Also see definition of "quiet" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: Q Q. Qa Qc Qe Qi Qo Qu Qw
quiesce | quiescence | quiescency | quiescent | quiescently | quiet | quiet down | quiet spell | quietage | quieten | quietening



Adjective, Noun, Verb (usu participle)
34 in 34 verses (in OT : 24 in 24 verses) (in NT : 10 in 10 verses)


quieta. [L. quietus, p. p. pf quiescere to rest, keep quiet; akin to quies rest, and prob. to E. while, n. See While, and cf. Coy, a., Quiesce, Quietus, Quit, a., Quite, Requiem.].
  •  In a state of rest or calm; without stir, motion, or agitation; still; as, a quiet sea; quiet air.  [1913 Webster]
    "They . . . were quiet all the night, saying, In the morning, when it is day, we shall kill him."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Free from noise or disturbance; hushed; still.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not excited or anxious; calm; peaceful; placid; settled; as, a quiet life; a quiet conscience.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "That son, who on the quiet state of man
    Such trouble brought.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not giving offense; not exciting disorder or trouble; not turbulent; gentle; mild; meek; contented.  [1913 Webster]
    "The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit."  [1913 Webster]
    "I will sit as quiet as a lamb."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not showy; not such as to attract attention; undemonstrative; as, a quiet dress; quiet colors; a quiet movement.  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Still; tranquil; calm; unruffled; smooth; unmolested; undisturbed; placid; peaceful; mild; peaceable; meek; contented.
quietn. [L. quies, -etis. See Quiet, a.].
  •  The quality or state of being quiet, or in repose; as an hour or a time of quiet.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Freedom from disturbance, noise, or alarm; stillness; tranquillity; peace; security.  [1913 Webster]
    "And join with thee, calm Peace and Quiet."  [1913 Webster]
At quiet, still; peaceful. -- In quiet, quietly. “ I will depart in quiet.” Shak. -- Out of quiet, disturbed; restless. [Obs.] “She is much out of quiet.” Shak.
quietv. t. 
  •  To stop motion in; to still; to reduce to a state of rest, or of silence.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To calm; to appease; to pacify; to lull; to allay; to tranquillize; as, to quiet the passions; to quiet clamors or disorders; to quiet pain or grief.  [1913 Webster]
    "Quiet yourselves, I pray, and be at peace."  [1913 Webster]
quietv. i. 
     To become still, silent, or calm; -- often with down; as, be soon quieted down.  [1913 Webster]


quiet, adj., n., & v.
--adj. (quieter, quietest)
1 with little or no sound or motion.
2 of gentle or peaceful disposition.
3 (of a colour, piece of clothing, etc.) unobtrusive; not showy.
4 not overt; private; disguised (quiet resentment).
5 undisturbed; uninterrupted; free or far from vigorous action (a quiet time for prayer).
6 informal; simple (just a quiet wedding).
7 enjoyed in quiet (a quiet smoke).
8 tranquil; not anxious or remorseful.
1 silence; stillness.
2 an undisturbed state; tranquillity.
3 a state of being free from urgent tasks or agitation (it is very quiet at work).
4 a peaceful state of affairs (all quiet along the frontier).
1 tr. sooth, make quiet.
2 intr. (often foll. by down) become quiet or calm.

be quiet (esp. in imper.) cease talking etc. keep quiet
1 refrain from making a noise.
2 (often foll. by about) suppress or refrain from disclosing information etc. on the quiet unobtrusively; secretly.
quietly adv. quietness n.
ME f. AF quiete f. OF quiet(e), quiet{eacute} f. L quietus past part. of quiescere: see QUIESCENT



Attic, Buddha-like composure, Oriental calm, abate, aesthetic, allay, appease, arrange, arrangement, array, artistic, asleep, at peace, at rest, ataraxia, ataraxy, awful silence, back-door, backstairs, backward, becalm, bloodless, brief, broken, brusque, calm, calm disposition, calm down, calm of mind, calmness, cease, cessation, chaste, chastened, choice, choke, choke off, clandestine, classic, cloistered, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, comfort, comfortable, compose, composed, composure, concise, concord, concordant, constrained, contemplation, cool, cool off, coolheaded, coolheadedness, coolness, countenance, covert, cradle, creamy, curt, dead, dead of night, deathlike silence, decrease, delicate, deploy, deployment, die down, disposal, dispose, disposition, domesticated, dormant, dovelike, dulcify, dumb, dumbfound, dwindle, dwindling, ease, easy mind, ebb, ebbing, echoless, economical of words, eggshell, even out, even-tenored, excellent, fall silent, feline, festal, fixed, flat, form, formation, furtive, gag, gentle, gloss, golden silence, grade, halcyon, halt, harmonize, harmony, hidlings, hierarchize, hole-and-corner, holiday, homely, housebroken, hugger-mugger, humble, hush, hush as death, hush of night, hush-hush, hushed, icy calm, idle, idyllic, impassive, imperturbability, imperturbation, in good taste, inactive, inactivity, inaudibility, inaudible, indisposed to talk, indisturbance, inert, iridescent, isolated, laconic, lamblike, law and order, lay out, layout, lessen, light, line up, lineup, lucid stillness, lull, marmoreal repose, marshal, marshaling, meek, mellow, mental composure, methodize, mild, molder, moldering, mollify, mother-of-pearl, motionless, mousy, muffle, mum, mute, muzzle, nacreous, nirvana, noiseless, noiselessness, normalize, of choice, of quality, opalescent, order, orderliness, orderly, organization, organize, pacific, pacify, pale, passive, pastel, pastoral, patinaed, peace, peace and quiet, peace of mind, peaceable, peaceful, peacefulness, peacetime, pearly, philosophic composure, philosophical, philosophicalness, philosophy, pipe down, piping, placid, placidity, placidness, plain, pleasing, pour balm into, privy, proportion, pure, put to silence, quell, quiesce, quiescence, quiescency, quiescent, quiet down, quiet life, quiet mind, quieten, quietism, quietness, quietude, rank, regularity, regularize, regulate, relaxation, repose, reposeful, reposing, reserved, rest, restful, restfulness, resting, restrained, retired, retiring, rock, rock to sleep, routine, routinize, sabbatical, sad, sangfroid, satori, secluded, semigloss, sequestered, sequestrated, serene, serenity, set up, settle, setup, sheltered, shifty, short, shrinking, shush, shut down on, shut up, silence, silent, silentness, silken repose, simple, skulking, sleep, sleepy, slinking, slinky, slumber, sly, smooth, smooth down, smooth over, smoothen, sneaking, sneaky, snug, sober, soft, soft-colored, soft-hued, soft-pedal, softened, solemn silence, somber, soothe, soothingness, soundless, soundlessness, sparing of words, speechless, squash, squelch, stabilize, standardize, stationary, steady, stealthy, stifle, still, still as death, stillish, stillness, stilly, stoic, stolid, stop, strike dumb, structure, subaudible, subdue, subdued, subside, subsiding, subtle, surreptitious, sweet, symmetry, system, systematize, tacitness, taciturn, taciturnity, tame, tamed, tasteful, tasty, temperate, termination, terse, throttle, tight-lipped, tomblike silence, tongue-tied, tranquil, tranquilize, tranquillity, unaffected, unagitated, unarticulated, unbuttoned ease, under-the-counter, under-the-table, undercover, underground, underhand, underhanded, understated, undisturbed, unexcited, unhearable, uniformity, unloquacious, unmoved, unmoving, unobtrusive, unperturbed, unpretentious, unpronounced, unruffled, unruffledness, unsounded, unstirring, untalkative, untroubled, unuttered, unvocalized, unvoiced, vacational, wane, waning, well-chosen, whisht, whist, wise passiveness, withdrawn, word-bound, wordless




VB dissuade, dehort, cry out against, remonstrate, expostulate, warn, contraindicate, disincline, indispose, shake, stagger, dispirit, discourage, dishearten, deter, repress, hold back, keep back, render averse, repel, turn aside, wean from, act as a drag, throw cold water on, damp, cool, chill, blunt, calm, quiet, quench, deprecate, disenchant, disillusion, deflate, take down a peg, pop one's balloon, prick one's balloon, burst one's bubble, disabuse (correction).


N leisure, convenience, spare time, spare hours, spare moments, vacant hour, time, time to spare, time on one's hands, holiday, relaxation, otium cum dignitate, ease, no hurry, no big rush, no deadline, leisure, leisurely, slow, deliberate, quiet, calm, undisturbed, at leisure, at one's ease, at loose ends, at a loose end, unhurriedly, deliberately, without undue haste, anytime, time hanging heavy on one's hands, eile mit Weile.


N inexcitability, imperturbability, inirritability, even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion, tolerance, patience, coolth, passiveness, hebetude, hebetation, impassibility, stupefaction, coolness, calmness, composure, placidity, indisturbance, imperturbation, sang froid, tranquility, serenity, quiet, quietude, peace of mind, mental calmness, staidness, gravity, sobriety, Quakerism, philosophy, equanimity, stoicism, command of temper, self-possession, self-control, self-command, self-restraint, ice water in one's veins, presence of mind, submission, resignation, sufferance, supportance, endurance, longsufferance, forbearance, longanimity, fortitude, patience of Job, patience on a monument, patience 'sovereign o'er transmuted ill', moderation, repression of feelings, subjugation of feeling, restraint, tranquillization, inexcitable, unexcitable, imperturbable, unsusceptible, unpassionate, dispassionate, cold-blooded, irritable, enduring, stoical, Platonic, philosophic, staid, stayed, sober, sober minded, grave, sober as a judge, grave as a judge, sedate, demure, cool-headed, easy-going, peaceful, placid, calm, quiet as a mouse, tranquil, serene, cool as a cucumber, cool as a custard, undemonstrative, temperate, composed, collected, unexcited, unstirred, unruffled, undisturbed, unperturbed, unimpassioned, unoffended, unresisting, meek, tolerant, patient, patient as Job, submissive, tame, content, resigned, chastened, subdued, lamblike, gentle as a lamb, suaviter in modo, mild as mothers milk, soft as peppermint, armed with patience, bearing with, clement, long-suffering, like patience on a monument smiling at grief, aequo animo, in cold blood, more in sorrow than in anger, Int, patience!, and shuffle the cards, cool calm and collected, keep calm in the midst of a storm, adversity's sweet milk, philosophy, mens aequa in arduis philosophia stemma non inspec, quo me cumque rapit tempestas deferor hospes, they also serve who only stand and wait.


N moderation, lenity, temperateness, gentleness, sobriety, quiet, mental calmness, moderating, anaphrodisia, relaxation, remission, mitigation, tranquilization, assuagement, contemporation, pacification, measure, juste milieu, golden mean, ariston metron, moderator, lullaby, sedative, lenitive, demulcent, antispasmodic, carminative, laudanum, rose water, balm, poppy, opiate, anodyne, milk, opium, poppy or mandragora, wet blanket, palliative, moderate, lenient, gentle, mild, mellow, cool, sober, temperate, reasonable, measured, tempered, calm, unruffled, quiet, tranquil, still, slow, smooth, untroubled, tame, peaceful, peaceable, pacific, halcyon, unexciting, unirritating, soft, bland, oily, demulcent, lenitive, anodyne, hypnotic, sedative, antiorgastic, anaphrodisiac, mild as mother's milk, milk and water, moderately, gingerly, piano, under easy sail, at half speed, within bounds, within compass, in reason, est modue in rebus, pour oil on troubled waters, moderation, lenity, temperateness, gentleness, sobriety, quiet, mental calmness, moderating, anaphrodisia, relaxation, remission, mitigation, tranquilization, assuagement, contemporation, pacification, measure, juste milieu, golden mean, ariston metron, moderator, lullaby, sedative, lenitive, demulcent, antispasmodic, carminative, laudanum, rose water, balm, poppy, opiate, anodyne, milk, opium, poppy or mandragora, wet blanket, palliative, moderate, lenient, gentle, mild, mellow, cool, sober, temperate, reasonable, measured, tempered, calm, unruffled, quiet, tranquil, still, slow, smooth, untroubled, tame, peaceful, peaceable, pacific, halcyon, unexciting, unirritating, soft, bland, oily, demulcent, lenitive, anodyne, hypnotic, sedative, antiorgastic, anaphrodisiac, mild as mother's milk, milk and water, moderately, gingerly, piano, under easy sail, at half speed, within bounds, within compass, in reason, est modue in rebus, pour oil on troubled waters.

VB be moderate, keep within bounds, keep within compass, sober down, settle down, keep the peace, remit, relent, take in sail, moderate, soften, mitigate, temper, accoy, attemper, contemper, mollify, lenify, dulcify, dull, take off the edge, blunt, obtund, sheathe, subdue, chasten, sober down, tone down, smooth down, weaken, lessen, check palliate, tranquilize, pacify, assuage, appease, swag, lull, soothe, compose, still, calm, calm down, cool, quiet, hush, quell, sober, pacify, tame, damp, lay, allay, rebate, slacken, smooth, alleviate, rock to sleep, deaden, smooth, throw cold water on, throw a wet blanket over, turn off, slake, curb, tame, smooth over, pour oil on the waves, pour oil on the troubled waters, pour balm into, mattre de l'eau dans son vin, go out like a lamb, roar you as gently as any sucking dove.


N quiescence, rest, stillness, quiescence, stagnation, stagnancy, fixity, immobility, catalepsy, indisturbance, quietism, quiet, tranquility, calm, repose, peace, dead calm, anticyclone, statue-like repose, silence, not a breath of air, not a mouse stirring, sleep, pause, lull, stand still, standing still, lock, dead lock, dead stop, dead stand, full stop, fix, embargo, resting place, gite, bivouac, home, pillow, haven, goal, quiescent, still, motionless, moveless, fixed, stationary, immotile, at rest at a stand, at a standstill, at anchor, stock, still, standing still, sedentary, untraveled, stay-at-home, becalmed, stagnant, quiet, unmoved, undisturbed, unruffled, calm, restful, cataleptic, immovable, sleeping, silent, still as a statue, still as a post, still as a mouse, still as death, vegetative, vegetating, at a stand, tout court, at the halt, Int, stop!, stay!, avast!, halt!, hold hard!, whoa!, hold!, sabr karo!, requiescat in pace, Deus nobis haec otia fecit, the noonday quiet holds the hill, quiescence, rest, stillness, quiescence, stagnation, stagnancy, fixity, immobility, catalepsy, indisturbance, quietism, quiet, tranquility, calm, repose, peace, dead calm, anticyclone, statue-like repose, silence, not a breath of air, not a mouse stirring, sleep, pause, lull, stand still, standing still, lock, dead lock, dead stop, dead stand, full stop, fix, embargo, resting place, gite, bivouac, home, pillow, haven, goal, quiescent, still, motionless, moveless, fixed, stationary, immotile, at rest at a stand, at a standstill, at anchor, stock, still, standing still, sedentary, untraveled, stay-at-home, becalmed, stagnant, quiet, unmoved, undisturbed, unruffled, calm, restful, cataleptic, immovable, sleeping, silent, still as a statue, still as a post, still as a mouse, still as death, vegetative, vegetating, at a stand, tout court, at the halt, Int, stop!, stay!, avast!, halt!, hold hard!, whoa!, hold!, sabr karo!, requiescat in pace, Deus nobis haec otia fecit, the noonday quiet holds the hill.

Also see definition of "quiet" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "quiet" in Webster Dictionary Online

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