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Table of Contents
listerize | listful | listing | listless | listlessly | listlessness | liston | lisu | liszt | lit | lit crit





accidia, acedia, adynamia, aloofness, anemia, apathy, ataraxia, ataraxy, atony, benumbedness, blah, blah feeling, blahs, bloodlessness, boredom, cachexia, cachexy, carelessness, casualness, comatoseness, cowardice, debilitation, debility, detachment, disinterest, disinterestedness, dispassion, disregard, disregardfulness, drowsiness, dullness, easygoingness, enervation, ennui, etiolation, faintness, fatigue, feebleness, flabbiness, flaccidity, heartlessness, heaviness, hebetude, heedlessness, hopelessness, impassiveness, impassivity, impotence, inanimation, inappetence, inattention, incuriosity, incuriousness, indifference, indifferentism, indifferentness, indiscrimination, inexcitability, insouciance, intellectual inertia, jadedness, lack of affect, lack of appetite, lack of interest, lackadaisicalness, languidness, languishment, languor, languorousness, lassitude, lenitude, lentor, lethargicalness, lethargy, lifelessness, mindlessness, negligence, nonchalance, numbness, oscitancy, passiveness, passivity, phlegm, phlegmaticalness, phlegmaticness, plucklessness, pococurantism, prostration, recklessness, regardlessness, resignation, resignedness, satedness, sleepiness, sloth, slothfulness, slowness, sluggishness, softness, somnolence, sopor, soporifousness, spiritlessness, spunklessness, stolidity, strengthlessness, stupefaction, stupor, supineness, torpidity, torpidness, torpitude, torpor, unanxiousness, unconcern, uninquisitiveness, uninterestedness, unmindfulness, unsolicitousness, weakliness, weakness, weariness, withdrawal, withdrawnness, world-weariness

For further exploring for "listlessness" in Webster Dictionary Online

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