Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: S S- S. S/ Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sy Sz
shebang | shebat | shebeen | shechinah | shecklaton | shed | shed blood | shed light on | shedder | shedding | sheelfa



43 in 41 verses (in OT : 39 in 37 verses) (in NT : 4 in 4 verses)


shedn. [The same word as shade. See Shade.].
  •  A slight or temporary structure built to shade or shelter something; a structure often open in front; an outbuilding; a hut; as, a wagon shed; a wood shed.  [1913 Webster]
    "The first Aletes born in lowly shed."  [1913 Webster]
    "Sheds of reeds which summer's heat repel."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A covered structure for housing aircraft; a hangar.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
shedv. t. [OE. scheden, schden, to pour, to part, AS. scādan, sceádan, to pert, to separate; akin to OS. skan, OFries. sktha, G. scheiden, OHG. sceidan, Goth. skaidan, and probably to Lith. skëdu I part, separate, L. scindere to cleave, to split, Gr. , Skr. chid, and perch. also to L. caedere to cut. Chisel, Concise, Schism, Sheading, Sheath, Shide.].
  •  To separate; to divide.  Robert of Brunne.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To part with; to throw off or give forth from one's self; to emit; to diffuse; to cause to emanate or flow; to pour forth or out; to spill; as, the sun sheds light; she shed tears; the clouds shed rain.  [1913 Webster]
    "Did Romeo's hand shed Tybalt's blood?"  [1913 Webster]
    "Twice seven consenting years have shed
    Their utmost bounty on thy head.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To let fall; to throw off, as a natural covering of hair, feathers, shell; to cast; as, fowls shed their feathers; serpents shed their skins; trees shed leaves.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To cause to flow off without penetrating; as, a tight roof, or covering of oiled cloth, sheeds water.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To sprinkle; to intersperse; to cover.  B. Jonson.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To divide, as the warp threads, so as to form a shed, or passageway, for the shuttle.  [1913 Webster]
shedv. i. 
  •  To fall in drops; to pour.  [1913 Webster]
    "Such a rain down from the welkin shadde."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To let fall the parts, as seeds or fruit; to throw off a covering or envelope.  [1913 Webster]
    "White oats are apt to shed most as they lie, and black as they stand."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A parting; a separation; a division.  [1913 Webster]
    "They say also that the manner of making the shed of newwedded wives' hair with the iron head of a javelin came up then likewise."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The act of shedding or spilling; -- used only in composition, as in bloodshed.  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which parts, divides, or sheds; -- used in composition, as in watershed.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The passageway between the threads of the warp through which the shuttle is thrown, having a sloping top and bottom made by raising and lowering the alternate threads.  [1913 Webster]


shed, n.
1 a one-storeyed structure usu. of wood for storage or shelter for animals etc., or as a workshop.
2 a large roofed structure with one side open, for storing or maintaining machinery etc.
3 Austral. & NZ an open-sided building for shearing sheep or milking cattle.

shed, v.tr. (shedding; past and past part. shed)
1 let or cause to fall off (trees shed their leaves).
2 take off (clothes).
3 reduce (an electrical power load) by disconnection etc.
4 cause to fall or flow (shed blood; shed tears).
5 disperse, diffuse, radiate (shed light).

shed light on see LIGHT(1).
OE sc(e)adan f. Gmc



Nissen hut, Quonset hut, abandon, addition, booth, cashier, cast, cast off, cote, crib, defoliate, desquamate, discard, discharge, divest, dock, doff, drop, emanate, emit, exude, exuviate, flake off, focus, gatehouse, hangar, housing, hut, hutch, impart, jettison, junk, kiosk, lean-to, let fall, molt, ooze, outbuilding, outhouse, pavilion, peel off, pen, penthouse, pour forth, radiate, reject, release, scatter, scrap, sentry box, shack, shanty, shelter, shine, slip, slough, spill, spread, stall, structure, take off, throw, throw away, throw off, throw out, tollbooth, tollhouse, weep




VB disperse, scatter, sow, broadcast, disseminate, diffuse, shed, spread, bestrew, overspread, dispense, disband, disembody, dismember, distribute, apportion, blow off, let out, dispel, cast forth, draught off, strew, straw, strow, ted, spirtle, cast, sprinkle, issue, deal out, retail, utter, resperse, intersperse, set abroach, circumfuse, turn adrift, cast adrift, scatter to the winds, spread like wildfire, disperse themselves.


VB deliver, hand, pass, put into the hands of, hand over, make over, deliver over, pass over, turn over, assign dower, present, give away, dispense, dispose of, give out, deal out, dole out, mete out, fork out, squeeze out, pay, render, impart, communicate, concede, cede, yield, part with, shed, cast, spend, give, bestow, confer, grant, accord, award, assign, intrust, consign, vest in, make a present, allow, contribute, subscribe, furnish its quota, invest, endow, settle upon, bequeath, leave, devise, furnish, supply, help, administer to, afford, spare, accommodate with, indulge with, favor with, shower down upon, lavish, pour on, thrust upon, tip, bribe, tickle the palm, grease the palm, offer, sacrifice, immolate.


N abode, dwelling, lodging, domicile, residence, apartment, place, digs, pad, address, habitation, where one's lot is cast, local habitation, berth, diggings, seat, lap, sojourn, housing, quarters, headquarters, resiance, tabernacle, throne, ark, home, fatherland, country, homestead, homestall, fireside, hearth, hearth stone, chimney corner, inglenook, ingle side, harem, seraglio, zenana, household gods, lares et penates, roof, household, housing, dulce domum, paternal domicile, native soil, native land, habitat, range, stamping ground, haunt, hangout, biosphere, environment, ecological niche, nest, nidus, snuggery, arbor, bower, lair, den, cave, hole, hiding place, cell, sanctum sanctorum, aerie, eyrie, eyry, rookery, hive, covert, resort, retreat, perch, roost, nidification, kala jagah, bivouac, camp, encampment, cantonment, castrametation, barrack, casemate, casern, tent, building, chamber, xenodochium, tenement, messuage, farm, farmhouse, grange, hacienda, toft, cot, cabin, hut, chalet, croft, shed, booth, stall, hovel, bothy, shanty, dugout, wigwam, pen, barn, bawn, kennel, sty, doghold, cote, coop, hutch, byre, cow house, cow shed, stable, dovecote, columbary, columbarium, shippen, igloo, iglu, jacal, lacustrine dwelling, lacuslake dwelling, lacuspile dwelling, log cabin, log house, shack, shebang, tepee, topek, house, mansion, place, villa, cottage, box, lodge, hermitage, rus in urbe, folly, rotunda, tower, chateau, castle, pavilion, hotel, court, manor-house, capital messuage, hall, palace, kiosk, bungalow, casa, country seat, apartment house, flat house, frame house, shingle house, tenement house, temple, hamlet, village, thorp, dorp, ham, kraal, borough, burgh, town, city, capital, metropolis, suburb, province, country, county town, county seat, courthouse, ghetto, street, place, terrace, parade, esplanade, alameda, board walk, embankment, road, row, lane, alley, court, quadrangle, quad, wynd, close, yard, passage, rents, buildings, mews, square, polygon, circus, crescent, mall, piazza, arcade, colonnade, peristyle, cloister, gardens, grove, residences, block of buildings, market place, place, plaza, anchorage, roadstead, roads, dock, basin, wharf, quay, port, harbor, quarter, parish, assembly room, meetinghouse, pump room, spa, watering place, inn, hostel, hostelry, hotel, tavern, caravansary, dak bungalow, khan, hospice, public house, pub, pot house, mug house, gin mill, gin palace, bar, bar room, barrel house, cabaret, chophouse, club, clubhouse, cookshop, dive, exchange, grill room, saloon, shebeen, coffee house, eating house, canteen, restaurant, buffet, cafe, estaminet, posada, almshouse, poorhouse, townhouse, garden, park, pleasure ground, plaisance, demesne, cage, terrarium, doghouse, pen, aviary, barn, stall, zoo, urban, metropolitan, suburban, provincial, rural, rustic, domestic, cosmopolitan, palatial, eigner Hert ist goldes Werth, even cities have their graves, ubi libertas ibi patria, home sweet home.


N covering, cover, baldachin, baldachino, baldaquin, canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri, umbrella, parasol, sunshade, veil (shade), shield, roof, ceiling, thatch, tile, pantile, pentile, tiling, slates, slating, leads, barrack, plafond, planchment, tiling, shed, top, lid, covercle, door, operculum, bulkhead, bandage, plaster, lint, wrapping, dossil, finger stall, coverlet, counterpane, sheet, quilt, tarpaulin, blanket, rug, drugget, housing, antimacassar, eiderdown, numdah, pillowcase, pillowslip, linoleum, saddle cloth, blanket cloth, tidy, tilpah, apishamore, integument, tegument, skin, pellicle, fleece, fell, fur, leather, shagreen, hide, pelt, peltry, cordwain, derm, robe, buffalo robe, cuticle, scarfskin, epidermis, clothing, mask, peel, crust, bark, rind, cortex, husk, shell, coat, eggshell, glume, capsule, sheath, sheathing, pod, cod, casing, case, theca, elytron, elytrum, involucrum, wrapping, wrapper, envelope, vesicle, corn husk, corn shuck, dermatology, conchology, testaceology, inunction, incrustation, superimposition, superposition, obduction, scale, veneer, facing, overlay, plate, silver plate, gold plate, copper plate, engobe, ormolu, Sheffield plate, pavement, coating, paint, varnish, plating, barrel plating, anointing, enamel, epitaxial deposition, vapor deposition, ground, whitewash, plaster, spackel, stucco, compo, cerement, ointment, covering, superimposed, overlaid, plated, cutaneous, dermal, cortical, cuticular, tegumentary, skinny, scaly, squamous, covered, imbricated, loricated, armor plated, ironclad, under cover, cowled, cucullate, dermatoid, encuirassed, hooded, squamiferous, tectiform, vaginate.


VB give exit, give vent to, let out, give out, pour out, squeeze out, send out, dispatch, despatch, exhale, excern, excrete, embogue, secrete, secern, extravasate, shed, void, evacuation, emit, open the sluices, open the floodgates, turn on the tap, extrude, detrude, effuse, spend, expend, pour forth, squirt, spirt, spurt, spill, slop, perspire, breathe, blow, tap, draw off, bale out, lade out, let blood, broach, eject, reject, expel, discard, cut, send to coventry, boycott, chasser, banish, bounce, fire, fire out, throw, throw out, throw up, throw off, throw away, throw aside, push, throw out, throw off, throw away, throw aside, shovel out, shovel away, sweep out, sweep away, brush off, brush away, whisk off, whisk away, turn off, turn away, send off, send away, discharge, send adrift, turn adrift, cast adrift, turn out, bundle out, throw overboard, give the sack to, send packing, send about one's business, send to the right about, strike off the roll, turn out neck and heels, turn out head and shoulders, turn out neck and crop, pack off, send away with a flea in the ear, send to Jericho, bow out, show the door to, turn out of doors, turn out of house and home, evict, oust, unhouse, unkennel, dislodge, unpeople, dispeople, depopulate, relegate, deport, empty, drain to the dregs, sweep off, clear off, clear out, clear away, suck, draw off, clean out, make a clean sweep of, clear decks, purge, embowel, disbowel, disembowel, eviscerate, gut, unearth, root out, root up, averuncate, weed out, get out, eliminate, get rid of, do away with, shake off, exenterate, vomit, throw up, regurgitate, spew, puke, keck, retch, heave, upchuck, chuck up, barf, belch out, cast up, bring up, be sick, get sick, worship the porcelain god, disgorge, expectorate, clear the throat, hawk, spit, sputter, splutter, slobber, drivel, slaver, slabber, eructate, drool, unpack, unlade, unload, unship, offload, break bulk, dump, be let out, spew forth, erupt, ooze.

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