Also see definition of "kick" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: K K- K. K2 Ka Kb Kc Ke Kg Kh Ki Kj Kk Kl Km Kn Ko Kp Kr Ks Kt Ku Kv Kw Ky
kibosh | kiby | kichaga | kichai | kichil | kick | kick about | kick around | kick back | kick down | kick downstairs



Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)


kickv. t. [W. cicio, fr. cic foot.].
  •  To strike, thrust, or hit violently with the foot; as, a horse kicks a groom; a man kicks a dog.  [1913 Webster]
    "He [Frederick the Great] kicked the shins of his judges."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To evict or remove from a place or position, usually with out or off; as, they kicked him off the staff; he was kicked out of the restaurant; the landlord kicked them out of the apartment for making too much noise.  [PJC]
  •  To score (goals or points) by kicking; as, they kicked three field goals in the game.  [PJC]
  •  To discontinue; -- usually used of habitual activities; as, to kick a habit; he kicked his drug habit.  [PJC]
To kick the beam, to fit up and strike the beam; -- said of the lighter arm of a loaded balance; hence, to be found wanting in weight. Milton. -- To kick the bucket, to lose one's life; to die. [Colloq. & Low] -- To kick oneself, to experience strong regret; as, he kicked himself for not investing in the stock market in 1995.
kickv. i. 
  •  To thrust out the foot or feet with violence; to strike out with the foot or feet, as in defense or in bad temper; esp., to strike backward, as a horse does, or to have a habit of doing so.  [1913 Webster]
    "I should kick, being kicked."  [1913 Webster]
  •  To recoil; -- said of a musket, cannon, etc.; also called kick back.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To make a kick as an offensive play.  [PJC]
  •  To complain strenuously; to object vigorously.  [PJC]
  •  To resist.  [PJC]
  •  A blow with the foot or feet; a striking or thrust with the foot.  [1913 Webster]
    "A kick, that scarce would move a horse,
    May kill a sound divine.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  The projection on the tang of the blade of a pocket knife, which prevents the edge of the blade from striking the spring. See Illust. of Pocketknife.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A projection in a mold, to form a depression in the surface of the brick.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The recoil of a musket or other firearm, when discharged.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A surge of pleasure; a thrill; -- usually used in the phrase get a kick out of; as, I always get a kick out of watching an ice skater do a quadruple jump.  [PJC]


kick, v. & n.
1 tr. strike or propel forcibly with the foot or hoof etc.
2 intr. (usu. foll. by at, against) a strike out with the foot. b express annoyance at or dislike of (treatment, a proposal etc.); rebel against.
3 tr. sl. give up (a habit).
4 tr. (often foll. by out etc.) expel or dismiss forcibly.
5 refl. be annoyed with oneself (I'll kick myself if I'm wrong).
6 tr. Football score (a goal) by a kick.
7 intr. Cricket (of a ball) rise sharply from the pitch.
1 a a blow with the foot or hoof etc. b the delivery of such a blow.
2 colloq. a a sharp stimulant effect, esp. of alcohol (has some kick in it; a cocktail with a kick in it). b (often in pl.) a pleasurable thrill (did it just for kicks; got a kick out of flying).
3 strength, resilience (have no kick left).
4 colloq. a specified temporary interest or enthusiasm (on a jogging kick).
5 the recoil of a gun when discharged.
6 Brit. Football colloq. a player of specified kicking ability (is a good kick).

kick about (or around) colloq.
1 a drift idly from place to place. b be unused or unwanted.
2 a treat roughly or scornfully. b discuss (an idea) unsystematically. kick against the pricks see PRICK. kick the bucket sl. die. kick-down a device for changing gear in a motor vehicle by full depression of the accelerator. kick one's heels see HEEL.
kick in
1 knock down (a door etc.) by kicking.
2 esp. US sl. contribute (esp. money); pay one's share. kick in the pants (or teeth) colloq. a humiliating punishment or set-back.
kick off
1 a Football begin or resume a match. b colloq. begin.
2 remove (shoes etc.) by kicking.
1 Football the start or resumption of a match.
2 (in for a kick-off) colloq. for a start (that's wrong for a kick-off). kick over the traces see TRACE(2). kick-pleat a pleat in a narrow skirt to allow freedom of movement. kick-turn a standing turn in skiing. kick up (or kick up a fuss, dust, etc.) create a disturbance; object or register strong disapproval. kick up one's heels frolic. kick a person upstairs shelve a person by giving him or her promotion or a title.
kickable adj. kicker n.
kick, n. an indentation in the bottom of a glass bottle.

19th c.: orig. unkn.



Roman candle, abandon, aggressiveness, aid to navigation, air a grievance, alarm, amber light, amusement, animal pleasure, antagonism, antipathy, backfire, backlash, backlashing, balefire, bang, beacon, beacon fire, beat the drum, beef, beefing, bell, bell buoy, bellyache, bellyaching, bitch, bitching, bite, blinker, blue peter, bodily pleasure, boggle, boomerang, boot, bounce, bounce back, bound, bound back, boycott, break, break the habit, briskness, broad hint, bump, buoy, bust, calcitration, call in question, can, cannon, cannon off, carnal delight, carom, cashier, caution light, challenge, charge, clamor, clashing, clue, collision, comfort, complain, complain loudly, complaining, complaint, compunction, conflict, confront, confutation, contend with, content, contentment, contradiction, contraposition, contrariety, contrecoup, counteraction, counterposition, counterworking, coziness, crab, crankiness, creature comforts, croak, crotchetiness, cry out against, cue, dash, defrock, degrade, demonstrate, demonstrate against, demonstration, demote, demur, demurrer, deplume, depose, deprive, destructive criticism, dip, disbar, discharge, discontinue, disemploy, dismiss, displace, displume, dispute, dissent, drive, drop, drop kick, drum out, ease, endpleasure, enjoyment, enter a protest, enterprise, entertainment, euphoria, except, exception, exchange colors, expel, expostulate, expostulation, face down, face out, face up to, faultfinding, fire, flag, flag down, flare, flash, flush, fly back, fog bell, fog signal, fog whistle, foghorn, forepleasure, fret, fret and fume, friction, front, fruition, fun, furlough, fuss, gentle hint, gesture, get-up-and-go, ginger, give a signal, give the ax, give the gate, give the nod, give up, glance, glimmer, glimmering, go light, gong buoy, gratification, great satisfaction, green light, grievance, grievance committee, gripe, griping, groan, groaning, grouch, grouse, grousing, growl, grumble, grumbling, grunt, gusto, guts, hail, hail and speak, half-mast, have repercussions, hearty enjoyment, heliograph, high sign, hint, hoist a banner, holler, hotness, howl, implication, index, indication, indignation meeting, initiative, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intellectual pleasure, interference, international alphabet flag, international numeral pennant, intimation, inveigh, joie de vivre, jollies, keen pleasure, kick against, kick back, kick upstairs, kickback, kicking, kicks, knee, lash back, lay off, leave off, leer, let go, let out, lift, liveliness, lodge a complaint, look, luxury, make a sign, make a stand, make redundant, march, marker beacon, meet head-on, murmur, murmuring, mutter, nip, nippiness, nod, nonconformity, nonviolent protest, nudge, object, objection, offer resistance, oppose, opposition, opposure, oppugnance, oppugnancy, parachute flare, peeve, peevishness, pension off, pep, pepper, pepperiness, perverseness, pet peeve, petulance, physical pleasure, picket, picketing, pilot flag, piss and vinegar, pizzazz, place kick, pleasure, poke, police whistle, poop, press objections, prompt, protest, protest demonstration, protestation, punch, punt, push, qualm, quarantine flag, querulousness, quiet pleasure, quiver, raciness, radio beacon, raise a cry, raise a howl, rally, reaction, read out of, rebound, rebuff, recalcitrance, recalcitrate, recalcitration, recoil, red flag, red light, register a complaint, release, relish, reluct, remonstrance, remonstrate, remonstration, remove, renitency, repercuss, repercussion, replace, repugnance, repulse, resile, resilience, resistance, retire, revolt, ricochet, rocket, rush, rush of emotion, sack, sailing aid, salute, satisfaction, scent, scolding, scruple, self-gratification, self-indulgence, semaphore, semaphore flag, semaphore telegraph, sensation, sensual pleasure, sensuous pleasure, separate forcibly, sexual pleasure, shake, shiver, show fight, shudder, sign, signal, signal beacon, signal bell, signal fire, signal flag, signal gong, signal gun, signal lamp, signal light, signal mast, signal post, signal rocket, signal shot, signal siren, signal tower, signalize, sit in, sit-in, snap, snap back, snappiness, sniping, sound an alarm, sound the trumpet, spar buoy, speak, spice, spiciness, spoor, spring, spring back, spunk, squawk, squawking, stand, stand at bay, stand up against, stand up to, starch, state a grievance, stop, stop light, strike, strip, strive against, suggestion, superannuate, surge of emotion, surplus, suspend, suspicion, swear off, sweetness of life, swimming upstream, symptom, take on, tang, tanginess, teach in, teach-in, telltale, the nod, the wink, thrill, throw off, thrust, tingle, tingling, titillation, touch, track, traffic light, traffic signal, tremor, tremor of excitement, turn off, turn out, unfrock, unfurl a flag, verve, vim, voluptuousness, wallop, watch fire, wave, wave a flag, wave the hand, well-being, whine, whining, whisper, white flag, wigwag, wigwag flag, wink, withstand, yap, yapping, yell bloody murder, yellow flag, yelp, zest, zestfulness, zing, zip




N attack, assault, assault and battery, onset, onslaught, charge, aggression, offense, incursion, inroad, invasion, irruption, outbreak, estrapade, ruade, coupe de main, sally, sortie, camisade, raid, foray, run at, run against, dead set at, storm, storming, boarding, escalade, siege, investment, obsession, bombardment, cannonade, fire, volley, platoon fire, file fire, fusillade, sharpshooting, broadside, raking fire, cross fire, volley of grapeshot, whiff of the grape, feu d'enfer, cut, thrust, lunge, pass, passado, carte and tierce, home thrust, coupe de bec, kick, punch, battue, razzia, Jacquerie, dragonnade, devastation, eboulement, assailant, aggressor, invader, base of operations, point of attack, echelon, attacking, aggressive, offensive, obsidional, up in arms, on the offensive, Int, up and at them!, the din of arms, the yell of savage rage, the shriek of agony, the groan of death, their fatal hands no second stroke intend, thirst for glory quells the love of life.

VB attack, assault, assail, invade, set upon, fall upon, charge, impugn, break a lance with, enter the lists, assume the offensive, take the offensive, be the aggressor, become the aggressor, strike the first blow, draw first blood, throw the first stone at, lift a hand against, draw the sword against, take up the cudgels, advance against, march against, march upon, harry, come on, show fight, strike at, poke at, thrust at, aim a blow at, deal a blow at, give one a blow, fetch one a blow, fetch one a kick, give one a kick, have a cut at, have a shot at, take a cut at, take a shot at, have a fling at, have a shy at, be down upon, pounce upon, fall foul of, pitch into, launch out against, bait, slap on the face, make a thrust at, make a pass at, make a set at, make a dead set at, bear down upon, close with, come to close quarters, bring to bay, ride full tilt against, attack tooth and nail, go at hammer and tongs, let fly at, dash at, run a tilt at, rush at, tilt at, run at, fly at, hawk at, have at, let out at, make a dash, make a rush at, strike home, drive one hard, press one hard, be hard upon, run down, strike at the root of, lay about one, run amuck, aim at, draw a bead on, fire upon, fire at, fire a shot at, shoot at, pop at, level at, let off a gun at, open fire, pepper, bombard, shell, pour a broadside into, fire a volley, fire red-hot shot, spring a mine, throw a stone, throw stones at, stone, lapidate, pelt, hurl at, hurl against, hurl at the head of, rock beset, besiege, beleaguer, lay siege to, invest, open the trenches, plant a battery, sap, mine, storm, board, scale the walls, cut and thrust, bayonet, butt, kick, strike, whip, assail, impugn, malign (detract), bomb, rocket, blast.


VB resist, not submit, repugn, reluct, reluctate, withstand, stand up against, strive against, bear up under, bear up against, be proof against, make head against, stand, stand firm, stand one's ground, stand the brunt of, stand out, hold one's grounds, hold one's own, hold out, hold firm, breast the wave, breast the current, stem the tide, stem the torrent, face, confront, grapple with, show a bold front, present a front, make a stand, take one's stand, kick, kick against, recalcitrate, kick against the pricks, oppose, fly in the face of, lift the hand against, rise up in arms, strike, turn out, draw up a round robin, revolt, make a riot, prendre le mors aux dents, take the bit between the teeth, sell one's life dearly, die hard, keep at bay, repel, repulse.


N punishment, punition, chastisement, chastening, correction, castigation, discipline, infliction, trial, judgment, penalty, retribution, thunderbolt, Nemesis, requital, penology, retributive justice, lash, scaffold, imprisonment, transportation, banishment, expulsion, exile, involuntary exile, ostracism, penal servitude, hard labor, galleys, beating, flagellation, fustigation, gantlet, strappado, estrapade, bastinado, argumentum baculinum, stick law, rap on the knuckles, box on the ear, blow, stripe, cuff, kick, buffet, pummel, slap, slap in the face, wipe, douse, coup de grace, torture, rack, picket, picketing, dragonnade, capital punishment, execution, lethal injection, the gas chamber, hanging, electrocution, rail-riding, scarpines, decapitation, decollation, garrotte, garrotto, crucifixion, impalement, firing squad, martyrdom, auto-da-fe, noyade, happy dispatch, hara-kiri, seppuku, drinking the hemlock, punishing, penal, punitory, punitive, inflictive, castigatory, punished, Int, a la lanterne!, culpan paena premit comes, eating the bitter bread of banishment, gravis ira regum est semper, sera tamen tacitis paena venit pedibus, suo sibi gladio hunc jugulo.


VB despise, contemn, scorn, disdain, feel contempt for, view with a scornful eye, disregard, slight, not mind, pass by, look down upon, hold cheap, hold in contempt, hold in disrespect, think nothing of, think small beer of, make light of, underestimate, esteem slightly, esteem of small or no account, take no account of, care nothing for, set no store by, not care a straw, sneeze at, set at naught, laugh in one's sleeve, laugh up one's sleeve, snap one's fingers at, shrug one's shoulders, turn up one's nose at, pooh-pooh, damn with faint praise, whistle at, sneer at, curl up one's lip, toss the head, traiter de haut enbas, laugh at, point the finger of scorn, hold up to scorn, laugh to scorn, scout, hoot, flout, hiss, scoff at, turn one's back upon, turn a cold shoulder upon, tread upon, trample upon, trample under foot, spurn, kick, fling to the winds, send away with a flea in the ear.


N impulse, sudden thought, impromptu, improvisation, inspiration, flash, spurt, improvisatore, creature of impulse, extemporaneous, impulsive, indeliberate, snap, improvised, improvisate, improvisatory, unpremeditated, unmeditated, improvise, unprompted, unguided, natural, unguarded, spontaneous, instinctive, extempore, extemporaneously, offhand, impromptu, a limproviste, improviso, on the spur of the moment, on the spur of the occasion, impulse, impulsion, impetus, momentum, push, pulsion, thrust, shove, jog, jolt, brunt, booming, boost, throw, explosion, propulsion, percussion, concussion, collision, occursion, clash, encounter, cannon, carambole, appulse, shock, crash, bump, impact, elan, charge, beating, blow, dint, stroke, knock, tap, rap, slap, smack, pat, dab, fillip, slam, bang, hit, whack, thwack, cuff, squash, dowse, swap, whap, punch, thump, pelt, kick, punce, calcitration, ruade, arietation, cut, thrust, lunge, yerk, carom, carrom, clip, jab, plug, sidewinder, sidewipe, sideswipe, hammer, sledge hammer, mall, maul, mallet, flail, ram, rammer, battering ram, monkey, pile-driving engine, punch, bat, cant hook, cudgel, ax, dynamics, seismometer, accelerometer, earthquake detector, impelling, impulsive, impellent, booming, dynamic, dynamical, impelled, a hit, a very palpable hit.

VB flash on the mind, say what comes uppermost, improvise, extemporize, give an impetus, impel, push, start, give a start to, set going, drive, urge, boom, thrust, prod, foin, cant, elbow, shoulder, jostle, justle, hustle, hurtle, shove, jog, jolt, encounter, run against, bump against, butt against, knock one's head against, run one's head against, impinge, boost, bunt, carom, clip y, fan, fan out, jab, plug, strike, knock, hit, tap, rap, slap, flap, dab, pat, thump, beat, blow, bang, slam, dash, punch, thwack, whack, hit hard, strike hard, swap, batter, dowse, baste, pelt, patter, buffet, belabor, fetch one a blow, poke at, pink, lunge, yerk, kick, calcitrate, butt, strike at, whip, come into a collision, enter into collision, collide, sideswipe, foul, fall foul of, run foul of, telescope, throw.


N recoil, reaction, retroaction, revulsion, bounce, rebound, ricochet, repercussion, recalcitration, kick, contrecoup, springing back, elasticity, reflection, reflexion, reflex, reflux, reverberation, rebuff, repulse, return, ducks and drakes, boomerang, spring, reactionist, elastic collision, coefficient of restitution, recoiling, refluent, repercussive, recalcitrant, reactionary, retroactive, on the rebound, on the recoil, for every action there is a reaction, equal in force and opposite in direction.

Also see definition of "kick" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "kick" in Webster Dictionary Online

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