Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: R R& R- R. Ra Rb Rc Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rn Ro Rp Rt Ru Rv Rw Ry
regrow | regrowth | reguardant | reguerdon | regulable | regular | regular army | regular convex polyhedron | regular convex solid | regular dodecahedron | regular hexagon



Adjective, Noun
22 in 21 verses (in OT : 22 in 21 verses)


regulara. [L. regularis, fr. regula a rule, fr. regere to guide, to rule: cf. F. régulier. See Rule.].
  •  Conformed to a rule; agreeable to an established rule, law, principle, or type, or to established customary forms; normal; symmetrical; as, a regular verse in poetry; a regular piece of music; a regular verb; regular practice of law or medicine; a regular building.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Governed by rule or rules; steady or uniform in course, practice, or occurence; not subject to unexplained or irrational variation; returning at stated intervals; steadily pursued; orderlly; methodical; as, the regular succession of day and night; regular habits.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Constituted, selected, or conducted in conformity with established usages, rules, or discipline; duly authorized; permanently organized; as, a regular meeting; a regular physican; a regular nomination; regular troops.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Belonging to a monastic order or community; as, regular clergy, in distinction dfrom the secular clergy.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Thorough; complete; unmitigated; as, a regular humbug.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Having all the parts of the same kind alike in size and shape; as, a regular flower; a regular sea urchin.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Same as Isometric.  [1913 Webster]
Regular polygon (Geom.), a plane polygon which is both equilateral and equiangular. -- Regular polyhedron (Geom.), a polyhedron whose faces are equal regular polygons. There are five regular polyhedrons, -- the tetrahedron, the hexahedron, or cube, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron. -- Regular sales (Stock Exchange), sales of stock deliverable on the day after the transaction. -- Regular troops, troops of a standing or permanent army; -- opposed to militia.
Syn. -- Normal; orderly; methodical. See Normal.
regularn. [LL. regularis: cf. F. régulier. See Regular, a.].
  •  A member of any religious order or community who has taken the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and who has been solemnly recognized by the church.  Bp. Fitzpatrick.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A soldier belonging to a permanent or standing army; -- chiefly used in the plural.  [1913 Webster]


regular, adj. & n.
1 conforming to a rule or principle; systematic.
2 (of a structure or arrangement) harmonious, symmetrical (regular features).
3 acting or done or recurring uniformly or calculably in time or manner; habitual, constant, orderly.
4 conforming to a standard of etiquette or procedure; correct; according to convention.
5 properly constituted or qualified; not defective or amateur; pursuing an occupation as one's main pursuit (cooks as well as a regular cook; has no regular profession).
6 Gram. (of a noun, verb, etc.) following the normal type of inflection.
7 colloq. complete, thorough, absolute (a regular hero).
8 Geom. a (of a figure) having all sides and all angles equal. b (of a solid) bounded by a number of equal figures.
9 Eccl. (placed before or after noun) a bound by religious rule. b belonging to a religious or monastic order (canon regular).
10 (of forces or troops etc.) relating to or constituting a permanent professional body (regular soldiers; regular police force).
11 (of a person) defecating or menstruating at predictable times.
12 Bot. (of a flower) having radial symmetry.
1 a regular soldier.
2 colloq. a regular customer, visitor, etc.
3 Eccl. one of the regular clergy.
4 colloq. a person permanently employed.

keep regular hours do the same thing, esp. going to bed and getting up, at the same time each day.
regularity n. regularize v.tr. (also -ise). regularization n. regularly adv.
ME reguler, regular f. OF reguler f. L regularis f. regula RULE



Conservative, Democrat, Labourite, OK, Republican, Tory, Whig, absolute, acceptable, accepted, accordant, accustomed, acknowledged, alike, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-out, all-pervading, annual, approved, armed force, armed service, army, arranged, arrant, array, automatic, average, avgas, balanced, beaten, bimonthly, biweekly, bona fide, born, bourgeois, broad-based, businesslike, career, career soldiers, ceaseless, characteristic, chattering, classic, classical, clean, clear, client, coequal, common, commonplace, complete, comprehensive, conformable, congenital, consistent, consonant, constant, consuetudinary, consummate, continual, continuous, conventional, coordinate, correct, correspondent, crass, crude, crude oil, current, customary, customer, cyclical, daily, decided, deep-dyed, definitive, dependable, distinctive, distinguishing, downright, downy, dyed-in-the-wool, egregious, equable, equal, equiangular, equilateral, established, estimable, ethyl, ethyl gas, eurythmic, even, everyday, exemplary, exhaustive, expected, familiar, fighting machine, fine, finished, fixed, fixture, flagrant, flat, forces, formal, fortnightly, fossil oil, frequent, frequenter, garden, garden-variety, gas, gasoline, generally accepted, glabrate, glabrescent, glabrous, glaring, good, gross, ground forces, ground troops, habitual, habitue, hackneyed, harmonious, hebdomadal, heeler, high-octane gas, high-test, homogeneous, host, hourly, household, immutable, in hand, incessant, intensive, intolerable, invariable, kerosene, kosher, lead-free gas, legal, legions, legitimate, leiotrichous, level, likeable, low-lead gas, loyalist, machine gun, mark, measured, mechanical, methodic, methodical, middle-class, military establishment, monolithic, monthly, motor oil, natural, naturalistic, no great shakes, normal, normative, obtaining, occupation force, of a piece, official, okay, omnibus, omnipresent, ordered, orderly, ordinary, orthodox, oscillating, out-and-out, outright, paraffin, paratroops, partisan, party faithful, party hack, party man, party member, party wheelhorse, patron, perennial, perfect, periodic, permanent, perpetual, persistent, pervasive, petrol, petroleum, plain, plane, plastic, pleasant, plumb, popular, positive, precious, predictable, predominating, premium gas, prescribed, prescriptive, prevailing, prevalent, profound, pronounced, proper, proportional, proportioned, prospect, pulsating, pure, quarterly, quintessential, radical, rank, rank and file, ranks, rapid, realistic, received, recognized, recurrent, recurring, registered Democrat, registered Republican, regular army, regular as clockwork, regular customer, regulars, regulation, repeated, repetitive, rhythmical, robotlike, rock oil, routine, run-of-mine, run-of-the-mill, sample, scheduled, seasonal, set, settled, shattering, sheer, shocking, ski troops, smooth, smooth-shaven, smooth-textured, soldiery, stable, staccato, stalwart, standard, standing army, stark, stark-staring, steadfast, steady, stereotyped, stock, storm troops, straight, stuttering, suave, suburban, sucker, superlative, surpassing, sustained, sweeping, symmetric, symmetrical, systematic, the line, the military, the veriest, thorough, thoroughgoing, through-and-through, time-honored, total, traditional, trite, troops, true to form, true to type, typal, typic, typical, ubiquitous, unalloyed, unbearable, unbroken, unceasing, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, unconditional, unconscionable, undeniable, undeviating, undifferentiated, undistorted, undiversified, unequivocal, unexceptional, uniform, unintermitted, unintermittent, unintermitting, uninterrupted, universal, unmitigated, unnoteworthy, unqualified, unrelieved, unremarkable, unremitting, unreserved, unrestricted, unrough, unroughened, unruffled, unspectacular, unspoiled, unstopped, unvaried, unvarying, usual, utter, veritable, vernacular, vibrating, ward heeler, weekly, well-balanced, well-known, well-ordered, well-proportioned, well-regulated, well-set, well-set-up, well-trodden, well-worn, wheelhorse, wholesale, widespread, wonted




N habit, habitude, assuetude, assuefaction, wont, run, way, common state of things, general state of things, natural state of things, ordinary state of things, ordinary course of things, ordinary run of things, matter of course, beaten path, beaten track, beaten ground, prescription, custom, use, usage, immemorial usage, practice, prevalence, observance, conventionalism, conventionality, mode, fashion, vogue, etiquette, order of the day, cry, conformity, consuetude, dustoor, one's old way, old school, veteris vestigia flammae, laudator temporis acti, rule, standing order, precedent, routine, red-tape, red-tapism, pipe clay, rut, groove, cacoethes, bad habit, confirmed habit, inveterate habit, intrinsic habit, addiction, trick, training, seasoning, second nature, acclimatization, knack, habitual, accustomary, prescriptive, accustomed, of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence, consuetudinary, wonted, usual, general, ordinary, common, frequent, everyday, household, garden variety, jog, trot, well-trodden, well-known, familiar, vernacular, trite, commonplace, conventional, regular, set, stock, established, stereotyped, prevailing, prevalent, current, received, acknowledged, recognized, accredited, of course, admitted, understood, conformable, according to use, according to custom, according to routine, in vogue, in fashion, in, with it, fashionable, wont, used to, given to, addicted to, attuned to, habituated, in the habit of, habitue, at home in, seasoned, imbued with, devoted to, wedded to, hackneyed, fixed, rooted, deep-rooted, ingrafted, permanent, inveterate, besetting, naturalized, ingrained, habitually, always, as usual, as is one's wont, as things go, as the world goes, as the sparks fly upwards, more suo, more solito, ex more, as a rule, for the most part, usually, generally, typically, most often, most frequently, cela s'entend, abeunt studia in mores, adeo in teneris consuescere multum est, consuetudo quasi altera natura, hoc erat in more majorum, How use doth breed a habit in a man!, magna est vis consuetudinis, morent fecerat usus.


N uniformity, homogeneity, homogeneousness, consistency, connaturality, connaturalness, homology, accordance, conformity, agreement, consonance, uniformness, regularity, constancy, even tenor, routine, monotony, uniform, homogeneous, homologous, of a piece, consistent, connatural, monotonous, even, invariable, regular, unchanged, undeviating, unvaried, unvarying, unsegmented, uniformly, uniformly with, in harmony with, always, invariably, without exception, without fail, unfailingly, never otherwise, by clockwork, ab uno disce omnes.


N completeness, completion, integration, allness, entirety, perfection, solidity, solidarity, unity, all, ne plus ultra, ideal, limit, complement, supplement, make-weight, filling, up, impletion, saturation, saturity, high water, high tide, flood tide, spring tide, fill, load, bumper, bellyful, brimmer, sufficiency, complete, entire, whole, perfect, full, good, absolute, thorough, plenary, solid, undivided, with all its parts, all- sided, exhaustive, radical, sweeping, thorough-going, dead, regular, consummate, unmitigated, sheer, unqualified, unconditional, free, abundant, brimming, brimful, topful, topfull, chock full, choke full, as full as an egg is of meat, as full as a vetch, saturated, crammed, replete, fraught, laden, full-laden, full-fraught, full-charged, heavy laden, completing, supplemental, supplementary, ascititious, completely, altogether, outright, wholly, totally, in toto, quite, all out, over head and ears, effectually, for good and all, nicely, fully, through thick and thin, head and shoulders, neck and heel, neck and crop, in all respects, in every respect, at all points, out and out, to all intents and purposes, toto coelo, utterly, clean, clean as a whistle, to the full, to the utmost, to the backbone, hollow, stark, heart and soul, root and branch, down to the ground, to the top of one's bent, as far as possible, a outrance, throughout, from first to last, from beginning to end, from end to end, from one end to the other, from Dan to Beersheba, from head to foot, from top to toe, from top to bottom, de fond en comble, a fond, a capite ad calcem, ab ovo usque ad mala, fore and aft, every, whit, every inch, cap-a-pie, to the end of the chapter, up to the brim, up to the ears, up to the eyes, as a as can be, on all accounts, sous tous les rapports, with a vengeance, with a witness, falsus in uno falsus in omnibus, false in one thing, false in everything, omnem movere lapidem, una scopa nuova spazza bene.


N order, regularity, uniformity, symmetry, lucidus ordo, music of the spheres, gradation, progression, series, subordination, course, even tenor, routine, method, disposition, arrangement, array, system, economy, discipline orderliness, rank, place, orderly, regular, in order, in trim, in apple-pie order, in its proper place, neat, tidy, en regle, well regulated, correct, methodical, uniform, symmetrical, shipshape, businesslike, systematic, unconfused &c (confuse), arranged, in order, methodically, in turn, in its turn, by steps, step by step, by regular steps, by regular gradations, by regular stages, by regular intervals, seriatim, systematically, by clockwork, gradatim, at stated periods, natura non facit saltum, order is heaven's first law, order from disorder sprung, ordo est parium dispariumque rerum sua loca tribue.


N arrangement, plan, preparation, disposal, disposition, collocation, allocation, distribution, sorting, assortment, allotment, apportionment, taxis, taxonomy, syntaxis, graduation, organization, grouping, tabulation, analysis, classification, clustering, division, digestion, digest, synopsis, syntagma, table, atlas, file, database, register, organism, architecture, sieve, riddle, screen, sorter, arranged, embattled, in battle array, cut and dried, methodical, orderly, regular, systematic, In vast cumbrous array.


N conformity, conformance, observance, habituation, naturalization, conventionality, agreement, example, instance, specimen, sample, quotation, exemplification, illustration, case in point, object lesson, elucidation, standard, model, pattern, rule, nature, principle, law, order of things, normal state, natural state, ordinary state, model state, normal condition, natural condition, ordinary condition, model condition, standing dish, standing order, Procrustean law, law of the Medes and Persians, hard and fast rule, conformable to rule, regular, according to regulation, according to rule, according to Hoyle, according to Cocker, according to Gunter, en regle, selon les regles, well regulated, orderly, symmetric, conventional, of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence, in the natural order of things, ordinary, common, habitual, usual, everyday, workaday, in the order of the day, naturalized, typical, normal, nominal, formal, canonical, orthodox, sound, strict, rigid, positive, uncompromising, Procrustean, secundum artem, shipshape, technical, exempIe, illustrative, in point, conformably, by rule, agreeably to, in conformity with, in accordance with, in keeping with, according to, consistently with, as usual, ad instar, instar omnium, more solito, more-majorum, for the sake of conformity, as a matter of course, of course, pro forma, for form's sake, by the card, invariably, for example, exempli gratia, e, g, inter alia, among other things, for instance, cela va sans dire, ex pede Herculem, noscitur a sociis, ne e quovis ligno Mercurius fiat, they are happy men whose natures sort with their v, The nail that sticks up hammered down, Tall poppy syndrome, Stick your neck out and it may get cut off.


N regularity of recurrence, periodicity, intermittence, beat, oscillation, pulse, pulsation, rhythm, alternation, alternateness, alternativeness, alternity, bout, round, revolution, rotation, turn, say, anniversary, jubilee, centenary, catamenia, courses, menses, menstrual flux, rota, cycle, period, stated time, routine, days of the week, Sunday, Monday, months of the year, January, feast, fast, Christmas, Easter, New Year's day, Allhallows, Allhallowmas, All Saints' Day, All Souls', All Souls' Day, Ash Wednesday, bicentennial, birthday, bissextile, Candlemas, Dewali, groundhog day, Halloween, Hallowmas, Lady day, leap year, Midsummer day, Muharram, woodchuck day, St. Swithin's day, natal day, yearbook, yuletide, punctuality, regularity, steadiness, periodic, periodical, serial, recurrent, cyclical, rhythmical, recurring, intermittent, remittent, alternate, every other, hourly, diurnal, daily, quotidian, tertian, weekly, hebdomadal, hebdomadary, biweekly, fortnightly, bimonthly, catamenial, monthly, menstrual, yearly, annual, biennial, triennial, centennial, secular, paschal, lenten, regular, steady, punctual, regular as clockwork, periodically, at regular intervals, at stated times, at fixed established, at established periods, punctually, de die in diem, from day to day, day by day, by turns, in turn, in rotation, alternately, every other day, off and on, ride and tie, round and round.


N symmetry, shapeliness, finish, beauty, proportion, eurythmy, uniformity, parallelism, bilateral symmetry, trilateral symmetry, multilateral symmetry, centrality, arborescence, branching, ramification, arbor vitae, symmetrical, shapely, well set, finished, beautiful, classic, chaste, severe, regular, uniform, balanced, equal, parallel, coextensive, arborescent, arboriform, dendriform, dendroid, branching, ramous, ramose, filiciform, filicoid, subarborescent, papilionaceous, fuji-shaped, fujigata.

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