Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: R R& R- R. Ra Rb Rc Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rn Ro Rp Rt Ru Rv Rw Ry
repeal | repealability | repealable | repealer | repealment | repeat | repeatable | repeated | repeatedly | repeater | repeating


Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)
6 in 6 verses (in OT : 5 in 5 verses) (in NT : 1 in 1 verses)


repeatv. t. [F. répéter, L. repetere; pref. re- re- + petere to fall upon, attack. See Petition.].
  •  To go over again; to attempt, do, make, or utter again; to iterate; to recite; as, to repeat an effort, an order, or a poem.  Robynson (More's Utopia).  [1913 Webster]
    "Not well conceived of God; who, though his power
    Creation could repeat, yet would be loth
    Us to abolish.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To make trial of again; to undergo or encounter again.  Waller.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To repay or refund (an excess received).  [1913 Webster]
To repeat one's self, to do or say what one has already done or said. -- To repeat signals, to make the same signals again; specifically, to communicate, by repeating them, the signals shown at headquarters.
Syn. -- To reiterate; iterate; renew; recite; relate; rehearse; recapitulate. See Reiterate.
  •  The act of repeating; repetition.  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which is repeated; as, the repeat of a pattern; that is, the repetition of the engraved figure on a roller by which an impression is produced (as in calico printing, etc.).  [1913 Webster]
  •  A mark, or series of dots, placed before and after, or often only at the end of, a passage to be repeated in performance.  [1913 Webster]


repeat, v. & n.
1 tr. say or do over again.
2 tr. recite, rehearse, report, or reproduce (something from memory) (repeated a poem).
3 tr. imitate (an action etc.).
4 intr. recur; appear again, perhaps several times (a repeating pattern).
5 tr. used for emphasis (am not, repeat not, going).
6 intr. (of food) be tasted intermittently for some time after being swallowed as a result of belching or indigestion.
7 intr. (of a watch etc.) strike the last quarter etc. over again when required.
8 intr. (of a firearm) fire several shots without reloading.
9 intr. US illegally vote more than once in an election.
1 a the act or an instance of repeating. b a thing repeated (often attrib.: repeat prescription).
2 a repeated broadcast.
3 Mus. a a passage intended to be repeated. b a mark indicating this.
4 a pattern repeated in wallpaper etc.
5 Commerce a a consignment similar to a previous one. b an order given for this; a reorder.

repeating decimal a recurring decimal. repeat itself recur in the same form. repeat oneself say or do the same thing over again.
repeatable adj. repeatability n. repeatedly adv.
ME f. OF repeter f. L repetere (as RE-, petere seek)



act like, affect, alternate, assume, be here again, bis, bob, borrow, burden, chant, chime, chorus, circle, come again, come and go, come around, come round, come round again, come up again, commit to memory, con, copy, counterfeit, crib, cycle, din, ditto, do, do a repeat, do again, do like, do over, double, dupe, duplicate, duplication, echo, encore, fake, forge, geminate, get by heart, get letter-perfect, go back, go like, harp, hash over, have by heart, hoke, hoke up, imitate, ingeminate, intermit, iterate, keep coming, know by heart, learn by heart, learn verbatim, make like, make over, memorize, mirror, multiply by two, oscillate, parrot, plagiarize, pulsate, pulse, quote, re-create, re-form, reappear, rebroadcast, rebuild, recap, recapitulate, recite, reconstitute, reconstruct, recount, recur, redesign, redo, redouble, reduplicate, reecho, reestablish, refashion, reflect, refound, refrain, regenerate, regurgitate, rehash, rehearse, reincarnate, reinstitute, reissue, reiterate, relate, remake, renew, renovate, reoccur, reorganize, repeat by heart, repeat performance, repetend, repetition, replay, replaying, replica, replicate, replication, reprint, reprise, reproduce, reproduction, rerun, resay, reshape, resound, restate, restore, restructure, resume, resurrect, retell, return, return match, reverberate, revert, revise, revive, revolve, ring, ritornello, roll around, rotate, say again, simulate, study, swot up, turn, twin, undersong, undulate, wheel, wheel around




VB be wont, fall into a rut, fall into a custom, tread the beaten track, follow the beaten track, tread the beaten path, follow the beaten, stare super antiquas vias, move in a rut, run on in a groove, go round like a horse in a mill, go on in the old jog trot way, habituate, inure, harden, season, caseharden, accustom, familiarize, naturalize, acclimatize, keep one's hand in, train, get into the way, get into the knack of, learn, cling to, adhere to, repeat, acquire a habit, contract a habit, fall into a habit, acquire a trick, contract a trick, fall into a trick, addict oneself to, take to, get into, be habitual, prevail, come into use, become a habit, take root, gain upon one, grow upon one.


VB imitate, copy, mirror, reflect, reproduce, repeat, do like, echo, reecho, catch, transcribe, match, parallel, mock, take off, mimic, ape, simulate, impersonate, personate, act, represent, counterfeit, parody, travesty, caricature, lampoon, burlesque, follow in the steps of, tread in the steps, follow in the footsteps of, follow in the wake of, take pattern by, follow suit, follow the example of, walk in the shoes of, take a leaf out of another's book, strike in with, follow suit, take after, model after, emulate.


VB double, redouble, duplicate, reduplicate, geminate, repeat, renew.


VB repeat, iterate, reiterate, reproduce, echo, reecho, drum, harp upon, battologize, hammer, redouble, recur, revert, return, reappear, recurse, renew, rehearse, do over again, say over again, ring the changes on, harp on the same string, din in the ear, drum in the ear, conjugate in all its moods tenses and inflexions, begin again, go over the same ground, go the same round, never hear the last of, resume, return to, recapitulate, reword.


VB reproduce, restore, revive, renovate, renew, regenerate, revivify, resuscitate, reanimate, remake, refashion, stir the embers, put into the crucible, multiply, repeat, resurge, crop up, spring up like mushrooms.


VB remember, mind, retain the memory of, retain the remembrance of, keep in view, recognize, recollect, bethink oneself, recall, call up, retrace, look back, trace back, trace backwards, think back, look back upon, review, call upon, recall upon, bring to mind, bring to remembrance, carry one's thoughts back, rake up the past, have in the thoughts, hold in the thoughts, bear in the thoughts, carry in the thoughts, keep in the thoughts, retain in the thoughts, have in the memory, hold in the memory, bear in the memory, carry in the memory, keep in the memory, retain in the memory, have in the mind, hold in the mind, bear in the mind, carry in the mind, keep in the mind, retain in the mind, hold in remembrance, be in one's thoughts, live in one's thoughts, remain in one's thoughts, dwell in one's thoughts, haunt one's thoughts, impress one's thoughts, be in one's mind, live in one's mind, remain in one's mind, dwell in one's mind, haunt one's mind, impress one's mind, dwell in one's memory, sink in the mind, run in the head, not be able to get out of one's head, be deeply impressed with, rankle, recur to the mind, flash on the mind, flash across the memory, remind, suggest, prompt, put in mind, keep in mind, bring to mind, fan the embers, call up, summon up, rip up, renew, infandum renovare dolorem, jog the memory, flap the memory, refresh the memory, rub up the memory, awaken the memory, pull by the sleeve, bring back to the memory, put in remembrance, memorialize, task the memory, tax the memory, get at one's fingers' ends, have at one's fingers', learn at one's fingers', know one's lesson, say one's lesson, repeat by heart, repeat by rote, say one's lesson, repeat, repeat as a parrot, have at one's fingers' ends, have at one's finger tips, commit to memory, memorize, con over, con, fix in the memory, rivet in the memory, imprint in the memory, impress in the memory, stamp in the memory, grave in the memory, engrave in the memory, store in the memory, treasure up in the memory, bottle up in the memory, embalm in the memory, enshrine in the memory, load the memory with, store the memory with, stuff the memory with, burden the memory with, redeem from oblivion, keep the memory alive, keep the wound green, pour salt in the wound, reopen old wounds', tangere ulcus, keep up the memory of, commemorate, make a note of, jot a note, pen a memorandum.


VB assert, make an assertion, have one's say, say, affirm, predicate, declare, state, protest, profess, put forth, put forward, advance, allege, propose, propound, enunciate, broach, set forth, hold out, maintain, contend, pronounce, pretend, depose, depone, aver, avow, avouch, asseverate, swear, make oath, take one's oath, make an affidavit, swear an affidavit, put in an affidavit, take one's Bible oath, kiss the book, vow, vitam impendere vero, swear till one is black in the face, swear till one is blue in the face, swear till all's blue, be sworn, call Heaven to witness, vouch, warrant, certify, assure, swear by bell book and candle, swear by, insist upon, take one's stand upon, emphasize, lay stress on, assert roundly, assert positively, lay down, lay down the law, raise one's voice, dogmatize, have the last word, rap out, repeat, reassert, reaffirm, announce, acknowledge, attest, adjure.

For further exploring for "repeat" in Webster Dictionary Online

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