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substituent | substitutability | substitutable | substitute | substitute for | substituted | substituting | substitution | substitution class | substitutional | substitutionary


Verb (usu participle)


  •  Exchanged; put in the place of another.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Containing substitutions or replacements; having been subjected to the process of substitution, or having some of its parts replaced; as, alcohol is a substituted water; methyl amine is a substituted ammonia.  [1913 Webster]
Substituted executor (Law), an executor appointed to act in place of one removed or resigned.




N substitution, commutation, supplanting, metaphor, metonymy, substitute, ersatz, makeshift, temporary expedient, replacement, succedaneum, shift, pis aller, stopgap, jury rigging, jury mast, locum tenens, warming pan, dummy, scapegoat, double, changeling, quid pro quo, alternative, representative, palimpsest, price, purchase money, consideration, equivalent, substituted, ersatz, phony, vicarious, subdititious, instead, in place of, in lieu of, in the stead of, in the room of, faute de mieux.

For further exploring for "substituted" in Webster Dictionary Online

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