Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: T T- T. Ta Tb Tc Td Te Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
thibet | thibet cloth | thibetan | thibetian | thible | thick | thick skin | thick skinned | thick wind | thick witted | thick-billed



Adjective, Noun, Adverb
29 in 29 verses (in OT : 29 in 29 verses)


thicka. [OE. thicke, AS. ; akin to D. dik, OS. thikki, OHG. dicchi thick, dense, G. dick thick, Icel. , , and probably to Gael. & Ir. tiugh. Cf. Tight.].
  •  Measuring in the third dimension other than length and breadth, or in general dimension other than length; -- said of a solid body; as, a timber seven inches thick.  [1913 Webster]
    "Were it as thick as is a branched oak."  [1913 Webster]
    "My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Having more depth or extent from one surface to its opposite than usual; not thin or slender; as, a thick plank; thick cloth; thick paper; thick neck.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Dense; not thin; inspissated; as, thick vapors. Also used figuratively; as, thick darkness.  [1913 Webster]
    "Make the gruel thick and slab."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not transparent or clear; hence, turbid, muddy, or misty; as, the water of a river is apt to be thick after a rain.  Sir W. Scott.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Abundant, close, or crowded in space; closely set; following in quick succession; frequently recurring.  [1913 Webster]
    "The people were gathered thick together."  [1913 Webster]
    "Black was the forest; thick with beech it stood."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not having due distinction of syllables, or good articulation; indistinct; as, a thick utterance.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Deep; profound; as, thick sleep.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Dull; not quick; as, thick of fearing.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "His dimensions to any thick sight were invincible."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Intimate; very friendly; familiar.  [1913 Webster]
    " Thick is often used in the formation of compounds, most of which are self-explaining; as, thick-barred, thick-bodied, thick-coming, thick-cut, thick-flying, thick-growing, thick-leaved, thick-lipped, thick-necked, thick-planted, thick-ribbed, thick-shelled, thick-woven, and the like."  [1913 Webster]
    "We have been thick ever since."  [1913 Webster]
Thick register. (Phon.) See the Note under Register, n., 7. -- Thick stuff (Naut.), all plank that is more than four inches thick and less than twelve. J. Knowles.
Syn. -- Dense; close; compact; solid; gross; coarse.
  •  The thickest part, or the time when anything is thickest.  [1913 Webster]
    "In the thick of the dust and smoke."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A thicket; as, gloomy thicks.  Drayton.  [1913 Webster]
    "Through the thick they heard one rudely rush."  [1913 Webster]
    "He through a little window cast his sight
    Through thick of bars, that gave a scanty light.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Through thick and thin she followed him."  [1913 Webster]
    "He became the panegyrist, through thick and thin, of a military frenzy."  [1913 Webster]
Thick-and-thin block (Naut.), a fiddle block. See under Fiddle. -- Through thick and thin, through all obstacles and difficulties, both great and small.
thickadv. [AS. .].
  •  Frequently; fast; quick.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Closely; as, a plat of ground thick sown.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To a great depth, or to a greater depth than usual; as, land covered thick with manure.  [1913 Webster]
Thick and threefold, in quick succession, or in great numbers. [Obs.] L'Estrange.
thickv. t. & i. [Cf. AS. .].
     To thicken.  [1913 Webster]
    "The nightmare Life-in-death was she,
    Who thicks man's blood with cold.
    "  [1913 Webster]


thick, adj., n., & adv.
1 a of great or specified extent between opposite surfaces (a thick wall; a wall two metres thick). b of large diameter (a thick rope).
2 a (of a line etc.) broad; not fine. b (of script or type, etc.) consisting of thick lines.
3 a arranged closely; crowded together; dense. b numerous (fell thick as peas).
4 (usu. foll. by with) densely covered or filled (air thick with snow).
5 a firm in consistency; containing much solid matter; viscous (a thick paste; thick soup). b made of thick material (a thick coat).
6 muddy, cloudy; impenetrable by sight (thick darkness).
7 colloq. (of a person) stupid, dull.
8 (of a voice) indistinct.
9 colloq. intimate or very friendly (esp. thick as thieves).
--n. a thick part of anything.
--adv. thickly (snow was falling thick; blows rained down thick and fast).

a bit thick Brit. colloq. unreasonable or intolerable. in the thick of
1 at the busiest part of.
2 heavily occupied with. thick ear Brit. sl. the external ear swollen as a result of a blow (esp. give a person a thick ear). thick-skinned not sensitive to reproach or criticism. thick-skulled (or -witted) stupid, dull; slow to learn. through thick and thin under all conditions; in spite of all difficulties.
thickish adj. thickly adv.
OE thicce (adj. & adv.) f. Gmc



Boeotian, a bit thick, a bit thin, absurd, abundant, accented, adhesive, alive, alive with, alveolar, ample, amylaceous, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, asinine, assimilated, back, barytone, beamy, beef-brained, beef-witted, beyond belief, bilabial, blockish, blubber, blubbery, blurred, boneheaded, bovine, brassy, brazen, breathy, brimming, bristling, broad, broad-bodied, bulky, bullnecked, burly, bursting, bushy, cacuminal, center, central, cerebral, checked, chock-full, choked, choking, chuck-full, chummy, chumpish, chunky, clabbered, clammy, cloddish, close, close-knit, close-textured, close-woven, closely, clotted, coagulated, coarse, compact, compacted, compactly, compressed, concentrated, concrete, condensed, congealed, congested, consolidated, consonant, consonantal, continuant, core, corpulent, cowish, cracked, crammed, crammed full, crass, crawling, cretinous, croaking, croaky, crowded, crowding, curdled, decided, deep, dense, densely, dental, devoted, diameter, diaphragm, dim-witted, dissimilated, distorted, doltish, dopey, dorsal, doubtable, doubtful, doughy, drawling, drawly, dry, dubious, dubitable, dull, dull-witted, dullard, dumb, dumpy, duncical, duncish, dysphonic, equator, exuberant, familiar, fat, filled, firm, firmly, flat, flourishing, focus, foggy, friendly, front, full, full-bodied, gaumy, gelatinous, glairy, glide, glossal, glottal, gluelike, gluey, glutenous, glutinose, glutinous, gooey, grating, gravelly, gross, gruff, grumous, gumbo, gumbolike, gumlike, gummous, gummy, guttural, hand and glove, hand in glove, hand-in-hand, hard, hard of belief, hard to believe, harsh, harsh-sounding, hawking, hazy, heart, heavily, heavy, heavyset, high, hoarse, husky, imbecilic, impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, implausible, in profusion, inarticulate, inconceivable, incredible, indistinct, ineducable, insensitive, inseparable, inspissated, interior, intimate, intonated, jam-packed, jammed, jelled, jellied, jellylike, jungled, jungly, kernel, klutzy, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, lateral, lavish, lax, light, like that, lingual, liquid, lisping, low, lumpish, lush, luxuriant, marked, massive, matey, mean, median, metallic, mid, middle, midmost, midriff, midst, mispronounced, misty, monophthongal, moronic, mucilaginous, murky, muted, muzzy, narrow, nasal, nasalized, near, nonporous, not deserving belief, nucleus, oafish, obese, obscure, obscuring, obtuse, obvious, occlusive, on good terms, opaque, open, open to doubt, open to suspicion, overflowing, overgrown, overrun, oxytone, packed, palatal, palatalized, pally, palsy-walsy, passing belief, pasty, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pitch, pitched, plentiful, populous, posttonic, preposterous, problematic, prodigal, profuse, proliferating, prolific, pronounced, quavering, questionable, ragged, rank, rasping, raspy, raucid, raucous, retroflex, ridiculous, rife, rigid, riotous, ropy, rough, rounded, roupy, rude, semivowel, serried, shaking, shaky, slabby, slimy, slithery, slow, slow-witted, smoggy, smoky, snuffling, soft, solid, solidly, sonant, sottish, soupy, squat, squawking, squawky, staggering belief, starchy, stertorous, sticky, stiff, stifled, stodgy, stolid, stopped, strangled, stressed, stringy, strong, stubby, studded, stumpy, stupid, substantial, superabundant, surd, suspect, suspicious, swarming, syllabic, syrupy, tacky, tall, teeming, tenacious, tense, thick as hail, thick as thieves, thick of things, thick with, thick-bodied, thick-coming, thick-growing, thick-headed, thick-skinned, thick-witted, thickened, thickheaded, thickly, thickset, thin, three-dimensional, throaty, thronged, thronging, tinny, tonal, tonic, tough, tremelloid, tremellose, tremulous, twangy, typical, unaccented, unbelievable, unconvincing, unearthly, ungodly, unimaginable, unrounded, unstressed, unteachable, unthinkable, unweeded, unworthy of belief, velar, viscid, viscose, viscous, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, waist, waistline, weak, weed-choked, weed-ridden, weedy, wide, wrongheaded, zone




N uncleanness, impurity, immundity, immundicity, impurity, defilement, contamination, defoedation, soilure, soiliness, abomination, leaven, taint, tainture, fetor, decay, putrescence, putrefaction, corruption, mold, must, mildew, dry rot, mucor, rubigo, slovenry, slovenliness, squalor, dowdy, drab, slut, malkin, slattern, sloven, slammerkin, slammock, slummock, scrub, draggle-tail, mudlark, dust-man, sweep, beast, dirt, filth, soil, slop, dust, cobweb, flue, smoke, soot, smudge, smut, grit, grime, raff, sossle, sozzle, sordes, dregs, grounds, lees, argol, sediment, settlement heeltap, dross, drossiness, mother, precipitate, scoriae, ashes, cinders, recrement, slag, scum, froth, hogwash, ditchwater, dishwater, bilgewater, rinsings, cheeseparings, sweepings, offscourings, outscourings, off scum, caput mortuum, residuum, sprue, fecula, clinker, draff, scurf, scurfiness, exuviae, morphea, fur, furfur, dandruff, tartar, riffraff, vermin, louse, flea, bug, chinch, mud, mire, quagmire, alluvium, silt, sludge, slime, slush, slosh, sposh, spawn, offal, gurry, lientery, garbage, carrion, excreta, slough, peccant humor, pus, matter, suppuration, lienteria, faeces, feces, excrement, ordure, dung, crap, shit, sewage, sewerage, muck, coprolite, guano, manure, compost, dunghill, colluvies, mixen, midden, bog, laystall, sink, privy, jakes, toilet, john, head, cess, cesspool, sump, sough, cloaca, latrines, drain, sewer, common sewer, Cloacina, dust hole, sty, pigsty, lair, den, Augean stable, sink of corruption, slum, rookery, dirty, filthy, grimy, unclean, impure, soiled, not to be handled with kid gloves, dusty, snuffy, smutty, sooty, smoky, thick, turbid, dreggy, slimy, mussy, slovenly, untidy, messy, uncleanly, unkempt, sluttish, dowdy, draggle-tailed, uncombed, unscoured, unswept, unwiped, unwashed, unstrained, unpurified, squalid, lutose, slammocky, slummocky, sozzly, nasty, coarse, foul, offensive, abominable, beastly, reeky, reechy, fetid, decayed, moldy, musty, mildewed, rusty, moth-eaten, mucid, rancid, weak, bad, gone bad, etercoral, lentiginous, touched, fusty, effete, reasty, rotten, corrupt, tainted, high, flyblown, maggoty, putrid, putrefactive, putrescent, putrefied, saprogenic, saprogenous, purulent, carious, peccant, fecal, feculent, stercoraceous, excrementitious, scurfy, scurvy, impetiginous, gory, bloody, rotting, rotten as a pear, rotten as cheese, crapulous, gross, fimetarious, fimicolous, they that touch pitch will be defiled.


N multitude, numerous, numerosity, numerality, multiplicity, profusion, legion, host, great number, large number, round number, enormous number, a quantity, numbers, array, sight, army, sea, galaxy, scores, peck, bushel, shoal, swarm, draught, bevy, cloud, flock, herd, drove, flight, covey, hive, brood, litter, farrow, fry, nest, crowd, lots, all in the world and his wife, greater number, majority, multiplication, multiple, many, several, sundry, divers, various, not a few, Briarean, a hundred, a thousand, a myriad, a million, a quadrillion, a nonillion, a thousand and one, some ten or a dozen, some forty or fifty, half a dozen, half a hundred, very many, full many, ever so many, numerous, numerose, profuse, in profusion, manifold, multiplied, multitudinous, multiple, multinominal, teeming, populous, peopled, crowded, thick, studded, galore, thick coming, many more, more than one can tell, a world of, no end of, no end to, cum multis aliis, thick as hops, thick as hail, plenty as blackberries, numerous as the stars in the firmament, numerous as the sands on the seashore, numerous as the hairs on the head, and what not, and heaven knows what, endless, their name is 'legion', acervatim, en foule, many- headed multitude, numerous as glittering gems of morning dew, vel prece vel pretio.


N frequency, oftness, oftenness, commonness, repetition, normality, example (conformity), routine, custom (habit), regularity, uniformity, constancy, clock-work precision, punctuality, even tenor, system, routine, formula, rule, keynote, standard, model, precedent, conformity, frequent, many times, not rare, thickcoming, incessant, perpetual, continual, steady, constant, thick, uniform, repeated, customary, (habit), regular (normal), according to rule, common, everyday, usual, ordinary, familiar, old-hat, boring, well-known, trivial, often, oft, ofttimes, oftentimes, frequently, repeatedly, unseldom, not unfrequently, in quick succession, in rapid succession, many a time and oft, daily, hourly, every day, every hour, every moment, perpetually, continually, constantly, incessantly, without ceasing, at all times, daily and hourly, night and day, day and night, day after day, morning noon and night, ever anon, invariably (habit), most often, commonly, sometimes, occasionally, at times, now and then, from time to time, there being times when, toties quoties, often enough, when the mood strikes, again and again.


N breadth, thickness, breadth, width, latitude, amplitude, diameter, bore, caliber, radius, superficial extent, thickness, crassitude, corpulence, dilation, broad, wide, ample, extended, discous, fanlike, outspread, outstretched, wide as a church-door, latifoliate, latifolous, thick, dumpy, squab, squat, thickset, thick as a rope.


N friendship, amity, friendliness, brotherhood, fraternity, sodality, confraternity, harmony, peace, firm friendship, staunch friendship, intimate friendship, familiar friendship, bosom friendship, cordial friendship, tried friendship, devoted friendship, lasting friendship, fast friendship, sincere friendship, warm friendship, ardent friendship, cordiality, fraternization, entente cordiale, good understanding, rapprochement, sympathy, fellow-feeling, response, welcomeness, affection, favoritism, good will, acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, intercourse, fellowship, knowledge of, introduction, friendly, amicable, amical, well-affected, unhostile, neighborly, brotherly, fraternal, sympathetic, harmonious, hearty, cordial, warm- hearted, friends with, well with, at home with, hand in hand with, on good terms, on friendly terms, on amicable terms, on cordial terms, on familiar terms, on intimate terms, on good footing, on speaking terms, on visiting terms, in one's good graces, in one's good books, acquainted, familiar, intimate, thick, hand and glove, hail fellow well met, free and easy, welcome, amicably, with open arms, sans ceremonie, arm in arm, amicitia semper prodest, a mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one, friendship is love without either flowers or veil, trulgus amicitias utilitate probat.


N density, solidity, solidness, impenetrability, impermeability, incompressibility, imporosity, cohesion, constipation, consistence, spissitude, specific gravity, hydrometer, areometer, condensation, caseation, solidation, solidification, consolidation, concretion, coagulation, petrification, crystallization, precipitation, deposit, precipitate, inspissation, gelation, thickening, indivisibility, indiscerptibility, insolubility, indissolvableness, solid body, mass, block, knot, lump, concretion, concrete, conglomerate, cake, clot, stone, curd, coagulum, bone, gristle, cartilage, casein, crassamentum, legumin, superdense matter, condensed states of matter, dwarf star, neutron star, dense, solid, solidified, caseous, pukka, coherent, cohesive, compact, close, serried, thickset, substantial, massive, lumpish, impenetrable, impermeable, nonporous, imporous, incompressible, constipated, concrete, knotted, knotty, gnarled, crystalline, crystallizable, thick, grumous, stuffy, undissolved, unmelted, unliquefied, unthawed, indivisible, indiscerptible, infrangible, indissolvable, indissoluble, insoluble, infusible.


N semiliquidity, stickiness, viscidity, viscosity, gummosity, glutinosity, mucosity, spissitude, crassitude, lentor, adhesiveness, inspissation, incrassation, thickening, jelly, mucilage, gelatin, gluten, carlock, fish glue, ichthyocol, ichthycolla, isinglass, mucus, phlegm, goo, pituite, lava, glair, starch, gluten, albumen, milk, cream, protein, treacle, gum, size, glue (tenacity), wax, beeswax, emulsion, soup, squash, mud, slush, slime, ooze, moisture, marsh, semifluid, semiliquid, tremellose, half melted, half frozen, milky, muddy, lacteal, lactean, lacteous, lactescent, lactiferous, emulsive, curdled, thick, succulent, uliginous, gelatinous, albuminous, mucilaginous, glutinous, glutenous, gelatin, mastic, amylaceous, ropy, clammy, clotted, viscid, viscous, sticky, tacky, gooey, slab, slabby, lentous, pituitous, mucid, muculent, mucous, gummy.


N opacity, opaqueness, film, cloud, opaque, impervious to light, adiaphanous, dim, turbid, thick, muddy, opacous, obfuscated, fuliginous, cloud, hazy, misty, foggy, vaporous, nubiferous, muggy, smoky, fumid, murky, dirty.


N turbidity, cloudiness, fog, haze, muddiness, haziness, obscurity, nephelometer, turbid, thick, muddy, obfuscated, fuliginous, hazy, misty, foggy, vaporous, nubiferous, cloudy (cloud), smoky, fumid, murky, dirty.

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