Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: M- M. M1 M2 M3 M< Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My
moccasined | mocha | moche | mochel | mochila | mock | mock azalia | mock heroic | mock orange | mock privet | mock sun



Adjective, Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)
21 in 21 verses (in OT : 19 in 19 verses) (in NT : 2 in 2 verses)


mockv. t. [F. moquer, of uncertain origin; cf. OD. mocken to mumble, G. mucken, OSw. mucka.].
  •  To imitate; to mimic; esp., to mimic in sport, contempt, or derision; to deride by mimicry.  [1913 Webster]
    "To see the life as lively mocked as ever
    Still sleep mocked death.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Mocking marriage with a dame of France."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To treat with scorn or contempt; to deride.  [1913 Webster]
    "Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud."  [1913 Webster]
    "Let not ambition mock their useful toil."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To disappoint the hopes of; to deceive; to tantalize; as, to mock expectation.  [1913 Webster]
    "Thou hast mocked me, and told me lies."  [1913 Webster]
    "He will not . . .
    Mock us with his blest sight, then snatch him hence.
    "  [1913 Webster]
Syn. -- To deride; ridicule; taunt; jeer; tantalize; disappoint. See Deride.
mockv. i. 
     To make sport in contempt or in jest; to speak in a scornful or jeering manner.  [1913 Webster]
    "When thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed?"  [1913 Webster]
    "She had mocked at his proposal."  [1913 Webster]
  •  An act of ridicule or derision; a scornful or contemptuous act or speech; a sneer; a jibe; a jeer.  [1913 Webster]
    "Fools make a mock at sin."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Imitation; mimicry.  Crashaw.  [1913 Webster]
     Imitating reality, but not real; false; counterfeit; assumed; sham.  [1913 Webster]
    "That superior greatness and mock majesty."  [1913 Webster]
Mock bishop's weed (Bot.), a genus of slender umbelliferous herbs (Discopleura) growing in wet places. -- Mock heroic, burlesquing the heroic; as, a mock heroic poem. -- Mock lead. See Blende (a). -- Mock nightingale (Zoöl.), the European blackcap. -- Mock orange (Bot.), a genus of American and Asiatic shrubs (Philadelphus), with showy white flowers in panicled cymes. Philadelphus coronarius, from Asia, has fragrant flowers; the American kinds are nearly scentless. -- Mock sun. See Parhelion. -- Mock turtle soup, a soup made of calf's head, veal, or other meat, and condiments, in imitation of green turtle soup. -- Mock velvet, a fabric made in imitation of velvet. See Mockado.


mock, v., adj., & n.
1 a tr. ridicule; scoff at. b intr. (foll. by at) act with scorn or contempt for.
2 tr. mimic contemptuously.
3 tr. jeer, defy, or delude contemptuously.
--attrib.adj. sham, imitation (esp. without intention to deceive); pretended (a mock battle; mock cream).
1 a thing deserving scorn.
2 (in pl.) colloq. mock examinations.

make mock (or a mock) of ridicule. mock-heroic adj. (of a literary style) burlesquing a heroic style.
--n. such a style. mock moon paraselene. mock orange a white-flowered heavy-scented shrub, Philadelphus coronarius. mock sun parhelion. mock turtle soup soup made from a calf's head etc. to resemble turtle soup. mock-up an experimental model or replica of a proposed structure etc.
mockable adj. mockingly adv.
ME mokke, mocque f. OF mo(c)quer deride f. Rmc



Parthian shot, abuse, adopt, affect, affected, affront, alike, alternate, alternative, ape, aped, apocryphal, appropriate, artificial, aspersion, assume, assumed, atrocity, back answer, backup, bamboozle, barrack, bastard, be merry with, beguile, betray, bluff, bogus, brickbat, brummagem, buffoon, burlesque, butt, cajole, call names, caricature, caustic remark, chaff, cheat, cheat on, circumvent, clinquant, colorable, colored, comeback, conjure, consimilar, contempt, contumely, copied, copy, copycat, counterfeit, counterfeited, crack, crack a joke, crack wise, cut, cut at, cutting remark, deceive, decry, defy, delude, deride, derision, derive from, despite, diddle, dig, dig at, disdain, dishonor, disoblige, disparage, distorted, double-cross, dressed up, dummy, dump, dump on, dupe, embellished, embroidered, enormity, equivalent, ersatz, factitious, fake, faked, fakement, false, falsified, farce, favoring, feign, feigned, fictitious, fictive, fleer, fleer at, flout, flouting, following, foolery, forestall, forged, forgery, frame-up, fraud, fraudulent, fun, gammon, garbled, get around, gibe, gibe at, gibing retort, give offense to, gull, guy, hit off, hit off on, hoax, hocus-pocus, hokey, homogeneous, hornswaggle, humbug, humiliate, humiliation, hurl a brickbat, identical, illegitimate, imitate, imitated, imitation, impersonate, impostor, indignity, infringe, injury, insult, jab, jab at, jape, jeer, jeer at, jeering, jest, jester, jibe at, joke, josh, juggle, junk, junky, kid, kid around, lampoon, laugh at, leg-pull, let down, like, lout, make a funny, make fun, make fun of, make use of, make-believe, makeshift, man-made, mime, mimic, mimicked, misapprehend, misconceive, misconstrue, misexplain, misinterpret, mislead, misread, mistake, mistranslate, mockery, nearly reproduced, not unlike, offend, offense, outmaneuver, outrage, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, parody, parrot, parting shot, paste, perverted, phony, pigeon, pilgarlic, pinch, pinchbeck, pirate, plagiarize, plagiarized, play on words, play one false, poke fun at, pooh, pooh-pooh, pretend, pretended, provisional, proxy, pseudo, pun, put down, put something over, put-down, put-on, put-up job, quasi, queer, quip, quiz, rag, rail at, rally, rank out, razz, resembling, reserve, revile, rib, ridicule, rip-off, rude reproach, satirize, scintillate, scoff, scoff at, scorn, scout, scurrility, secondary, self-styled, sell out, send up, sham, shoddy, short answer, similar, simulacrum, simulate, simulated, slam, slap, slap at, smacking of, sneer, sneer at, snow, so-called, soi-disant, something like, spare, sparkle, spoof, sport, spurious, steal, stopgap, string along, substitute, suggestive of, supposititious, swindle, swipe, synthetic, take, take in, take off, take off on, take on, take over, tantalize, taunt, tease, temporary, tentative, tin, tinsel, titivated, token, travesty, treat with indignity, trick, twisted, twit, two-time, unauthentic, uncomplimentary remark, ungenuine, uniform with, unnatural, unreal, utility, utter a mot, verbal thrust, vicarious, warped, whited sepulcher, wisecrack




N similarity, resemblance, likeness, similitude, semblance, affinity, approximation, parallelism, agreement, analogy, analogicalness, correspondence, homoiousia, parity, connaturalness, connaturality, brotherhood, family likeness, alliteration, rhyme, pun, repetition, sameness, uniformity, isogamy, analogue, the like, match, pendant, fellow companion, pair, mate, twin, double, counterpart, brother, sister, one's second self, alter ego, chip of the old block, par nobile fratrum, Arcades ambo, birds of a feather, et hoc genus omne, gens de meme famille, parallel, simile, type, image, photograph, close resemblance, striking resemblance, speaking resemblance, faithful likeness, faithful resemblance, similar, resembling, like, alike, twin, analogous, analogical, parallel, of a piece, such as, so, homoiousian, connatural, congener, allied to, akin to, approximate, much the same, near, close, something like, sort of, in the ballpark, such like, a show of, mock, pseudo, simulating, representing, exact, lifelike, faithful, true to nature, true to life, the very image, the very picture of, for all the world like, comme deux gouttes d'eau, as like as two peas in a pod, as like as it can stare, instar omnium, cast in the same mold, ridiculously like, as if, so to speak, as it were, as if it were, quasi, just as, veluti in speculum, et sic de similibus, tel maitre tel valet, tel pere tel fils, like master, like servant, like father, like son, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, a chip off the old block.


VB imitate, copy, mirror, reflect, reproduce, repeat, do like, echo, reecho, catch, transcribe, match, parallel, mock, take off, mimic, ape, simulate, impersonate, personate, act, represent, counterfeit, parody, travesty, caricature, lampoon, burlesque, follow in the steps of, tread in the steps, follow in the footsteps of, follow in the wake of, take pattern by, follow suit, follow the example of, walk in the shoes of, take a leaf out of another's book, strike in with, follow suit, take after, model after, emulate.

N imitation, copying, transcription, repetition, duplication, reduplication, quotation, reproduction, mimeograph, xerox, facsimile, reprint, offprint, mockery, mimicry, simulation, impersonation, personation, representation, semblance, copy, assimilation, paraphrase, parody, take-off, lampoon, caricature, plagiarism, forgery, counterfeit, celluloid, imitator, echo, cuckoo, parrot, ape, monkey, mocking bird, mime, copyist, copycat, plagiarist, pirate, imitated, mock, mimic, modelled after, molded on, paraphrastic, literal, imitative, secondhand, imitable, aping, apish, mimicking, literally, to the letter, verbatim, literatim, sic, totidem verbis, word for word, mot a mot, exactly, precisely, like master like man, like - but oh! how different!, genius borrows nobly, pursuing echoes calling 'mong the rocks, quotation confesses inferiority, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


VB amuse, entertain, divert, enliven, tickle the fancy, titillate, raise a smile, put in good humor, cause laughter, create laughter, occasion laughter, raise laughter, excite laughter, produce laughter, convulse with laughter, set the table in a roar, be the death of one, recreate, solace, cheer, rejoice, please, interest, treat, regale, amuse oneself, game, play a game, play pranks, play tricks, sport, disport, toy, wanton, revel, junket, feast, carouse, banquet, make merry, drown care, drive dull care away, frolic, gambol, frisk, romp, caper, dance, keep up the ball, run a rig, sow one's wild oats, have one's fling, take one's pleasure, paint the town red, see life, desipere in loco, play the fool, make holiday, keep holiday, go a Maying, while away the time, beguile the time, kill time, dally, smile, simper, smirk, grin, grin like a Cheshire cat, mock, laugh in one's sleeve, laugh, laugh outright, giggle, titter, snigger, crow, snicker, chuckle, cackle, burst out, burst into a fit of laughter, shout, split, roar, shake one's sides, split one's sides, hold both one's sides, roar with laughter, die with laughter.


VB ridicule, deride, mock, taunt, snigger, laugh in one's sleeve, tease, badinage, banter, rally, chaff, joke, twit, quiz, roast, haze, tehee, fleer, show up, play upon, play tricks upon, fool to the top of one's bent, laugh at, grin at, smile at, poke fun at, satirize, parody, caricature, burlesque, travesty, turn into ridicule, make merry with, make fun of, make game of, make a fool of, make an April fool of, rally, scoff, raise a laugh, play the fool, make a fool of oneself.

N ridicule, derision, sardonic smile, sardonic grin, irrision, scoffing, mockery, quiz, banter, irony, persiflage, raillery, chaff, badinage, quizzing, asteism, squib, satire, skit, quip, quib, grin, parody, burlesque, travesty, travestie, farce, caricature, buffoonery, practical joke, horseplay, scorn, contempt, derisory, derisive, mock, mocking, sarcastic, ironic, ironical, quizzical, burlesque, Hudibrastic, scurrilous, in ridicule.


VB hold in disrespect, misprize, disregard, slight, trifle with, set at naught, pass by, push aside, overlook, turn one's back upon, laugh in one's sleeve, be disrespectful, be discourteous, treat with disrespect, set down, put down, browbeat, dishonor, desecrate, insult, affront, outrage, speak slightingly of, disparage, vilipend, vilify, call names, throw dirt, fling dirt, drag through the mud, point at, indulge in personalities, make mouths, make faces, bite the thumb, take by the beard, pluck by the beard, toss in a blanket, tar and feather, have in derision, hold in derision, deride, scoff, barrack, sneer, laugh at, snigger, ridicule, gibe, mock, jeer, hiss, hoot, taunt, twit, niggle, gleek, gird, flout, fleer, roast, turn into ridicule, burlesque, laugh to scorn, smoke, fool, make game of, make a fool of, make an April fool of, play a practical joke, lead one a dance, run the rig upon, have a fling at, scout, mob.


N error, fallacy, misconception, misapprehension, misstanding, misunderstanding, inexactness, laxity, misconstruction, miscomputation, non sequitur, mis-statement, mis-report, mumpsimus, mistake, miss, fault, blunder, quiproquo, cross purposes, oversight, misprint, erratum, corrigendum, slip, blot, flaw, loose thread, trip, stumble, botchery, slip of the tongue, slip of the lip, Freudian slip, slip of the pen, lapsus linguae, clerical error, bull, haplography, illusion, delusion, snare, false impression, false idea, bubble, self-decit, self-deception, mists of error, heresy, hallucination, false light, dream, fable, bias, misleading, erroneous, untrue, false, devoid of truth, fallacious, apocryphal, unreal, ungrounded, groundless, unsubstantial, heretical, unsound, illogical, inexact, unexact inaccurate, incorrect, indefinite, illusive, illusory, delusive, mock, ideal, spurious, deceitful, perverted, controvertible, unsustainable, unauthenticated, untrustworthy, exploded, refuted, discarded, in error, under an error, mistaken, tripping, out, out in one's reckoning, aberrant, beside the mark, wide of the mark, wide of the truth, way off, far off, astray, on a false scent, on the wrong scent, in the wrong box, outside the ballpark, at cross purposes, all in the wrong, all out, more or less, errare est humanum, mentis gratissimus error, on the dubious waves of error tost, to err is human, to forgive divine, you lie -- under a mistake.


N deception, falseness, untruth, imposition, imposture, fraud, deceit, guile, fraudulence, fraudulency, covin, knavery, misrepresentation, bluff, straw-bail, straw bid, spoof, delusion, gullery, juggling, jugglery, slight of hand, legerdemain, prestigiation, prestidigitation, magic, conjuring, conjuration, hocus-pocus, escamoterie, jockeyship, trickery, coggery, chicanery, supercherie, cozenage, circumvention, ingannation, collusion, treachery, practical joke, trick, cheat, wile, blind, feint, plant, bubble, fetch, catch, chicane, juggle, reach, hocus, bite, card sharping, stacked deck, loaded dice, quick shuffle, double dealing, dealing seconds, dealing from the bottom of the deck, artful dodge, swindle, tricks upon travelers, stratagem, confidence trick, fake, hoax, theft, ballot-box stuffing, barney, brace game, bunko game, drop game, gum game, panel game, shell game, thimblerig, skin game, snare, trap, pitfall, decoy, gin, springe, springle, noose, hoot, bait, decoy-duck, tub to the whale, baited trap, guet-a-pens, cobweb, net, meshes, toils, mouse trap, birdlime, dionaea, Venus's flytrap, ambush, trapdoor, sliding panel, false bottom, spring-net, spring net, spring gun, mask, masked battery, mine, flytrap, green goods, panel house, Cornish hug, wolf in sheep's clothing, disguise, disguisement, false colors, masquerade, mummery, borrowed plumes, pattes de velours, mockery, copy, counterfeit, sham, make- believe, forgery, fraud, lie, a delusion a mockery and a snare, hollow mockery, whited sepulcher, painted sepulcher, tinsel, paste, junk jewelry, costume jewelry, false jewelry, synthetic jewels, scagliola, ormolu, German silver, albata, paktong, white metal, Britannia metal, paint, veneer, jerry building, man of straw, illusion, ignis fatuus, mirage, deceived, deceiving, cunning, prestigious, prestigiatory, deceptive, deceptious, deceitful, covinous, delusive, delusory, illusive, illusory, elusive, insidious, ad captandum vulgus, untrue, mock, sham, make-believe, counterfeit, snide, pseudo, spurious, supposititious, so-called, pretended, feigned, trumped up, bogus, scamped, fraudulent, tricky, factitious bastard, surreptitious, illegitimate, contraband, adulterated, sophisticated, unsound, rotten at the core, colorable, disguised, meretricious, tinsel, pinchbeck, plated, catchpenny, Brummagem, artificial, synthetic, ersatz, simulated, under false colors, under the garb of, under cover of, over the left, keep the word of promise to the ear and break it t, fronti nulla fides, ah that deceit should steal such gentle shapes, a quicksand of deceit, decipimur specie recti, falsi crimen, fraus est celare fraudem, lupus in fabula, so smooth, he daubed his vice with show of virtue.

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