Also see definition of "release" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: R R& R- R. Ra Rb Rc Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rn Ro Rp Rt Ru Rv Rw Ry
relay transmitter | relays | relbun | relearn | releasable | release | released | releasee | releasement | releaser | releasing



Noun, Verb (transitive)
71 in 69 verses (in OT : 47 in 47 verses) (in NT : 24 in 22 verses)


releasev. t. [Pref. re + lease to let.].
     To lease again; to grant a new lease of; to let back.  [1913 Webster]
releasev. t. [OE. relessen, OF. relassier, to release, to let free. See Relay, n., Relax, and cf. Release to lease again.].
  •  To let loose again; to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude; to give liberty to, or to set at liberty; to let go.  [1913 Webster]
    "Now at that feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses, as from pain, trouble, obligation, penalty.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To let go, as a legal claim; to discharge or relinquish a right to, as lands or tenements, by conveying to another who has some right or estate in possession, as when the person in remainder releases his right to the tenant in possession; to quit.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To loosen; to relax; to remove the obligation of; as, to release an ordinance.  Hooker.  [1913 Webster]
    "A sacred vow that none should aye release."  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To free; liberate; loose; discharge; disengage; extricate; let go; quit; acquit.
  •  The act of letting loose or freeing, or the state of being let loose or freed; liberation or discharge from restraint of any kind, as from confinement or bondage.  Milton.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Relief from care, pain, or any burden.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Discharge from obligation or responsibility, as from debt, penalty, or claim of any kind; acquittance.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A giving up or relinquishment of some right or claim; a conveyance of a man's right in lands or tenements to another who has some estate in possession; a quitclaim.  Blackstone.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The act of opening the exhaust port to allow the steam to escape.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A device adapted to hold or release a device or mechanism as required;  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  •  The act or manner of ending a sound.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
  •  In the block-signaling system, a printed card conveying information and instructions to be used at intermediate sidings without telegraphic stations.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Lease and release. (Law) See under Lease. -- Out of release, without cessation. [Obs.] Chaucer.
Syn. -- Liberation; freedom; discharge. See Death.


release, v. & n.
1 (often foll. by from) set free; liberate, unfasten.
2 allow to move from a fixed position.
3 a make (information, a recording, etc.) publicly or generally available. b issue (a film etc.) for general exhibition.
4 Law a remit (a debt). b surrender (a right). c make over (property or money) to another.
1 deliverance or liberation from a restriction, duty, or difficulty.
2 a handle or catch that releases part of a mechanism.
3 a document or item of information made available for publication (press release).
4 a a film or record etc. that is released. b the act or an instance of releasing or the process of being released in this way.
5 Law a the act of releasing (property, money, or a right) to another. b a document effecting this.

releasable adj. releasee n. (in sense 4 of v.). releaser n. releasor n. (in sense 4 of v.).
ME f. OF reles (n.), relesser (v.), relaiss(i)er f. L relaxare: see RELAX



OK, abandonment, abjuration, absolution, absolve, accord, account, acknowledgment, acquaintance, acquit, acquittal, acquittance, admission, admit, advice, allow, allowance, amnesty, annihilation, announcement, bane, biological death, blue book, boot, bounce, break, break loose, break out, break up, breakout, breakup, briefing, bulletin, bump, bust, can, canceled check, cashier, cast loose, cast off, catharsis, cessation of life, cession, charter, circulate, cleanse, cleanse away, cleansing, clear, clearance, clearing, clinical death, come out with, communication, communique, compurgation, consent, crossing the bar, curtains, cut loose, data, datum, deactivate, deactivation, death, death knell, debrief, debt of nature, decease, decontaminate, defrock, degrade, deliver, deliverance, delivery, demise, demob, demobilization, demobilize, demote, departure, deplume, depose, deprive, destigmatization, destigmatize, destigmatizing, detach, detachment, diaspora, diplomatic immunity, directory, disband, disbandment, disbar, discharge, disculpation, disembarrass, disembroil, disemploy, disengage, disentangle, disintegrate, disintegration, disinvolve, dislodge, dismiss, dismissal, disorganization, disorganize, dispatch, dispensation, dispense, dispense from, dispense with, dispersal, disperse, dispersion, displace, displume, disposal, disposition, disseminate, dissolution, dissolve, distribute, doff, doom, drum out, dumping, dying, ebb of life, emancipate, emancipation, embassy, emergence, emotional release, end, end of life, ending, enlightenment, escape, escapism, eternal rest, evasion, evidence, except, exception, exculpate, exculpation, excuse, exempt, exempt from, exemption, exit, exonerate, exoneration, expel, expiration, express, extinction, extinguishment, extract, extricate, extrication, facts, factual information, familiarization, final summons, finger of death, fire, flight, forgive, forgiveness, forgoing, forswearing, franchise, free, free from, freedom, freeing, furlough, gen, general information, get out, getaway, getting rid of, give absolution, give dispensation from, give leave, give off, give out, give permission, give release, give respite, give the ax, give the gate, give the go-ahead, give the word, giving up, go bail for, go separate ways, going, going off, grant, grant amnesty to, grant bail to, grant immunity, grant remission, grave, guidebook, hand of death, hand out, handout, hard information, immunity, incidental information, info, information, instruction, intelligence, intermission, intermit, issuance, issue, jailbreak, jaws of death, justify, kick, kick upstairs, knell, knowledge, last debt, last muster, last rest, last roundup, last sleep, launch, lay off, leak, leakage, leave, leave go, leaving life, legislative immunity, let, let go, let go free, let loose, let loose of, let off, let out, letter, letting go, liberate, liberation, liberty, license, lifesaving, light, loose, loosen, loosing, loss of life, make available, make possible, make redundant, making an end, manumission, manumit, mention, message, muster out, nonpros, notice, notification, okay, outlet, pardon, parole, part, part company, parting, pass out, passing, passing away, passing over, patent, pension off, perishing, permission, permission to enter, permit, pneumatogram, present, presentation, press release, prisonbreak, privilege, promotional material, proof, publication, publicity, publish, purgation, purge, purge away, purging, put on parole, put out, quash the charge, quietus, quittance, ransom, read out of, recantation, receipt, receipt in full, recover, recovery, redeem, redemption, releasing, relinquish, relinquishment, remise, remission, remit, removal, remove, renunciation, replace, report, reprieve, rescue, rescuing, resign, resignation, respite, rest, retire, retraction, retrieval, retrieve, reward, riddance, sack, sacrifice, salvage, salvation, save, save the necessity, saving, say the word, scatter, sentence of death, separate, separate forcibly, separation, set at large, set free, setting-free, shades of death, shadow of death, shrive, sidelight, sleep, somatic death, spare, special permission, split up, split-up, statement, story, strip, summons of death, superannuate, surcease, surplus, surrender, suspend, suspension, swearing off, take off, tear loose, telegram, the dope, the goods, the know, the scoop, ticket, ticket of admission, transmission, turn off, turn out, unbar, unbind, unbinding, unbolt, unbolting, unbridling, unbuckle, unbuckling, unbutton, uncaging, unchain, unchaining, unclasp, unclutch, undo, unfasten, unfetter, unfettering, unfrock, ungagging, unglue, unhand, unhanding, unharnessing, unhobbling, unknot, unlace, unlashing, unlatch, unlatching, unleash, unleashing, unlock, unlocking, unloose, unloosen, unloosing, unmanacling, unmuzzling, unpenning, unravel, unshackle, unshackling, unsnarl, unstick, unstrap, unstrapping, untangle, untethering, untie, untrussing, untying, unveil, unyoking, vent, verdict of acquittal, vindicate, vindication, voucher, vouchsafe, vouchsafement, waiver, warrant, weigh anchor, white book, white paper, whitewash, withdraw the charge, word, yield, yielding




N liberation, disengagement, release, enlargement, emancipation, disenthrallment, disenthralment, affranchisement, enfranchisement, manumission, discharge, dismissal, deliverance, redemption, extrication, acquittance, absolution, acquittal, escape, liberated, out of harness, Int, unhand me!, let me go!.

VB liberate, free, set free, set clear, set at liberty, render free, emancipate, release, enfranchise, affranchise, manumit, enlarge, disband, discharge, disenthrall, disenthral, dismiss, let go, let loose, loose, let out, let slip, cast adrift, turn adrift, deliver, absolve, unfetter &c, untie, loose, loosen, relax, unbolt, unbar, unclose, uncork, unclog, unhand, unbind, unchain, unharness, unleash, disengage, disentangle, clear, extricate, unloose, gain one's liberty, obtain one's liberty, acquire one's liberty, get rid of, get clear of, deliver oneself from, shake off the yoke, slip the collar, break loose, break prison, tear asunder one's bonds, cast off trammels, escape.


N permission, leave, allowance, sufferance, tolerance, toleration, liberty, law, license, concession, grace, indulgence, favor, dispensation, exemption, release, connivance, vouchsafement, authorization, warranty, accordance, admission, permit, warrant, brevet, precept, sanction, authority, firman, hukm, pass, passport, furlough, license, carte blanche, ticket of leave, grant, charter, patent, letters patent, permitting, permissive, indulgent, permitted, patent, chartered, permissible, allowable, lawful, legitimate, legal, legalized, licit, unforbid, unforbidden, unconditional, by leave, with leave, on leave, speciali gratia, under favor of, pace, ad libitum, by all means, yes, avec permissin, brevet d'invention.

VB permit, give permission, give power, let, allow, admit, suffer, bear with, tolerate, recognize, concede, accord, vouchsafe, favor, humor, gratify, indulge, stretch a point, wink at, connive at, shut one's eyes to, grant, empower, charter, enfranchise, privilege, confer a privilege, license, authorize, warrant, sanction, intrust, give carte blanche, give the reins to, give scope to, leave alone, leave it to one, leave the door open, open the door to, open the flood gates, give a loose to, let off, absolve, release, exonerate, dispense with, ask permission, beg permission, request permission, ask leave, beg leave, request leave.

Release from engagement

N release from engagement, release, absolute, unconditional.


N security, guaranty, guarantee, gage, warranty, bond, tie, pledge, plight, mortgage, collateral, debenture, hypothecation, bill of sale, lien, pawn, pignoration, real security, vadium, stake, deposit, earnest, handsel, caution, promissory note, bill, bill of exchange, I, O, U, personal security, covenant, specialty, parole, acceptance, indorsement, signature, execution, stamp, seal, sponsor, cosponsor, sponsion, sponsorship, surety, bail, mainpernor, hostage, godchild, godfather, godmother, recognizance, deed of indemnity, covenant of indemnity, authentication, verification, warrant, certificate, voucher, docket, doquet, record, probate, attested copy, receipt, acquittance, quittance, discharge, release, muniment, title deed, instrument, deed, deed poll, assurance, indenture, charter, charter poll, paper, parchment, settlement, will, testament, last will and testament, codicil, bonis avibus, gone where the woodbine twineth.


N exemption, absence, exception, immunity, privilege, release, exempt from, devoid of, without, unpossessed of, unblest with, immune from, not having, unpossessed, untenanted, without an owner, unobtained, unacquired, exemption, freedom, irresponsibility, immunity, liberty, license, release, exoneration, excuse, dispensation, absolution, franchise, renunciation, discharge, exculpation, exempt, free, immune, at liberty, scot-free, released, unbound, unencumbered, irresponsible, unaccountable, not answerable, excusable, bonis nocet quisquis pepercerit malis, exemption, absence, exception, immunity, privilege, release, exempt from, devoid of, without, unpossessed of, unblest with, immune from, not having, unpossessed, untenanted, without an owner, unobtained, unacquired, exemption, freedom, irresponsibility, immunity, liberty, license, release, exoneration, excuse, dispensation, absolution, franchise, renunciation, discharge, exculpation, exempt, free, immune, at liberty, scot-free, released, unbound, unencumbered, irresponsible, unaccountable, not answerable, excusable, bonis nocet quisquis pepercerit malis.

VB not have, be without, excuse, be exempt, exempt, release, acquit, discharge, quitclaim, remise, remit, free, set at liberty, let off, pass over, spare, excuse, dispense with, give dispensation, license, stretch a point, absolve, exonerate, save the necessity.


N restitution, return, rendition, reddition, restoration, reinvestment, recuperation, rehabilitation, reparation, atonement, compensation, indemnification, release, replevin, redemption, recovery, remitter, reversion, restoring, recuperative, suum cuique.


N payment, defrayment, discharge, acquittance, quittance, settlement, clearance, liquidation, satisfaction, reckoning, arrangement, acknowledgment, release, receipt, receipt in full, receipt in full of all demands, voucher, salary, compensation, remuneration (reward), repayment, reimbursement, retribution, pay, money paid, ready money, stake, remittance, installment, payer, liquidator, pay cash, pay cash on the barrelhead, paying, paid, owing nothing, out of debt, all straight, unowed, never indebted, to the tune of, on the nail, money down.


VB acquit, exculpate, exonerate, clear, absolve, whitewash, assoil, discharge, release, liberate, reprieve, respite, pardon, let off, let off scot- free, drop the charges, plea bargain, strike a deal, no-cause (in civil suits), get no-caused.


N forgiveness, pardon, condonation, grace, remission, absolution, amnesty, oblivion, indulgence, reprieve, conciliation, reconcilement, reconciliation, propitiation, excuse, exoneration, quittance, release, indemnity, bill of indemnity, act of indemnity, covenant of indemnity, deed of indemnity, exculpation, longanimity, placability, amantium irae, locus paenitentiae, forbearance, forgiving, placable, conciliatory, forgiven, unresented, unavenged, unrevenged, cry you mercy, veniam petimusque damusque vicissim, more in sorrow than in anger, comprendre tout c'est tout pardonner, the offender never pardons.


N propulsion, projection, propelment, vis a tergo, force from behind, push, shove, ejaculate, ejection, throw, fling, toss, shot, discharge, shy, launch, release, projectiles, ballistics, archery, propeller, screw, twin screws, turbine, jet engine, missile, projectile, ball, discus, quoit, brickbat, shot, arrow, gun, ballista, countdown, windup, shooter, shot, archer, toxophilite, bowman, rifleman, marksman, good shot, crack shot, sharpshooter, propelled, propelling, propulsive, projectile.

VB propel, project, throw, fling, cast, pitch, chuck, toss, jerk, heave, shy, hurl, flirt, fillip, dart, lance, tilt, ejaculate, jaculate, fulminate, bolt, drive, sling, pitchfork, send, send off, let off, fire off, discharge, shoot, launch, release, send forth, let fly, put in orbit, send into orbit, launch into orbit dash, put in motion, set in motion, set agoing, start, give a start, give an impulse to, impel, trundle, expel, carry one off one's legs, put to flight.


N death, decease, demise, dissolution, departure, obit, release, rest, quietus, fall, loss, bereavement, mortality, morbidity, end of life &c, cessation of life &c, loss of life, extinction of life, ebb of life, death warrant, death watch, death rattle, death bed, stroke of death, agonies of death, shades of death, valley of death, jaws of death, hand of death, last breath, last gasp, last agonies, dying day, dying breath, dying agonies, chant du cygne, rigor mortis, Stygian shore, King of terrors, King Death, Death, doom, Hell's grim Tyrant, euthanasia, break up of the system, natural death, natural decay, sudden death, violent death, untimely end, watery grave, debt of nature, suffocation, asphyxia, fatal disease, death blow, necrology, bills of mortality, obituary, death song, dead, lifeless, deceased, demised, departed, defunct, extinct, late, gone, no more, exanimate, inanimate, out of the world, taken off, released, departed this life, dead and gone, dead as a doornail, dead as a doorpost, dead as a mutton, dead as a herring, dead as nits, launched into eternity, gone to one's eternal reward, gone to meet one's maker, pushing up daisies, gathered to one's fathers, numbered with the dead, dying, moribund, morient, hippocratic, in articulo, in extremis, in the jaws of death, in the agony of death, going off, aux abois, one one's last legs, on one's death bed, at the point of death, at death's door, at the last gasp, near one's end, given over, booked, with one foot in the grave, tottering on the brink of the grave, stillborn, mortuary, deadly, post obit, post mortem, life ebbs, life fails, life hangs by a thread, one's days are numbered, one's hour is come, one's race is run, one's doom is sealed, Death knocks at the door, Death stares one in the face, the breath is out of the body, the grave closes over one, sic itur ad astra, de mortuis nil nisi bonum, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, honesta mors turpi vita potior, in adamantine chains shall death be bound, mors ultima linea rerum est, ominia mors aequat, Spake the grisly Terror, the lone couch of this everlasting sleep, nothing is certain but death and taxes.

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