Also see definition of "trim" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: T T- T. Ta Tb Tc Td Te Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
trilobitic | trilocular | trilogy | triluminar | triluminous | trim | trim back | trim down | trimaculated | trimaran | trimellic



Adjective, Noun, Verb (transitive), Adverb
2 in 2 verses (in OT : 2 in 2 verses)


trimv. t. [OE. trimen, trumen, AS. trymian, trymman, to prepare, dispose, make strong, fr. trum firm, strong; of uncertain origin.].
  •  To make trim; to put in due order for any purpose; to make right, neat, or pleasing; to adjust.  [1913 Webster]
    "The hermit trimmed his little fire."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To dress; to decorate; to adorn; to invest; to embellish; as, to trim a hat.  [1913 Webster]
    "A rotten building newly trimmed over."  [1913 Webster]
    "I was trimmed in Julia's gown."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To make ready or right by cutting or shortening; to clip or lop; to curtail; as, to trim the hair; to trim a tree.  Byron.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To dress, as timber; to make smooth.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To adjust, as a ship, by arranging the cargo, or disposing the weight of persons or goods, so equally on each side of the center and at each end, that she shall sit well on the water and sail well; as, to trim a ship, or a boat.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To rebuke; to reprove; also, to beat.  [1913 Webster]
    "I found her trimming up the diadem
    On her dead mistress.
    "  [1913 Webster]
To trim in (Carp.), to fit, as a piece of timber, into other work. -- To trim up, to dress; to put in order.
trimv. i. 
     To balance; to fluctuate between parties, so as to appear to favor each.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Dress; gear; ornaments.  [1913 Webster]
    "Seeing him just pass the window in his woodland trim."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Order; disposition; condition; as, to be in good trim.  Chapman.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The state of a ship or her cargo, ballast, masts, etc., by which she is well prepared for sailing.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The lighter woodwork in the interior of a building; especially, that used around openings, generally in the form of a molded architrave, to protect the plastering at those points.  [1913 Webster]
In ballast trim (Naut.), having only ballast on board. R. H. Dana, Jr. -- Trim of the masts (Naut.), their position in regard to the ship and to each other, as near or distant, far forward or much aft, erect or raking. -- Trim of sails (Naut.), that adjustment, with reference to the wind, witch is best adapted to impel the ship forward.
trima. [See Trim, v. t.].
     Fitly adjusted; being in good order., or made ready for service or use; firm; compact; snug; neat; fair; as, the ship is trim, or trim built; everything about the man is trim; a person is trim when his body is well shaped and firm; his dress is trim when it fits closely to his body, and appears tight and snug; a man or a soldier is trim when he stands erect.  [1913 Webster]
    "With comely carriage of her countenance trim."  [1913 Webster]
    "So deemed I till I viewed their trim array
    Of boats last night.
    "  [1913 Webster]


trim, v., n., & adj.
--v. (trimmed, trimming)
1 tr. a set in good order. b make neat or of the required size or form, esp. by cutting away irregular or unwanted parts.
2 tr. (foll. by off, away) remove by cutting off (such parts).
3 tr. a (often foll. by up) make (a person) neat in dress and appearance. b ornament or decorate (esp. clothing, a hat, etc. by adding ribbons, lace, etc.).
4 tr. adjust the balance of (a ship or aircraft) by the arrangement of its cargo etc.
5 tr. arrange (sails) to suit the wind.
6 intr. a associate oneself with currently prevailing views, esp. to advance oneself. b hold a middle course in politics or opinion.
7 tr. colloq. a rebuke sharply. b thrash. c get the better of in a bargain etc.
1 the state or degree of readiness or fitness (found everything in perfect trim).
2 ornament or decorative material.
3 dress or equipment.
4 the act of trimming a person's hair.
5 the inclination of an aircraft to the horizontal.
1 neat or spruce.
2 in good order; well arranged or equipped.

in trim 1 looking smart, healthy, etc.
2 Naut. in good order.
trimly adv. trimness n.
perh. f. OE trymman, trymian make firm, arrange: but there is no connecting evidence between OE and 1500



Attic, Ciceronian, abbreviate, ability, abridge, abstain, abstract, adjoin, adjunct, adjustment, adorn, adornment, affix, all ataunto, anal, anchor, annex, apoise, apparel, arrange, arrangement, array, ataunt, athletic, attach, attire, bad condition, ballast, barber, be a timeserver, beat, beat all hollow, beat down, beat hollow, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, bedizenment, befringe, belay, best, bind, blazon, bob, boil down, border, bound, braw, break, break bulk, break out ballast, bungup and bilge-free, call down, capability, caparison, capsulize, cement, chaste, cheapen, chic, chipper, cinch, clamp, classic, classy, clean, clean up, clean-cut, clean-limbed, clear, clear for action, clear the decks, clear up, clinch, clip, clobber, clothes, clothes-conscious, clothing, coif, coiffure, color, color patterns, come down on, comely, commission, compact, competence, competency, compress, condense, condition, conk, contract, cop out, cosmopolitan, costume, cramp, crank, crank in, crisp, crop, cure, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off short, cut prices, cut short, dandify, dapper, dashing, deck, deck out, decline, decor, decorate, decoration, defeat, deflate, deploy, depreciate, destroy, devaluate, dinky, direct, dive, dizen, do in, dock, doll up, drapery, draw in, draw taut, dress, dress down, dress up, dressed to advantage, dressing, drub, duck the issue, duds, easy, edge, edging, elaboration, elegant, elide, embellish, embellishment, emblazon, emblazonment, emblazonry, embroider, embroidery, enframe, engraft, enrich, epitomize, evade, evade the issue, exquisite, fall, fall in price, fashion, fasten, fatigues, feathers, fettle, fig, fig out, finished, fit, fitness, fittedness, fix, fix up, flax, flourish, flower arrangement, foreshorten, form, frame, frill, fringe, furbish, furniture arrangement, garb, garments, garnish, garnishment, garniture, gear, genteel, get ready, give a dressing-down, give it to, give way, good condition, grace, graceful, gracile, graft, grapple, groom, guise, gussy up, habiliment, habit, health, hem, hide, hors de combat, illumination, in trim, investiture, investment, jaunty, jew down, jump all over, jump on, kilter, knit, lambaste, lap, larrup, lather, leather, lick, limpid, line, linen, list, lower, lucid, make arrangements, make fast, make preparations, make ready, march, marge, margin, marginate, mark down, marshal, mastery, maturity, mobilize, moor, mow, natty, natural, neat, neaten, nifty, nip, nobby, nose-dive, order, orderly, ornament, ornamentation, outclass, outdo, outfight, outgeneral, outmaneuver, outpoint, outrun, outsail, outshine, paddle, paint, pare, pellucid, perspicuous, piping, plain, plan, plummet, plunge, police, police up, polished, poll, pollard, pompadour, posh, prank, prank up, prearrange, preen, prep, prepare, preparedness, pretreat, prettify, primp, primp up, prink, prink up, process, proficiency, provide, prune, pull in, pure, purfle, purl, put, put in shape, put in trim, put to, qualification, rags, raiment, readiness, ready, ready up, reap, recap, recapitulate, recherche, redecorate, redo, reduce, reel, reel in, refined, refurbish, repair, restrained, retrench, rickrack, rim, ripeness, ritzy, robes, round, ruin, sag, screw up, seasoning, secure, set, set off, set out, set to, settle, settle preliminaries, shape, shapely, sharp, shave, shear, shellac, shift ballast, shingle, shipshape, shoot ballast, shorten, side, simple, sit it out, skin, skin alive, skirt, skive, slash, sleek, slender, slick, slim, slump, smart, smarten, smarten up, smear, smother, smug, snazzy, snip, snub, snug, soigne, soignee, sophisticated, speak to, spick and span, spick-and-span, spiffy, sportswear, spruce, spruce up, stand neuter, state, statuesque, straddle, straighten up, straightforward, streamlined, stunt, style, style-conscious, suitability, suitableness, suitedness, sum up, summarize, swank, swanky, swell, symmetrical, synopsize, tackle, take in, talk to, tan, tasteful, taut, tauten, telescope, tell off, tempering, temporize, terse, thrash, threads, tidy, tidy up, tight, tighten, titivate, togs, toilette, treat, trice up, trick out, trick up, tricksy, trig, trig up, trim ship, trim up, trimming, triumph over, trounce, truncate, try out, unaffected, uncluttered, undo, unlabored, verge, vestment, vesture, wallop, wave, wear, wearing apparel, well-cared-for, well-dressed, well-favored, well-formed, well-groomed, well-made, well-ordered, well-proportioned, well-shaped, welt, whack, whale, whip, winch, wind in, windlass, window dressing, wing out ballast, worst




VB be irresolute, hang in suspense, keep in suspense, leave "ad referendum", think twice about, pause, dawdle, remain neuter, dillydally, hesitate, boggle, hover, dacker, hum and haw, demur, not know one's own mind, debate, balance, dally with, coquet with, will and will not, chaser-balancer, go halfway, compromise, make a compromise, be thrown off one's balance, stagger like a drunken man, be afraid, let 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would', falter, waver vacillate, change, retract, fluctuate, pendulate, alternate, keep off and on, play fast and loose, blow hot and cold, shuffle, palter, blink, trim.


VB change one's mind, change one's intention, change one's purpose, change one's note, abjure, renounce, withdraw from, waver, vacillate, wheel round, turn round, veer round, turn a pirouette, go over from one side to another, pass from one side to another, change from one side to another, skip from one side to another, go to the rightabout, box the compass, shift one's ground, go upon another tack, apostatize, change sides, go over, rat, recant, retract, revoke, rescind, recall, forswear, unsay, come over, come round to an opinion, crawfish, crawl, draw in one's horns, eat one's words, eat the leek, swallow the leek, swerve, flinch, back out of, retrace one's steps, think better of it, come back return to one's first love, turn over a new leaf, trim, shuffle, play fast and loose, blow hot and cold, coquet, be on the fence, straddle, bold with the hare but run with the hounds, nager entre deux eaux, wait to see how the cat jumps, wait to see how the wind blows.


N state, condition, category, estate, lot, ease, trim, mood, pickle, plight, temper, aspect, dilemma, pass, predicament, constitution, habitude, diathesis, frame, fabric, stamp, set, fit, mold, mould, mode, modality, schesis, form, tone, tenor, turn, trim, guise, fashion, light, complexion, style, character, conditional, modal, formal, structural, organic, conditionally, as the matter stands, as things are, such being the case, state, condition, category, estate, lot, ease, trim, mood, pickle, plight, temper, aspect, dilemma, pass, predicament, constitution, habitude, diathesis, frame, fabric, stamp, set, fit, mold, mould, mode, modality, schesis, form, tone, tenor, turn, trim, guise, fashion, light, complexion, style, character, conditional, modal, formal, structural, organic, conditionally, as the matter stands, as things are, such being the case.


N cleanness, cleanliness, purity, cleaning, purification, defecation, purgation, lustration, detersion, abstersion, epuration, mundation, ablution, lavation, colature, disinfection, drainage, sewerage, lavatory, laundry, washhouse, washerwoman, laundress, dhobi, laundryman, washerman, scavenger, dustman, sweep, white wings brush, broom, besom, mop, rake, shovel, sieve, riddle, screen, filter, blotter, napkin, cloth, maukin, malkin, handkerchief, towel, sudary, doyley, doily, duster, sponge, mop, swab, cover, drugget, wash, lotion, detergent, cathartic, purgative, purifier, disinfectant, aperient, benzene, benzine benzol, benolin, bleaching powder, chloride of lime, dentifrice, deobstruent, laxative, clean, cleanly, pure, immaculate, spotless, stainless, taintless, trig, without a stain, unstained, unspotted, unsoiled, unsullied, untainted, uninfected, sweet, sweet as a nut, neat, spruce, tidy, trim, gimp, clean as a new penny, like a cat in pattens, cleaned, kempt, abstergent, cathartic, cleansing, purifying, neatly, clean as a whistle.


VB be equal, equal, match, reach, keep pace with, run abreast, come to, amount to, come up to, be on a level with, lie on a level with, balance, cope with, come to the same thing, render equal, equalize level, dress, balance, equate, handicap, give points, spot points, handicap, trim, adjust, poise, fit, accommodate, adapt, strike a balance, establish equality, restore equality, restore equilibrium, readjust, stretch on the bed of Procrustes.


VB punish, chastise, chasten, castigate, correct, inflict punishment, administer correction, deal retributive justice, cowhide, lambaste, visit upon, pay, pay out, serve out, do for, make short work of, give a lesson to, serve one right, make an example of, have a rod in pickle for, give it one, strike, deal a blow to, administer the lash, smite, slap, slap the face, smack, cuff, box the ears, spank, thwack, thump, beat, lay on, swinge, buffet, thresh, thrash, pummel, drub, leather, trounce, sandbag, baste, belabor, lace, lace one's jacket, dress, dress down, give a dressing, trim, warm, wipe, tund, cob, bang, strap, comb, lash, lick, larrup, wallop, whop, flog, scourge, whip, birch, cane, give the stick, switch, flagellate, horsewhip, bastinado, towel, rub down with an oaken towel, rib roast, dust one's jacket, fustigate, pitch into, lay about one, beat black and blue, beat to a mummy, beat to a jelly, give a black eye, tar and feather, pelt, stone, lapidate, masthead, keelhaul, execute, bring to the block, bring to the gallows, behead, decapitate, guillotine, decollate, hang, turn off, gibbet, bowstring, hang draw and quarter, shoot, decimate, burn, break on the wheel, crucify, empale, impale, flay, lynch, electrocute, gas, send to the gas chamber, torture, put on, put to the rack, picket, banish, exile, transport, expel, ostracize, rusticate, drum out, dismiss, disbar, disbench, strike off the roll, unfrock, post, suffer, suffer for, suffer punishment, be flogged, be executed, suffer the ultimate penalty, be hanged, come to the gallows, mount the gallows, swing, twist in the wind, dance upon nothing, die in one's shoes, be rightly served, be electrocuted, fry, ride the lightning, face the firing squad.


N beauty, the beautiful, to kalon, le beau ideal, aesthetics, callaesthetics, pulchritude, form, elegance, grace, beauty unadorned, natural beauty, symmetry, comeliness, fairness, polish, gloss, good effect, good looks, belle tournure, trigness, bloom, brilliancy, radiance, splendor, gorgeousness, magnificence, sublimity, sublimification, concinnity, delicacy, refinement, charm, je ne sais quoi, style, Venus, Aphrodite, Hebe, the Graces, Peri, Houri, Cupid, Apollo, Hyperion, Adonis, Antionous, Narcissus, peacock, butterfly, garden, flower of, pink of, bijou, jewel, work of art, flower, flow'ret gay, wildflower, rose, lily, anemone, asphodel, buttercup, crane's bill, daffodil, tulip, tiger lily, day lily, begonia, marigold, geranium, lily of the valley, ranunculus, rhododendron, windflower, pleasurableness, beautifying, landscaping, landscape gardening, decoration, calisthenics, beauty, hunk (of men), beautiful, beauteous, handsome, gorgeous, pretty, lovely, graceful, elegant, prepossessing, attractive, delicate, dainty, refined, fair, personable, comely, seemly, bonny, good-looking, well-favored, well-made, well-formed, well- proportioned, proper, shapely, symmetrical, harmonious, sightly, fit to be seen, passable, not amiss, goodly, dapper, tight, jimp, gimp, janty, jaunty, trig, natty, quaint, trim, tidy, neat, spruce, smart, tricksy, bright, bright eyed, rosy cheeked, cherry cheeked, rosy, ruddy, blooming, in full bloom, brilliant, shining, beamy, beaming, sparkling, splendid, resplendent, dazzling, glowing, glossy, sleek, rich, superb, magnificent, grand, fine, sublime, showy, specious, artistic, artistical, aesthetic, picturesque, pictorial, fait a peindre, well-composed, well grouped, well varied, curious, enchanting becoming, ornamental, undeformed, undefaced, unspotted, spotless, auxilium non leve vultus habet, beauty born of murmuring sound, flowers preach to us if we will hear, gratior ac pulchro veniens in corpore virtus, none but the brave deserve the fair, thou who hast the fatal gift of beauty.


VB ornament, overlay with ornament, overcharge, smell of the lamp, ornament, embellish, enrich, decorate, adorn, bead, beautify, adonize, smarten, furbish, polish, gild, varnish, whitewash, enamel, japan, lacquer, paint, grain, garnish, trim, dizen, bedizen, prink, prank, trick out, fig out, deck, bedeck, dight, bedight, array, begawd, titivate, dress, dress up, spangle, bespangle, powder, embroider, work, chase, emboss, fret, emblazon, illuminate, illustrate, become.


N clothing, investment, covering, dress, raiment, drapery, costume, attire, guise, toilet, toilette, trim, habiliment, vesture, vestment, garment, garb, palliament, apparel, wardrobe, wearing apparel, clothes, things, underclothes, array, tailoring, millinery, finery, full dress, garniture, theatrical properties, outfit, equipment, trousseau, uniform, regimentals, continentals, canonicals, livery, gear, harness, turn-out, accouterment, caparison, suit, rigging, trappings, traps, slops, togs, toggery, day wear, night wear, zoot suit, designer clothes, masquerade, dishabille, morning dress, undress, kimono, lungi, shooting-coat, mufti, rags, tatters, old clothes, mourning, weeds, duds, slippers, robe, tunic, paletot, habit, gown, coat, frock, blouse, toga, smock frock, claw coat, hammer coat, Prince Albert coat, sack coat, tuxedo coat, frock coat, dress coat, tail coat, cloak, pall, mantle, mantlet mantua, shawl, pelisse, wrapper, veil, cape, tippet, kirtle, plaid, muffler, comforter, haik, huke, chlamys, mantilla, tabard, housing, horse cloth, burnoose, burnous, roquelaure, houppelande, surcoat, overcoat, great coat, surtout, spencer, mackintosh, waterproof, raincoat, ulster, P-coat, dreadnought, wraprascal, poncho, cardinal, pelerine, barbe, chudder, jubbah, oilskins, pajamas, pilot jacket, talma jacket, vest, jerkin, waistcoat, doublet, camisole, gabardine, farthingale, kilt, jupe, crinoline, bustle, panier, skirt, apron, pinafore, bloomer, bloomers, chaqueta, songtag, tablier, pants, trousers, trowsers, breeches, pantaloons, inexpressibles, overalls, smalls, small clothes, shintiyan, shorts, jockey shorts, boxer shorts, tights, drawers, panties, unmentionables, knickers, knickerbockers, philibeg, fillibeg, pants suit, culottes, jeans, blue jeans, dungarees, denims, Levis, Calvin Klein, Calvins, Bonjour, Gloria Vanderbilt, headdress, headgear, chapeau, crush hat, opera hat, kaffiyeh, sombrero, jam, tam-o-shanter, tarboosh, topi, sola topi, pagri, puggaree, cap, hat, beaver hat, coonskin cap, castor, bonnet, tile, wideawake, billycock, wimple, nightcap, mobcap, skullcap, hood, coif, capote, calash, kerchief, snood, babushka, head, coiffure, crown, chignon, pelt, wig, front, peruke, periwig, caftan, turban, fez, shako, csako, busby, kepi, forage cap, bearskin, baseball cap, fishing hat, helmet, mask, domino, body clothes, linen, hickory shirt, shirt, sark, smock, shift, chemise, night gown, negligee, dressing gown, night shirt, bedgown, sac de nuit, underclothes, underpants, undershirt, slip, brassiere, corset, stays, corsage, corset, corselet, bodice, girdle, stomacher, petticoat, panties, under waistcoat, jock, athletic supporter, jockstrap, sweater, jersey, cardigan, turtleneck, pullover, sweater vest, neckerchief, neckcloth, tie, ruff, collar, cravat, stock, handkerchief, scarf, bib, tucker, boa, cummerbund, rumal, rabat, shoe, pump, boot, slipper, sandal, galoche, galoshes, patten, clog, sneakers, running shoes, hiking boots, high-low, Blucher boot, wellington boot, Hessian boot, jack boot, top boot, Balmoral, arctics, bootee, bootikin, brogan, chaparajos, chavar, chivarras, chivarros, gums, larrigan, rubbers, showshoe, stogy, veldtschoen, legging, buskin, greave, galligaskin, gamache, gamashes, moccasin, gambado, gaiter, spatterdash, brogue, antigropelos, stocking, hose, gaskins, trunk hose, sock, hosiery, glove, gauntlet, mitten, cuff, wristband, sleeve, swaddling cloth, baby linen, layette, ice wool, taffeta, pocket handkerchief, hanky, hankie, clothier, tailor, milliner, costumier, sempstress, snip, dressmaker, habitmaker, breechesmaker, shoemaker, Crispin, friseur, cordwainer, cobbler, hosier, hatter, draper, linen draper, haberdasher, mercer, diaper, nappy, disposable diaper, cloth diaper, Luvs Huggies, invested, habited, dighted, barbed, barded, clad, costume, shod, chausse, en grande tenue, sartorial, the soul of this man is his clothes.


N form, figure, shape, conformation, configuration, make, formation, frame, construction, cut, set, build, trim, cut of one's jib, stamp, type, cast, mold, fashion, contour, structure, plasmature, feature, lineament, turn, phase, posture, attitude, pose, morphism, isomorphism, forming, formation, figuration, efformation, sculpture, plasmation, formed, plastic, fictile, formative, fluid, plasmic, isomorphous, pleomorphic, protean, changeable.

VB form, shape, figure, fashion, efform, carve, cut, chisel, hew, cast, rough hew, rough cast, sketch, block out, hammer out, trim, lick into shape, put into shape, model, knead, work up into, set, mold, sculpture, cast, stamp, build.


VB disapprove, dislike, lament, object to, take exception to, be scandalized at, think ill of, view with disfavor, view with dark eyes, view with jaundiced eyes, nil admirari, disvalue, improbate, frown upon, look grave, bend the brows, knit the brows, shake the head at, shrug the shoulders, turn up the nose, look askance, look black upon, look with an evil eye, make a wry face, make a wry mouth at, set one's face against, dispraise, discommend, disparage, deprecate, speak ill of, not speak well of, condemn, blame, lay blame upon, cast blame upon, censure, fronder, reproach, pass censure on, reprobate, impugn, remonstrate, expostulate, recriminate, reprehend, chide, admonish, berate, betongue, bring to account, call to account, call over the coals, rake over the coals, call to order, take to task, reprove, lecture, bring to book, read a lesson, read a lecture to, rebuke, correct, reprimand, chastise, castigate, lash, blow up, trounce, trim, laver la tete, overhaul, give it one, give it one finely, gibbet, accuse, impeach, denounce, hold up to reprobation, hold up to execration, expose, brand, gibbet, stigmatize, show up, pull up, take up, cry 'shame' upon, be outspoken, raise a hue and cry against, execrate, exprobate, speak daggers, vituperate, abuse, abuse like a pickpocket, scold, rate, objurgate, upbraid, fall foul of, jaw, rail, rail at, rail in good set terms, bark at, anathematize, call names, call by hard names, call by ugly names, avile, revile, vilify, vilipend, bespatter, backbite, clapperclaw, rave against, thunder against, fulminate against, load with reproaches, exclaim against, protest against, inveigh against, declaim against, cry out against, raise one's voice against, decry, cry down, run down, frown down, clamor, hiss, hoot, mob, ostracize, blacklist, draw up a round robin, sign a round robin, animadvert upon, reflect upon, glance at, cast reflection, cast reproach, cast a slur upon, insinuate, damn with faint praise, hint a fault and hesitate dislike, not to be able to say much for, scoff at, point at, twit, taunt, sneer at, satirize, lampoon, defame, depreciate, find fault with, criticize, cut up, pull to pieces, pick to pieces, take exception, cavil, peck at, nibble at, carp at, be censorious, pick holes, pick a hole, pick a hole in one's coat, make a fuss about, take down, take down a peg, set down, snub, snap one up, give a rap on the knuckles, throw a stone at, throw a stone in one's garden, have a fling, have a snap at, have words with, pluck a crow with, give one a wipe, give one a lick with the rough side of the tongue, incur blame, excite disapprobation, scandalize, shock, revolt, get a bad name, forfeit one's good opinion, be under a cloud, come under the ferule, bring a hornet's nest about one's ears, take blame, stand corrected, have to answer for.


VB be false, be a liar, speak falsely, tell a lie, lie, fib, lie like a trooper, swear false, forswear, perjure oneself, bear false witness, misstate, misquote, miscite, misreport, misrepresent, belie, falsify, pervert, distort, put a false construction upon (misinterpret), prevaricate, equivocate, quibble, palter, palter to the understanding, repondre en Normand, trim, shuffle, fence, mince the truth, beat about the bush, blow hot and cold, play fast and loose, garble, gloss over, disguise, give a color to, give a gloss, put a gloss, put false coloring upon, color, varnish, cook, dress up, embroider, varnish right and puzzle wrong, exaggerate, blague, invent, fabricate, trump up, get up, force, fake, hatch, concoct, romance, cry 'wolf!', dissemble, dissimulate, feign, assume, put on, pretend, make believe, play possum, play false, play a double game, coquet, act a part, play a part, affect, simulate, pass off for, counterfeit, sham, make a show of, malinger, say the grapes are sour, cant, play the hypocrite, sham Abraham, faire pattes de velours, put on the mask, clean the outside of the platter, lie like a conjuror, hand out false colors, hold out false colors, sail under false colors, commend the poisoned chalice to the lips, ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces, deceive.

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