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ordered series | orderer | ordering | orderless | orderliness | orderly | orderly sergeant | ordinability | ordinable | ordinal | ordinal number



Adjective, Noun, Adverb
2 in 2 verses (in NT : 2 in 2 verses)


  •  Conformed to order; in order; regular; as, an orderly course or plan.  Milton.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Observant of order, authority, or rule; hence, obedient; quiet; peaceable; not unruly; as, orderly children; an orderly community.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Performed in good or established order; well-regulated.  Clarendon.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Being on duty; keeping order; conveying orders.  Sir W. Scott.  [1913 Webster]
Orderly book (Mil.), a book for every company, in which the general and regimental orders are recorded. -- Orderly officer, the officer of the day, or that officer of a corps or regiment whose turn it is to supervise for the day the arrangements for food, cleanliness, etc. Farrow. -- Orderly room. (a) The court of the commanding officer, where charges against the men of the regiment are tried. (b) The office of the commanding officer, usually in the barracks, whence orders emanate. Farrow. -- Orderly sergeant, the first sergeant of a company.
     According to due order; regularly; methodically; duly.  [1913 Webster]
    "You are blunt; go to it orderly."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A noncommissioned officer or soldier who attends a superior officer to carry his orders, or to render other service.  [1913 Webster]
    "Orderlies were appointed to watch the palace."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A street sweeper.  Mayhew.  [1913 Webster]


orderly, adj. & n.
1 methodically arranged; regular.
2 obedient to discipline; well-behaved; not unruly.
3 Mil. a of or concerned with orders. b charged with the conveyance or execution of orders.
--n. (pl. -ies)
1 an esp. male cleaner in a hospital.
2 a soldier who carries orders for an officer etc.

orderly book Brit. Mil. a regimental or company book for entering orders. orderly officer Brit. Mil. the officer of the day. orderly room Brit. Mil. a room in a barracks used for company business.
orderliness n.



Ganymede, Hebe, X-ray technician, accordant, accurate, adjutant, airline hostess, airline stewardess, aligned, alike, always, anesthetist, arranged, arrayed, assistant, assorted, at every turn, at peace, attendant, automatic, balanced, batman, bellboy, bellhop, bellman, bloodless, bootblack, boots, businesslike, cabin boy, caddie, calm, categorized, chipper, chore boy, civil, civilized, classified, composed, concinnate, concinnous, concordant, connected, consecutive, consistent, consonant, constant, constantly, constituted, continually, continuous, conventional, copyboy, correct, correspondent, courteous, cupbearer, decorous, dietitian, disciplined, disorderly, disposed, dresser, equable, equal, errand boy, errand girl, euphonic, euphonical, euphonious, even, exact, fixed, flat, flowing, fluent, footboy, formal, general, gofer, graded, grouped, habitual, halcyon, harmonious, harmonized, homogeneous, hospital administrator, hostess, idyllic, immutable, in apple-pie order, in hand, invariable, invariably, joined, laboratory technician, law-abiding, level, like clockwork, mannerly, marshaled, measured, mechanical, menial, messenger, methodic, methodical, methodically, methodized, meticulous, monolithic, natural, naturalistic, naturistic, neat, never otherwise, normal, normalized, of a piece, office boy, office girl, ordered, organized, pacific, page, pastoral, peaceable, peaceful, peacetime, persistent, physical therapist, physiotherapist, piping, placed, polite, precious, precise, precisian, precisionist, punctilious, puristic, quiet, radiographer, radiotherapist, ranged, ranked, realistic, regular, regular as clockwork, regularized, regularly, regulated, restful, robotlike, routine, routinized, scrupulous, sequent, sequential, serene, serial, servant, shipshape, smooth, smooth-sounding, snug, soft, sorted, squire, stable, standardized, steadfast, steadily, steady, steward, stewardess, sweet, symmetrical, synchronized, systematic, systematically, systematized, systemized, tender, tidy, tight, trainbearer, tranquil, tripping, typical, unbroken, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, undeviating, undifferentiated, undiversified, unexceptional, uniform, uninterrupted, unruffled, untroubled, unvaried, unvarying, usher, usual, well-behaved, well-mannered, well-ordered, well-regulated, without exception, yeoman




N order, regularity, uniformity, symmetry, lucidus ordo, music of the spheres, gradation, progression, series, subordination, course, even tenor, routine, method, disposition, arrangement, array, system, economy, discipline orderliness, rank, place, orderly, regular, in order, in trim, in apple-pie order, in its proper place, neat, tidy, en regle, well regulated, correct, methodical, uniform, symmetrical, shipshape, businesslike, systematic, unconfused &c (confuse), arranged, in order, methodically, in turn, in its turn, by steps, step by step, by regular steps, by regular gradations, by regular stages, by regular intervals, seriatim, systematically, by clockwork, gradatim, at stated periods, natura non facit saltum, order is heaven's first law, order from disorder sprung, ordo est parium dispariumque rerum sua loca tribue.


N arrangement, plan, preparation, disposal, disposition, collocation, allocation, distribution, sorting, assortment, allotment, apportionment, taxis, taxonomy, syntaxis, graduation, organization, grouping, tabulation, analysis, classification, clustering, division, digestion, digest, synopsis, syntagma, table, atlas, file, database, register, organism, architecture, sieve, riddle, screen, sorter, arranged, embattled, in battle array, cut and dried, methodical, orderly, regular, systematic, In vast cumbrous array.


N conformity, conformance, observance, habituation, naturalization, conventionality, agreement, example, instance, specimen, sample, quotation, exemplification, illustration, case in point, object lesson, elucidation, standard, model, pattern, rule, nature, principle, law, order of things, normal state, natural state, ordinary state, model state, normal condition, natural condition, ordinary condition, model condition, standing dish, standing order, Procrustean law, law of the Medes and Persians, hard and fast rule, conformable to rule, regular, according to regulation, according to rule, according to Hoyle, according to Cocker, according to Gunter, en regle, selon les regles, well regulated, orderly, symmetric, conventional, of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence, in the natural order of things, ordinary, common, habitual, usual, everyday, workaday, in the order of the day, naturalized, typical, normal, nominal, formal, canonical, orthodox, sound, strict, rigid, positive, uncompromising, Procrustean, secundum artem, shipshape, technical, exempIe, illustrative, in point, conformably, by rule, agreeably to, in conformity with, in accordance with, in keeping with, according to, consistently with, as usual, ad instar, instar omnium, more solito, more-majorum, for the sake of conformity, as a matter of course, of course, pro forma, for form's sake, by the card, invariably, for example, exempli gratia, e, g, inter alia, among other things, for instance, cela va sans dire, ex pede Herculem, noscitur a sociis, ne e quovis ligno Mercurius fiat, they are happy men whose natures sort with their v, The nail that sticks up hammered down, Tall poppy syndrome, Stick your neck out and it may get cut off.


N servant, subject, liegeman, servant, retainer, follower, henchman, servitor, domestic, menial, help, lady help, employe, attache, official, retinue, suite, cortege, staff, court, attendant, squire, usher, page, donzel, footboy, train bearer, cup bearer, waiter, lapster, butler, livery servant, lackey, footman, flunky, flunkey, valet, valet de chambre, equerry, groom, jockey, hostler, ostler, tiger, orderly, messenger, cad, gillie, herdsman, swineherd, barkeeper, bartender, bell boy, boots, boy, counterjumper, khansamah, khansaman, khitmutgar, yardman, bailiff, castellan, seneschal, chamberlain, major-domo, groom of the chambers, secretary, under secretary, assistant secretary, clerk, subsidiary, agent, subaltern, underling, understrapper, man, maid, maidservant, handmaid, confidente, lady's maid, abigail, soubrette, amah, biddy, nurse, bonne, ayah, nursemaid, nursery maid, house maid, parlor maid, waiting maid, chamber maid, kitchen maid, scullery maid, femme de chambre, femme fille, camarista, chef de cuisine, cordon bleu, cook, scullion, Cinderella, potwalloper, maid of all work, servant of all work, laundress, bedmaker, journeyman, charwoman, bearer, chokra, gyp (Cambridge), hamal, scout (Oxford), serf, vassal, slave, negro, helot, bondsman, bondswoman, bondslave, ame damnee, odalisque, ryot, adscriptus gleboe, villian, villein, beadsman, bedesman, sizar, pensioner, pensionary, client, dependant, dependent, hanger on, satellite, parasite, led captain, protege, ward, hireling, mercenary, puppet, tool, creature, badge of slavery, bonds, in the train of, in one's pay, in one's employ, at one's call, in bonds.

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