Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: S S- S. S/ Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sy Sz
secundation | secundigravida | secundine | secundo-geniture | securable | secure | secured | secured bond | securely | securement | secureness


Adjective, Verb (transitive)
70 in 70 verses (in OT : 67 in 67 verses) (in NT : 3 in 3 verses)


securea. [L. securus; pref. se- without + cura care. See Cure care, and cf. Sure, a.].
  •  Free from fear, care, or anxiety; easy in mind; not feeling suspicion or distrust; confident.  [1913 Webster]
    "But thou, secure of soul, unbent with woes."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Overconfident; incautious; careless; -- in a bad sense.  Macaulay.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Confident in opinion; not entertaining, or not having reason to entertain, doubt; certain; sure; -- commonly with of; as, secure of a welcome.  [1913 Webster]
    "Confidence then bore thee on, secure
    Either to meet no danger, or to find
    Matter of glorious trial.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not exposed to danger; safe; -- applied to persons and things, and followed by against or from.  Dryden.  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Safe; undisturbed; easy; sure; certain; assured; confident; careless; heedless; inattentive.
securev. t. 
  •  To make safe; to relieve from apprehensions of, or exposure to, danger; to guard; to protect.  [1913 Webster]
    "I spread a cloud before the victor's sight,
    Sustained the vanquished, and secured his flight.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To put beyond hazard of losing or of not receiving; to make certain; to assure; to insure; -- frequently with against or from, rarely with of; as, to secure a creditor against loss; to secure a debt by a mortgage.  [1913 Webster]
    "It secures its possessor of eternal happiness."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To make fast; to close or confine effectually; to render incapable of getting loose or escaping; as, to secure a prisoner; to secure a door, or the hatches of a ship.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To get possession of; to make one's self secure of; to acquire certainly; as, to secure an estate.  [1913 Webster]
Secure arms (Mil.), a command and a position in the manual of arms, used in wet weather, the object being to guard the firearm from becoming wet. The piece is turned with the barrel to the front and grasped by the right hand at the lower band, the muzzle is dropped to the front, and the piece held with the guard under the right arm, the hand supported against the hip, and the thumb on the rammer.


secure, adj. & v.
1 untroubled by danger or fear.
2 safe against attack: impregnable.
3 reliable; certain not to fail (the plan is secure).
4 fixed or fastened so as not to give way or get loose or be lost (made the door secure).
5 a (foll. by of) certain to achieve (secure of victory). b (foll. by against, from) safe, protected (secure against attack).
1 make secure or safe; fortify.
2 fasten, close, or confine securely.
3 succeed in obtaining or achieving (have secured front seats).
4 guarantee against loss (a loan secured by property).
5 compress (a blood-vessel) to prevent bleeding.

secure arms Mil. hold a rifle with the muzzle downward and the lock in the armpit to guard it from rain.
securable adj. securely adv. securement n.
L securus (as SE-, cura care)



accept, acquire, admit, advocate, affix, anchor, anchored, annex, arm, armor, arouse, arrogant, arrogate, ascertained, assume, assumed, assure, assured, attach, attest, attested, back, bag, balanced, bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, be seized of, be sponsor for, belay, believing, bind, bless, bolt, bond, bonded, bridle, bring, bring back, bring forth, bring out, bring to light, bulwark, button, button up, calculable, call a strike, call for, call forth, call it quits, call out, call up, capture, catch, cement, cemented, certain, certified, certify, chain, champion, chase after, choke, choke off, cinch, clamp, clap, clinch, cloak, close, close down, close shop, close up, closed, cocksure, collar, come by, come in for, come into, compass about, confident, confirm, constrict, contain, contract, convinced, cool, copyright, corral, cosy, countersecure, cover, cramp, cushion, decided, deduce, defend, definite, dependable, derive, derive from, determinate, determined, devout, dogmatic, doubtless, drag down, drag out, draw, draw forth, draw from, draw out, earn, easy, educe, elicit, enchain, endorse, engraft, ensure, ensured, enter into possession, entrammel, established, evident, evoke, faithful, faithworthy, fast, fasten, fasten down, fastened, fence, fend, fetch, fetch and carry, fetter, fideistic, fiducial, firm, firm as Gibraltar, fix, fixed, flank, fold, fold up, gain, get, get from, get hold of, get out of, glued, go after, go and get, go fetch, go for, go get, go on strike, go to get, good, graft, grapple, guarantee, guaranteed, guaranty, guard, guard against, gyve, hamper, handcuff, harbor, harvest, have, have coming in, haven, healthy, hobble, hog-tie, hopple, hubristic, hypothecate, immovable, immune, immunized, imperturbable, impressed with, in equilibrium, in the bag, induce, inevitable, insure, insured, intact, invincible, jammed, keep, keep from harm, key, knit, knock off, lash, latch, lay off, leash, lock, lock out, lock up, locked up, made sure, make, make fast, make safe, make secure, make sure, manacle, moor, moored, nail, nailed down, nestle, net, obtain, obvious, occlude, on ice, open-and-shut, overconfident, oversure, overweening, padlock, patent, peg down, persuaded, pick up, picket, pietistic, pin down, pinion, pious, pistic, plumb, poised, police, pompous, positive, predictable, prehend, preserve, probable, procure, produce, profitable, protect, protected, proud, proved, pull down, put in irons, put to, reap, reassured, receive, register, reliable, restrain, retrieve, ride shotgun for, rivet, rope, rouse, run after, sack, safe, safe and sound, safeguard, sanguine, satisfied, score, screen, screw up, seal, seal off, seal up, self, self-assured, self-confident, self-important, self-reliant, set, set to, settled, shackle, shag, shelter, sheltered, shield, shielded, shroud, shut, shut down, shut the door, shut up, shut up shop, sign, sign for, slam, snap, snug, sold on, solid, sound, sponsor, squeeze shut, stable, stand behind, stand up for, stated, staunch, steadfast, steady, stimulate, straitjacket, strangle, strap, strike, strong, stuck, sturdy, subscribe to, substantial, summon forth, summon up, sure, surefire, take, take in, take on, take over, take possession of, taped, tested, tether, tie, tie down, tie up, tight, tighten, trammel, trice up, tried, trim, trustworthy, trusty, unafraid, undamaged, under the impression, undersign, underwrite, undoubtful, undoubting, unexposed, unfailing, unfaltering, unflappable, unflinching, unharmed, unhesitating, unhurt, unquestionable, unscathed, unshakable, unthreatened, untouched, unwavering, walk out, wangle, wangle out of, warrant, warranted, wedged, well-balanced, well-founded, well-grounded, win, winkle out, without nerves, worm out, worm out of, zip up, zipper




VB be safe, keep one's head above water, tide over, save one's bacon, ride out the storm, weather the storm, light upon one's feet, land on one's feet, bear a charmed life, escape, make safe, render safe Adj, protect, take care of, preserve, cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward, guard, secure, entrench, intrench, fence round, house, nestle, ensconce, take charge of, escort, convoy, garrison, watch, mount guard, patrol, make assurance doubly sure, take up a loose thread, take precautions, double reef topsails, seek safety, take shelter, find shelter.

N safety, security, surety, impregnability, invulnerability, invulnerableness, danger past, danger over, storm blown over, coast clear, escape, means of escape, blow valve, safety valve, release valve, sniffing valve, safeguard, palladium, guardianship, wardship, wardenship, tutelage, custody, safekeeping, preservation, protection, auspices, safe-conduct, escort, convoy, guard, shield, guardian angel, tutelary god, tutelary deity, tutelary saint, genius loci, protector, guardian, warden, warder, preserver, custodian, duenna, chaperon, third person, watchdog, bandog, Cerberus, watchman, patrolman, policeman, cop, dick, fuzz, smokey, peeler, zarp, sentinel, sentry, scout, garrison, guardship, refuge &c, anchor, precaution, quarantine, cordon sanitaire, confidence, protect, take care of, preserve, cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward, guard, secure, entrench, intrench, fence round, house, nestle, ensconce, take charge of, escort, convoy, garrison, watch, mount guard, patrol, make assurance doubly sure, take up a loose thread, take precautions, double reef topsails, seek safety, take shelter, find shelter, Adj, safe, secure, sure, in safety, in security, on the safe side, under the shield of, under the shade of, under the wing of, under the shadow of one's wing, under cover, under lock and key, out of danger, out of the woods, out of the meshes, out of harm's way, unharmed, unscathed, on sure ground, at anchor, high and dry, above water, unthreatened, unmolested, protected, cavendo tutus, panoplied, snug, seaworthy, weatherproof, waterproof, fireproof, defensible, tenable, proof against, invulnerable, unassailable, unattackable, impenetrable, impregnable, imperdible, inexpugnable, Achillean, safe and sound, scathless, unhazarded, not dangerous, unthreatening, harmless, friendly (cooperative), protecting, protective, guardian, tutelary, preservative, trustworthy, ex abundanti cautela, with impunity, all's well, salva res est, suave mari magno, a couvert, e terra alterius spectare laborem, Dieu vous garde, safety, security, surety, impregnability, invulnerability, invulnerableness, danger past, danger over, storm blown over, coast clear, escape, means of escape, blow valve, safety valve, release valve, sniffing valve, safeguard, palladium, guardianship, wardship, wardenship, tutelage, custody, safekeeping, preservation, protection, auspices, safe-conduct, escort, convoy, guard, shield, guardian angel, tutelary god, tutelary deity, tutelary saint, genius loci, protector, guardian, warden, warder, preserver, custodian, duenna, chaperon, third person, watchdog, bandog, Cerberus, watchman, patrolman, policeman, cop, dick, fuzz, smokey, peeler, zarp, sentinel, sentry, scout, garrison, guardship, refuge &c, anchor, precaution, quarantine, cordon sanitaire, confidence, protect, take care of, preserve, cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward, guard, secure, entrench, intrench, fence round, house, nestle, ensconce, take charge of, escort, convoy, garrison, watch, mount guard, patrol, make assurance doubly sure, take up a loose thread, take precautions, double reef topsails, seek safety, take shelter, find shelter, Adj, safe, secure, sure, in safety, in security, on the safe side, under the shield of, under the shade of, under the wing of, under the shadow of one's wing, under cover, under lock and key, out of danger, out of the woods, out of the meshes, out of harm's way, unharmed, unscathed, on sure ground, at anchor, high and dry, above water, unthreatened, unmolested, protected, cavendo tutus, panoplied, snug, seaworthy, weatherproof, waterproof, fireproof, defensible, tenable, proof against, invulnerable, unassailable, unattackable, impenetrable, impregnable, imperdible, inexpugnable, Achillean, safe and sound, scathless, unhazarded, not dangerous, unthreatening, harmless, friendly (cooperative), protecting, protective, guardian, tutelary, preservative, trustworthy, ex abundanti cautela, with impunity, all's well, salva res est, suave mari magno, a couvert, e terra alterius spectare laborem, Dieu vous garde.


VB join, unite, conjoin, connect, associate, put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together, tack together, fix together, bind up together together, embody, reembody, roll into one, attach, fix, affix, saddle on, fasten, bind, secure, clinch, twist, make fast, tie, pinion, string, strap, sew, lace, tat, stitch, tack, knit, button, buckle, hitch, lash, truss, bandage, braid, splice, swathe, gird, tether, moor, picket, harness, chain, fetter, lock, latch, belay, brace, hook, grapple, leash, couple, accouple, link, yoke, bracket, marry, bridge over, span, braze, pin, nail, bolt, hasp, clasp, clamp, crimp, screw, rivet, impact, solder, set, weld together, fuse together, wedge, rabbet, mortise, miter, jam, dovetail, enchase, graft, ingraft, inosculate, entwine, intwine, interlink, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, entangle, twine round, belay, tighten, trice up, screw up, be joined, hang together, hold together, cohere.

N junction, joining, joinder, union connection, conjunction, conjugation, annexion, annexation, annexment, astriction, attachment, compagination, vincture, ligation, alligation, accouplement, marriage infibulation, inosculation, symphysis, anastomosis, confluence, communication, concatenation, meeting, reunion, assemblage, coition, copulation, sex, sexual congress, sexual conjunction, sexual intercourse, love-making, joint, joining, juncture, pivot, hinge, articulation, commissure, seam, gore, gusset, suture, stitch, link, miter mortise, closeness, tightness coherence, combination, annexationist, joined, joint, conjoint, conjunct, corporate, compact, hand in hand, firm, fast, close, tight, taut, taught, secure, set, intervolved, inseparable, indissoluble, insecable, severable, jointly, in conjunction with, fast, firmly intimately, tria juncta in uno.


VB restrain, check, put under restraint, lay under restraint, enthral, enthrall, inthral, inthrall, bethral, bethrall, restrict, debar, constrain, coerce, curb, control, hold back, hold from, hold in, hold in check, hold within bounds, keep back, keep from, keep in, keep in check, keep within bounds, hold in leash, hold in leading strings, withhold, keep under, repress, suppress, smother, pull in, rein in, hold, hold fast, keep a tight hand on, prohibit, inhibit, cohibit, enchain, fasten, fetter, shackle, entrammel, bridle, muzzle, hopple, gag, pinion, manacle, handcuff, tie one's hands, hobble, bind hand and foot, swathe, swaddle, pin down, tether, picket, tie down, tie up, secure, forge fetters, disable, hamstring (incapacitate), confine, shut up, shut in, clap up, lock up, box up, mew up, bottle up, cork up, seal up, button up, hem in, bolt in, wall in, rail in, impound, pen, coop, inclose, cage, incage, encage, close the door upon, cloister, imprison, immure, incarcerate, entomb, clap under hatches, lay under hatches, put in irons, put in a strait-waistcoat, throw into prison, cast into prison, put into bilboes, arrest, take up, take charge of, take into custody, take prisoner, take captive, make prisoner, make captive, captivate, lead captive, lead into captivity, send to prison, commit to prison, commit, give in charge, give in custody, subjugate.


VB promise, give a promise, undertake, engage, make an engagement, form an engagement, enter into an engagement, enter on an engagement, bind oneself, tie oneself, pledge oneself, commit oneself, take upon oneself, vow, swear, give one's word, pass one's word, pledge one's word, plight one's word, give one's honor, pass one's honor, pledge one's honor, plight one's honor, give credit, pass credit, pledge credit, plight credit, give troth, pass troth, pledge troth, plight troth, betroth, plight faith, assure, warrant, guarantee, covenant, attest, hold out an expectation, contract an obligation, become bound to, become sponsor for, answer for, be answerable for, secure, give security, underwrite, adjure, administer an oath, put to one's oath, swear a witness.


VB acquire, get, gain, win, earn, obtain, procure, gather, collect, pick, pickup, glean, find, come upon, pitch upon, light upon, scrape up, scrape together, get in, reap and carry, net, bag, sack, bring home, secure, derive, draw, get in the harvest, profit, make profit, draw profit, turn a quick profit, turn to profit, turn to account, make capital out of, make money by, obtain a return, reap the fruits of, reap an advantage, gain an advantage, turn a penny, turn an honest penny, make the pot boil, bring grist to the mill, make money, coin money, raise money, raise funds, raise the wind, fill one's pocket, treasure up, realize, clear, produce, take, get back, recover, regain, retrieve, revendicate, replevy, redeem, come by one's own, come by, come in for, receive, inherit, step into a fortune, step into the shoes of, succeed to, get hold of, get between one's finger and thumb, get into one's hand, get at, take possession, come into possession, enter into possession, be profitable, pay, answer, accrue.


VB retain, keep, hold fast one's own, hold tight one's own, hold fast one's ground, hold tight one's ground, clinch, clench, clutch, grasp, gripe, hug, have a firm hold of, secure, withhold, detain, hold back, keep back, keep close, husband, reserve, have in stock, have on hand, keep in stock, entail, tie up, settle.


VB be early, be beforehand, keep time, take time by the forelock, anticipate, forestall, have the start, gain the start, steal a march upon, gain time, draw on futurity, bespeak, secure, engage, preengage, accelerate, expedite, make haste.


N hope, hopes, desire, fervent hope, sanguine expectation, trust, confidence, reliance, faith, affiance, assurance, secureness, security, reassurance, good omen, good auspices, promise, well grounded hopes, good prospect, bright prospect, clear sky, assumption, presumption, anticipation, hopefulness, buoyancy, optimism, enthusiasm, heart of grace, aspiration, optimist, utopian, utopist, castles in the air, castles in Spain, chateaux en Espagne, le pot aut lait, Utopia, millennium, day dream, golden dream, dream of Alnaschar, airy hopes, fool's paradise, mirage, fond hope, beam of hope, ray of hope, gleam of hope, glimmer of hope, flash of hope, dawn of hope, star of hope, cheer, bit of blue sky, silver lining, silver lining of the cloud, bottom of Pandora's box, balm in Gilead, light at the end of the tunnel, anchor, sheet anchor, mainstay, staff, heaven, hoping, in hopes, hopeful, confident, secure, sanguine, in good heart, buoyed up, buoyant, elated, flushed, exultant, enthusiastic, heartsome, utopian, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, fearless, free from fear, free from suspicion, free from distrust, free from despair, exempt from fear, exempt from suspicion, exempt from distrust, exempt from despair, undespairing, self reliant, probable, on the high road to, within sight of shore, within sight of land, promising, propitious, of promise, full of promise, of good omen, auspicious, de bon augure, reassuring, encouraging, cheering, inspiriting, looking up, bright, roseate, couleur de rose, rose-colored, hopefully, Int, God speed!, nil desperandum, never say die, dum spiro spero, latet scintillula forsan, all is for the best, spero meliora, every cloud has a silver lining, the wish being father to the thought, hope told a flattering tale, rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis, at spes non fracta, ego spem prietio non emo, un Dieu est ma fiance, hope! thou nurse of young desire, in hoc signo spes mea, in hoc signo vinces, la speranza e il pan de miseri, l'esperance est le songe d'un homme eveille, the mighty hopes that make us men, the sickening pang of hope deferred.


N belief, credence, credit, assurance, faith, trust, troth, confidence, presumption, sanguine expectation, dependence on, reliance on, persuasion, conviction, convincement, plerophory, self- conviction, certainty, opinion, mind, view, conception, thinking, impression, surmise, conclusion, tenet, dogma, principle, way of thinking, popular belief, firm belief, implicit belief, settled belief, fixed rooted deep- rooted belief, staunch belief, unshaken belief, steadfast belief, inveterate belief, calm belief, sober belief, dispassionate belief, impartial belief, well-founded belief, firm opinion, implicit opinion, settled opinion, fixed rooted deep-rooted opinion, staunch opinion, unshaken opinion, steadfast opinion, inveterate opinion, calm opinion, sober opinion, dispassionate opinion, impartial opinion, well-founded opinion, uberrima fides, system of opinions, school, doctrine, articles, canons, article of faith, declaration of faith, profession of faith, tenets, credenda, creed, thirty-nine articles, catechism, assent, propaganda, credibility, believing, certain, sure, assured, positive, cocksure, satisfied, confident, unhesitating, convinced, secure, under the impression, impressed with, imbued with, penetrated with, confiding, suspectless, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, void of suspicion, credulous, wedded to, believed, accredited, putative, unsuspected, worthy of, deserving of, commanding belief, credible, reliable, trustworthy, to be depended on, satisfactory, probably, fiducial, fiduciary, persuasive, impressive, relating to belief, doctrinal, in the opinion of, in the eyes of, me judice, meseems, methinks, to the best of one's belief, I dare say, I doubt not, I have no doubt, I am sure, sure enough, depend upon, rely upon it, be assured, rest assured, I'll warrant you, experto crede, fata viam invenient, Justitiae soror incorrupta Fides, live to explain thy doctrine by thy life, stands not within the prospect of belief, tarde quae credita laedunt credimus, vide et crede.

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