Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: S S- S. S/ Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sy Sz
sachemship | sachet | sachs disease | sachsen | saciety | sack | sack coat | sack out | sack race | sack up | sack-winged



Noun, Verb (transitive)
10 in 9 verses (in OT : 10 in 9 verses)


sackn. [OE. seck, F. sec dry (cf. Sp. seco, It. secco), from L. siccus dry, harsh; perhaps akin to Gr. 'ischno`s, Skr. sikata sand, Ir. sesc dry, W. hysp. Cf. Desiccate.].
     A name formerly given to various dry Spanish wines.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
Sack posset, a posset made of sack, and some other ingredients.
sackn. [OE. sak, sek, AS. sacc, sæcc, L. saccus, Gr. sa`kkos from Heb. sak; cf. F. sac, from the Latin. Cf. Sac, Satchel, Sack to plunder.].
  •  A bag for holding and carrying goods of any kind; a receptacle made of some kind of pliable material, as cloth, leather, and the like; a large pouch.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A measure of varying capacity, according to local usage and the substance. The American sack of salt is 215 pounds; the sack of wheat, two bushels.  McElrath.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Originally, a loosely hanging garment for women, worn like a cloak about the shoulders, and serving as a decorative appendage to the gown; now, an outer garment with sleeves, worn by women; as, a dressing sack.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A sack coat; a kind of coat worn by men, and extending from top to bottom without a cross seam.  [1913 Webster]
  •  See 2d Sac, 2.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Bed.  [1913 Webster]
Sack bearer (Zoöl.). See Basket worm, under Basket. -- Sack tree (Bot.), an East Indian tree (Antiaris saccidora) which is cut into lengths, and made into sacks by turning the bark inside out, and leaving a slice of the wood for a bottom. -- To give the sack to or get the sack, to discharge, or be discharged, from employment; to jilt, or be jilted. [Slang] -- To hit the sack, to go to bed. [Slang]
sackv. t. 
  •  To put in a sack; to bag; as, to sack corn.  [1913 Webster]
    "Bolsters sacked in cloth, blue and crimson."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To bear or carry in a sack upon the back or the shoulders.  [1913 Webster]
sackn. [F. sac plunder, pillage, originally, a pack, packet, booty packed up, fr. L. saccus. See Sack a bag.].
     The pillage or plunder, as of a town or city; the storm and plunder of a town; devastation; ravage.  [1913 Webster]
    "The town was stormed, and delivered up to sack, -- by which phrase is to be understood the perpetration of all those outrages which the ruthless code of war allowed, in that age, on the persons and property of the defenseless inhabitants, without regard to sex or age."  [1913 Webster]
sackv. t. [See Sack pillage.].
     To plunder or pillage, as a town or city; to devastate; to ravage.  [1913 Webster]
    "The Romans lay under the apprehensions of seeing their city sacked by a barbarous enemy."  [1913 Webster]


sack, n. & v.
1 a a large strong bag, usu. made of hessian, paper, or plastic, for storing or conveying goods. b (usu. foll. by of) this with its contents (a sack of potatoes). c a quantity contained in a sack.
2 (prec. by the) colloq. dismissal from employment.
3 (prec. by the) US sl. bed.
4 a a woman's short loose dress with a sacklike appearance. b archaic or hist. a woman's loose gown, or a silk train attached to the shoulders of this.
5 a man's or woman's loose-hanging coat not shaped to the back.
1 put into a sack or sacks.
2 colloq. dismiss from employment.

sack race a race between competitors in sacks up to the waist or neck.
sackful n. (pl. -fuls). sacklike adj.
sack, v. & n.
1 plunder and destroy (a captured town etc.).
2 steal valuables from (a place).
--n. the sacking of a captured place.

sack, n. hist. a white wine formerly imported into Britain from Spain and the Canaries (sherry sack).

16th-c. wyne seck, f. F vin sec dry wine



acquire, assault, attack, ax, bag, balloon, banditry, barbarize, barrel, basket, batter, be seized of, bed, bedstead, bladder, boot, boot out, bottle, bounce, box, box up, break, brigandage, brigandism, brutalize, bump, bunk, burden, burn, bust, butcher, can, capsule, capture, carry on, carton, case, cashier, cashiering, cask, catch, chuck, come by, come in for, come into, conge, container, contract, corral, couch, crate, defrock, degrade, demote, deplume, deposal, depose, depredate, depredation, deprive, derive, desecrate, desolate, despoil, despoiling, despoilment, despoliation, destroy, devastate, devour, direption, disbar, discharge, disemploy, disemployment, dismiss, dismissal, displace, displacing, displume, doss, drag down, draw, drop, drum out, drumming out, earn, encase, encyst, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, enter into possession, entrap, expel, fill, fire, firing, fleece, fob, forage, foraging, foray, forced separation, foul, freeboot, freebooting, freight, furlough, furloughing, gain, get, give the ax, give the gate, go on, gurney, gut, hammer, hamper, harpoon, harvest, heap, heap up, hit the hay, hit the sack, hook, jar, kick, kick out, kick upstairs, kip, kip down, lade, land, lasso, lay off, lay waste, layoff, let go, let out, litter, load, loot, looting, make, make redundant, maraud, marauding, mass, maul, mesh, mug, nail, net, noose, obtain, pack, pack away, package, parcel, pension off, pile, pillage, pillaging, pink slip, plunder, plundering, pocket, poke, pot, pouch, prey on, procure, pull down, rage, raid, raiding, ramp, rampage, ransack, ransacking, rant, rape, rapine, ravage, ravagement, ravaging, rave, raven, ravish, ravishment, razzia, read out of, reap, reive, reiving, release, removal, remove, replace, retire, retirement, rifle, rifling, riot, roar, rope, ruin, sac, sack out, sacking, savage, score, secure, send packing, separate forcibly, ship, slaughter, snag, snare, sniggle, sofa, sow chaos, spear, spoil, spoiling, spoliate, spoliation, stack, store, storm, stow, stretcher, strip, superannuate, surplus, surplusing, suspend, suspension, sweep, take, tangle, tangle up with, tank, tear, tear around, terminate, terrorize, the ax, the boot, the bounce, the gate, the hay, the sack, ticket, tin, trap, turn in, turn off, turn out, unfrock, vandalize, violate, walking papers, waste, win, wreck




N abrogation, annulment, nullification, recision, vacatur, canceling, cancel, revocation, revokement, repeal, rescission, defeasance, dismissal, conge, demission, bounce, deposal, deposition, dethronement, disestablishment, disendowment, deconsecration, sack, walking papers, pink slip, walking ticket, yellow cover, abolition, abolishment, dissolution, counter order, countermand, repudiation, retraction, retractation, recantation, abolitionist, abrogated, functus officio, Int, get along with you!, begone!, go about your business!, away with!.

VB abrogate, annul, cancel, destroy, abolish, revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall, abolitionize, overrule, override, set aside, disannul, dissolve, quash, nullify, declare null and void, disestablish, disendow, deconsecrate, disclaim, ignore, repudiate, recant, divest oneself, break off, countermand, counter order, do away with, sweep away, brush away, throw overboard, throw to the dogs, scatter to the winds, cast behind, dismiss, discard, cast off, turn off, cast out, cast adrift, cast out of doors, cast aside, cast away, send off, send away, send packing, send about one's business, discharge, get rid of, bounce, fire, fire out, sack, cashier, break, oust, unseat, unsaddle, unthrone, dethrone, disenthrone, depose, uncrown, unfrock, strike off the roll, disbar, disbench, be abrogated, receive its quietus, walk the plank.


VB acquire, get, gain, win, earn, obtain, procure, gather, collect, pick, pickup, glean, find, come upon, pitch upon, light upon, scrape up, scrape together, get in, reap and carry, net, bag, sack, bring home, secure, derive, draw, get in the harvest, profit, make profit, draw profit, turn a quick profit, turn to profit, turn to account, make capital out of, make money by, obtain a return, reap the fruits of, reap an advantage, gain an advantage, turn a penny, turn an honest penny, make the pot boil, bring grist to the mill, make money, coin money, raise money, raise funds, raise the wind, fill one's pocket, treasure up, realize, clear, produce, take, get back, recover, regain, retrieve, revendicate, replevy, redeem, come by one's own, come by, come in for, receive, inherit, step into a fortune, step into the shoes of, succeed to, get hold of, get between one's finger and thumb, get into one's hand, get at, take possession, come into possession, enter into possession, be profitable, pay, answer, accrue.


VB take, catch, hook, nab, bag, sack, pocket, put into one's pocket, receive, accept, reap, crop, cull, pluck, gather, draw, appropriate, expropriate, impropriate, assume, possess oneself of, take possession of, commandeer, lay one's hands on, clap one's hands on, help oneself to, make free with, dip one's hands into, lay under contribution, intercept, scramble for, deprive of, take away, carry away, bear away, take off, carry off, bear off, adeem, abstract, hurry off with, run away with, abduct, steal, ravish, seize, pounce upon, spring upon, swoop to, swoop down upon, take by storm, take by assault, snatch, reave, snap up, nip up, whip up, catch up, kidnap, crimp, capture, lay violent hands on, get hold of, lay hold of, take hold of, catch hold of, lay fast hold of, take firm hold of, lay by the heels, take prisoner, fasten upon, grip, grapple, embrace, gripe, clasp, grab, clutch, collar, throttle, take by the throat, claw, clinch, clench, make sure of, catch at, jump at, make a grab at, snap at, snatch at, reach, make a long arm, stretch forth one's hand, take from, take away from, disseize, deduct, retrench, dispossess, ease one of, snatch from one's grasp, tear from, tear away from, wrench from, wrest from, wring from, extort, deprive of, bereave, disinherit, cut off with a shilling, oust, divest, levy, distrain, confiscate, sequester, sequestrate, accroach, usurp, despoil, strip, fleece, shear, displume, impoverish, eat out of house and home, drain, drain to the dregs, gut, dry, exhaust, swallow up, absorb, draw off, suck the blood of, suck like a leech, retake, resume, recover.


N stealing, theft, thievery, latrociny, direption, abstraction, appropriation, plagiary, plagiarism, autoplagiarism, latrocinium, spoliation, plunder, pillage, sack, sackage, rapine, brigandage, foray, razzia, rape, depredation, raid, blackmail, piracy, privateering, buccaneering, license to plunder, letters of marque, letters of mark and reprisal, filibustering, filibusterism, burglary, housebreaking, badger game, robbery, highway robbery, hold-up, mugging, peculation, embezzlement, fraud, larceny, petty larceny, grand larceny, shoplifting, thievishness, rapacity, kleptomania, Alsatia, den of Cacus, den of thieves, blackmail, extortion, shakedown, Black Hand, thief, thieving, thievish, light-fingered, furacious, furtive, piratical, predaceous, predal, predatory, predatorial, raptorial, stolen, sic vos non vobis.

VB steal, thieve, rob, mug, purloin, pilfer, filch, prig, bag, nim, crib, cabbage, palm, abstract, appropriate, plagiarize, convey away, carry off, abduct, kidnap, crimp, make off with, walk off with, run off with, run away with, spirit away, seize, plunder, pillage, rifle, sack, loot, ransack, spoil, spoliate, despoil, strip, sweep, gut, forage, levy blackmail, pirate, pickeer, maraud, lift cattle, poach, smuggle, run, badger, bail up, hold up, stick up, bunco, bunko, filibuster, swindle, peculate, embezzle, sponge, mulct, rook, bilk, pluck, pigeon, fleece, defraud, obtain under false pretenses, live by one's wits, rob Peter to pay Paul, borrow of Peter to pay Paul, set a thief to catch a thief, disregard the distinction between meum and tuum, fence, launder, launder money.


N receptacle, inclosure, recipient, receiver, reservatory, compartment, cell, cellule, follicle, hole, corner, niche, recess, nook, crypt, stall, pigeonhole, cove, oriel, cave, capsule, vesicle, cyst, pod, calyx, cancelli, utricle, bladder, pericarp, udder, stomach, paunch, venter, ventricle, crop, craw, maw, gizzard, breadbasket, mouth, pocket, pouch, fob, sheath, scabbard, socket, bag, sac, sack, saccule, wallet, cardcase, scrip, poke, knit, knapsack, haversack, sachel, satchel, reticule, budget, net, ditty bag, ditty box, housewife, hussif, saddlebags, portfolio, quiver, chest, box, coffer, caddy, case, casket, pyx, pix, caisson, desk, bureau, reliquary, trunk, portmanteau, band-box, valise, grip, grip sack, skippet, vasculum, boot, imperial, vache, cage, manger, rack, vessel, vase, bushel, barrel, canister, jar, pottle, basket, pannier, buck-basket, hopper, maund, creel, cran, crate, cradle, bassinet, wisket, whisket, jardiniere, corbeille, hamper, dosser, dorser, tray, hod, scuttle, utensil, brazier, cuspidor, spittoon, cistern, vat, caldron, barrel, cask, drum, puncheon, keg, rundlet, tun, butt, cag, firkin, kilderkin, carboy, amphora, bottle, jar, decanter, ewer, cruse, caraffe, crock, kit, canteen, flagon, demijohn, flask, flasket, stoup, noggin, vial, phial, cruet, caster, urn, epergne, salver, patella, tazza, patera, pig gin, big gin, tyg, nipperkin, pocket pistol, tub, bucket, pail, skeel, pot, tankard, jug, pitcher, mug, pipkin, galipot, gallipot, matrass, receiver, retort, alembic, bolthead, capsule, can, kettle, bowl, basin, jorum, punch bowl, cup, goblet, chalice, tumbler, glass, rummer, horn, saucepan, skillet, posnet, tureen, beaker, flask, Erlenmeyer flask, Florence flask, round-bottom flask, graduated cylinder, test tube, culture tube, pipette, Pasteur pipette, disposable pipette, syringe, vial, carboy, vacuum flask, Petri dish, microtiter tray, centrifuge tube, bail, beaker, billy, canakin, catch basin, catch drain, chatti, lota, mussuk, schooner, spider, terrine, toby, urceus, plate, platter, dish, trencher, calabash, porringer, potager, saucer, pan, crucible, glassware, tableware, vitrics, compote, gravy boat, creamer, sugar bowl, butter dish, mug, pitcher, punch bowl, chafing dish, shovel, trowel, spoon, spatula, ladle, dipper, tablespoon, watch glass, thimble, closet, commode, cupboard, cellaret, chiffonniere, locker, bin, bunker, buffet, press, clothespress, safe, sideboard, drawer, chest of drawers, chest on chest, highboy, lowboy, till, scrutoire, secretary, secretaire, davenport, bookcase, cabinet, canterbury, escritoire, etagere, vargueno, vitrine, chamber, apartment, room, cabin, office, court, hall, atrium, suite of rooms, apartment, flat, story, saloon, salon, parlor, by-room, cubicle, presence chamber, sitting room, best room, keeping room, drawing room, reception room, state room, gallery, cabinet, closet, pew, box, boudoir, adytum, sanctum, bedroom, dormitory, refectory, dining room, salle-a-manger, nursery, schoolroom, library, study, studio, billiard room, smoking room, den, stateroom, tablinum, tenement, bath room, bathroom, toilet, lavatory, powder room, john, jakes, necessary, loo, men's room, ladies' room, rest room, (uncleanness), 653 attic, loft, garret, cockloft, clerestory, cellar, vault, hold, cockpit, cubbyhole, cook house, entre-sol, mezzanine floor, ground floor, rez-de-chaussee, basement, kitchen, pantry, bawarchi-khana, scullery, offices, storeroom, lumber room, dairy, laundry, coach house, garage, hangar, outhouse, penthouse, lean-to, portico, porch, stoop, stope, veranda, patio, lanai, terrace, deck, lobby, court, courtyard, hall, vestibule, corridor, passage, breezeway, ante room, ante chamber, lounge, piazza, veranda, conservatory, greenhouse, bower, arbor, summerhouse, alcove, grotto, hermitage, lodging, bed, carriage, capsular, saccular, sacculated, recipient, ventricular, cystic, vascular, vesicular, cellular, camerated, locular, multilocular, polygastric, marsupial, siliquose, siliquous.

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