in statu quo, for good, finally, at a stand, at a standstill, uti possidetis, without a shadow of turning, esto perpetua, nolumus leges Angliae mutari, j'y suis et j'y ereste.

For further exploring for "unfailing" in Webster Dictionary Online

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