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renerve | renew | renewability | renewable | renewable resource | renewal | renewed | renewedly | renewedness | renewer | renewing





     The act of renewing, or the state of being renewed; as, the renewal of a treaty.  [1913 Webster]



about-face, accommodation, adaptation, adjustment, alteration, amelioration, amendment, another shot, another try, apostasy, atavism, backset, backward deviation, betterment, bracer, bracing, break, change, change of allegiance, change of heart, change of mind, changeableness, constructive change, continuity, conversion, cordial, defection, degeneration, degenerative change, deterioration, deviation, difference, discontinuity, divergence, diversification, diversion, diversity, doubling, duplication, echo, enlivenment, exhilaration, face-lift, falling back, fitting, flip-flop, fresh start, furbishment, gradual change, imitation, improvement, invigoration, lapse, melioration, mitigation, modification, modulation, new beginning, new birth, overthrow, palingenesis, palingenesy, pick-me-up, plagiarism, qualification, quotation, radical change, re-creation, realignment, reanimation, reappearance, rebeginning, rebirth, reclamation, recommencement, reconditioning, recreation, recrudescence, recurrence, redemption, redesign, redoubling, reduplication, reecho, reentrance, refection, reform, reformation, refreshing, refreshment, refurbishment, regale, regalement, regeneracy, regenerateness, regeneration, regenesis, regression, regurgitation, reincarnation, reinvigoration, rejuvenation, rejuvenescence, relapse, remaking, renaissance, renascence, renovation, reoccurrence, reopening, repetition, reproduction, reshaping, restructuring, resumption, resurgence, resurrection, resuscitation, retread, retreading, return, reversal, reverse, reversion, revival, revivescence, revivescency, revivification, revolution, second wind, second youth, setback, shift, slum clearance, stimulation, sudden change, switch, throwback, tonic, total change, transition, turn, turnabout, upheaval, urban renewal, variation, variety, violent change, vivification, worsening




N restoration, restoral, reinstatement, replacement, rehabilitation, reestablishment, reconstitution, reconstruction, reproduction, renovation, renewal, revival, revivessence, reviviscence, refreshment, resuscitation, reanimation, revivification, reviction, Phenix, reorganization, renaissance, second youth, rejuvenescence, new birth, regeneration, regeneracy, regenerateness, palingenesis, reconversion, redress, retrieval, reclamation, recovery, convalescence, resumption, resumption, sanativeness, recurrence, rechauffe, rifacimento, cure, recure, sanation, healing, redintegration, rectification, instauration, repair, reparation, remanufacture, recruiting, cicatrization, disinfection, tinkering, reaction, redemption, restitution, relief, tinker, cobbler, vis medicatrix, curableness, restored, redivivus, convalescent, in a fair way, none the worse, rejuvenated, restoring, restorative, recuperative, sanative, reparative, sanatory, reparatory, curative, remedial, restorable, recoverable, sanable, remediable, retrievable, curable, in statu quo, as you were, phr, revenons a nos moutons, medecin, gueris-toi toi- meme, vestigia nulla retrorsum.


N duplication, doubling, gemination, ingemination, reduplication, iteration, renewal, double, doubled, bicipital, bicephalous, bidental, bilabiate, bivalve, bivalvular, bifold, biform, bilateral, bifarious, bifacial, twofold, two-sided, disomatous, duplex, double-faced, double-headed, twin, duplicate, ingeminate, second, twice, once more, over again, as much again, twofold, secondly, in the second place, again.


N repetition, iteration, reiteration, harping, recurrence, succession, run, battology, tautology, monotony, tautophony, rhythm, diffuseness, pleonasm, redundancy, chimes, repetend, echo, ritornello, burden of a song, refrain, rehearsal, rechauffe, rifacimento, recapitulation, cuckoo, reverberation, drumming, renewal, twice-told tale, old story, old song, second edition, new edition, reappearance, reproduction, recursion, periodicity, repeated, repetitional, repetitionary, recurrent, recurring, ever recurring, thick coming, frequent, incessant, redundant, pleonastic, monotonous, harping, iterative, recursive, unvaried, mocking, chiming, retold, aforesaid, aforenamed, above-mentioned, above-said, habitual, another, repeatedly, often, again, anew, over again, afresh, once more, ding-dong, ditto, encore, de novo, bis, da capo, again and again, over and over, over and over again, recursively, many times over, time and again, time after time, year after year, day by day, many times, several times, a number of times, many a time, full many a time, frequently, ecce iterum Crispinus, toujours perdrix, cut and come again, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, cantilenam eandem canis, nullum est jam dictum quod non dictum sit prius.


N reproduction, renovation, restoration, renewal, new edition, reprint, revival, regeneration, palingenesis, revivification, apotheosis, resuscitation, reanimation, resurrection, reappearance, regrowth, Phoenix, generation, multiplication, reproduced, renascent, reappearing, reproductive, suigenetic.

For further exploring for "renewal" in Webster Dictionary Online

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