Also see definition of "personality" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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personalityn. [Cf. F. personnalité. Cf. Personality.].
  •  That which constitutes distinction of person; the externally evident aspects of the character or behavior of a person; individuality.  [1913 Webster]
    "Personality is individuality existing in itself, but with a nature as a ground."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Something said or written which refers to the person, conduct, etc., of some individual, especially something of a disparaging or offensive nature; personal remarks; as, indulgence in personalities.  [1913 Webster]
    "Sharp personalities were exchanged."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That quality of a law which concerns the condition, state, and capacity of persons.  Burrill.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A person who is famous or notable; a celebrity.  [PJC]


personality, n. (pl. -ies)
1 the distinctive character or qualities of a person, often as distinct from others (an attractive personality).
2 a famous person; a celebrity (a TV personality).
3 a person who stands out from others by virtue of his or her character (is a real personality).
4 personal existence or identity; the condition of being a person.
5 (usu. in pl.) personal remarks.

have personality have a lively character or noteworthy qualities. personality cult the extreme adulation of an individual.
ME f. OF personalit{eacute} f. LL personalitas -tatis (as PERSONAL)



Adamite, Establishment, VIP, an existence, anima, ascendancy, aspersion, authority, baron, being, big gun, big man, big name, big shot, bigwig, body, brass, brass hat, cat, celebrity, chap, character, charisma, charm, chief, clout, coconscious, collective unconscious, complexion, conscience, conscious self, consequence, control, creature, credit, critter, customer, death instinct, differentiation, differentness, dignitary, dignity, disposition, distinctiveness, dominance, domination, duck, earthling, effect, ego, ego ideal, ego-id conflict, egohood, elder, eminence, enchantment, entelechy, entity, esteem, ethical self, father, favor, fellow, figure, force, foreconscious, good feeling, great man, groundling, guy, hand, head, headliner, hold, homo, human, human being, human factor, humor, id, identity, importance, important person, imputation, incidental power, individual, individualism, individuality, influence, influentiality, innuendo, insinuation, integrity, interests, joker, leadership, leverage, libidinal energy, libido, life, lion, living soul, lords of creation, luminary, magnate, magnetism, makeup, man, man of mark, mastery, mind, mogul, moment, monad, mortal, motive force, nabob, name, nature, nominalism, nonconformity, nose, notability, notable, object, one, oneness, organism, panjandrum, particularism, particularity, party, person, person of renown, persona, personage, personal equation, personal identity, personal remark, personship, persuasion, pillar of society, pleasure principle, potency, power, power elite, preconscious, predominance, preponderance, pressure, prestige, primitive self, psyche, psychic apparatus, purchase, racial unconscious, reflection, reign, repute, rule, ruling circle, sachem, say, self, self-identity, selfhood, selfness, single, singularity, slur, sly suggestion, somebody, someone, something, soul, star, suasion, subconscious, subconscious mind, subliminal, subliminal self, submerged mind, subtle influence, suggestion, superego, superstar, supremacy, sway, tellurian, temper, temperament, terran, the great, the top, thing, top brass, top people, tycoon, uncomplimentary remark, unconscious, unconscious mind, uniqueness, unit, upper hand, very important person, vital impulse, weight, whip hand, whispering campaign, worldling, worthy




N speciality, specialite, individuality, individuity, particularity, peculiarity, idiocrasy, personality, characteristic, mannerism, idiosyncrasy, specificness, singularity, reading, version, lection, state, trait, distinctive feature, technicality, differentia, particulars, details, items, counts, minutiae, I, self, I myself, myself, himself, herself, itself, special, particular, individual, specific, proper, personal, original, private, respective, definite, determinate, especial, certain, esoteric, endemic, partial, party, peculiar, appropriate, several, characteristic, diagnostic, exclusive, singular, idiomatic, idiotypical, typical, this, that, yon, yonder, specially, especially, particularly, in particular, in propria persona, ad hominem, for my part, each, apiece, one by one, one at a time, severally, respectively, each to each, seriatim, in detail, in great detail, in excruciating detail, in mind-numbing detail, bit by bit, pro hac vice, pro re nata, namely, that is to say, for example, id est, exemplia gratia, e, g, i, e, videlicet, viz, to wit, le style est l'homme meme.


N discourtesy, ill breeding, ill manners, bad manners, ungainly manners, insuavity, uncourteousness rusticity, inurbanity, illiberality, incivility displacency, disrespect, procacity, impudence: barbarism, barbarity, misbehavior, brutality, blackguardism, conduct unbecoming a gentleman, grossieret_e, brusquerie, vulgarity, churlishness, spinosity, perversity, moroseness, sternness, austerity, moodishness, captiousness, cynicism, tartness, acrimony, acerbity, virulence, asperity, scowl, black looks, frown, short answer, rebuff, hard words, contumely, unparliamentary language, personality, bear, bruin, brute, blackguard, beast, unlicked cub, frump, crosspatch, saucebox, crooked stick, grizzly, discourteous, uncourteous, uncourtly, ill-bred, ill-mannered, ill-behaved, ill-conditioned, unbred, unmannerly, unmannered, impolite, unpolite, unpolished, uncivilized, ungenteel, ungentleman-like, ungentlemanly, unladylike, blackguard, vulgar, dedecorous, foul- mouthed foul-spoken, abusive, uncivil, ungracious, unceremonious, cool, pert, forward, obtrusive, impudent, rude, saucy, precocious, repulsive, uncomplaisant, unaccommodating, unneighborly, ungallant, inaffable, ungentle, ungainly, rough, rugged, bluff, blunt, gruff, churlish, boorish, bearish, brutal, brusque, stern, harsh, austere, cavalier, taint, sour, crabbed, sharp, short, trenchant, sarcastic, biting, doggish, caustic, virulent, bitter, acrimonious, venomous, contumelious, snarling, surly, surly as a bear, perverse, grim, sullen, peevish, untactful, impolitic, undiplomatic, artless, discourteously, with discourtesy, with a bad grace.


N disapprobation, disapproval, improbation, disesteem, disvaluation, displacency, odium, dislike, dispraise, discommendation, blame, censure, obloquy, detraction, disparagement, depreciation, denunciation, condemnation, ostracism, black list, animadversion, reflection, stricture, objection, exception, criticism, sardonic grin, sardonic laugh, sarcasm, insinuation, innuendo, bad compliment, poor compliment, left-handed compliment, satire, sneer, taunt, cavil, carping, censoriousness, hypercriticism, reprehension, remonstrance, expostulation, reproof, reprobation, admonition, increpation, reproach, rebuke, reprimand, castigation, jobation, lecture, curtain lecture, blow up, wigging, dressing, rating, scolding, trimming, correction, set down, rap on the knuckles, coup de bec, rebuff, slap, slap on the face, home thrust, hit, frown, scowl, black look, diatribe, jeremiad, jeremiade, tirade, philippic, clamor, outcry, hue and cry, hiss, hissing, sibilance, sibilation, catcall, execration, chiding, upbraiding, exprobation, abuse, vituperation, invective, objurgation, contumely, hard words, cutting words, bitter words, evil-speaking, bad language, personality, disapproving, scandalized, disparaging, condemnatory, damnatory, denunciatory, reproachful, abusive, objurgatory, clamorous, vituperative, defamatory, satirical, sarcastic, sardonic, cynical, dry, sharp, cutting, biting, severe, withering, trenchant, hard upon, censorious, critical, captious, carping, hypercritical, fastidious, sparing of praise, grudging praise, disapproved, chid, in bad odor, blown upon, unapproved, unblest, at a discount, exploded, weighed in the balance and found wanting, blameworthy, reprehensible, to blame, worthy of blame, answerable, uncommendable, exceptionable, not to be thought of, bad, vicious, unlamented, unbewailed, unpitied, with a wry face, reproachfully, Int, it is too bad!, it won't do, it will never do!, marry come up!, Oh!, come!, 'sdeath!, forbid it Heaven!, God forbid, Heaven forbid!, out upon, fie upon it!, away with!, tut!, O tempora!, O mores!, shame!, fie, fie for shame!, out on you!, tell it not in Gath!.


N detraction, disparagement, depreciation, vilification, obloquy, scurrility, scandal, defamation, aspersion, traducement, slander, calumny, obtrectation, evil-speaking, backbiting, scandalum magnatum, personality, libel, lampoon, skit, pasquinade, chronique scandaleuse, roorback, sarcasm, cynicism, criticism (disapprobation), invective, envenomed tongue, spretae injuria formae, personality, libel, lampoon, skit, pasquinade, chronique scandaleuse, roorback, detractor, detracting, defamatory, detractory, derogatory, deprecatory, catty, disparaging, libelous, scurrile, scurrilous, abusive, foul- spoken, foul-tongued, foul-mouthed, slanderous, calumnious, calumniatory, sarcastic, sardonic, sarcastic, satirical, cynical, critical, damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, and without sneering, teach the rest to sneer, another lie nailed to the counter, cut men's throats with whisperings, foul whisperings are abroad, soft-buzzing slander, virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes, detraction, disparagement, depreciation, vilification, obloquy, scurrility, scandal, defamation, aspersion, traducement, slander, calumny, obtrectation, evil-speaking, backbiting, scandalum magnatum, personality, libel, lampoon, skit, pasquinade, chronique scandaleuse, roorback, sarcasm, cynicism, criticism (disapprobation), invective, envenomed tongue, spretae injuria formae, personality, libel, lampoon, skit, pasquinade, chronique scandaleuse, roorback, detractor, detracting, defamatory, detractory, derogatory, deprecatory, catty, disparaging, libelous, scurrile, scurrilous, abusive, foul- spoken, foul-tongued, foul-mouthed, slanderous, calumnious, calumniatory, sarcastic, sardonic, sarcastic, satirical, cynical, critical, damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, and without sneering, teach the rest to sneer, another lie nailed to the counter, cut men's throats with whisperings, foul whisperings are abroad, soft-buzzing slander, virtue itself 'scapes not calumnious strokes.


N immateriality, immaterialness, incorporeity, spirituality, inextension, astral plane, personality, I, myself, me, ego, spirit, astral body, immaterialism, spiritualism, spiritualist, immaterial, immateriate, incorporeal, incorporal, incorporate, unfleshly, supersensible, asomatous, unextended, unembodied, disembodied, extramundane, unearthly, pneumatoscopic, spiritual, personal, subjective, nonobjective.

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