Also see definition of "judgment" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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judgement on the pleadings | judger | judges | judgeship | judging | judgment | judgment by default | judgment day | judgment in personam | judgment in rem | judgment lien



220 in 211 verses (in OT : 158 in 150 verses) (in NT : 62 in 61 verses)


judgmentn. [OE. jugement, F. jugement, LL. judicamentum, fr. L. judicare. See Judge, v. i.].
  •  The act of judging; the operation of the mind, involving comparison and discrimination, by which a knowledge of the values and relations of things, whether of moral qualities, intellectual concepts, logical propositions, or material facts, is obtained; as, by careful judgment he avoided the peril; by a series of wrong judgments he forfeited confidence.  [1913 Webster]
    "I oughte deme, of skilful jugement,
    That in the salte sea my wife is deed.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  The power or faculty of performing such operations (see 1); esp., when unqualified, the faculty of judging or deciding rightly, justly, or wisely; good sense; as, a man of judgment; a politician without judgment.  [1913 Webster]
    "He shall judge thy people with righteousness and thy poor with judgment."  [1913 Webster]
    "Hernia. I would my father look'd but with my eyes.
    Theseus. Rather your eyes must with his judgment look.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  The conclusion or result of judging; an opinion; a decision.  [1913 Webster]
    "She in my judgment was as fair as you."  [1913 Webster]
    "Who first his judgment asked, and then a place."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The act of determining, as in courts of law, what is conformable to law and justice; also, the determination, decision, or sentence of a court, or of a judge; the mandate or sentence of God as the judge of all.  [1913 Webster]
    "In judgments between rich and poor, consider not what the poor man needs, but what is his own."  [1913 Webster]
    "Most heartily I do beseech the court
    To give the judgment.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  That act of the mind by which two notions or ideas which are apprehended as distinct are compared for the purpose of ascertaining their agreement or disagreement. See 1. The comparison may be threefold: (1) Of individual objects forming a concept. (2) Of concepts giving what is technically called a judgment. (3) Of two judgments giving an inference. Judgments have been further classed as analytic, synthetic, and identical.  [1913 Webster]
    "A judgment is the mental act by which one thing is affirmed or denied of another."  [1913 Webster]
    "The power by which we are enabled to perceive what is true or false, probable or improbable, is called by logicians the faculty of judgment."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A calamity regarded as sent by God, by way of recompense for wrong committed; a providential punishment.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The final award; the last sentence.  [1913 Webster]
    " Judgment, abridgment, acknowledgment, and lodgment are in England sometimes written, judgement, abridgement, acknowledgement, and lodgement."  [1913 Webster]
    " Judgment is used adjectively in many self-explaining combinations; as, judgment hour; judgment throne."  [1913 Webster]
Judgment day (Theol.), the last day, or period when final judgment will be pronounced on the subjects of God's moral government. -- Judgment debt (Law), a debt secured to the creditor by a judge's order. -- Judgment hall, a hall where courts are held. -- Judgment seat, the seat or bench on which judges sit in court; hence, a court; a tribunal. “We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” Rom. xiv. 10. -- Judgment summons (Law), a proceeding by a judgment creditor against a judgment debtor upon an unsatisfied judgment.
Arrest of judgment. (Law) See under Arrest, n. -- Judgment of God, a term formerly applied to extraordinary trials of secret crimes, as by arms and single combat, by ordeal, etc.; it being imagined that God would work miracles to vindicate innocence. See under Ordeal.
Syn. -- Discernment; decision; determination; award; estimate; criticism; taste; discrimination; penetration; sagacity; intelligence; understanding. See Taste.



acquittal, acumen, anathematizing, appraisal, appraisement, assessment, assumption, astuteness, attitude, belief, castigation, censure, chastening, chastisement, circumspection, circumspectness, climate of opinion, common belief, common sense, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, condemnation, condign punishment, consensus gentium, consideration, conviction, cool judgment, correction, critical discernment, damnation, death sentence, death warrant, decision, deduction, denouncement, denunciation, deserts, determination, discernment, disciplinary measures, discipline, discreetness, discretion, discrimination, doom, estimate, estimation, ethos, evaluation, excommunication, eye, feeling, ferule, flair, general belief, good judgment, good sense, guilty verdict, gumption, horse sense, idea, illation, impression, infliction, insight, judicatory, judicature, judicial process, judicial punishment, judiciary, judiciousness, justice, landmark decision, lights, mind, mystique, nemesis, new, notion, observation, opinion, pains, pains and punishments, pay, payment, penal retribution, penalty, penetration, penology, perception, perceptiveness, personal judgment, perspicacity, persuasion, point of view, policy, polity, popular belief, position, posture, presumption, prevailing belief, proscription, providence, prudence, prudentialism, public belief, public opinion, punishment, punition, rap, ratiocination, reaction, reflection, reflectiveness, retribution, retributive justice, ruling, sagacity, scourge, sentence, sentiment, sequitur, shrewdness, sight, sound judgment, soundness of judgment, stance, stock, the courts, theory, thinking, thought, thoughtfulness, verdict, verdict of guilty, view, way of thinking, weighing, well-deserved punishment, what-for, wisdom




N condemnation, conviction, judgment, penalty, sentence, proscription, damnation, death warrant, attainder, attainture, attaintment, condemnatory, damnatory, guilty, condemned, nonsuited, self-convicted, mutato nomine de te fabula narratur, unrespited, unpitied, unreprieved.


N punishment, punition, chastisement, chastening, correction, castigation, discipline, infliction, trial, judgment, penalty, retribution, thunderbolt, Nemesis, requital, penology, retributive justice, lash, scaffold, imprisonment, transportation, banishment, expulsion, exile, involuntary exile, ostracism, penal servitude, hard labor, galleys, beating, flagellation, fustigation, gantlet, strappado, estrapade, bastinado, argumentum baculinum, stick law, rap on the knuckles, box on the ear, blow, stripe, cuff, kick, buffet, pummel, slap, slap in the face, wipe, douse, coup de grace, torture, rack, picket, picketing, dragonnade, capital punishment, execution, lethal injection, the gas chamber, hanging, electrocution, rail-riding, scarpines, decapitation, decollation, garrotte, garrotto, crucifixion, impalement, firing squad, martyrdom, auto-da-fe, noyade, happy dispatch, hara-kiri, seppuku, drinking the hemlock, punishing, penal, punitory, punitive, inflictive, castigatory, punished, Int, a la lanterne!, culpan paena premit comes, eating the bitter bread of banishment, gravis ira regum est semper, sera tamen tacitis paena venit pedibus, suo sibi gladio hunc jugulo.


N deity, Divinity, Godhead, Godship, Omnipotence, Providence, Heaven (metonymically), divineness, divinity, God, Lord, Jehovah, Jahweh, Allah, The Almighty, The Supreme Being, The First Cause, the Prime Mover, Ens Entium, Author of all things, Creator of all things, Author of our being, Cosmoplast, El, The Infinite, The Eternal, The All-powerful, The All-wise, The All- merciful, The All-holy, infinite power, infinite wisdom, infinite goodness, infinite justice, infinite truth, infinite mercy, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, unity, immutability, holiness, glory, majesty, sovereignty, infinity, eternity, The Trinity, The Holy Trinity, The Trinity in Unity, The Triune God, God the Father Son and Holy Ghost, God the Father, The Maker, The Creator, The Preserver, creation, preservation, divine government, Theocracy, Thearchy, providence, ways of Providence, dealings of Providence, dispensations of Providence, visitations of Providence, God the Son, Jesus, Christ, The Messiah, The Anointed, The Saviour, the Redeemer, The Mediator, The Intercessor, The Advocate, The Judge, The Son of God, The Son of Man, The Son of David, The Lamb of God, The Word, Logos, Emmanuel, Immanuel, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The King of Glory, The Prince of Peace, The Good Shepherd, The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Bread of Life, The Light of the World, The Lord our, The Sun of Righteousness, The Pilot of the Galilean lake, The Incarnation, The Hypostatic Union, salvation, redemption, atonement, propitiation, mediation, intercession, judgment, God the Holy Ghost, The Holy Spirit, Paraclete, The Comforter, The Spirit of Truth, The Dove, inspiration, unction, regeneration, sanctification, consolation, eon, aeon, special providence, deus ex machina, avatar, almighty, holy, hallowed, sacred, divine, heavenly, celestial, sacrosanct, all-knowing, all-seeing, all-wise, omniscient, superhuman, supernatural, ghostly, spiritual, hyperphysical, unearthly, theistic, theocratic, anointed, soterial, Adj, jure divino, by divine right, Domine dirige nos, en Dieu est ma fiance, et sceleratis sol oritur, He mounts the storm and walks upon the wind, Thou great First Cause, least understood, sans Dieu rien.


N taste, good taste, refined taste, cultivated taste, delicacy, refinement, fine feeling, gust, gusto, tact, finesse, nicety, to prepon, polish, elegance, grace, judgment, discernment, dilettantism, dilettanteism, virtu, fine art, culture, cultivation, aesthetics, man of taste, connoisseur, judge, critic, conoscente, virtuoso, amateur, dilettante, Aristarchus, Corinthian, arbiter elegantiarum, stagirite, euphemist, caviare to the general, in good taste, cute, tasteful, tasty, unaffected, pure, chaste, classical, attic, cultivated, refined, dainty, esthetic, aesthetic, artistic, elegant, euphemistic, to one's taste, to one's mind, after one's fancy, comme il faut, tire a quatre epingles, elegantly, nihil tetigit quod non ornavit, chacun a son gout, oculi pictura tenentur aures cantibus, taste, flavor, gust, gusto, savor, gout, relish, sapor, sapidity, twang, smack, smatch, aftertaste, tang, tasting, degustation, gustation, palate, tongue, tooth, stomach, sapid, saporific, gustable, gustatory, gustful, strong, gamy, palatable.


N intellect, mind, understanding, reason, thinking principle, rationality, cogitative faculties, cognitive faculties, discursive faculties, reasoning faculties, intellectual faculties, faculties, senses, consciousness, observation, percipience, intelligence, intellection, intuition, association of ideas, instinct, conception, judgment, wits, parts, capacity, intellectuality, genius, brains, cognitive powers, intellectual powers, wit, ability, wisdom, Vernunft, Verstand, soul, spirit, ghost, inner man, heart, breast, bosom, penetralia mentis, divina particula aurae, heart's core, the Absolute, psyche, subliminal consciousness, supreme principle, brain, organ of thought, seat of thought, sensorium, sensory, head, headpiece, pate, noddle, noggin, skull, scull, pericranium, cerebrum, cranium, brainpan, sconce, upper story, central processing unit, CPU, arithmetic and logical unit, ALU, metaphysics, psychics, psychology, ideology, mental philosophy, moral philosophy, philosophy of the mind, pneumatology, phrenology, craniology, cranioscopy, ideality, idealism, transcendentalism, spiritualism, immateriality, universal concept, universal conception, metaphysician, psychologist, intellectual, mental, rational, subjective, metaphysical, nooscopic, spiritual, ghostly, psychical, psychological, cerebral, animastic, brainy, hyperphysical, superphysical, subconscious, subliminal, immaterial, endowed with reason, in petto, ens rationis, frons est animi janua, locos y ninos dicen la verdad, mens sola loco non exulat, my mind is my kingdom, stern men with empires in their brains, the mind, the music breathing from her face, thou living ray of intellectual Fire.


N discrimination, distinction, differentiation, diagnosis, diorism, nice perception, perception of difference, appreciation of difference, estimation, nicety, refinement, taste, critique, judgment, tact, discernment, acuteness, penetration, nuances, dope, past performances, discriminating, dioristic, discriminative, distinctive, nice, il y a fagots et fagots, rem acu tetigisti, la critique est aisee et l'art est difficile, miles apart, a distinction without a difference.


N judgment, result, conclusion, upshot, deduction, inference, ergotism, illation, corollary, porism, moral, estimation, valuation, appreciation, judication, dijudication, adjudication, arbitrament, arbitrement, arbitration, assessment, ponderation, valorization, award, estimate, review, criticism, critique, notice, report, decision, determination, judgment, finding, verdict, sentence, decree, findings of fact, findings of law, res judicata, plebiscite, voice, casting vote, vote, opinion, good judgment, judge, umpire, arbiter, arbitrator, asessor, referee, censor, reviewer, critic, connoisseur, commentator, inspector, inspecting officer, twenty-twenty hindsight, armchair general, monday morning quarterback, judging, judicious, determinate, conclusive, on the whole, all things considered, a Daniel come to judgment, and stand a critic, hated yet caress'd, it is much easier to be critical than to be correc, la critique est aisee et l'art est difficile, nothing if not critical, O most lame and impotent conclusion, judgment, result, conclusion, upshot, deduction, inference, ergotism, illation, corollary, porism, moral, estimation, valuation, appreciation, judication, dijudication, adjudication, arbitrament, arbitrement, arbitration, assessment, ponderation, valorization, award, estimate, review, criticism, critique, notice, report, decision, determination, judgment, finding, verdict, sentence, decree, findings of fact, findings of law, res judicata, plebiscite, voice, casting vote, vote, opinion, good judgment, judge, umpire, arbiter, arbitrator, asessor, referee, censor, reviewer, critic, connoisseur, commentator, inspector, inspecting officer, twenty-twenty hindsight, armchair general, monday morning quarterback, judging, judicious, determinate, conclusive, on the whole, all things considered, a Daniel come to judgment, and stand a critic, hated yet caress'd, it is much easier to be critical than to be correc, la critique est aisee et l'art est difficile, nothing if not critical, O most lame and impotent conclusion.


N intelligence, wisdom, intelligence, capacity, comprehension, understanding, cuteness, sabe, savvy, intellect, nous, parts, sagacity, mother wit, wit, esprit, gumption, quick parts, grasp of intellect, acuteness, acumen, subtlety, penetration, perspicacy, perspicacity, discernment, due sense of, good judgment, discrimination, cunning, refinement, head, brains, headpiece, upper story, long head, eagle eye, eagle- glance, eye of a lynx, eye of a hawk, wisdom, sapience, sense, good sense, common sense, horse sense, plain sense, rationality, reason, reasonableness, judgment, solidity, depth, profundity, caliber, enlarged views, reach of thought, compass of thought, enlargement of mind, genius, inspiration, geist, fire of genius, heaven-born genius, soul, talent, prudence, vigilance, tact, foresight, sobriety, self-possession, aplomb, ballast, a bright thought, not a bad idea, Solomon-like wisdom, intelligent, quick of apprehension, keen, acute, alive, brainy, awake, bright, quick, sharp, quick witted, keen witted, clear witted, sharp-eyed, sharp sighted, sharp witted, wide- awake, canny, shrewd, astute, clear-headed, farsighted, discerning, perspicacious, penetrating, piercing, argute, quick-witted, nimble-witted, needle-witted, sharp as a needle, sharp as a tack, alive to, clever, arch, pas si bete, acute, wise, sage, sapient, sagacious, reasonable, rational, sound, in one's right mind, sensible, abnormis sapiens, judicious, strong- minded, unprejudiced, unbiased, unbigoted, unprepossessed, undazzled, unperplexed, unwarped judgment, impartial, equitable, fair, cool, cool-headed, long-headed, hardheaded, strong-headed, long- sighted, calculating, thoughtful, reflecting, solid, deep, profound, oracular, heaven-directed, heaven-born, prudent, sober, stand, solid, considerate, politic, wise in one's generation, watchful, provident, in advance of one' age, wise as a serpent, wise as Solomon, wise as Solon, wise, sensible, reasonable, judicious, well- thought-out, well-planned, well-judged, well-advised, prudent, politic, expedient, aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet, but with the morning cool reflection came, flosculi sententiarum, les affaires font les hommes, mas vale saber que haber, mas vale ser necio que profiadol nemo solus sapit, nosce te, gnothi seauton, nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit, sapere aude, victrix fortunae sapientia.

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