Also see definition of "millennium" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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millenniumn. [LL., fr. L. mille a thousand + annus a year. See Mile, and Annual.].
  •  A period of one thousand years.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The period of a thousand years mentioned in the twentieth chapter of Revelation, during which holiness is to be triumphant throughout the world. Some believe that, during this period, Christ will reign on earth in person with his saints.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A long period of happiness, righteousness, and prosperity, usually considered as being in the indefinite future.  [PJC]
  •  A thousandth anniversary;
    "Technically, if the calendar of the Common Era (Anno Domini) is considered as beginning on January 1, 1 a. d., then the millenium will fall in each year ending in 001, as in 1001 a. d. or January 1, 2001 a. d.. However in the common culture, the change of the first digit of the year from 1 to 2, as from 1999 to 2000 is considered as the more symbolic event, especially since the dating of the beginning of the Christian era is somewhat arbitrary, having been an attempt to fix the date of the birth of Christ, and being considered by scholars as being in error by as much as five years."  [PJC]


millennium, n. (pl. millenniums or millennia)
1 a period of 1,000 years, esp. that of Christ's prophesied reign in person on earth (Rev. 20:1-5).
2 a period of good government, great happiness, and prosperity.

millennial adj. millennialist n. & adj.
mod.L f. L mille thousand after BIENNIUM



n. The period of a thousand years when the lid is to be screwed down, with all reformers on the under side.



Agapemone, Arcadia, Big Rock-Candy Mountain, Canaan, Cloudcuckooland, Cockaigne, Eden, Eldorado, Erewhon, G, Garden of Eden, Goshen, Happy Valley, Land of Youth, Laputa, M, Never-Never-land, Neverland, New Atlantis, Pandemonium, Quivira, Saturnia regna, Saturnian age, Shangri-la, Utopia, abundant year, academic year, age of Aquarius, annum, bissextile year, calendar month, calendar year, century, chiliad, chiliagon, chiliahedron, chiliarch, chiliarchia, cloudland, common year, day, decade, decennary, decennium, defective year, dreamland, dystopia, era of prosperity, faerie, fair weather, fairyland, fiscal year, fortnight, golden age, golden era, golden time, good times, grand, halcyon days, heaven, heyday, hour, kakotopia, kilo, kilocycle, kilogram, kilohertz, kiloliter, kilometer, kingdom come, lakh, land of dreams, land of enchantment, land of faerie, land of plenty, land of promise, leap year, lotus land, lunar month, lunar year, lunation, luster, lustrum, man-hour, microsecond, millepede, milligram, milliliter, millisecond, minute, moment, month, moon, myriad, one hundred thousand, palmy days, paradise, piping times, promised land, prosperity, quarter, quinquennium, regular year, reign of Saturn, rosy era, second, semester, session, sidereal year, solar year, sun, sunshine, ten thousand, term, thou, thousand, trimester, twelvemonth, utopia, week, weekday, wonderland, yard, year




N five, five, cinque, quint, quincux, six, half-a- dozen, half dozen, seven, eight, nine, three times three, dicker, ten, decade, eleven, twelve, dozen, thirteen, long dozen, baker's dozen, quintuplet, twenty, score, twenty-four, four and twenty, two dozen, twenty-five, five and twenty, quarter of a hundred, forty, two score, fifty, half a hundred, sixty, three score, seventy, three score and ten, eighty, four score, ninety, fourscore and ten, sestiad, hundred, centenary, hecatomb, century, hundredweight, cwt, one hundred and forty-four, gross, thousand, chiliad, millennium, thousand years, grand, myriad, ten thousand, ban, man, ten thousand years, banzai, lac, one hundred thousand, plum, million, thousand million, milliard, billion, trillion, five, quinary, quintuple, fifth, senary, sextuple, sixth, seventh, septuple, octuple, eighth, ninefold, ninth, tenfold, decimal, denary, decuple, tenth, eleventh, duodenary, duodenal, twelfth, in one's 'teens, thirteenth, vicesimal, vigesimal, twentieth, twenty-fourth, vicenary, vicennial, centuple, centuplicate, centennial, centenary, centurial, secular, hundredth, thousandth.


N period, age, era, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year, decade, decenniumm lustrum, quinquennium, lifetime, generation, epoch, ghurry, lunation, moon, century, millennium, annus magnus, horary, hourly, annual.


N futurity, futurition, future, hereafter, time to come, approaching time, coming time, subsequent time, after time, approaching age, coming age, subsequent age, after age, approaching days, coming days, subsequent days, after days, approaching hours, coming hours, subsequent hours, after hours, approaching ages, coming ages, subsequent ages, after ages, approaching life, coming life, subsequent life, after life, approaching years, coming years, subsequent years, after years, morrow, millennium, doomsday, day of judgment, crack of doom, remote future, approach of time advent, time drawing on, womb of time, destiny, eventuality, heritage, heirs posterity, prospect, foresight, future, to come, coming, next, near, close at hand, eventual, ulterior, in prospect, prospectively, hereafter, in future, kal, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in course of time, in process of time, in the fullness of time, eventually, ultimately, sooner or later, proximo, paulo post futurum, in after time, one of these days, after a time, after a while, from this time, henceforth, henceforwards, thence, thenceforth, thenceforward, whereupon, upon which, soon, on the eve of, on the point of, on the brink of, about to, close upon, quid sit futurum cras fuge quaerere.


N hope, hopes, desire, fervent hope, sanguine expectation, trust, confidence, reliance, faith, affiance, assurance, secureness, security, reassurance, good omen, good auspices, promise, well grounded hopes, good prospect, bright prospect, clear sky, assumption, presumption, anticipation, hopefulness, buoyancy, optimism, enthusiasm, heart of grace, aspiration, optimist, utopian, utopist, castles in the air, castles in Spain, chateaux en Espagne, le pot aut lait, Utopia, millennium, day dream, golden dream, dream of Alnaschar, airy hopes, fool's paradise, mirage, fond hope, beam of hope, ray of hope, gleam of hope, glimmer of hope, flash of hope, dawn of hope, star of hope, cheer, bit of blue sky, silver lining, silver lining of the cloud, bottom of Pandora's box, balm in Gilead, light at the end of the tunnel, anchor, sheet anchor, mainstay, staff, heaven, hoping, in hopes, hopeful, confident, secure, sanguine, in good heart, buoyed up, buoyant, elated, flushed, exultant, enthusiastic, heartsome, utopian, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, fearless, free from fear, free from suspicion, free from distrust, free from despair, exempt from fear, exempt from suspicion, exempt from distrust, exempt from despair, undespairing, self reliant, probable, on the high road to, within sight of shore, within sight of land, promising, propitious, of promise, full of promise, of good omen, auspicious, de bon augure, reassuring, encouraging, cheering, inspiriting, looking up, bright, roseate, couleur de rose, rose-colored, hopefully, Int, God speed!, nil desperandum, never say die, dum spiro spero, latet scintillula forsan, all is for the best, spero meliora, every cloud has a silver lining, the wish being father to the thought, hope told a flattering tale, rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis, at spes non fracta, ego spem prietio non emo, un Dieu est ma fiance, hope! thou nurse of young desire, in hoc signo spes mea, in hoc signo vinces, la speranza e il pan de miseri, l'esperance est le songe d'un homme eveille, the mighty hopes that make us men, the sickening pang of hope deferred.


N imagination, originality, invention, fancy, inspiration, verve, warm imagination, heated imagination, excited imagination, sanguine imagination, ardent imagination, fiery imagination, boiling imagination, wild imagination, bold imagination, daring imagination, playful imagination, lively imagination, fertile imagination, fancy, mind's eye, such stuff as dreams are made of, ideality, idealism, romanticism, utopianism, castle-building, dreaming, phrensy, frenzy, ecstasy, extasy, calenture, reverie, trance, day dream, golden dream, somnambulism, conception, Vorstellung, excogitation, a fine frenzy, cloudland, dreamland, flight of fancy, fumes of fancy, thick coming fancies, creation of the brain, coinage of the brain, imagery, conceit, maggot, figment, myth, dream, vision, shadow, chimera, phantasm, phantasy, fantasy, fancy, whim, whimsey, whimsy, vagary, rhapsody, romance, gest, geste, extravaganza, air drawn dagger, bugbear, nightmare, flying Dutchman, great sea serpent, man in the moon, castle in the air, pipe dream, pie-in-the-sky, chateau en Espagne, Utopia, Atlantis, happy valley, millennium, fairyland, land of Prester John, kindgom of Micomicon, work of fiction, Arabian nights, le pot au lait, dream of Alnashar, illusion, phantom, Fata Morgana, vapor, stretch of the imagination, mythogenesis, idealist, romanticist, visionary, mopus, romancer, dreamer, somnambulist, rhapsodist, castle-buildier, fanciful projector, imagined, ben trovato, air drawn, airbuilt, imagining, imaginative, original, inventive, creative, fertile, romantic, high flown, flighty, extravagant, fanatic, enthusiastic, unrealistic, Utopian, Quixotic, ideal, unreal, in the clouds, in nubibus, unsubsantial, illusory, fabulous, legendary, mythical, mythic, mythological, chimerical, imaginary, visionary, notional, fancy, fanciful, fantastic, fantastical, whimsical, fairy, fairy-like, gestic, a change came o'er the spirit of my dream, aegri somnia vana, dolphinum appingit sylvis in fluctibus aprum, fancy light from fancy caught, imagination rules the world, l'imagination gallope, le jugement ne va que le pas, musaeo contingens cuncta lepore, tous songes sont mensonges, Wahrheil und Dichtung, DIVISION II COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS.

Also see definition of "millennium" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "millennium" in Webster Dictionary Online

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