Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: L- L. La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Lh Li Lj Ll Lm Lo Lp Lr Ls Lt Lu Lv Lw Lx Ly
lovingly | lovingness | lovoa | lovoa klaineana | lovyer | low | low archipelago | low beam | low blow | low blueberry | low brass



Adjective, Noun, Verb (usu participle), Adverb
26 in 24 verses (in OT : 22 in 20 verses) (in NT : 4 in 4 verses)


lowstrong imp. 
     strong imp. of Laugh.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
lowv. i. [OE. lowen, AS. hl; akin to D. loeijen, OHG. hl, hluojan.].
     To make the calling sound of cows and other bovine animals; to moo.  [1913 Webster]
    "The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea."  [1913 Webster]
     The calling sound ordinarily made by cows and other bovine animals.  [1913 Webster]
    "Talking voices and the law of herds."  [1913 Webster]
lown. [AS. hlāw; akin to Goth. hlaiw a grave, hlains a hill, and to E. lean to incline.].
     A hill; a mound; a grave.  Skeat.  [1913 Webster]
lown. [Icel. log, logi; akin to E. light, n.].
     Fire; a flame; a light.  [1913 Webster]
lowv. i. 
     To burn; to blaze.  Burns.  [1913 Webster]
lowa. [OE. low, louh, lah, Icel. lāgr; akin to Sw. låg, Dan. lav, D. laag, and E. lie. See Lie to be prostrate.].
  •  Occupying an inferior position or place; not high or elevated; depressed in comparison with something else; as, low ground; a low flight.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not rising to the usual height; as, a man of low stature; a low fence.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Near the horizon; as, the sun is low at four o'clock in winter, and six in summer.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Sunk to the farthest ebb of the tide; as, low tide.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Beneath the usual or remunerative rate or amount, or the ordinary value; moderate; cheap; as, the low price of corn; low wages.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not loud; as, a low voice; a low sound.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Depressed in the scale of sounds; grave; as, a low pitch; a low note.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Made, as a vowel, with a low position of part of the tongue in relation to the palate; as, . See Guide to Pronunciation, 1913 Webster]
  •  Near, or not very distant from, the equator; as, in the low northern latitudes.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Numerically small; as, a low number.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Wanting strength or animation; depressed; dejected; as, low spirits; low in spirits.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Depressed in condition; humble in rank; as, men of low condition; the lower classes.  [1913 Webster]
    "Why but to keep ye low and ignorant ?"  [1913 Webster]
  •  Mean; vulgar; base; dishonorable; as, a person of low mind; a low trick or stratagem.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not elevated or sublime; not exalted in thought or diction; as, a low comparison.  [1913 Webster]
    "In comparison of these divine writers, the noblest wits of the heathen world are low and dull."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Submissive; humble.  Milton.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Deficient in vital energy; feeble; weak; as, a low pulse; made low by sickness.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Moderate; not intense; not inflammatory; as, low heat; a low temperature; a low fever.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Smaller than is reasonable or probable; as, a low estimate.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not rich, high seasoned, or nourishing; plain; simple; as, a low diet.  [1913 Webster]
    " Low is often used in the formation of compounds which require no special explanation; as, low-arched, low-browed, low-crowned, low-heeled, low-lying, low-priced, low-roofed, low-toned, low-voiced, and the like."  [1913 Webster]
Low Church. See High Church, under High. -- Low Countries, the Netherlands. -- Low German, Low Latin, etc. See under German, Latin, etc. -- Low life, humble life. -- Low milling, a process of making flour from grain by a single grinding and by siftings. -- Low relief. See Bas-relief. -- Low side window (Arch.), a peculiar form of window common in mediæval churches, and of uncertain use. Windows of this sort are narrow, near the ground, and out of the line of the windows, and in many different situations in the building. -- Low spirits, despondency. -- Low steam, steam having a low pressure. -- Low steel, steel which contains only a small proportion of carbon, and can not be hardened greatly by sudden cooling. -- Low Sunday, the Sunday next after Easter; -- popularly so called. -- Low tide, the farthest ebb of the tide; the tide at its lowest point; low water. -- Low water. (a) The lowest point of the ebb tide; a low stage of the in a river, lake, etc. (b) (Steam Boiler) The condition of an insufficient quantity of water in the boiler. -- Low water alarm or Low water indicator (Steam Boiler), a contrivance of various forms attached to a boiler for giving warning when the water is low. -- Low water mark, that part of the shore to which the waters recede when the tide is the lowest. Bouvier. -- Low wine, a liquor containing about 20 percent of alcohol, produced by the first distillation of wash; the first run of the still; -- often in the plural.
     The lowest trump, usually the deuce; the lowest trump dealt or drawn.  [1913 Webster]
  •  In a low position or manner; not aloft; not on high; near the ground.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Under the usual price; at a moderate price; cheaply; as, he sold his wheat low.  [1913 Webster]
  •  In a low or mean condition; humbly; meanly.  [1913 Webster]
  •  In time approaching our own.  [1913 Webster]
    "In that part of the world which was first inhabited, even as low down as Abraham's time, they wandered with their flocks and herds."  [1913 Webster]
  •  With a low voice or sound; not loudly; gently; as, to speak low.  Addison.  [1913 Webster]
    "The . . . odorous wind
    Breathes low between the sunset and the moon.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  With a low musical pitch or tone.  [1913 Webster]
    "Can sing both high and low."  [1913 Webster]
  •  In subjection, poverty, or disgrace; as, to be brought low by oppression, by want, or by vice.  Spenser.  [1913 Webster]
  •  In a path near the equator, so that the declination is small, or near the horizon, so that the altitude is small; -- said of the heavenly bodies with reference to the diurnal revolution; as, the moon runs low, that is, is comparatively near the horizon when on or near the meridian.  [1913 Webster]
lowv. t. 
     To depress; to lower.  Swift.  [1913 Webster]


low, adj., n., & adv.
1 of less than average height; not high or tall or reaching far up (a low wall).
2 a situated close to ground or sea level etc.; not elevated in position (low altitude). b (of the sun) near the horizon. c (of latitude) near the equator.
3 of or in humble rank or position (of low birth).
4 of small or less than normal amount or extent or intensity (low price; low temperature; low in calories).
5 small or reduced in quantity (stocks are low).
6 coming below the normal level (a dress with a low neck).
7 a dejected; lacking vigour (feeling low; in low spirits). b poorly nourished; indicative of poor nutrition.
8 (of a sound) not shrill or loud or high-pitched.
9 not exalted or sublime; commonplace.
10 unfavourable (a low opinion).
11 abject, mean, vulgar (low cunning; low slang).
12 (in compar.) situated on less high land or to the south.
13 (of a geographical period) earlier.
1 a low or the lowest level or number (the dollar has reached a new low).
2 an area of low pressure.
1 in or to a low position or state.
2 in a low tone (speak low).
3 (of a sound) at or to a low pitch.

low-born of humble birth. Low Church the section of the Church of England giving a low place to ritual, priestly authority, and the sacraments. low-class of low quality or social class. low comedy that in which the subject and the treatment border on farce. Low Countries the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg. low-cut (of a dress etc.) made with a low neckline. low-down adj. abject, mean, dishonourable.
--n. colloq. (usu. foll. by on) the relevant information (about). lowest common denominator, multiple see DENOMINATOR, MULTIPLE. low frequency (in radio) 30-300 kilohertz. low gear see GEAR. Low German see GERMAN. low-grade of low quality or strength. low-key lacking intensity or prominence; restrained. Low Latin medieval and later forms of Latin. low-level Computing (of a programming language) close in form to machine language. low-loader a lorry with a low floor and no sides, for heavy loads. low-lying at low altitude (above sealevel etc.). low mass see MASS(2). low-pitched
1 (of a sound) low.
2 (of a roof) having only a slight slope.
low pressure
1 little demand for activity or exertion.
2 an atmospheric condition with pressure below average. low profile avoidance of attention or publicity. low-profile adj. (of a motor-vehicle tyre) having a greater width than usual in relation to height. low relief see RELIEF 6a. low-rise (of a building) having few storeys. low season the period of fewest visitors at a resort etc. low-spirited dejected, dispirited. low-spiritedness dejection, depression. low spirits dejection, depression. Low Sunday the Sunday after Easter. low tide the time or level of the tide at its ebb. low water the tide at its lowest.
low-water mark
1 the level reached at low water.
2 a minimum recorded level or value etc. Low Week the week beginning with Low Sunday.
lowish adj. lowness n.
low, n. & v.
--n. a sound made by cattle; a moo.
--v.intr. utter this sound.

OE hlowan f. Gmc



Doric, Hydromatic, a la sourdine, abject, abominable, accented, against, ailing, air mass, alveolar, anticyclone, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, arrant, articulated, asking price, assimilated, atrocious, automatic transmission, back, bad, barbaric, barbarous, barely audible, baritone, bark, barytone, base, base-minded, baseborn, bass, bawl, bay, bearish prices, beggared, beggarly, bell, bellow, below the salt, bid price, bilabial, black, blamable, blameworthy, blare, blat, blate, bleat, book value, boom, bottoming out, bowed-down, bray, brief, broad, broke, budget, bullish prices, business cycle, business fluctuations, bust, cacophonous, cacuminal, call, call price, cast down, caterwaul, central, cerebral, cheap, checked, cheesy, close, closing price, clumsy, coarse, cockney, cogwheel, cold front, cold sector, common, commonplace, compact, compendious, con, concise, consonant, consonantal, contemptible, continuant, contralto, cooling off, couchant, crass, criminal, crisis, crouched, crude, crummy, cry, cursory, curt, curtal, curtate, cyclone, damnable, dark, dashed, debased, decline, decrescendo, decurtate, deep, deep-echoing, deep-pitched, deep-toned, deepmouthed, degraded, dejected, demeaning, dental, depraved, depressed, depression, depthless, despaired of, despairing, despicable, despondent, desponding, destitute, differential, differential gear, dim, dimly, dirty, disadvantaged, disappointed, disapprobatory, disapproving, discontented, discouraged, disenchanted, disgraceful, disgruntled, disgusting, disheartened, disillusioned, dispirited, displeased, dissatisfied, dissenting, dissimilated, distant, doggerel, done for, donsie, dorsal, down, downcast, downhearted, downthrown, downturn, drooping, droopy, dying, dysphemistic, earthy, easy, economic, economic cycle, economic expansion, economic growth, economy, evil, execrable, expanding economy, expansion, expiring, face value, facing death, faint, faintly, fallen, feeble, feebly, feeling low, few, fixed price, flagitious, flagrant, flash price, flat, flurry, flutter, footling, foul, frank, freewheel, front, frugal, fulsome, gear, gear train, gearbox, gearing, gearshift, gearwheel, gentle, gently, give tongue, give voice, given up, glide, glossal, glottal, going, graceless, grave, gross, growth, gutter, guttural, half-heard, hard, harsh, heartless, heavy, heinous, high, high growth rate, high-pressure area, hollow, homely, hopeless, howl, humble, humble-looking, humble-visaged, humblest, hushedly, hypochondriac, hypochondriacal, ignoble, impoverished, improper, impure, in articulo mortis, in bad taste, in extremis, in low spirits, in the depths, in the doldrums, in the dumps, in the shade, incapable of life, inconcinnate, inconcinnous, inconsequential, inconsiderable, incorrect, indecorous, indigent, indignant, indisposed, indistinct, inelegant, inexpensive, infamous, infelicitous, inferior, infra dig, inglorious, iniquitous, innocuous, insignificant, instantaneous, intermediate, intonated, isobar, isometric, isometric line, isopiestic line, isotherm, isothermal line, issue par, issue price, junior, knavish, knee-high, knocked flat, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, laid low, languishing, lateral, lax, least, less, lesser, light, lingual, liquid, little, low-built, low-down, low-hung, low-level, low-leveled, low-lying, low-minded, low-pitched, low-pressure area, low-priced, low-set, low-spirited, low-statured, lowborn, lowbred, lower, lowered, lowest, lowliest, lowly, lumpen, manageable, mangy, market expansion, market price, market value, meager, mean, measly, meow, mew, mewl, miaow, mid, miniature, minor, miserable, moderate, modest, monophthongal, monstrous, moo, moribund, murmured, muted, narrow, nasal, nasalized, naughty, neap, near death, needy, nefarious, negligible, neigh, nether, neutral, nicker, no great shakes, nominal, nominal value, nonclerical, nonviable, obnoxious, occluded front, occlusive, odious, offering price, open, opening price, opposed, opposing, ordinary, outlandish, overdrive, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, paltry, par, par value, parity, peak, peaking, peccant, penurious, pessimistic, petty, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pianissimo, piano, picayune, picayunish, pining, pitch, pitched, plain, plebeian, poky, polar front, poor, posttonic, price, prone, prosperity, prostrate, pule, put price, quotation, quoted price, rack, rally, rank, raw, reasonable, recession, recovery, recumbent, reduced, reprehensible, reprobate, reptilian, retroflex, reverse, roar, rough, rounded, rude, runty, scabby, scandalous, scarcely heard, screak, scream, screech, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurvy, second rank, second string, secondary, semivowel, sensible, sepulchral, servile, settling price, shabby, shabby-genteel, shallow, shameful, shoddy, short, short and sweet, simple, sinful, sinking, skin-deep, slashed, slipping, slipping away, slowdown, slump, small, soft, soft-sounding, soft-voiced, softly, sonant, sordamente, sordid, sordo, sorry, spiritless, squalid, squall, squall line, squat, squatty, squeak, squeal, standard transmission, stated value, stationary front, stick shift, stooped, stopped, stressed, strong, stumpy, sub, subaltern, subaudible, subdued, subduedly, subjacent, subject, submerged, subordinate, subservient, succinct, suicidal, summary, sunk, sunken, superficial, supine, surd, swings, syllabic, synchromesh, synoptic, tasteless, teachable, tense, terminal, thick, third rank, third string, third-estate, throaty, tiny, token, tonal, tonic, transient, transmission, trifling, trivial, troat, turned-off, twangy, ululate, unaccented, unappreciative, unapproving, unclear, uncomplimentary, uncourtly, uncouth, under, underprivileged, undignified, undistinguished, unelevated, uneuphonious, unexpensive, unfavorable, unfelicitous, unforgivable, ungenteel, ungraceful, unhappy, unimportant, unmentionable, unpardonable, unpolished, unpretentious, unrefined, unrounded, unseemly, unspeakable, unstressed, unwashed, unworthy, upturn, velar, vicious, vile, villainous, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, vulgar, wail, warm front, weak, weak-voiced, weakly, weary of life, weather map, whicker, whine, whinny, whispered, wicked, wide, wind-shift line, within means, woebegone, woeful, world-weary, worth the money, wretched, wrong, yap, yawl, yawp, yelp, yip, yowl




N smallness, littleness, tenuity, paucity, fewness, meanness, insignificance (unimportance), mediocrity, moderation, small quantity, modicum, trace, hint, minimum, vanishing point, material point, atom, particle, molecule, corpuscle, point, speck, dot, mote, jot, iota, ace, minutiae, details, look, thought, idea, soupcon, dab, dight, whit, tittle, shade, shadow, spark, scintilla, gleam, touch, cast, grain, scruple, granule, globule, minim, sup, sip, sop, spice, drop, droplet, sprinkling, dash, morceau, screed, smack, tinge, tincture, inch, patch, scantling, tatter, cantlet, flitter, gobbet, mite, bit, morsel, crumb, seed, fritter, shive, snip, snippet, snick, snack, snatch, slip, scrag, chip, chipping, shiver, sliver, driblet, clipping, paring, shaving, hair, nutshell, thimbleful, spoonful, handful, capful, mouthful, fragment, fraction, drop in the ocean, animalcule, trifle, mere nothing, next to nothing, hardly anything, just enough to swear by, the shadow of a shade, finiteness, finite quantity, small, little, diminutive, minute, fine, inconsiderable, paltry, faint, slender, light, slight, scanty, scant, limited, meager, sparing, few, low, so-so, middling, tolerable, no great shakes, below par, under par, below the mark, at a low ebb, halfway, moderate, modest, tender, subtle, inappreciable, evanescent, infinitesimal, homeopathic, very small, atomic, corpuscular, microscopic, molecular, subatomic, mere, simple, sheer, stark, bare, near run, dull, petty, shallow, stolid, ungifted, unintelligent, to a small extent, on a small scale, a little bit, a wee bit, slightly, imperceptibly, miserably, wretchedly, insufficiently, imperfectly, faintly, passably, pretty well, well enough, partially, in part, in a certain degree, to a certain degree, to a certain extent, comparatively, some, rather in some degree, in some measure, something, somewhat, simply, only, purely, merely, at least, at the least, at most, at the most, ever so little, as little as may be, tant soit peu, in ever so small a degree, thus far, pro tanto, within bounds, in a manner, after a fashion, so to speak, almost, nearly, well-nigh, short of, not quite, all but, near upon, close upon, peu s'en faut, near the mark, within an ace of, within an inch of, on the brink of, scarcely, hardly, barely, only just, no more than, about, thereabouts, somewhere about, nearly, say, be the same, be little more or less, no ways, no way, no wise, not at all, not in the least, not a bit, not a bit of it, not a whit, not a jot, not a shadow, in no wise, in no respect, by no means, by no manner of means, on no account, at no hand, dare pondus idonea fumo, magno conatu magnas nugas, small sands the mountain, moments make the year.


N cheapness, low price, depreciation, bargain, good penny worth, snap, gratuity, free quarters, free seats, free admission, pass, free pass, free warren, give-away, freebee, run of one's teeth, nominal price, peppercorn rent, labor of love, drug in the market, deadhead, cheap, low, low priced, moderate, reasonable, inexpensive, unexpensive, well worth the money, worth the money, magnifique et pas cher, good at the price, cheap at the price, dirt cheap, dog cheap, cheap, cheap as dirt, cheap and nasty, catchpenny, discounted, half-price, depreciated, unsalable, gratuitous, gratis, free, for nothing, costless, expenseless, without charge, not charged, untaxed, scotfree, shotfree, rent-free, free of cost, free of expense, honorary, unbought, unpaid, for a mere song, for a song, at cost, at cost price, at prime cost, at a reduction, a bon marche.


N vulgarity, vulgarism, barbarism, Vandalism, Gothicism, mauvis gout, bad taste, gaucherie, awkwardness, want of tact, ill-breeding, courseness, indecorum, misbehavior, lowness, homeliness, low life, mauvais ton, rusticity, boorishness, brutality, rowdyism, blackguardism, ribaldry, slang, bad joke, mauvais plaisanterie, gaudiness, tawdriness, false ornament, finery, frippery, trickery, tinsel, gewgaw, clinquant, baroque, rococo, rough diamond, tomboy, hoyden, cub, unlicked cub, clown, Goth, Vandal, Boeotian, snob, cad, gent, parvenu, frump, dowdy, slattern, in bad taste vulgar, unrefined, coarse, indecorous, ribald, gross, unseemly, unbeseeming, unpresentable, contra bonos mores, ungraceful, dowdy, slovenly, ungenteel, shabby genteel, low, common, hoi polloi, uncourtly, uncivil, ill bred, ill mannered, underbred, ungentlemanly, ungentlemanlike, unladylike, unfeminine, wild, wild as an unbacked colt, untutored, unschooled (ignorant), unkempt, uncombed, untamed, unlicked, unpolished, uncouth, plebeian, incondite, heavy, rude, awkward, homely, homespun, home bred, provincial, countrified, rustic, boorish, clownish, savage, brutish, blackguard, rowdy, snobbish, barbarous, barbaric, Gothic, unclassical, doggerel, heathenish, tramontane, outlandish, uncultivated, Bohemian, obsolete, unfashionable, newfangled, odd, particular, affected, meretricious, extravagant, monstrous, horrid, shocking, gaudy, tawdry, overornamented, baroque, rococo, bedizened, tricked out, gingerbread, obtrusive.


N lowness, debasement, depression, prostration, depression, molehill, lowlands, basement floor, ground floor, rez de chaussee, cellar, hold, bilge, feet, heels, low water, low tide, ebb tide, neap tide, spring tide, low, neap, debased, nether, nether most, flat, level with the ground, lying low, crouched, subjacent, squat, prostrate, under, beneath, underneath, below, downwards, adown, at the foot of, under foot, under ground, down stairs, below stairs, at a low ebb, below par.


N disrepute, discredit, ill repute, bad repute, bad name, bad odor, bad favor, ill name, ill odor, ill favor, disapprobation, ingloriousness, derogation, abasement, debasement, abjectness, degradation, dedecoration, a long farewell to all my greatness, odium, obloquy, opprobrium, ignominy, dishonor, disgrace, shame, humiliation, scandal, baseness, vileness, turpitude, infamy, tarnish, taint, defilement, pollution, stain, blot, spot, blur, stigma, brand, reproach, imputation, slur, crying shame, burning shame, scandalum magnatum, badge of infamy, blot in one's escutcheon, bend sinister, bar sinister, champain, point champain, byword of reproach, Ichabod, argumentum ad verecundiam, sense of shame, disgraced, blown upon, shorn of its beams, shorn of one's glory, overcome, downtrodden, loaded with shame, in bad repute, out of repute, out of favor, out of fashion, out of countenance, at a discount, under a cloud, under an eclipse, unable to show one's face, in the shade, in the background, out at elbows, down at the elbows, down in the world, inglorious, nameless, renownless, obscure, unknown to fame, unnoticed, unnoted, unhonored, unglorified, shameful, disgraceful, discreditable, disreputable, despicable, questionable, unbecoming, unworthy, derogatory, degrading, humiliating, infra dignitatem, dedecorous, scandalous, infamous, too bad, unmentionable, ribald, opprobrious, errant, shocking, outrageous, notorious, ignominious, scrubby, dirty, abject, vile, beggarly, pitiful, low, mean, shabby base, to one's shame be it spoken, Int, fie!, shame!, for shame!, proh pudor!, O tempora!, O mores!, ough!, sic transit gloria mundi!.


N commonality, commonalty, democracy, obscurity, low condition, low life, low society, low company, bourgeoisie, mass of the people, mass of society, Brown Jones and Robinson, lower classes, humbler classes, humbler orders, vulgar herd, common herd, rank and file, hoc genus omne, the many, the general, the crowd, the people, the populace, the multitude, the million, the masses, the mobility, the peasantry, king Mob, proletariat, fruges consumere nati, demos, hoi polloi, great unwashed, man in the street, mob, rabble, rabble rout, chaff, rout, horde, canaille, scum of the people, residuum of the people, dregs of the people, dregs of society, swinish multitude, foex populi, trash, profanum vulgus, ignobile vulgus, vermin, riffraff, ragtag and bobtail, small fry, commoner, one of the people, democrat, plebeian, republican, proletary, proletaire, roturier, Mr, Snooks, bourgeois, epicier, Philistine, cockney, grisette, demimonde, peasant, countryman, boor, carle, churl, villain, villein, terrae filius, son of the land, serf, kern, tyke, tike, chuff, ryot, fellah, longshoreman, swain, clown, hind, clod, clodhopper, hobnail, yokel, bog-trotter, bumpkin, plowman, plowboy, rustic, hayseed, lunkhead, chaw-bacon, tiller of the soil, hewers of wood and drawers of water, groundling, gaffer, loon, put, cub, Tony Lumpkin, looby, rube, lout, underling, gamin, rough, pot- wallopper, slubberdegullion, vulgar fellow, low fellow, cad, curmudgeon, upstart, parvenu, skipjack, nobody, nobody one knows, hesterni quirites, pessoribus orti, bourgeois gentilhomme, novus homo, snob, gent, mushroom, no one knows who, adventurer, man of straw, beggar, gaberlunzie, muckworm, mudlark, sans culotte, raff, tatterdemalion, caitiff, ragamuffin, Pariah, outcast of society, tramp, vagabond, bezonian, panhandler, sundowner, chiffonnier, Cinderella, cinderwench, scrub, jade, gossoon, Goth, Vandal, Hottentot, Zulu, savage, barbarian, Yahoo, unlicked cub, rough diamond, barbarousness, barbarism, boeotia, ignoble, common, mean, low, base, vile, sorry, scrubby, beggarly, below par, no great shakes, homely, homespun, vulgar, low-minded, snobbish, plebeian, proletarian, of low parentage, of low origin, of low extraction, of mean parentage, of mean origin, of mean extraction, lowborn, baseborn, earthborn, mushroom, dunghill, risen from the ranks, unknown to fame, obscure, untitled, rustic, uncivilized, loutish, boorish, clownish, churlish, brutish, raffish, rude, unlicked, barbarous, barbarian, barbaric, barbaresque, cockney, born within sound of Bow bells, underling, menial, subaltern, below the salt, dummodo sit dives barbarus ipse placet.


N faintness, faint sound, whisper, breath, undertone, underbreath, murmur, hum, susurration, tinkle, still small voice, hoarseness, raucity, inaudible, scarcely audible, just audible, low, dull, stifled, muffled, hoarse, husky, gentle, soft, faint, floating, purling, flowing, whispered, liquid, soothing, dulcet, susurrant, susurrous, in a whisper, with bated breath, sotto voce, between the teeth, aside, piano, pianissimo, d la sourdine, out of earshot inaudibly, (ii) SPECIFIC SOUNDS.


VB cry, roar, bellow, blare, rebellow, growl, snarl, bark, bow-wow, yelp, bay, bay at the moon, yap, yip, yipe, growl, yarr, yawl, snarl, howl, grunt, gruntle, snort, squeak neigh, whinny, bray, mew, mewl, meow, purr, caterwaul, pule, baa, bleat, low, moo, troat, croak, peep, coo, gobble, quack, honk, gaggle, guggle, crow, caw, squawk, screech cackle, cluck, clack, chuck, chuckle, hoot, hoo, chirp, cheep, chirrup, twitter, cuckoo, warble, trill, tweet, pipe, whistle, hum, buzz, hiss, blatter, ratatat.

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