Also see definition of "march" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: M- M. M1 M2 M3 M< Ma Mb Mc Md Me Mf Mg Mh Mi Mk Ml Mm Mn Mo Mp Mr Ms Mt Mu Mv Mw Mx My
marcel proust | marceline | marcello malpighi | marcescent | marcescible | march | march 17 | march 19 | march 2 | march 25 | march equinox



Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)
39 in 37 verses (in OT : 39 in 37 verses)


marchn. [L. Martius mensis Mars'month fr. Martius belonging to Mars, the god of war: cf. F. mars. Cf. Martial.].
     The third month of the year, containing thirty-one days.  [1913 Webster]
    "The stormy March is come at last,
    With wind, and cloud, and changing skies.
    "  [1913 Webster]
As mad as a March Hare, an old English Saying derived from the fact that March is the rutting time of hares, when they are excitable and violent. Wright.
marchn. [OE. marche, F. marche; of German origin; cf. OHG. marcha, G. mark, akin to OS. marka, AS. mearc, Goth. marka, L. margo edge, border, margin, and possibly to E. mark a sign. Margin, Margrave, Marque, Marquis.].
     A territorial border or frontier; a region adjacent to a boundary line; a confine; -- used chiefly in the plural, and in English history applied especially to the border land on the frontiers between England and Scotland, and England and Wales.  [1913 Webster]
    "Geneva is situated in the marches of several dominions -- France, Savoy, and Switzerland."  [1913 Webster]
    "Lords of waste marches, kings of desolate isles."  [1913 Webster]
marchv. i. [Cf. OF. marchir. See 2d March.].
     To border; to be contiguous; to lie side by side.  [1913 Webster]
    "That was in a strange land
    Which marcheth upon Chimerie.
    "  [1913 Webster]
To march with, to have the same boundary for a greater or less distance; -- said of an estate.
marchv. i. [F. marcher, in OF. also, to tread, prob. fr. L. marcus hammer. Cf. Mortar.].
  •  To move with regular steps, as a soldier; to walk in a grave, deliberate, or stately manner; to advance steadily.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To proceed by walking in a body or in military order; as, the German army marched into France.  [1913 Webster]
marchv. t. 
     To cause to move with regular steps in the manner of a soldier; to cause to move in military array, or in a body, as troops; to cause to advance in a steady, regular, or stately manner; to cause to go by peremptory command, or by force.  [1913 Webster]
    "March them again in fair array."  [1913 Webster]
marchn. [F. marche.].
  •  The act of marching; a movement of soldiers from one stopping place to another; military progress; advance of troops.  [1913 Webster]
    "These troops came to the army harassed with a long and wearisome march."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Hence: Measured and regular advance or movement, like that of soldiers moving in order; stately or deliberate walk; steady onward movement; as, the march of time.  [1913 Webster]
    "With solemn march
    Goes slow and stately by them.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "This happens merely because men will not bide their time, but will insist on precipitating the march of affairs."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The distance passed over in marching; as, an hour's march; a march of twenty miles.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A piece of music designed or fitted to accompany and guide the movement of troops; a piece of music in the march form.  [1913 Webster]
    "The drums presently striking up a march."  [1913 Webster]
To make a march, (Card Playing), to take all the tricks of a hand, in the game of euchre.


march, n. the third month of the year.

March hare a hare in the breeding season, characterized by excessive leaping, strange behaviour, etc. (mad as a March hare).
ME f. OF march(e), dial. var. of marz, mars, f. L Martius (mensis) (month) of Mars
march, v. & n.
1 intr. (usu. foll. by away, off, out, etc.) walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread.
2 tr. (often foll. by away, on, off, etc.) cause to march or walk (marched the army to Moscow; marched him out of the room).
3 intr. a walk or proceed steadily, esp. across country. b (of events etc.) continue unrelentingly (time marches on).
4 intr. take part in a protest march.
1 a the act or an instance of marching. b the uniform step of troops etc. (a slow march).
2 a long difficult walk.
3 a procession as a protest or demonstration.
4 (usu. foll. by of) progress or continuity (the march of events).
5 a a piece of music composed to accompany a march. b a composition of similar character and form.

marching order Mil. equipment or a formation for marching. marching orders
1 Mil. the direction for troops to depart for war etc.
2 a dismissal (gave him his marching orders).
march on
1 advance towards (a military objective).
2 proceed. march past n. the marching of troops past a saluting-point at a review.
--v.intr. (of troops) carry out a march past. on the march
1 marching.
2 in steady progress.
marcher n.
march, n. & v.
--n. hist.
1 (usu. in pl.) a boundary, a frontier (esp. of the borderland between England and Scotland or Wales).
2 a tract of often disputed land between two countries.
--v.intr. (foll. by upon, with) (of a country, an estate, etc.) have a common frontier with, border on.

ME f. OF marche, marchir ult. f. Gmc: cf. MARK(1)



Berlin wall, Pillars of Hercules, abut, accord, adjoin, advance, advancement, advancing, airing, ambit, amble, anabasis, arena, around, backpack, bailiwick, bamboo curtain, be getting along, beat, beef, befringe, bind, bitch, boggle, border, border ground, border line, borderland, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bourn, bow out, boycott, break boundary, breakoff point, butt, buzz off, call in question, career, ceiling, challenge, check, circle, circuit, circumscription, clasp, cling to, come away, communicate, compass, complain, complaint, compunction, confine, constitutional, correspond, cortege, course, cry out against, cutoff, cutoff point, dead march, deadline, defile, delimitation, demesne, demonstrate, demonstrate against, demonstration, demur, demurrer, depart, department, determinant, dispute, division line, domain, dominion, double march, double time, double-quick, dovetail, drift along, edge, egress, end, enframe, enter a protest, exception, exit, expostulate, expostulation, extend, extremity, field, file, file off, finish, fit in, floor, flow on, follow close upon, footslog, forced march, forward motion, forwardal, forwarding, frame, fringe, frontier, frontier post, funeral march, furtherance, furthering, gang along, gee, get along, get away, get off, get on, get out, get under way, go, go along, go away, go off, go on, go on parade, go out, go with, go-ahead, goose step, goose-step, grievance, grievance committee, half step, hang about, headway, hedge, hem, hemisphere, high-water mark, hike, holler, hover over, howl, huddle, hug, hug the shore, indignation meeting, interface, iron curtain, jaunt, jog on, join, judicial circuit, jurisdiction, keep close to, kick, lap, leave, lie by, limen, limit, limitation, limiting factor, line, line of demarcation, list, low-water mark, lower limit, make an exit, march off, march on, march out, march with, marches, marchland, marge, margin, marginate, mark, martial music, mete, military march, military music, mosey, move, move away, move off, move out, mush, neighbor, nonviolent protest, object, objection, ongoing, onward course, orb, orbit, outpost, outskirts, pace, pale, parade, parallel, pass out, passage, peripatetic journey, peripateticism, periphery, picket, picketing, precinct, press objections, proceed, procession, processional march, proficiency, progress, progression, progressiveness, promenade, promotion, protest, protest demonstration, protestation, province, provinces, pull out, purfle, purl, qualm, quick march, quick time, quickstep, quickstep march, raise a howl, rally, ramble, realm, recessional march, remonstrance, remonstrate, remonstration, rim, roll on, rolling, rolling on, round, rub on, run on, run out, sashay, sashay off, saunter, schlep, scruple, set off, side, sit in, sit-in, skirt, sling, slog, slow march, slow time, sphere, square, squawk, stagger along, stalk, stand by, start, starting line, starting point, state a grievance, stay inshore, stay near, step, stretch, stride, strike, stroll, strut, tailgate, take flight, take wing, tally, target date, teach in, teach-in, term, terminal date, terminus, territory, three-mile limit, threshold, time allotment, toddle along, touch, traipse, tramp, travel, tread, trek, trim, trudge, turn, twelve-mile limit, up and go, upper limit, verge, walk, walk out, walking tour, way, wedding march, wing it, yell bloody murder




N region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle, reservation, pale, compartment, department, clearing, (property) &c 780 (Government), 1 arena, precincts, enceinte, walk, march, patch, plot, parcel, inclosure, close, field, court, enclave, reserve, preserve, street, clime, climate, zone, meridian, latitude, biosphere, lithosphere, territorial, local, parochial, provincial, regional.


N journey, travel, traveling, wayfaring, campaigning, journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, grand tour, circuit, peregrination, discursion, ramble, pilgrimage, hajj, trek, course, ambulation, march, walk, promenade, constitutional, stroll, saunter, tramp, jog trot, turn, stalk, perambulation, noctambulation, noctambulism, somnambulism, outing, ride, drive, airing, jaunt, equitation, horsemanship, riding, manege, ride and tie, basophobia, roving, vagrancy, pererration, marching and countermarching, nomadism, vagabondism, vagabondage, hoboism, gadding, flit, flitting, migration, emigration, immigration, demigration, intermigration, wanderlust, plan, itinerary, guide, handbook, guidebook, road book, Baedeker, Bradshaw, Murray, map, road map, transportation guide, subway map, procession, cavalcade, caravan, file, cortege, column, vehicle, automobile, train, bus, airplane, plane, autobus, omnibus, subway, motorbike, dirt bike, off-road vehicle, van, minivan, motor scooter, trolley, locomotive, legs, feet, pegs, pins, trotters, traveler, depot, railway station, station, traveling, ambulatory, itinerant, peripatetic, roving, rambling, gadding, discursive, vagrant, migratory, monadic, circumforanean, circumforaneous, noctivagrant, mundivagrant, locomotive, wayfaring, wayworn, travel-stained, on foot, on horseback, on Shanks's mare, by the Marrowbone stage: in transitu, en route, Int, come along!.

VB travel, journey, course, take a journey, go a journey, take a walk, go out for walk, have a run, take the air, flit, take wing, migrate, emigrate, trek, rove, prowl, roam, range, patrol, pace up and down, traverse, scour the country, traverse the country, peragrate, circumambulate, perambulate, nomadize, wander, ramble, stroll, saunter, hover, go one's rounds, straggle, gad, gad about, expatiate, walk, march, step, tread, pace, plod, wend, go by shank's mare, promenade, trudge, tramp, stalk, stride, straddle, strut, foot it, hoof it, stump, bundle, bowl along, toddle, paddle, tread a path, take horse, ride, drive, trot, amble, canter, prance, fisk, frisk, caracoler, caracole, gallop, embark, board, set out, hit the road, get going, get underway, peg on, jog on, wag on, shuffle on, stir one's stumps, bend one's steps, bend one's course, make one's way, find one's way, wend one's way, pick one's way, pick one's way, thread one's way, plow one's way, slide, glide, coast, skim, skate, march in procession, file on, defile, go to, repair to, resort to, hie to, betake oneself to.


N progress, progression, progressiveness, advancing, advance, advancement, ongoing, flood, tide, headway, march, rise, improvement, advancing, progressive, profluent, advanced, forward, onward, forth, on, ahead, under way, en route for, on one's way, on the way, on the road, on the high road, on the road to, in progress, in mid progress, in transitu, vestigia nulla retrorsum, westward the course of empire takes its way.


N music, concert, strain, tune, air, melody, aria, arietta, piece of music, work, number, opus, sonata, rondo, rondeau, pastorale, cavatina, roulade, fantasia, concerto, overture, symphony, variations, cadenza, cadence, fugue, canon, quodlibet, serenade, notturno, dithyramb, opera, operetta, oratorio, composition, movement, stave, passamezzo, toccata, Vorspiel, instrumental music, full score, minstrelsy, tweedledum and tweedledee, band, orchestra, concerted piece, potpourri, capriccio, vocal music, vocalism, chaunt, chant, psalm, psalmody, hymn, song, canticle, canzonet, cantata, bravura, lay, ballad, ditty, carol, pastoral, recitative, recitativo, solfeggio, Lydian measures, slow music, slow movement, adagio, minuet, siren strains, soft music, lullaby, dump, dirge, pibroch, martial music, march, dance music, waltz, solo, duet, duo, trio, quartet, quartett, septett, part song, descant, glee, madrigal, catch, round, chorus, chorale, antiphon, antiphony, accompaniment, second, bass, score, bourdon, drone, morceau, terzetto, composer, musician, musical, instrumental, vocal, choral, lyric, operatic, harmonious, Wagnerian, adagio, largo, larghetto, andante, andantino, alla capella, maestoso, moderato, allegro, allegretto, spiritoso, vivace, veloce, presto, prestissimo, con brio, capriccioso, scherzo, scherzando, legato, staccato, crescendo, diminuendo, rallentando, affettuoso, obbligato, pizzicato, desto, in notes by distance made more sweet, like the faint exquisite music of a dream, music arose with its voluptuous swell, music is the universal language of mankind, music's golden tongue, the speech of angels, will sing the savageness out of a bear, music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.

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