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malepractice | maleseet | malet | maletreat | malevich | malevolence | malevolency | malevolent | malevolent program | malevolently | malevolous



malevolencen. [L. malevolentia. See Malevolent.].
     The quality or state of being malevolent; evil disposition toward another; inclination to injure others; ill will. See Synonym of Malice.  [1913 Webster]



Anglophobia, Russophobia, abhorrence, abomination, antagonism, anti-Semitism, antipathy, aversion, bad blood, bad temper, bad will, badness, belligerence, bigotry, blighting glance, clash, clashing, collision, conflict, contention, damnability, despite, despitefulness, detestation, dislike, evil disposition, evil eye, evilness, execration, friction, grudge, hate, hatred, hostility, ill nature, ill will, ill-disposedness, improperness, inaccuracy, inauspiciousness, inexpedience, inferiority, invalidity, loathing, malice, maliciousness, malignity, malocchio, misandry, misanthropy, misogyny, moral badness, odium, peccancy, quarrelsomeness, race hatred, racism, reprehensibility, repugnance, spite, spitefulness, spleen, unfavorableness, unhealthiness, unkindness, unpleasantness, unskillfulness, vials of hate, vials of wrath, viciousness, whammy, wickedness, xenophobia




N badness, hurtfulness, virulence, evil doer, bane, plague spot, evil star, ill wind, hoodoo, Jonah, snake in the grass, skeleton in the closet, amari aliquid, thorn in the side, malignity, malevolence, tender mercies, ill-treatment, annoyance, molestation, abuse, oppression, persecution, outrage, misusage, injury, knockout drops, badness, peccancy, abomination, painfulness, pestilence, guilt, depravity, hurtful, harmful, scathful, baneful, baleful, injurious, deleterious, detrimental, noxious, pernicious, mischievous, full of mischief, mischief-making, malefic, malignant, nocuous, noisome, prejudicial, disserviceable, disadvantageous, wide-wasting, unlucky, sinister, obnoxious, untoward, disastrous, oppressive, burdensome, onerous, malign, corrupting &c (corrupt), virulent, venomous, envenomed, corrosive, poisonous, deadly, destructive, inauspicious, bad, ill, arrant, as bad as bad can be, dreadful, horrid, horrible, dire, rank, peccant, foul, fulsome, rotten, rotten at the core, vile, base, villainous, mean, injured, deteriorated, unsatisfactory, exceptionable indifferent, below par, illcontrived, ill-conditioned, wretched, sad, grievous, deplorable, lamentable, pitiful, pitiable, woeful, evil, wrong, depraved, shocking, reprehensible, hateful, hateful as a toad, abominable, detestable, execrable, cursed, accursed, confounded, damned, damnable, infernal, diabolic, unadvisable, unprofitable, incompetent, irremediable, badly, wrong, ill, to one's cost, where the shoe pinches, bad is the best: the worst come to the worst, herba mala presto cresco, wrongs unredressed or insults unavenged.


N enmity, hostility, unfriendliness, discord, bitterness, rancor, alienation, estrangement, dislike, hate, heartburning, animosity, malevolence, inimical, unfriendly, hostile, at enmity, at variance, at daggers drawn, at open war with, up in arms against, in bad odor with, on bad terms, not on speaking terms, cool, cold, cold hearted, estranged, alienated, disaffected, irreconcilable.


N malevolence, bad intent, bad intention, unkindness, diskindness, ill nature, ill will, ill blood, bad blood, enmity, hate, malignity, malice, malice prepense, maliciousness, spite, despite, resentment, uncharitableness, incompassionateness, gall, venom, rancor, rankling, virulence, mordacity, acerbity churlishness, hardness of heart, heart of stone, obduracy, cruelty, cruelness, brutality, savagery, ferity, ferocity, barbarity, inhumanity, immanity, truculence, ruffianism, evil eye, cloven foot, torture, vivisection, ill turn, bad turn, affront, outrage, atrocity, ill usage, intolerance, persecution, tender mercies, unkindest cut of all, malevolent, unbenevolent, unbenign, ill-disposed, ill-intentioned, ill-natured, ill-conditioned, ill-contrived, evil-minded, evil- disposed, black-browed, malicious, malign, malignant, rancorous, despiteful, spiteful, mordacious, caustic, bitter, envenomed, acrimonious, virulent, unamiable, uncharitable, maleficent, venomous, grinding, galling, harsh, disobliging, unkind, unfriendly, ungracious, inofficious, invidious, uncandid, churlish, surly, sullen, cold, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, black-hearted, hard-hearted, flint-hearted, marble-hearted, stony-hearted, hard of heart, unnatural, ruthless, relentless, cruel, brutal, brutish, savage, savage as a bear, savage as a tiger, ferine, ferocious, inhuman, barbarous, barbaric, semibarbaric, fell, untamed, tameless, truculent, incendiary, bloodthirsty, atrocious, bloodyminded, fiendish, fiendlike, demoniacal, diabolic, diabolical, devilish, infernal, hellish, Satanic, Tartaran, malevolently, with bad intent, cruel as death, hard unkindness' alter'd eye, homo homini lupus, mala mens, malus animus, rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind, sharp-tooth'd unkindness.


N pitilessness, inclemency, severity, malevolence, pitiless, merciless, ruthless, bowelless, unpitying, unmerciful, inclement, grim-faced, grim-visaged, incompassionate, uncompassionate, inexorable, harsh, unrelenting.


N revenge, revengement, vengeance, avengement, avengeance, sweet revenge, vendetta, death feud, blood for blood retaliation, day of reckoning, rancor, vindictiveness, implacability, malevolence, ruthlessness, avenger, vindicator, Nemesis, Eumenides, revengeful, vengeful, vindictive, rancorous, pitiless, ruthless, rigorous, avenging, unforgiving, unrelenting, inexorable, stony-hearted, implacable, relentless, remorseless, aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus, rankling, immitigable, manet ciratrix, manet alid mente repostum, dies irae dies illa, in high vengeance there is noble scorn, inhumanum verbum est ultio, malevolus animus abditos dentes habet, now infidel I have thee on the hip.

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