Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: J J. Ja Jc Jd Je Jf Jh Ji Jn Jo Jp Jr Ju Jv Jy
jacare | jacchus | jacconet | jacent | jacinth | jack | jack bean | jack benny | jack crevalle | jack dempsey | jack frost



Adjective, Noun, Verb (transitive)


jackn. [Pg. jaca, Malayalam, tsjaka.].
     A large tree, the Artocarpus integrifolia, common in the East Indies, closely allied to the breadfruit, from which it differs in having its leaves entire. The fruit is of great size, weighing from thirty to forty pounds, and through its soft fibrous matter are scattered the seeds, which are roasted and eaten. The wood is of a yellow color, fine grain, and rather heavy, and is much used in cabinetwork. It is also used for dyeing a brilliant yellow.  [1913 Webster]
jackn. [F. Jacques James, L. Jacobus, Gr. , Heb. Ya 'aq Jacob; prop., seizing by the heel; hence, a supplanter. Cf. Jacobite, Jockey.].
  •  A familiar nickname of, or substitute for, John.  [1913 Webster]
    "You are John Rugby, and you are Jack Rugby."  [1913 Webster]
  •  An impertinent or silly fellow; a simpleton; a boor; a clown; also, a servant; a rustic.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
    "Since every Jack became a gentleman,
    There 's many a gentle person made a Jack.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  A popular colloquial name for a sailor; -- called also Jack tar, and Jack afloat.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A mechanical contrivance, an auxiliary machine, or a subordinate part of a machine, rendering convenient service, and often supplying the place of a boy or attendant who was commonly called Jack  [1913 Webster]
  •  A portable machine variously constructed, for exerting great pressure, or lifting or moving a heavy body such as an automobile through a small distance. It consists of a lever, screw, rack and pinion, hydraulic press, or any simple combination of mechanical powers, working in a compact pedestal or support and operated by a lever, crank, capstan bar, etc. The name is often given to a jackscrew, which is a kind of jack.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The small bowl used as a mark in the game of bowls.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "Like an uninstructed bowler who thinks to attain the jack by delivering his bowl straight forward upon it."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The male of certain animals, as of the ass.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A young pike; a pickerel.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A drinking measure holding half a pint; also, one holding a quarter of a pint.  Halliwell.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A flag, containing only the union, without the fly, usually hoisted on a jack staff at the bowsprit cap; -- called also union jack. The American jack is a small blue flag, with a star for each State.  R. H. Dana, Jr.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The knave of a suit of playing cards.
  •  A game played with small (metallic, with tetrahedrally oriented spikes) objects (the jacks(1950+), formerly jackstones) that are tossed, caught, picked up, and arranged on a horizontal surface in various patterns; in the modern American game, the movements are accompanied by tossing or bouncing a rubber ball on the horizontal surface supporting the jacks. same as jackstones.  [PJC]
  •  Money.  [PJC]
  •  Apple jack.  [PJC]
  •  Brandy.  [PJC]
    " Jack is used adjectively in various senses. It sometimes designates something cut short or diminished in size; as, a jack timber; a jack rafter; a jack arch, etc."  [1913 Webster]
Jack arch, an arch of the thickness of one brick. -- Jack back (Brewing & Malt Vinegar Manuf.), a cistern which receives the wort. See under 1st Back. -- Jack block (Naut.), a block fixed in the topgallant or royal rigging, used for raising and lowering light masts and spars. -- Jack boots, boots reaching above the knee; -- worn in the 17 century by soldiers; afterwards by fishermen, etc.<-- see jack-booted --> -- Jack crosstree. (Naut.) See 10, b, above. -- Jack curlew (Zoöl.), the whimbrel. -- Jack frame. (Cotton Spinning) See 4 (g), above. -- Jack Frost, frost or cold weather personified as a mischievous person. -- Jack hare, a male hare. Cowper. -- Jack lamp, a lamp for still hunting and camp use. See def. 4 (n.), above. -- Jack plane, a joiner's plane used for coarse work. -- Jack post, one of the posts which support the crank shaft of a deep-well-boring apparatus. -- Jack pot (Poker Playing), the name given to the stakes, contributions to which are made by each player successively, till such a hand is turned as shall take the “pot,” which is the sum total of all the bets. See also jackpot. -- Jack rabbit (Zoöl.), any one of several species of large American hares, having very large ears and long legs. The California species (Lepus Californicus), and that of Texas and New Mexico (Lepus callotis), have the tail black above, and the ears black at the tip. They do not become white in winter. The more northern prairie hare (Lepus campestris) has the upper side of the tail white, and in winter its fur becomes nearly white. -- Jack rafter (Arch.), in England, one of the shorter rafters used in constructing a hip or valley roof; in the United States, any secondary roof timber, as the common rafters resting on purlins in a trussed roof; also, one of the pieces simulating extended rafters, used under the eaves in some styles of building. -- Jack salmon (Zoöl.), the wall-eyed pike, or glasseye. -- Jack sauce, an impudent fellow. [Colloq. & Obs.] -- Jack shaft (Mach.), the first intermediate shaft, in a factory or mill, which receives power, through belts or gearing, from a prime mover, and transmits it, by the same means, to other intermediate shafts or to a line shaft. -- Jack sinker (Knitting Mach.), a thin iron plate operated by the jack to depress the loop of thread between two needles. -- Jack snipe. (Zoöl.) See in the Vocabulary. -- Jack staff (Naut.), a staff fixed on the bowsprit cap, upon which the jack is hoisted. -- Jack timber (Arch.), any timber, as a rafter, rib, or studding, which, being intercepted, is shorter than the others. -- Jack towel, a towel hung on a roller for common use. -- Jack truss (Arch.), in a hip roof, a minor truss used where the roof has not its full section. -- Jack tree. (Bot.) See 1st Jack, n. -- Jack yard (Naut.), a short spar to extend a topsail beyond the gaff.
Blue jack, blue vitriol; sulphate of copper. -- Hydraulic jack, a jack used for lifting, pulling, or forcing, consisting of a compact portable hydrostatic press, with its pump and a reservoir containing a supply of liquid, as oil. -- Jack-at-a-pinch. (a) One called upon to take the place of another in an emergency. (b) An itinerant parson who conducts an occasional service for a fee. -- Jack-at-all-trades, one who can turn his hand to any kind of work. -- Jack-by-the-hedge (Bot.), a plant of the genus Erysimum (Erysimum alliaria, or Alliaria officinalis), which grows under hedges. It bears a white flower and has a taste not unlike garlic. Called also, in England, sauce-alone. Eng. Cyc. -- Jack-in-office, an insolent fellow in authority. Wolcott. -- Jack-in-the-bush (Bot.), a tropical shrub with red fruit (Cordia Cylindrostachya). -- Jack-in-the-green, a chimney sweep inclosed in a framework of boughs, carried in Mayday processions. -- Jack-of-the-buttery (Bot.), the stonecrop (Sedum acre). -- Jack-of-the-clock, a figure, usually of a man, on old clocks, which struck the time on the bell. -- Jack-on-both-sides, one who is or tries to be neutral. -- Jack-out-of-office, one who has been in office and is turned out. Shak. -- Jack the Giant Killer, the hero of a well-known nursery story. -- Yellow Jack (Naut.), the yellow fever; also, the quarantine flag. See Yellow flag, under Flag.
jackn. [F. jaque, jacque, perh. from the proper name Jacques. Cf. Jacquerie.].
     A coarse and cheap mediæval coat of defense, esp. one made of leather.  [1913 Webster]
    "Their horsemen are with jacks for most part clad."  [1913 Webster]
jackn. [Named from its resemblance to a jack boot.].
     A pitcher or can of waxed leather; -- called also black jack.  Dryden.  [1913 Webster]
jackv. i. 
     To hunt game at night by means of a jack. See 2d Jack, n., 4, n.  [1913 Webster]
jackv. t. 
     To move or lift, as a house, by means of a jack or jacks. See 2d Jack, n., 5.  [1913 Webster]


jack, n. & v.
1 a device for lifting heavy objects, esp. the axle of a vehicle off the ground while changing a wheel etc.
2 a court-card with a picture of a man, esp. a soldier, page, or knave, etc.
3 a ship's flag, esp. one flown from the bow and showing nationality.
4 a device using a single plug to connect an electrical circuit.
5 a small white ball in bowls, at which the players aim.
6 a = JACKSTONE. b (in pl.) a game of jackstones.
7 (Jack) the familiar form of John esp. typifying the common man or the male of a species (I'm all right, Jack).
8 the figure of a man striking the bell on a clock.
9 sl. a detective; a policeman.
10 US sl. money.
13 a device for turning a spit.
14 any of various marine perchlike fish of the family Carangidae, including the amberjack.
15 a device for plucking the string of a harpsichord etc., one being operated by each key.
--v.tr. (usu. foll. by up)
1 raise with or as with a jack (in sense 1).
2 colloq. raise e.g. prices.

every man jack each and every person. Jack Frost frost personified. jack in (or up) sl. abandon (an attempt etc.). jack-in-the-box a toy figure that springs out of a box when it is opened. jack-in-office a self-important minor official. jack of all trades a person who can do many different kinds of work. jack-o'-lantern
1 a will-o'-the wisp.
2 a lantern made esp. from a pumpkin with holes for facial features. jack plane a medium-sized plane for use in rough joinery. jack plug a plug for use with a jack (see sense 4 of n.). Jack tar a sailor. on one's jack (or Jack Jones) sl. alone; on one's own.
jack, n.
2 hist. a sleeveless padded tunic worn by foot-soldiers.

ME f. OF jaque, of uncert. orig.



AB, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Dannebrog, Dylan, Flying Dutchman, Jolly Roger, Neptune, OD, Old Glory, Poseidon, Rocky Mountain canary, Star-Spangled Banner, Stars and Stripes, Union Flag, Union Jack, Varuna, able seaman, able-bodied seaman, ace, and blue, ass, baluster, balustrade, banderole, banister, banner, banneret, base, best bower, black flag, blue ensign, bluejacket, blunt, boodle, bower, brass, bread, buccaneer, bucks, bunting, burgee, burro, cabbage, cards, caryatid, cash, chips, clubs, coachwhip, coin, colonnade, color, colors, column, crab, crane, cuddy, dado, deck, deep-sea man, derrick, deuce, diamonds, dickey, die, dinero, donkey, dough, dummy, ensign, erector, face cards, fair-weather sailor, fisherman, flag, flush, footstalk, forklift, full house, gantry crane, gelt, gilt, gonfalon, gonfanon, grease, green, green stuff, greenbacks, guidon, hand, hearts, hearty, hoist, house flag, hydraulic tailgate, jack afloat, jack-tar, jackass, jackscrew, jacky, jennet, jenny, jenny ass, joker, kale, king, knave, left bower, lever, lift, lifter, limey, lobsterman, long pennant, mariner, matelot, mazuma, merchant flag, money, moolah, mopus, national flag, navigator, neddy, newel-post, oil of palms, ointment, oof, ooftish, oriflamme, pack, pair, pedestal, pedicel, peduncle, pendant, pennant, pennon, pennoncel, picture cards, pier, pilaster, pile, piling, pillar, pirate, playing cards, plinth, pole, post, privateer, queen, queen-post, red, red ensign, rhino, rocks, round, royal flush, royal standard, rubber, ruff, sailor, salt, scratch, sea dog, sea rover, seafarer, seafaring man, seaman, shaft, shekels, shipman, signal flag, simoleons, singleton, socle, spades, spondulics, staff, stalk, stanchion, stand, standard, stem, straight, streamer, subbase, sugar, surbase, swallowtail, tackle, tar, tarpaulin, the needful, tin, trey, trick, tricolor, trump, trunk, upright, vexillum, viking, wampum, water dog, whaler, white, windjammer, windlass, windsailor




N amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun, game, fun and games, diversion, divertissement, reaction, solace, pastime, passetemps, sport, labor of love, pleasure, relaxation, leisure, fun, frolic, merriment, jollity, joviality, jovialness, heyday, laughter, jocosity, jocoseness, drollery, buffoonery, tomfoolery, mummery, pleasantry, wit, quip, quirk, giggle, titter, snigger, snicker, crow, cheer, chuckle, shout, horse laugh, belly laugh, hearty laugh, guffaw, burst of laughter, fit of laughter, shout of laughter, roar of laughter, peal of laughter, cachinnation, Kentish fire, tiger, play, game, game at romps, gambol, romp, prank, antic, rig, lark, spree, skylarking, vagary, monkey trick, gambade, fredaine, escapade, echappee, bout, espieglerie, practical joke, dance, hop, reel, rigadoon, saraband, hornpipe, bolero, ballroom dance, minuet, waltz, polka, fox trot, tango, samba, rhumba, twist, stroll, hustle, cha-cha, fandango, cancan, bayadere, breakdown, cake-walk, cornwallis, break dancing, nautch-girl, shindig, skirtdance, stag dance, Virginia reel, square dance, galop, galopade, jig, Irish jig, fling, strathspey, allemande, gavot, gavotte, tarantella, mazurka, morisco, morris dance, quadrille, country dance, folk dance, cotillon, Sir Roger de Coverley, ballet, ball, bal, bal masque, bal costume, masquerade, Terpsichore, festivity, merrymaking, party, blowout, hullabaloo, hoedown, bat, bum, bust, clambake, donation party, fish fry, jamboree, kantikoy, nautch, randy, squantum, tear, Turnerfest, yule log, fete, festival, gala, ridotto, revels, revelry, reveling, carnival, brawl, saturnalia, high jinks, feast, banquet, regale, symposium, wassail, carouse, carousal, jollification, junket, wake, Irish wake, picnic, fete champetre, regatta, field day, treat, round of pleasures, dissipation, a short life and a merry one, racketing, holiday making, rejoicing, jubilee, bonfire, fireworks, feu-de-joie, firecracker, holiday, gala day, red letter day, play day, high days and holidays, high holiday, Bank holiday, May day, Derby day, Saint Monday, Easter Monday, Whit Monday, Bairam, wayz-goos, bean feast, Arbor Day, Declaration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, Mardi gras, mi-careme, feria, fiesta, place of amusement, theater, hall, concert room, ballroom, assemblyroom, music hall, park, plaisance, national park, national forest, state park, county park, city park, vest-pocket park, public park (public), arbor, garden, pleasure ground, playground, cricketground, croquet ground, archery ground, hunting ground, tennis court, racket court, bowling alley, green alley, croquet lawn, rink, glaciarum, skating rink, roundabout, merry-go-round, swing, montagne Russe, game of chance, game of skill, athletic sports, gymnastics, archery, rifle shooting, tournament, pugilism, sports, horse racing, the turf, aquatics, skating, sliding, cricket, tennis, lawn tennis, hockey, football, baseball, soccer, ice hockey, basketball, rackets, fives, trap bat and ball, battledore and shuttlecock, la grace, pall- mall, tipcat, croquet, golf, curling, pallone, polo, water polo, tent pegging, tilting at the ring, quintain, greasy pole, quoits, horseshoes, discus, rounders, lacrosse, tobogganing, water polo, knurr and spell, leapfrog, hop skip and jump, mother may I, French and English, tug of war, blindman's bluff, hunt the slopper, hide and seek, kiss in the ring, snapdragon, cross questions and crooked answers, crisscross, hopscotch, jacks, jackstones, marbles, mumblety-peg, mumble-the-peg, pushball, shinney, shinny, tag, billiards, pool, pingpong, pyramids, bagatelle, bowls, skittles, ninepins, kain, American bowls, tenpins, tivoli, cards, card games, whist, rubber, round game, loo, cribbage, besique, euchre, drole, ecarte, picquet, allfours, quadrille, omber, reverse, Pope Joan, commit, boston, boaston, blackjack, twenty- one, vingtun, quinze, thirty-one, put, speculation, connections, brag, cassino, lottery, commerce, snip-snap-snoren, lift smoke, blind hookey, Polish bank, Earl of Coventry, Napoleon, patience, pairs, banker, blind poker, draw poker, straight poker, stud poker, bluff, bridge, bridge whist, lotto, monte, three-card monte, nap, penny-ante, poker, reversis, squeezers, old maid, fright, beggar-my- neighbor, baccarat, ace, king, queen, knave, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, trey, deuce, joker, trump, wild card, spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds, major suit, minor suit, bower, right bower, left bower, dummy, jackpot, deck, pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full-house, four of a kind, royal flush, misere chess, draughts, checkers, checquers, backgammon, dominos, merelles, nine men's morris, go bang, solitaire, game of fox and goose, monopoly, loto, scrabble, scribbage, boggle, crossword puzzle, hangman, morra, gambling, toy, plaything, bauble, doll, teetotum, knickknack, magic lantern, peep show, puppet show, raree show, gallanty show, toy shop, quips and cranks and wanton wiles, nods and becks and wreathed smiles, entertainer, showman, showgirl, dancer, tap dancer, song-and-dance man, vaudeville act, singer, musician, sportsman, gamester, reveler, master of ceremonies, master of revels, pompom girl, arbiter elegantiarum, arbiter bibendi, archer, fan, toxophilite, turfman, amusing, entertaining, diverting, recreational, recreative, lusory, pleasant, laughable, witty, fun, festive, festal, jovial, jolly, jocund, roguish, rompish, playful, playful as a kitten, sportive, ludibrious, funny, very funny, hilarious, uproarious, side-splitting, amused, pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw, laughing, risible, ready to burst, ready to split, ready to die with laughter, convulsed with laughter, rolling in the aisles, on the light fantastic toe, at play, in sport, Int, vive la bagatelle!, vogue la galere!, deus nobis haec otia fecit, dum vivimus vivamus, dulce est desipere in loco, (every room) hath blazed with lights and brayed wi, misce stullitiam consiliis brevem.


N rotation, revolution, spinning, gyration, turning about an axis, turning aound an axis, circulation, roll, circumrotation, circumvolution, circumgyration, volutation, circination, turbination, pirouette, convolution, verticity, whir, whirl, eddy, vortex, whirlpool, gurge, countercurrent, Maelstrom, Charybdis, Ixion, cyclone, tornado, whirlwind, dust devil, spin-out, axis, axis of rotation, swivel, pivot, pivot point, axle, spindle, pin, hinge, pole, arbor, bobbin, mandrel, axle shaft, gymbal, hub, hub of rotation, helix, helical motion, angular momentum, angular velocity, revolutions per minute, RPM, centrifugal force, surge, vertigo, dizzy round, coriolus force, carousel, merry-go-round, Ferris wheel, top, dreidel, teetotum, gyroscope, turntable, lazy suzan, screw, whirligig, rollingstone, water wheel, windmill, wheel, pulley wheel, roulette wheel, potter's wheel, pinwheel, gear, roller, flywheel, jack, caster, centrifuge, ultracentrifuge, bench centrifuge, refrigerated centrifuge, gas centrifuge, microfuge, drill, augur, oil rig, wagon wheel, wheel, tire, tyre, trochilics, whirling dervish, rotating, rotary, rotary, circumrotatory, trochilic, vertiginous, gyratory, vortical, vorticose, head over heels, round and round, like a horse in a mill.


N indication, symbolism, symbolization, semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics, Zeitgeist, characteristic, diagnostic, lineament, feature, trait, fingerprint, voiceprint, footprint, noseprint, cloven hoof, footfall, recognition (memory), diagnostic, divining rod, detector, sign, symbol, index, indice, indicator, point, pointer, exponent, note, token, symptom, dollar sign, dollar mark, type, figure, emblem, cipher, device, representation, epigraph, motto, posy, gesture, gesticulation, pantomime, wink, glance, leer, nod, shrug, beck, touch, nudge, dactylology, dactylonomy, freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology, byplay, dumb show, cue, hint, clue, clew, key, scent, signal, signal post, rocket, blue light, watch fire, watch tower, telegraph, semaphore, flagstaff, cresset, fiery cross, calumet, heliograph, guidon, headlight, mark, scratch, line, stroke, dash, score, stripe, streak, tick, dot, point, notch, nick, print, imprint, impress, impression, keyboard symbols, printing symbols, red letter, italics, sublineation, underlining, bold font, jotting, note, annotation, reference, blaze, cedilla, guillemets, hachure, quotation marks, ", double quotes, " ", parentheses, "( )", brackets, "", braces, "", left arrow, "<", right arrow, ">", forward slash, "/", backward slash, "\", exclamation point, "!", commercial at, "@", pound sign, "#", percent sign, "%", carat, "", ampersand, "&", asterisk, "*", hyphen, "-", dash, "-", "_", em dash, "--", plus sign, "+", equals sign, "=", question mark, "?", period, ", ", semicolon, ", ", colon, ":", comma, ", ", apostrophe, "'", single quote, "'", tilde, "~", badge, criterion, countercheck, countermark, countersign, counterfoil, duplicate, tally, label, ticket, billet, letter, counter, check, chip, chop, dib, totem, tessera, card, bill, witness, voucher, stamp, cacher, trade mark, Hall mark, signature, mark, autograph, autography, attestation, hand, hand writing, sign manual, cipher, seal, sigil, signet, hand and seal, paraph, brand, superscription, indorsement, endorsement, password, watchword, catchword, security card, pass, passkey, credentials, open sesame, timbrology, mot de passe, mot du guet, pass-parole, shibboleth, title, heading, docket, address card, visiting card, carte de visite, insignia, banner, banneret, bannerol, bandrol, flag, colors, streamer, standard, eagle, labarum, oriflamb, oriflamme, figurehead, ensign, pennon, pennant, pendant, burgee, blue Peter, jack, ancient, gonfalon, union jack, banderole, old glory, quarantine flag, vexillum, yellow-flag, yellow jack, tricolor, stars and stripes, bunting, heraldry, crest, coat of arms, arms, armorial bearings, hatchment, escutcheon, scutcheon, shield, supporters, livery, uniform, cockade, epaulet, chevron, garland, love knot, favor, beacon, cairn, post, staff, flagstaff, hand, pointer, vane, cock, weathercock, guidepost, handpost, fingerpost, directing post, signpost, pillars of Hercules, pharos, bale-fire, beacon-fire, l'etoile du Nord, landmark, seamark, lighthouse, balize, polestar, loadstar, lodestar, cynosure, guide, address, direction, name, sign, signboard, warning, omen, prefigurement, trace, record, warning &c, alarm, scepter, trophy, gauge, milestone, milepost, brand, fool's cap, check, telltale, test, mileage ticket, milliary, notification, advertisement, word of command, call, bugle call, trumpet call, bell, alarum, cry, battle cry, rallying cry, angelus, reveille, sacring bell, sanctus bell, exposition &c (explanation), proof, pattern, indicating, indicative, indicatory, denotative, connotative, diacritical, representative, typical, symbolic, pantomimic, pathognomonic, symptomatic, characteristic, demonstrative, diagnostic, exponential, emblematic, armorial, individual, known by, recognizable by, indicated, pointed, marked, denotable, indelible, in token of, symbolically, in dumb show, ecce signum, ex ungue leonem, ex pede Herculem, vide ut supra, vultus ariete fortior.

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