Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: S S- S. S/ Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sy Sz
senselessness | senses | sensibilise | sensibility | sensibilize | sensible | sensible horizon | sensibleness | sensibly | sensifacient | sensiferous



Adjective, Noun
1 in 1 verses (in NT : 1 in 1 verses)


sensiblea. [F., fr. L. sensibilis, fr. sensus sense.].
  •  Capable of being perceived by the senses; apprehensible through the bodily organs; hence, also, perceptible to the mind; making an impression upon the sense, reason, or understanding; sensible resistance.  [1913 Webster]
    "Air is sensible to the touch by its motion."  [1913 Webster]
    "The disgrace was more sensible than the pain."  [1913 Webster]
    "Any very sensible effect upon the prices of things."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Having the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; capable of perceiving by the instrumentality of the proper organs; liable to be affected physsically or mentally; impressible.  [1913 Webster]
    "Would your cambric were sensible as your finger."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Hence: Liable to impression from without; easily affected; having nice perception or acute feeling; sensitive; also, readily moved or affected by natural agents; delicate; as, a sensible thermometer.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Perceiving or having perception, either by the senses or the mind; cognizant; perceiving so clearly as to be convinced; satisfied; persuaded.  [1913 Webster]
    "He [man] can not think at any time, waking or sleeping, without being sensible of it."  [1913 Webster]
    "They are now sensible it would have been better to comply than to refuse."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Having moral perception; capable of being affected by moral good or evil.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Possessing or containing sense or reason; giftedwith, or characterized by, good or common sense; intelligent; wise.  [1913 Webster]
    "Now a sensible man, by and by a fool."  [1913 Webster]
Sensible note or Sensible tone (Mus.), the major seventh note of any scale; -- so called because, being but a half step below the octave, or key tone, and naturally leading up to that, it makes the ear sensible of its approaching sound. Called also the leading tone. -- Sensible horizon. See Horizon, n., 2. (a).
Syn. -- Intelligent; wise.
  •  Sensation; sensibility.  Milton.  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which impresses itself on the sense; anything perceptible.  [1913 Webster]
    "Aristotle distinguished sensibles into common and proper."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which has sensibility; a sensitive being.  [1913 Webster]
    "This melancholy extends itself not to men only, but even to vegetals and sensibles."  [1913 Webster]


sensible, adj.
1 having or showing wisdom or common sense; reasonable, judicious (a sensible person; a sensible compromise).
2 a perceptible by the senses (sensible phenomena). b great enough to be perceived; appreciable (a sensible difference).
3 (of clothing etc.) practical and functional.
4 (foll. by of) aware; not unmindful (was sensible of his peril).

sensible horizon see HORIZON 1b.
sensibleness n. sensibly adv.
ME f. OF sensible or L sensibilis (as SENSE)



acknowledging, acquainted with, admissible, alive to, all there, all-knowing, apperceptive, appercipient, appreciable, appreciative, appreciative of, apprehending, apprehensible, apprehensive, apprised of, ascertainable, awake to, aware, aware of, balanced, behind the curtain, behind the scenes, beholden, bright, budget, cheap, clearheaded, clearminded, cogent, cognizable, cognizant, cognizant of, commonsense, compos mentis, comprehending, conceptive, conceptual, concrete, conscious, conscious of, considerable, cool, coolheaded, corporeal, credible, crediting, delicate, detectable, discernible, discreet, discursive, down-to-earth, earthy, easy, economic, economy, emotionable, evident, feeling, frugal, good, grateful, gross, hardheaded, healthy-minded, hep to, ideational, impressible, impressionable, impressive, in the know, in the secret, indebted to, inexpensive, informed of, insightful, intellectual, intelligent, judicious, just, justifiable, knowing, knowledgeable, legitimate, let into, levelheaded, live, logical, low, low-priced, lucid, manageable, manifest, material, matter-of-fact, mentally sound, mindful, mindful of, moderate, modest, much obliged, no stranger to, noetic, nominal, normal, not so dumb, noticeable, objective, obliged, observable, obvious, of sound mind, omniscient, on to, palpable, passible, patent, perceivable, perceptible, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, phenomenal, philosophical, physical, plausible, ponderable, positivistic, practical, practical-minded, pragmatic, prehensile, privy to, prudent, rational, real, realist, realistic, reasonable, reasoned, receptive, recognizable, respectable, responsive, right, sagacious, sage, sane, sane-minded, scientific, scientistic, secular, seeable, seized of, sensational, sensible of, sensible to, sensile, sensitive, sensitive to, sentient, shabby, shoddy, shrewd, significant, sober, sober-minded, soft, softhearted, solid, sophic, sound, sound-minded, sound-thinking, straight-thinking, streetwise, strong-minded, substantial, substantive, susceptible, susceptive, sympathetic, tangible, tender, tenderhearted, thankful, together, token, undeceived, under obligation, understanding, unexpensive, unideal, unidealistic, unromantic, unsentimental, visible, warmhearted, weighable, well-argued, well-balanced, well-founded, well-grounded, well-thought-out, wholesome, wise, wise to, within means, worldly, worth the money




N sensibility, sensibleness, sensitiveness, moral sensibility, impressibility, affectibility, susceptibleness, susceptibility, susceptivity, mobility, vivacity, vivaciousness, tenderness, softness, sentimental, sentimentality, sentimentalism, excitability, fastidiousness, physical sensibility, sore point, sore place, where the shoe pinches, sensible, sensitive, impressible, impressionable, susceptive, susceptible, alive to, impassionable, gushing, warm hearted, tender hearted, soft hearted, tender as a chicken, soft, sentimental, romantic, enthusiastic, highflying, spirited, mettlesome, vivacious, lively, expressive, mobile, tremblingly alive, excitable, oversensitive, without skin, thin-skinned, fastidious, sensibly, to the quick, to the inmost core, mens aequa in arduis, pour salt in the wound.


N materiality, materialness, corporeity, corporality, substantiality, substantialness, flesh and blood, plenum, physical condition, matter, body, substance, brute matter, stuff, element, principle, parenchyma, material, substratum, hyle, corpus, pabulum, frame, object, article, thing, something, still life, stocks and stones, materials, physics, somatology, somatics, natural philosophy, experimental philosophy, physicism, physical science, philosophie positive, materialism, materialist, physicist, somatism, somatist, material, bodily, corporeal, corporal, physical, somatic, somatoscopic, sensible, tangible, ponderable, palpable, substantial, objective, impersonal, nonsubjective, neuter, unspiritual, materialistic.

Physical Sensibility

N physical sensibility, sensibility, sensitiveness, physical sensibility, feeling, impressibility, perceptivity, aesthetics, moral sensibility, sensation, impression, consciousness, external senses, sensible, sensitive, sensuous, aesthetic, perceptive, sentient, conscious, acute, sharp, keen, vivid, lively, impressive, thin-skinned, to the quick, the touch'd needle trembles to the pole.


N intelligence, wisdom, intelligence, capacity, comprehension, understanding, cuteness, sabe, savvy, intellect, nous, parts, sagacity, mother wit, wit, esprit, gumption, quick parts, grasp of intellect, acuteness, acumen, subtlety, penetration, perspicacy, perspicacity, discernment, due sense of, good judgment, discrimination, cunning, refinement, head, brains, headpiece, upper story, long head, eagle eye, eagle- glance, eye of a lynx, eye of a hawk, wisdom, sapience, sense, good sense, common sense, horse sense, plain sense, rationality, reason, reasonableness, judgment, solidity, depth, profundity, caliber, enlarged views, reach of thought, compass of thought, enlargement of mind, genius, inspiration, geist, fire of genius, heaven-born genius, soul, talent, prudence, vigilance, tact, foresight, sobriety, self-possession, aplomb, ballast, a bright thought, not a bad idea, Solomon-like wisdom, intelligent, quick of apprehension, keen, acute, alive, brainy, awake, bright, quick, sharp, quick witted, keen witted, clear witted, sharp-eyed, sharp sighted, sharp witted, wide- awake, canny, shrewd, astute, clear-headed, farsighted, discerning, perspicacious, penetrating, piercing, argute, quick-witted, nimble-witted, needle-witted, sharp as a needle, sharp as a tack, alive to, clever, arch, pas si bete, acute, wise, sage, sapient, sagacious, reasonable, rational, sound, in one's right mind, sensible, abnormis sapiens, judicious, strong- minded, unprejudiced, unbiased, unbigoted, unprepossessed, undazzled, unperplexed, unwarped judgment, impartial, equitable, fair, cool, cool-headed, long-headed, hardheaded, strong-headed, long- sighted, calculating, thoughtful, reflecting, solid, deep, profound, oracular, heaven-directed, heaven-born, prudent, sober, stand, solid, considerate, politic, wise in one's generation, watchful, provident, in advance of one' age, wise as a serpent, wise as Solomon, wise as Solon, wise, sensible, reasonable, judicious, well- thought-out, well-planned, well-judged, well-advised, prudent, politic, expedient, aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet, but with the morning cool reflection came, flosculi sententiarum, les affaires font les hommes, mas vale saber que haber, mas vale ser necio que profiadol nemo solus sapit, nosce te, gnothi seauton, nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit, sapere aude, victrix fortunae sapientia, intelligence, wisdom, intelligence, capacity, comprehension, understanding, cuteness, sabe, savvy, intellect, nous, parts, sagacity, mother wit, wit, esprit, gumption, quick parts, grasp of intellect, acuteness, acumen, subtlety, penetration, perspicacy, perspicacity, discernment, due sense of, good judgment, discrimination, cunning, refinement, head, brains, headpiece, upper story, long head, eagle eye, eagle- glance, eye of a lynx, eye of a hawk, wisdom, sapience, sense, good sense, common sense, horse sense, plain sense, rationality, reason, reasonableness, judgment, solidity, depth, profundity, caliber, enlarged views, reach of thought, compass of thought, enlargement of mind, genius, inspiration, geist, fire of genius, heaven-born genius, soul, talent, prudence, vigilance, tact, foresight, sobriety, self-possession, aplomb, ballast, a bright thought, not a bad idea, Solomon-like wisdom, intelligent, quick of apprehension, keen, acute, alive, brainy, awake, bright, quick, sharp, quick witted, keen witted, clear witted, sharp-eyed, sharp sighted, sharp witted, wide- awake, canny, shrewd, astute, clear-headed, farsighted, discerning, perspicacious, penetrating, piercing, argute, quick-witted, nimble-witted, needle-witted, sharp as a needle, sharp as a tack, alive to, clever, arch, pas si bete, acute, wise, sage, sapient, sagacious, reasonable, rational, sound, in one's right mind, sensible, abnormis sapiens, judicious, strong- minded, unprejudiced, unbiased, unbigoted, unprepossessed, undazzled, unperplexed, unwarped judgment, impartial, equitable, fair, cool, cool-headed, long-headed, hardheaded, strong-headed, long- sighted, calculating, thoughtful, reflecting, solid, deep, profound, oracular, heaven-directed, heaven-born, prudent, sober, stand, solid, considerate, politic, wise in one's generation, watchful, provident, in advance of one' age, wise as a serpent, wise as Solomon, wise as Solon, wise, sensible, reasonable, judicious, well- thought-out, well-planned, well-judged, well-advised, prudent, politic, expedient, aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet, but with the morning cool reflection came, flosculi sententiarum, les affaires font les hommes, mas vale saber que haber, mas vale ser necio que profiadol nemo solus sapit, nosce te, gnothi seauton, nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit, sapere aude, victrix fortunae sapientia.

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