Also see definition of "sun" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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Noun, Verb (usu participle)
99 in 98 verses (in OT : 72 in 70 verses) (in NT : 27 in 28 verses)


     See Sunn.  [1913 Webster]
sunn. [OE. sunne, sonne, AS. sunne; akin to OFries. sunne, D. zon, OS. & OHG. sunna, G. sonne, Icel. sunna, Goth. sunna; perh. fr. same root as L. sol. √297. Cf. Solar, South.].
  •  The luminous orb, the light of which constitutes day, and its absence night; the central body round which the earth and planets revolve, by which they are held in their orbits, and from which they receive light and heat. Its mean distance from the earth is about 92,500,000 miles, and its diameter about 860,000.  [1913 Webster]
    " Its mean apparent diameter as seen from the earth is 32′ 4photosphere, above which is an envelope consisting partly of hydrogen, called the chromosphere, which can be seen only through the spectroscope, or at the time of a total solar eclipse. Above the chromosphere, and sometimes extending out millions of miles, are luminous rays or streams of light which are visible only at the time of a total eclipse, forming the solar corona."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Any heavenly body which forms the center of a system of orbs.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The direct light or warmth of the sun; sunshine.  [1913 Webster]
    "Lambs that did frisk in the sun."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which resembles the sun, as in splendor or importance; any source of light, warmth, or animation.  [1913 Webster]
    " Sun is often used in the formation of compound adjectives of obvious meaning; as, sun-bright, sun-dried, sun-gilt, sunlike, sun-lit, sun-scorched, and the like."  [1913 Webster]
    "For the Lord God is a sun and shield."  [1913 Webster]
    "I will never consent to put out the sun of sovereignity to posterity."  [1913 Webster]
Sun and planet wheels (Mach.), an ingenious contrivance for converting reciprocating motion, as that of the working beam of a steam engine, into rotatory motion. It consists of a toothed wheel (called the sun wheel), firmly secured to the shaft it is desired to drive, and another wheel (called the planet wheel) secured to the end of a connecting rod. By the motion of the connecting rod, the planet wheel is made to circulate round the central wheel on the shaft, communicating to this latter a velocity of revolution the double of its own. G. Francis. -- Sun angel (Zoöl.), a South American humming bird of the genus Heliangelos, noted for its beautiful colors and the brilliant luster of the feathers of its throat. -- Sun animalcute. (Zoöl.) See Heliozoa. -- Sun bath (Med.), exposure of a patient to the sun's rays; insolation. -- Sun bear (Zoöl.), a species of bear (Helarctos Malayanus) native of Southern Asia and Borneo. It has a small head and short neck, and fine short glossy fur, mostly black, but brownish on the nose. It is easily tamed. Called also bruang, and Malayan bear. -- Sun beetle (Zoöl.), any small lustrous beetle of the genus Amara. -- Sun bittern (Zoöl.), a singular South American bird (Eurypyga helias), in some respects related both to the rails and herons. It is beautifully variegated with white, brown, and black. Called also sunbird, and tiger bittern. -- Sun fever (Med.), the condition of fever produced by sun stroke. -- Sun gem (Zoöl.), a Brazilian humming bird (Heliactin cornutus). Its head is ornamented by two tufts of bright colored feathers, fiery crimson at the base and greenish yellow at the tip. Called also Horned hummer. -- Sun grebe (Zoöl.), the finfoot. -- Sun picture, a picture taken by the agency of the sun's rays; a photograph. -- Sun spots (Astron.), dark spots that appear on the sun's disk, consisting commonly of a black central portion with a surrounding border of lighter shade, and usually seen only by the telescope, but sometimes by the naked eye. They are very changeable in their figure and dimensions, and vary in size from mere apparent points to spaces of 50,000 miles in diameter. The term sun spots is often used to include bright spaces (called faculæ) as well as dark spaces (called maculæ). Called also solar spots. See Illustration in Appendix. -- Sun star (Zoöl.), any one of several species of starfishes belonging to Solaster, Crossaster, and allied genera, having numerous rays. -- Sun trout (Zoöl.), the squeteague. -- Sun wheel. (Mach.) See Sun and planet wheels, above. -- Under the sun, in the world; on earth. “There is no new thing under the sun.” Eccl. i. 9.
sunv. t. 
     To expose to the sun's rays; to warm or dry in the sun; as, to sun cloth; to sun grain.  [1913 Webster]
    "Then to sun thyself in open air."  [1913 Webster]


sun, n. & v.
1 a the star round which the earth orbits and from which it receives light and warmth. b any similar star in the universe with or without planets.
2 the light or warmth received from the sun (pull down the blinds and keep out the sun).
3 poet. a day or a year.
4 poet. a person or thing regarded as a source of glory, radiance, etc.
--v. (sunned, sunning)
1 refl. bask in the sun.
2 tr. expose to the sun.
3 intr. sun oneself.

against the sun anticlockwise. beneath (or under) the sun anywhere in the world. in the sun exposed to the sun's rays. on which the sun never sets (of an empire etc.) worldwide. sun and planet a system of gearing cog wheels. sun-baked dried or hardened or baked from the heat of the sun. sun-bath a period of exposing the body to the sun. sun bear a small black bear, Helarctos malayanus, of SE Asia, with a light-coloured mark on its chest. sun-blind Brit. a window awning. sun-bonnet a bonnet of cotton etc. covering the neck and shading the face, esp. for children. sun-bow a spectrum of colours like a rainbow produced by the sun shining on spray etc. sun-dance a dance of N. American Indians in honour of the sun. sun-deck the upper deck of a steamer. sun-disc a winged disc, emblematic of the sun-god. sun-dog = PARHELION. sun-dress a dress without sleeves and with a low neck. sun-dried dried by the sun, not by artificial heat. sun-glasses glasses tinted to protect the eyes from sunlight or glare. sun-god the sun worshipped as a deity. sun-hat a hat designed to protect the head from the sun. sun-helmet a helmet of cork etc. formerly worn by White people in the tropics. sun in splendour Heraldry the sun with rays and a human face. one's sun is set the time of one's prosperity is over. sun-kissed warmed or affected by the sun. sun-lamp
1 a lamp giving ultraviolet rays for an artificial suntan, therapy, etc.
2 Cinematog. a large lamp with a parabolic reflector used in film-making. sun lounge a room with large windows, designed to receive sunlight. sun parlor US = sun lounge.
1 sunbeams.
2 ultraviolet rays used therapeutically. sun-roof a sliding roof on a car. sun-stone a cat's eye gem, esp. feldspar with embedded flecks of haematite etc. sun-suit a play-suit, esp. for children, suitable for sunbathing. sun-up esp. US sunrise. sun visor a fixed or movable shield at the top of a vehicle windscreen to shield the eyes from the sun. take (or shoot) the sun Naut. ascertain the altitude of the sun with a sextant in order to fix the latitude. with the sun clockwise.
sunless adj. sunlessness n. sunlike adj. sunproof adj. sunward adj. & adv. sunwards adv.
OE sunne, sunna



Amen-Ra, Apollo, Helios, Hyperion, Phoebus, Phoebus Apollo, Ra, Savitar, Shamash, Sol, Surya, Titan, abundant year, academic year, air-dry, anhydrate, annum, bake, bask, bissextile year, blot, brush, burn, calendar month, calendar year, candle, celestial body, century, chromosphere, common year, corona, cure, day, daylight, daystar, decade, decennary, decennium, defective year, dehumidify, dehydrate, desiccate, drain, dry, electric light bulb, evaporate, exsiccate, fire, fiscal year, flame, fortnight, glim, hour, illuminant, illuminator, incandescent body, insolate, kiln, lamp, lantern, leap year, light, light bulb, light source, luminant, luminary, lunar month, lunar year, lunation, luster, lustrum, man-hour, match, microsecond, millennium, millisecond, minute, moment, month, moon, mummify, orb, orb of day, parch, phoebus, photosphere, quarter, quinquennium, radiance, radiation, regular year, rub, scorch, sear, second, semester, session, shrivel, sidereal year, smoke, soak up, solar flare, solar prominence, solar wind, solar year, source of light, sponge, star, stars, sun-dry, sunbathe, sunlight, sunshine, swab, taper, term, torch, torrefy, towel, trimester, twelvemonth, weazen, week, weekday, wipe, wither, wizen, year




N repute, distinction, mark, name, figure, repute, reputation, good repute, high repute, note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation, vogue, celebrity, fame, famousness, renown, popularity, aura popularis, approbation, credit, succes d'estime, prestige, talk of the town, name to conjure with, glory, honor, luster, illustriousness, account, regard, respect, reputableness, respectability, good name, good report, fair name, dignity, stateliness, solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, majesty, sublimity, rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status, position, position in society, order, degree, baccalaureate, locus standi, caste, condition, greatness, eminence, height, importance, preeminence, supereminence, high mightiness, primacy, top of the ladder, top of the tree, elevation, ascent, superaltation, exaltation, dignification, aggrandizement, dedication, consecration, enthronement, canonization, celebration, enshrinement, glorification, hero, man of mark, great card, celebrity, worthy, lion, rara avis, notability, somebody, classman, man of rank, pillar of the state, pillar of the church, pillar of the community, chief, first fiddle, cynosure, mirror, flower, pink, pearl, paragon, choice and master spirits of the age, elite, star, sun, constellation, galaxy, ornament, honor, feather in one's cap, halo, aureole, nimbus, halo of glory, blaze of glory, blushing honors, laurels, memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame, immortality, immortal name, magni nominis umbra, distinguished, distingue, noted, of note, honored, popular, fashionable, in good odor in, favor, in high favor, reputable, respectable, creditable, remarkable, notable, notorious, celebrated, renowned, ion every one's mouth, talked of, famous, famed, far-famed, conspicuous, to the front, foremost, in the front rank, in the ascendant, imperishable, deathless, immortal, never fading, aere perennius, time honored, illustrious, glorious, splendid, brilliant, radiant, bright, full-blown, honorific, eminent, prominent, high, in the zenith, at the head of, at the top of the tree, peerless, of the first water, superior, supereminent, preeminent, great, dignified, proud, noble, honorable, worshipful, lordly, grand, stately, august, princely, imposing, solemn, transcendent, majestic, sacred, sublime, heaven- born, heroic, sans peur et sans reproche, sacrosanct, Int, hail!, all hail!, ave!, viva!, vive!, long life to!, banzai!, glory be to, honor be to?, one's name being in every mouth, one's name living for ever, sic itur ad astra, fama volat, aut Caesar aut nullus, not to know him argues oneself unknown, none but himself could be his parallel, palmam qui meruit ferat, above all Greek above all Roman fame, cineri gloria sera est, great is the glory for the strife is hard, honor virtutis praemium, immensum gloria calcar habet, the glory dies not and the grief is past, vivit post funera virtus.


N world, creation, nature, universe, earth, globe, wide world, cosmos, kosmos, terraqueous globe, sphere, macrocosm, megacosm, music of the spheres, heavens, sky, welkin, empyrean, starry cope, starry heaven, starry host, firmament, Midgard, supersensible regions, varuna, vault of heaven, canopy of heaven, celestial spaces, heavenly bodies, stars, asteroids, nebulae, galaxy, milky way, galactic circle, via lactea, ame no kawa, sun, orb of day, Apollo, Phoebus, photosphere, chromosphere, solar system, planet, planetoid, comet, satellite, moon, orb of night, Diana, silver-footed queen, aerolite, meteor, planetary ring, falling star, shooting star, meteorite, uranolite, constellation, zodiac, signs of the zodiac, Charles's wain, Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Great Bear, Southern Cross, Orion's belt, Cassiopea's chair, Pleiades, colures, equator, ecliptic, orbit, astronomy, uranography, uranology, cosmology, cosmography, cosmogony, eidouranion, orrery, geodesy, star gazing, star gazer, astronomer, observatory, planetarium, cosmic, cosmical, mundane, terrestrial, terrestrious, terraqueous, terrene, terreous, telluric, earthly, geotic, under the sun, sublunary, subastral, solar, heliacal, lunar, celestial, heavenly, sphery, starry, stellar, sidereal, sideral, astral, nebular, uranic, in all creation, on the face of the globe, here below, under the sun, die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltergesicht, earth is but the frozen echo of the silent voice o, green calm below, blue quietness above, hanging in a golden chain this pendant World, nothing in nature is unbeautiful, silently as a dream the fabric rose, some touch of nature's genial glow, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, through knowledge we behold the World's creation.


N heat, caloric, temperature, warmth, fervor, calidity, incalescence, incandescence, glow, flush, fever, hectic, phlogiston, fire, spark, scintillation, flash, flame, blaze, bonfire, firework, pyrotechnics, pyrotechny, wildfire, sheet of fire, lambent flame, devouring element, adiathermancy, recalescence, summer, dog days, canicular days, baking, heat, white heat, tropical heat, Afric heat, Bengal heat, summer heat, blood heat, sirocco, simoom, broiling sun, insolation, warming, sun, pyrology, thermology, thermotics, thermodynamics, thermometer, calorie, gram-calorie, small calorie, kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie, British Thermal Unit, B, T, U, therm, quad, degrees Kelvin, kelvins, degrees centigrade, degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, hot, warm, mild, genial, tepid, lukewarm, unfrozen, thermal, thermic, calorific, fervent, fervid, ardent, aglow, sunny, torrid, tropical, estival, canicular, steamy, close, sultry, stifling, stuffy, suffocating, oppressive, reeking, baking, red hot, white hot, smoking hot, burning, hot, piping hot, like a furnace, like an oven, burning, hot as fire, hot as pepper, hot enough to roast an ox, hot enough to boil an egg, fiery, incandescent, incalescent, candent, ebullient, glowing, smoking, live, on fire, dazzling, in flames, blazing, in a blaze, alight, afire, ablaze, unquenched, unextinguished, smoldering, in a heat, in a glow, in a fever, in a perspiration, in a sweat, sudorific, sweltering, sweltered, blood hot, blood warm, warm as a toast, warm as wool, volcanic, plutonic, igneous, isothermal, isothermic, isotheral, not a breath of air, whirlwinds of tempestuous fire.


N luminary, light, flame, spark, scintilla, phosphorescence, fluorescence, sun, orb of day, Phoebus, Apollo, Aurora, star, orb, meteor, falling star, shooting star, blazing star, dog star, Sirius, canicula, Aldebaran, constellation, galaxy, zodiacal light, anthelion, day star, morning star, Lucifer, mock sun, parhelion, phosphor, phosphorus, sun dog, Venus, aurora, polar lights, northern lights, aurora borealis, southern lights, aurora australis, lightning, chain lightning, fork lightning, sheet lightning, summer lightning, ball lightning, kugelblitz, phosphorus, yellow phosphorus, scintillator, phosphor, firefly luminescence, ignis fatuus, Jack o'lantern, Friar's lantern, will-o'-the- wisp, firedrake, Fata Morgana, Saint Elmo's fire, glowworm, firefly, June bug, lightning bug, anglerfish, gas, gas light, lime light, lantern, lanthorn, dark lantern, bull's-eye, candle, bougie, taper, rushlight, oil, wick, burner, Argand, moderator, duplex, torch, flambeau, link, brand, gaselier, chandelier, electrolier, candelabrum, candelabra, girandole, sconce, luster, candlestick, lamp, light, incandescent lamp, tungsten bulb, light bulb, flashlight, torch, arc light, laser, maser neon bulb, neon sign, fluorescent lamp, filament, socket, contacts, filler gas, firework, fizgig, pyrotechnics, rocket, lighthouse, self-luminous, glowing, phosphoric, phosphorescent, fluorescent, incandescent, luminescent, chemiluminescent, radiant, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels, the sentinel stars set their watch in the sky, the planets in their station list'ning stood, the Scriptures of the skies, that orbed continent, the fire that severs day from night.

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