Also see definition of "pantomime" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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pantological | pantologist | pantology | pantometer | pantometry | pantomime | pantomimer | pantomimic | pantomimical | pantomimist | panton


Noun, Verb (usu participle)


pantomimen. [F., fr. L. pantomimus, Gr. , lit., all-imitating; pa^s, panto`s, all + to imitate: cf. It. pantomimo. See Mimic.].
  •  A universal mimic; an actor who assumes many parts; also, any actor.  [1913 Webster]
  •  One who acts his part by gesticulation or dumb show only, without speaking; a pantomimist; a mime.  [1913 Webster]
    "[He] saw a pantomime perform so well that he could follow the performance from the action alone."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A dramatic representation by actors who use only dumb show; a depiction of an event, narrative, or situation using only gestures and bodily movements, without speaking; hence, dumb show, generally.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A dramatic and spectacular entertainment of which dumb acting as well as burlesque dialogue, music, and dancing by Clown, Harlequin, etc., are features.  [1913 Webster]
     Representing only in mute actions; pantomimic; as, a pantomime dance.  [1913 Webster]


pantomime, n.
1 Brit. a theatrical entertainment based on a fairy tale, with music, topical jokes, etc., usu. produced about Christmas.
2 the use of gestures and facial expression to convey meaning, esp. in drama and dance.
3 colloq. an absurd or outrageous piece of behaviour.

pantomimic adj.
F pantomime or L pantomimus f. Gk pantomimos (as PANTO-, MIME)



n. A play in which the story is told without violence to the language. The least disagreeable form of dramatic action.



Grand Guignol, Passion play, Roscius, Tom show, act, act a part, act as, act as foil, act out, acting, actor, actress, antagonist, antimasque, ape, aping, appear, audience success, bad guy, ballet, barnstorm, barnstormer, bearing, beck, beckon, body language, bomb, broadcast drama, burlesque show, carriage, character, character actor, character man, character woman, characterization, charade, child actor, chironomy, cliff hanger, closet drama, come out, comedy drama, copy, critical success, dactylology, daytime serial, deaf-and-dumb alphabet, dialogue, diseur, diseuse, do, documentary drama, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, dramatizer, dumb show, duodrama, duologue, embodiment, emote, emotionalize, enact, enacting, enactment, epic theater, experimental theater, extravaganza, failure, feeder, flop, foil, gasser, gesticulate, gesticulation, gesture, gesture language, get top billing, giveaway, hand signal, happening, heavy, histrio, histrion, hit, hit show, imitation, impersonate, impersonation, improvisational drama, incarnation, ingenue, juvenile, kinesics, legitimate drama, masque, masquerade, masquerade as, matinee idol, melodrama, mime, mimer, mimesis, mimic, mimicking, mimicry, miming, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, monodrama, monologist, monologue, morality, morality play, motion, motion to, movement, mummer, music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, opera, pageant, panel show, pantomiming, pantomimist, pass for, pastoral, pastoral drama, patter, perform, performance, performing, personate, personation, personification, piece, play, play a part, play the lead, playact, playactor, player, playing, playlet, poise, portrayal, pose, pose as, posing, posture, pretend to be, problem play, protean actor, psychodrama, quiz show, radio drama, reciter, register, review, revue, saw the air, sensational play, serial, show, shrug, shrug the shoulders, sign language, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skit, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, soubrette, spectacle, stage performer, stage play, stage player, stage show, stance, star, steal the show, stooge, straight drama, straight man, stroller, strolling player, success, suspense drama, tableau, tableau vivant, take off, talk show, teleplay, television drama, television play, theater of cruelty, theatrical, thespian, total theater, tread the boards, troupe, trouper, upstage, utility man, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, villain, wave the arms, word-of-mouth success, work




N language, phraseology, speech, tongue, lingo, vernacular, mother tongue, vulgar tongue, native tongue, household words, King's English, Queen's English, dialect, confusion of tongues, Babel, pasigraphie, pantomime, onomatopoeia, betacism, mimmation, myatism, nunnation, pasigraphy, lexicology, philology, glossology, glottology, linguistics, chrestomathy, paleology, paleography, comparative grammar, literature, letters, polite literature, belles lettres, muses, humanities, literae humaniores, republic of letters, dead languages, classics, genius of language, scholarship, lingual, linguistic, dialectic, vernacular, current, bilingual, diglot, hexaglot, polyglot, literary, syllables govern the world.

The Drama

N the drama, the stage, the theater, the play, film the film, movies, motion pictures, cinema, cinematography, theatricals, dramaturgy, histrionic art, buskin, sock, cothurnus, Melpomene and Thalia, Thespis, play, drama, stage play, piece, five-act play, tragedy, comedy, opera, vaudeville, comedietta, lever de rideau, interlude, afterpiece, exode, farce, divertissement, extravaganza, burletta, harlequinade, pantomime, burlesque, opera bouffe, ballet, spectacle, masque, drame comedie drame, melodrama, melodrame, comidie larmoyante, sensation drama, tragicomedy, farcical-comedy, monodrame monologue, duologue trilogy, charade, proverbs, mystery, miracle play, musical, musical comedy, western, horse opera, flick, spy film, love story, adventure film, documentary, nature film, pornographic film, smoker, skin flick, X-rated film, act, scene, tableau, induction, introduction, prologue, epilogue, libretto, performance, representation, mise en scene, stagery, jeu de theatre, acting, gesture, impersonation, stage business, gag, buffoonery, light comedy, genteel comedy, low comedy, theater, playhouse, opera house, house, music hall, amphitheater, circus, hippodrome, theater in the round, puppet show, fantoccini, marionettes, Punch and Judy, auditory, auditorium, front of the house, stalls, boxes, pit, gallery, parquet, greenroom, coulisses, flat, drop, drop scene, wing, screen, side scene, transformation scene, curtain, act drop, proscenium, stage, scene, scenery, the boards, trap, mezzanine floor, flies, floats, footlights, offstage, orchestra, theatrical costume, theatrical properties, movie studio, back lot, on location, part, role, character, dramatis personae, repertoire, actor, thespian, player, method actor, stage player, strolling player, stager, performer, mime, mimer, artists, comedian, tragedian, tragedienne, Roscius, star, movie star, star of stage and screen, superstar, idol, sex symbol, supporting actor, supporting cast, ham, hamfatter, masker, pantomimist, clown harlequin, buffo, buffoon, farceur, grimacer, pantaloon, columbine, punchinello, pulcinello, pulcinella, extra, bit- player, walk-on role, cameo appearance, mute, figurante, general utility, super, supernumerary, company, first tragedian, prima donna, protagonist, jeune premier, debutant, debutante, light comedian, genteel comedian, low comedian, walking gentleman, amoroso, heavy father, ingenue, jeune veuve, mummer, guiser, guisard, gysart, masque, mountebank, Jack Pudding, tumbler, posture master, acrobat, contortionist, ballet dancer, ballet girl, chorus singer, coryphee danseuse, property man, costumier, machinist, prompter, call boy, manager, director, stage manager, acting manager, producer, entrepreneur, impresario, backer, investor, angel, dramatic author, dramatic writer, play writer, playwright, dramatist, mimographer, dramatic, theatric, theatrical, scenic, histrionic, comic, tragic, buskined, farcical, tragicomic, melodramatic, operatic, stagy, on the stage, on the boards, on film, before the floats, before an audience, behind the scenes, fere totus mundus exercet histrionem, suit the action to the word, the word to the action, the play's the thing, to wake the soul by tender strokes of art.


N indication, symbolism, symbolization, semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics, Zeitgeist, characteristic, diagnostic, lineament, feature, trait, fingerprint, voiceprint, footprint, noseprint, cloven hoof, footfall, recognition (memory), diagnostic, divining rod, detector, sign, symbol, index, indice, indicator, point, pointer, exponent, note, token, symptom, dollar sign, dollar mark, type, figure, emblem, cipher, device, representation, epigraph, motto, posy, gesture, gesticulation, pantomime, wink, glance, leer, nod, shrug, beck, touch, nudge, dactylology, dactylonomy, freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology, byplay, dumb show, cue, hint, clue, clew, key, scent, signal, signal post, rocket, blue light, watch fire, watch tower, telegraph, semaphore, flagstaff, cresset, fiery cross, calumet, heliograph, guidon, headlight, mark, scratch, line, stroke, dash, score, stripe, streak, tick, dot, point, notch, nick, print, imprint, impress, impression, keyboard symbols, printing symbols, red letter, italics, sublineation, underlining, bold font, jotting, note, annotation, reference, blaze, cedilla, guillemets, hachure, quotation marks, ", double quotes, " ", parentheses, "( )", brackets, "", braces, "", left arrow, "<", right arrow, ">", forward slash, "/", backward slash, "\", exclamation point, "!", commercial at, "@", pound sign, "#", percent sign, "%", carat, "", ampersand, "&", asterisk, "*", hyphen, "-", dash, "-", "_", em dash, "--", plus sign, "+", equals sign, "=", question mark, "?", period, ", ", semicolon, ", ", colon, ":", comma, ", ", apostrophe, "'", single quote, "'", tilde, "~", badge, criterion, countercheck, countermark, countersign, counterfoil, duplicate, tally, label, ticket, billet, letter, counter, check, chip, chop, dib, totem, tessera, card, bill, witness, voucher, stamp, cacher, trade mark, Hall mark, signature, mark, autograph, autography, attestation, hand, hand writing, sign manual, cipher, seal, sigil, signet, hand and seal, paraph, brand, superscription, indorsement, endorsement, password, watchword, catchword, security card, pass, passkey, credentials, open sesame, timbrology, mot de passe, mot du guet, pass-parole, shibboleth, title, heading, docket, address card, visiting card, carte de visite, insignia, banner, banneret, bannerol, bandrol, flag, colors, streamer, standard, eagle, labarum, oriflamb, oriflamme, figurehead, ensign, pennon, pennant, pendant, burgee, blue Peter, jack, ancient, gonfalon, union jack, banderole, old glory, quarantine flag, vexillum, yellow-flag, yellow jack, tricolor, stars and stripes, bunting, heraldry, crest, coat of arms, arms, armorial bearings, hatchment, escutcheon, scutcheon, shield, supporters, livery, uniform, cockade, epaulet, chevron, garland, love knot, favor, beacon, cairn, post, staff, flagstaff, hand, pointer, vane, cock, weathercock, guidepost, handpost, fingerpost, directing post, signpost, pillars of Hercules, pharos, bale-fire, beacon-fire, l'etoile du Nord, landmark, seamark, lighthouse, balize, polestar, loadstar, lodestar, cynosure, guide, address, direction, name, sign, signboard, warning, omen, prefigurement, trace, record, warning &c, alarm, scepter, trophy, gauge, milestone, milepost, brand, fool's cap, check, telltale, test, mileage ticket, milliary, notification, advertisement, word of command, call, bugle call, trumpet call, bell, alarum, cry, battle cry, rallying cry, angelus, reveille, sacring bell, sanctus bell, exposition &c (explanation), proof, pattern, indicating, indicative, indicatory, denotative, connotative, diacritical, representative, typical, symbolic, pantomimic, pathognomonic, symptomatic, characteristic, demonstrative, diagnostic, exponential, emblematic, armorial, individual, known by, recognizable by, indicated, pointed, marked, denotable, indelible, in token of, symbolically, in dumb show, ecce signum, ex ungue leonem, ex pede Herculem, vide ut supra, vultus ariete fortior.

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