Also see definition of "talent" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: T T- T. Ta Tb Tc Td Te Th Ti Tj Tk Tl Tm Tn To Tp Tr Ts Tt Tu Tv Tw Tx Ty Tz
talebearer | talebearing | taled | taleful | talegalla | talent | talent agent | talent scout | talented | talentless | talentlessness



10 in 10 verses (in OT : 6 in 6 verses) (in NT : 4 in 4 verses)


talentn. [F., fr. L. talentum a talent (in sense 1), Gr. talanton a balance, anything weighed, a definite weight, a talent; akin to tlh^nai to bear, endure, tolna^n, L. tolerare, tollere, to lift up, sustain, endure. See Thole, v. t., Tolerate.].
  •  Among the ancient Greeks, a weight and a denomination of money equal to 60 minæ or 6,000 drachmæ. The Attic talent, as a weight, was about 57 lbs. avoirdupois; as a denomination of silver money, its value was £243 15s. sterling, or about $1,180.  [1913 Webster]
    "Rowing vessel whose burden does not exceed five hundred talents."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Among the Hebrews, a weight and denomination of money. For silver it was equivalent to 3,000 shekels, and in weight was equal to about 931913 Webster]
  •  Inclination; will; disposition; desire.  [1913 Webster]
    "They rather counseled you to your talent than to your profit."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Intellectual ability, natural or acquired; mental endowment or capacity; skill in accomplishing; a special gift, particularly in business, art, or the like; faculty; a use of the word probably originating in the Scripture parable of the talents (Matt. xxv. 14-30).  [1913 Webster]
    "He is chiefly to be considered in his three different talents, as a critic, a satirist, and a writer of odes."  [1913 Webster]
    "His talents, his accomplishments, his graceful manners, made him generally popular."  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Ability; faculty; gift; endowment. See Genius.


talent, n.
1 a special aptitude or faculty (a talent for music; has real talent).
2 high mental ability.
3 a a person or persons of talent (is a real talent; plenty of local talent). b colloq. members of the opposite sex regarded in terms of sexual promise.
4 an ancient weight and unit of currency, esp. among the Greeks.

talent-scout (or -spotter) a person looking for talented performers, esp. in sport and entertainment.
talented adj. talentless adj.
OE talente & OF talent f. L talentum inclination of mind f. Gk talanton balance, weight, sum of money



Geist, Muse, ability, ableness, acuity, acuteness, adequacy, adroitness, afflatus, aptitude, aptness, art, artistic skill, artistry, arty-craftiness, bent, braininess, brightness, brilliance, bump, caliber, capability, capableness, capacity, child prodigy, clear thinking, cleverness, competence, craft, creative thought, creativity, daemon, daimonion, demon, dexterity, divine afflatus, dower, dowry, efficacy, efficiency, endowment, equipment, esprit, expertise, facility, faculty, fire of genius, fitness, flair, forte, genius, gift, gifted child, gifted person, giftedness, gifts, inclination, ingenuity, inspiration, instinct, intellectual genius, intellectual prodigy, keen-wittedness, keenness, knack, long suit, makings, man of parts, mental alertness, mental genius, mental giant, mercurial mind, metier, native cleverness, natural, natural endowment, natural gift, nimble mind, nimble-wittedness, nimbleness, nose, nous, parts, penchant, potential, power, powers, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, prodigy, proficiency, propensity, qualification, quick parts, quick thinking, quick wit, quick-wittedness, quickness, ready wit, savvy, set, sharp-wittedness, sharpness, skill, smartness, smarts, soul, speciality, spirit, sprightly wit, strength, strong flair, strong point, sufficiency, susceptibility, talents, tendency, the goods, the stuff, turn, virtu, what it takes




N skill, skillfulness, address, dexterity, dexterousness, adroitness, expertness, proficiency, competence, technical competence, craft, callidity, facility, knack, trick, sleight, mastery, mastership, excellence, panurgy, ambidexterity, ambidextrousness, sleight of hand, seamanship, airmanship, marksmanship, horsemanship, rope-dancing, accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, art, science, technicality, technology, practical knowledge, technical knowledge, knowledge of the world, world wisdom, savoir faire, tact, mother wit, discretion, finesse, craftiness, management, self-help, cleverness, talent, ability, ingenuity, capacity, parts, talents, faculty, endowment, forte, turn, gift, genius, intelligence, sharpness, readiness, invention, aptness, aptitude, turn for, capacity for, genius for, felicity, capability, curiosa felicitas, qualification, habilitation, proficient, masterpiece, coup de maitre, chef d'euvre, tour de force, good stroke, skillful, dexterous, adroit, expert, apt, handy, quick, deft, ready, gain, slick, smart, proficient, good at, up to, at home in, master of, a good hand at, au fait, thoroughbred, masterly, crack, accomplished, conversant, experienced, practiced, skilled, hackneyed, up in, well up in, in practice, in proper cue, competent, efficient, qualified, capable, fitted, fit for, up to the mark, trained, initiated, prepared, primed, finished, clever, cute, able, ingenious, felicitous, gifted, talented, endowed, inventive, shrewd, sharp, on the ball, cunning, alive to, up to snuff, not to be caught with chaff, discreet, neat-handed, fine-fingered, nimble-fingered, ambidextrous, sure- footed, cut out for, fitted for, technical, artistic, scientific, daedalian, shipshape, workman- like, business-like, statesman-like, skillfully, well, artistically, with skill, with consummate skill, secundum artem, suo Marte, to the best of one's abilities, ars celare artem, artes honorabit, celui qui veut celui-la peut, c'est une grande habilite que de savoir cacher son, expertus metuit, es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille sich ein C, heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or the hand to execute, if you have lemons, make lemonade.


N intelligence, wisdom, intelligence, capacity, comprehension, understanding, cuteness, sabe, savvy, intellect, nous, parts, sagacity, mother wit, wit, esprit, gumption, quick parts, grasp of intellect, acuteness, acumen, subtlety, penetration, perspicacy, perspicacity, discernment, due sense of, good judgment, discrimination, cunning, refinement, head, brains, headpiece, upper story, long head, eagle eye, eagle- glance, eye of a lynx, eye of a hawk, wisdom, sapience, sense, good sense, common sense, horse sense, plain sense, rationality, reason, reasonableness, judgment, solidity, depth, profundity, caliber, enlarged views, reach of thought, compass of thought, enlargement of mind, genius, inspiration, geist, fire of genius, heaven-born genius, soul, talent, prudence, vigilance, tact, foresight, sobriety, self-possession, aplomb, ballast, a bright thought, not a bad idea, Solomon-like wisdom, intelligent, quick of apprehension, keen, acute, alive, brainy, awake, bright, quick, sharp, quick witted, keen witted, clear witted, sharp-eyed, sharp sighted, sharp witted, wide- awake, canny, shrewd, astute, clear-headed, farsighted, discerning, perspicacious, penetrating, piercing, argute, quick-witted, nimble-witted, needle-witted, sharp as a needle, sharp as a tack, alive to, clever, arch, pas si bete, acute, wise, sage, sapient, sagacious, reasonable, rational, sound, in one's right mind, sensible, abnormis sapiens, judicious, strong- minded, unprejudiced, unbiased, unbigoted, unprepossessed, undazzled, unperplexed, unwarped judgment, impartial, equitable, fair, cool, cool-headed, long-headed, hardheaded, strong-headed, long- sighted, calculating, thoughtful, reflecting, solid, deep, profound, oracular, heaven-directed, heaven-born, prudent, sober, stand, solid, considerate, politic, wise in one's generation, watchful, provident, in advance of one' age, wise as a serpent, wise as Solomon, wise as Solon, wise, sensible, reasonable, judicious, well- thought-out, well-planned, well-judged, well-advised, prudent, politic, expedient, aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet, but with the morning cool reflection came, flosculi sententiarum, les affaires font les hommes, mas vale saber que haber, mas vale ser necio que profiadol nemo solus sapit, nosce te, gnothi seauton, nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit, sapere aude, victrix fortunae sapientia.

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