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: I I- I. Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
interfacial tension | interfaith | interfascicular | interferant | interfere | interference | interferer | interfering | interferingly | interferometer | interferon




interferencen. [See Interfere.].
  •  The act or state of interfering; as, the stoppage of a machine by the interference of some of its parts; a meddlesome interference in the business of others.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The mutual influence, under certain conditions, as from streams of light, or pulsations of sound, or, generally, two waves or vibrations of any kind, producing certain characteristic phenomena, as colored fringes, dark bands, or darkness, in the case of light, silence or increased intensity in sounds; neutralization or superposition of waves generally.  [1913 Webster]
    " The term is most commonly applied to light, and the undulatory theory of light affords the proper explanation of the phenomena which are considered to be produced by the superposition of waves, and are thus substantially identical in their origin with the phenomena of heat, sound, waves of water, and the like."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The act or state of interfering, or of claiming a right to the same invention.  [1913 Webster]
Interference figures (Optics), the figures observed when certain sections of crystallized bodies are viewed in converging polarized light; thus, a section of a uniaxial crystal, cut normal to the vertical axis, shows a series of concentric colored rings with a single black cross; -- so called because produced by the interference of luminous waves. -- Interference fringe. (Optics) See Fringe.


interference, n.
1 (usu. foll. by with) a the act of interfering. b an instance of this.
2 the fading or disturbance of received radio signals by the interference of waves from different sources, or esp. by atmospherics or unwanted signals.
3 Physics the combination of two or more wave motions to form a resultant wave in which the displacement is reinforced or cancelled.

interferential adj.



amplitude, antagonism, antinode, antipathy, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, atmospherics, backlash, blaring, blasting, blind spot, block, blockage, blocking, check, clashing, clogging, closing up, closure, collision, conflict, confutation, constriction, contradiction, contraposition, contrariety, counteraction, counterposition, counterworking, cramp, crankiness, crawling, creeping, crest, crotchetiness, de Broglie wave, delay, detainment, detention, difficulty, diffraction, dissent, drift, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, encroachment, encumbrance, entrance, entrenchment, fade-out, fading, fixation, foot-dragging, frequency, frequency band, frequency spectrum, friction, frustration, guided wave, hampering, handicap, hindering, hindrance, hitch, holdback, holdup, impedance, impediment, impingement, imposition, in phase, incursion, infiltration, influx, infringement, inhibition, injection, inroad, insinuation, interceding, intercession, interjection, interloping, interposition, interposure, interruption, intervention, intruding, intrusion, invasion, irruption, kick, let, light, longitudinal wave, mechanical wave, meddling, negativism, node, noise, nonconformity, nuisance value, obstruction, obstructionism, obtrusion, occlusion, opposition, opposure, oppugnance, oppugnancy, out of phase, period, periodic wave, perverseness, radio wave, ray, reaction, recalcitrance, reception, recoil, reinforcement, renitency, repercussion, repression, repugnance, resistance, resonance, resonance frequency, restraint, restriction, retardation, retardment, revolt, seismic wave, setback, shock wave, snag, sound wave, squeeze, static, stranglehold, stricture, suppression, surface wave, swimming upstream, tidal wave, transverse wave, trespass, trespassing, trough, unlawful entry, wave, wave equation, wave motion, wave number, wavelength




N disagreement, discord, discordance, dissonance, dissidence, discrepancy, unconformity, incongruity, incongruence, discongruity, mesalliance, jarring, dissension, conflict, bickering, clashing, misunderstanding, wrangle, disparity, mismatch, disproportion, dissimilitude, inequality, disproportionateness, variance, divergence, repugnance, unfitness, inaptitude, impropriety, inapplicability, inconsistency, inconcinnity, irrelevancy, misjoining, misjoinder, syncretism, intrusion, interference, concordia discors, fish out of water, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, at variance, at war, hostile, antagonistic, repugnant, incompatible, irreconcilable, inconsistent with, unconformable, exceptional, intrusive, incongruous, disproportionate, disproportionated, inharmonious, unharmonious, inconsonant, unconsonant, divergent, repugnant to, inapt, unapt, inappropriate, improper, unsuited, unsuitable, inapplicable, not to the point, unfit, unfitting, unbefitting, unbecoming, illtimed, unseasonable, mal a propos, inadmissible, inapposite, uncongenial, ill-assorted, ill-sorted, mismatched, misjoined, misplaced, misclassified, unaccommodating, irreducible, incommensurable, uncommensurable, unsympathetic, out of character, out of keeping, out of proportion, out of joint, out of tune, out of place, out of season, out of its element, at odds with, at variance with, in defiance, in contempt, in spite of, discordantly, a tort et a travers, asinus ad lyram.


N activity, briskness, liveliness, animation, life, vivacity, spirit, dash, energy, snap, vim, nimbleness, agility, smartness, quickness, velocity, alacrity, promptitude, despatch, dispatch, expedition, haste, punctuality, eagerness, zeal, ardor, perfervidum aingenium, empressement, earnestness, intentness, abandon, vigor, devotion, exertion, industry, assiduity, assiduousness, sedulity, laboriousness, drudgery, painstaking, diligence, perseverance, indefatigation, habits of business, vigilance, wakefulness, sleeplessness, restlessness, insomnia, pervigilium, insomnium, racketing, movement, bustle, stir, fuss, ado, bother, pottering, fidget, fidgetiness, flurry, officiousness, dabbling, meddling, interference, interposition, intermeddling, tampering with, intrigue, press of business, no sinecure, plenty to do, many irons in the fire, great doings, busy hum of men, battle of life, thick of the action, housewife, busy bee, new brooms, sharp fellow, sharp blade, devotee, enthusiast, zealot, meddler, intermeddler, intriguer, busybody, pickthank, hummer, hustler, live man, rustler, active, brisk, brisk as a lark, brisk as a bee, lively, animated, vivacious, alive, alive and kicking, frisky, spirited, stirring, nimble, nimble as a squirrel, agile, light-footed, nimble-footed, featly, tripping, quick, prompt, yare, instant, ready, alert, spry, sharp, smart, fast, quick as a lamplighter, expeditious, awake, broad awake, go-ahead, live wide-awake, forward, eager, strenuous, zealous, enterprising, in earnest, resolute, industrious, assiduous, diligent, sedulous, notable, painstaking, intent, indefatigable, unwearied, unsleeping, never tired, plodding, hard-working, businesslike, workaday, bustling, restless, restless as a hyena, fussy, fidgety, pottering, busy, busy as hen with one chicken, working, at work, on duty, in harness, up in arms, on one's legs, at call, up and doing, up and stirring, busy, occupied, hard at work, hard at it, up to one's ears in, full of business, busy as a bee, busy as a one-armed paperhanger, meddling, meddlesome, pushing, officious, overofficious, intrigant, astir, stirring, agoing, afoot, on foot, in full swing, eventful, on the alert, actively, with life and spirit, with might and main &c, with haste, with wings, full tilt, in mediis rebus, Int, be alive, look alive, look sharp!, move on, push on!, keep moving!, go ahead!, stir your stumps!, age quod agis!, jaldi!, karo!, step lively!, carpe diem, seize the day, nulla dies sine linea, nec mora nec requies, the plot thickens, No sooner said than done, veni vidi vici, catch a weasel asleep, abends wird der Faule fleissig, dictum ac factum, schwere Arbeit in der Jugend ist sanfte Ruhe im Al, hard work in youth means soft rest in age, the busy hum of men.


N hindrance, prevention, preclusion, obstruction, stoppage, embolus, embolism, infarct, interruption, interception, interclusion, hindrance, impedition, retardment, retardation, embarrassment, oppilation, coarctation, stricture, restriction, restraint, inhibition, blockade, interference, interposition, obtrusion, discouragement, discountenance, impediment, let, obstacle, obstruction, knot, knag, check, hitch, contretemps, screw loose, grit in the oil, bar, stile, barrier, turnstile, turnpike, gate, portcullis, beaver dam, trocha, barricade, wall, dead wall, sea wall, levee breakwater, groyne, bulkhead, block, buffer, stopper, boom, dam, weir, burrock, drawback, objection, stumbling-block, stumbling-stone, lion in the path, snag, snags and sawyers, encumbrance, incumbrance, clog, skid, shoe, spoke, drag, drag chain, drag weight, stay, stop, preventive, prophylactic, load, burden, fardel, onus, millstone round one's neck, impedimenta, dead weight, lumber, pack, nightmare, Ephialtes, incubus, old man of the sea, remora, difficulty, insuperable, obstacle, estoppel, ill wind, head wind, trammel, tether, hold back, counterpoise, damper, wet blanket, hinderer, marplot, killjoy, party pooper, party crasher, interloper, trail of a red herring, opponent, hindering, obstructive, obstruent, impeditive, impedient, intercipient, prophylactic, impedimentary, in the way of, unfavorable, onerous, burdensome, cumbrous, cumbersome, obtrusive, hindered, windbound, waterlogged, heavy laden, hard pressed, unassisted &c (assist), single-handed, alone, deserted, occurrent nubes.


N mediation, mediatorship, mediatization, intervention, interposition, interference, intermeddling, intercession, arbitration, flag of truce, good offices, peace offering, parley, negotiation, diplomatics, diplomacy, compromise, mediator, arbitrator, intercessor, peacemaker, makepeace, negotiator, go-between, diplomatist, moderator, propitiator, umpire, mediatory.


N counteraction, opposition, contrariety, antagonism, polarity, clashing, collision, interference, inhibition, resistance, renitency, friction, reaction, retroaction, counterblast, neutralization, vis inertiae, check, voluntary opposition &c, voluntary resistance, repression, opposites, action and reaction, yang and yin, yang-yin (contrariety), counteracting, antagonistic, conflicting, retroactive, renitent, reactionary, contrary, although, in spite of, against, for every action there is a reaction, equal in force and opposite in direction.


N interposition, interjacence, intercurrence, intervenience, interlocation, interdigitation, interjection, interpolation, interlineation, interspersion, intercalation, interpenetration, permeation, infiltration, intervention, interference, intrusion, obtrusion, insinuation, insertion, dovetailing, embolism, intermediary, intermedium, go between, bodkin, intruder, interloper, parenthesis, episode, flyleaf, partition, septum, diaphragm, midriff, dissepiment, party wall, panel, room divider, halfway house, interjacent, intercurrent, intervenient, intervening, intermediate, intermediary, intercalary, interstitial, embolismal, parenthetical, episodic, mediterranean, intrusive, embosomed, merged, between, betwixt, twixt, among, amongst, amid, amidst, mid, midst, in the thick of, betwixt and between, sandwich-wise, parenthetically, obiter dictum.

For further exploring for "interference" in Webster Dictionary Online

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