Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: I I- I. Ia Ib Ic Id Ie If Ig Ih Ii Ij Ik Il Im In Io Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Iv Iw Ix Iy Iz
innixion | innkeeper | innocence | innocency | innocense | innocent | innocent iii | innocent viii | innocent xi | innocent xii | innocently



Adjective, Noun
81 in 80 verses (in OT : 71 in 70 verses) (in NT : 10 in 10 verses)


innocenta. [F. innocent, L. innocens, -entis; pref. in- not + nocens, p. pr. of nocere to harm, hurt. See Noxious.].
  •  Not harmful; free from that which can injure; innoxious; innocuous; harmless; as, an innocent medicine or remedy.  [1913 Webster]
    "The spear
    Sung innocent, and spent its force in air.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Morally free from guilt; guiltless; not tainted with sin; pure; upright.  [1913 Webster]
    "To offer up a weak, poor, innocent lamb."  [1913 Webster]
    "I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood."  [1913 Webster]
    "The aidless, innocent lady, his wished prey."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Free from the guilt of a particular crime or offense; as, a man is innocent of the crime charged.  [1913 Webster]
    "Innocent from the great transgression."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Simple; artless; foolish.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Lawful; permitted; as, an innocent trade.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not contraband; not subject to forfeiture; as, innocent goods carried to a belligerent nation.  [1913 Webster]
Innocent party (Law),a party who has not notice of a fact tainting a litigated transaction with illegality.
Syn. -- Harmless; innoxious; innoffensive; guiltless; spotless; immaculate; pure; unblamable; blameless; faultless; guileless; upright.
  •  An innocent person; one free from, or unacquainted with, guilt or sin.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  An unsophisticated person; hence, a child; a simpleton; an idiot.  B. Jonson.  [1913 Webster]
    "In Scotland a natural fool was called an innocent."  [1913 Webster]
Innocents' day (Eccl.), Childermas day.


innocent, adj. & n.
1 free from moral wrong; sinless.
2 (usu. foll. by of) not guilty (of a crime etc.).
3 a simple; guileless; na{iuml}ve. b pretending to be guileless.
4 harmless.
5 (foll. by of) colloq. without, lacking (appeared, innocent of shoes).
1 an innocent person, esp. a young child.
2 (in pl.) the young children killed by Herod after the birth of Jesus (Matt. 2:16).

Innocents' (or Holy Innocents') Day the day, 28 Dec., commemorating the massacre of the innocents.
innocence n. innocency n. innocently adv.
ME f. OF innocent or L innocens innocent- (as IN-(1), nocere hurt)



above suspicion, angel, angelic, artless, awkward, babe, bairn, beginner, benign, blameless, blankminded, blotless, bluff, blunt, boob, born yesterday, budding, callow, candid, chaste, cherub, child, child of nature, childlike, chit, chump, cinch, clean, cleanly, clear, confiding, credulous, credulous person, cull, darling, dependent, depending, destitute, dewy, direct, dove, dovelike, dumb, dupe, easy mark, easy pickings, empty, empty-headed, exemplary, fall guy, faultless, fish, fool, frank, gauche, gobe-mouches, green, greener, greenhorn, greeny, groping, growing, gudgeon, guileless, guiltless, gull, gullible, harmless, hick, honest, ignorant, immaculate, immature, impubic, in the clear, inane, incorrupt, inculpable, inexperienced, infant, ingenu, ingenue, ingenuous, innocuous, inoffensive, intact, irreproachable, juicy, kid, kitten, know-nothing, lamb, lambkin, lamblike, leadpipe cinch, legal, legitimate, licit, little bugger, little fellow, little guy, little innocent, little one, little tad, little tot, lout, mere child, minor, mite, monkey, naive, nescient, new-fledged, newborn babe, newcomer, nipper, noble savage, nonmalignant, nonpoisonous, nontoxic, nonvirulent, not guilty, novice, oaf, offenseless, offspring, open, openhearted, outspoken, patsy, peewee, pigeon, plain, plaything, prelapsarian, pristine, prize sap, pure, pure in heart, purehearted, pushover, raw, reliant, relying, reproachless, righteous, ripening, rube, safe, sans reproche, sap, saphead, sappy, schlemiel, sexually innocent, shaver, simple, simple soul, simplehearted, simpleminded, sincere, single-hearted, single-minded, sinless, sitting duck, snowy, spotless, stainless, stooge, strange to, sucker, tad, taintless, tender, tentative, tot, toy, trustful, trusting, trusting soul, trusty, unacquainted, unadult, unaffected, unapprized, unartificial, unblamable, unblemished, unblotted, uncomprehending, unconversant, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undamaging, undefiled, underage, undeveloped, unenlightened, unfallen, unfamiliar, unfledged, unformed, unguarded, unhurtful, unilluminated, unimpeachable, uninformed, uninitiated, uninjurious, unintelligent, unknowing, unlapsed, unlicked, unmellowed, unobjectionable, unobnoxious, unoffending, unpolluted, unposted, unreserved, unripe, unschooled, unseasoned, unsoiled, unsophisticate, unsophisticated, unspotted, unstained, unstudied, unsullied, unsure, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, untainted, untarnished, untouched by evil, unversed, unwary, unworldly, vacuous, vernal, victim, virginal, virtuous, void, wee tot, well-intentioned, white, with clean hands, without reproach, without suspicion, yokel




N goodness, excellence, merit, virtue, value, worth, price, super-excellence, supereminence, superiority, perfection, coup de maitre, masterpiece, chef d'ouvre, prime, flower, cream, elite, pick, A, nonesuch, nonpareil, creme de la creme, flower of the flock, cock of the roost, salt of the earth, champion, prodigy, tidbit, gem, gem of the first water, bijou, precious stone, jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant, treasure, good thing, rara avis, one in a thousand, beneficence, good man, harmless, hurtless, unobnoxious, innocuous, innocent, inoffensive, beneficial, valuable, of value, serviceable, advantageous, edifying, profitable, salutary, favorable, propitious fair, good, good as gold, excellent, better, superior, above par, nice, fine, genuine, best, choice, select, picked, elect, recherche, rare, priceless, unparagoned, unparalleled, superlatively, good, bully, crackajack, giltedged, superfine, superexcellent, of the first water, first-rate, first-class, high- wrought, exquisite, very best, crack, prime, tiptop, capital, cardinal, standard, inimitable, admirable, estimable, praiseworthy, pleasing, couleur de rose, precious, of great price, costly, worth its weight in gold, worth a Jew's eye, priceless, invaluable, inestimable, precious as the apple of the eye, tolerable, up to the mark, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, satisfactory, tidy, in good condition, in fair condition, fresh, sound, beneficially, well, Jewels five words long, long may such goodness live!, the luxury of doing good.


N salubrity, healthiness, fine air, fine climate, eudiometer, hygiene, valetudinarian, valetudinarianism, sanitarian, sanitarium, sanitOrium, salubrious, salutary, salutiferous, wholesome, healthy, healthful, sanitary, prophYlactic, benign, bracing, tonic, invigorating, good for, nutritious, hygeian, hygienic, innoxious, innocuous, innocent, harmless, uninjurious, uninfectious, sanative, restorative, useful.


N artlessness, nature, simplicity, innocence, bonhomie, naivete, abandon, candor, sincerity, singleness of purpose, singleness of heart, honesty, plain speaking, epanchement, rough diamond, matter of fact man, le palais de verite, enfant terrible, artless, natural, pure, native, confiding, simple, lain, inartificial, untutored, unsophisticated, ingenu, unaffected, naive, sincere, frank, open, open as day, candid, ingenuous, guileless, unsuspicious, honest, innocent, Arcadian, undesigning, straightforward, unreserved, aboveboard, simple-minded, single-minded, frank-hearted, open-hearted, single-hearted, simple-hearted, free-spoken, plain-spoken, outspoken, blunt, downright, direct, matter of fact, unpoetical, unflattering, in plain words, in plain English, without mincing the matter, not to mince the matter, Davus sum non Oedipus, liberavi animam meam, as frank as rain on cherry blossoms.


N probity, integrity, rectitude, uprightness, honesty, faith, honor, bonne foi, good faith, bona fides, purity, clean hands, fairness, fair play, justice, equity, impartiality, principle, even-handedness, grace, constancy, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, incorruption, incorruptibility, trustworthiness, truth, candor, singleness of heart, veracity, tender conscience, punctilio, delicacy, nicety, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, scruple, point, point of honor, punctuality, dignity, (repute), respectability, respectableness, gentilhomme, gentleman, man of honor, man of his word, fidus Achates, preux chevalier, galantuomo, truepenny, trump, brick, true Briton, white man, court of honor, a fair field and no favor, argumentum ad verecundiam, upright, honest, honest as daylight, veracious, virtuous, honorable, fair, right, just, equitable, impartial, evenhanded, square, fair and aboveboard, open and aboveboard, white, constant, constant as the northern star, faithful, loyal, staunch, true, true blue, true to one's colors, true to the core, true as the needle to the pole, marble-constant, true- hearted, trusty, trustworthy, as good as one's word, to be depended on, incorruptible, straightforward, frank, candid, open-hearted, conscientious, tender-conscienced, right-minded, high-principled, high-minded, scrupulous, religious, strict, nice, punctilious, correct, punctual, respectable, reputable, gentlemanlike, inviolable, inviolate, unviolated, unbroken, unbetrayed, unbought, unbribed, innocent, pure, stainless, unstained, untarnished, unsullied, untainted, unperjured, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, undepraved, undebauched, integer vitae scelerisque purus, justus et tenax propositi, chivalrous, jealous of honor, sans peur et sans reproche, high-spirited, supramundane, unworldly, other-worldly, overscrupulous, honorable, bona fide, on the square, in good faith, honor bright, foro conscientiae, with clean hands, a face untaught to feign, bene qui latuit bene vixit, mens sibi conscia recti, probitas laudatur et alget, fidelis ad urnam, his heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth, loyaute m'oblige, loyaute n'a honte, what stronger breastplate than a heart untainted?.


N virtue, virtuousness, morality, moral rectitude, integrity, nobleness, morals, ethics, cardinal virtues, merit, worth, desert, excellence, credit, self-control, self-denial, well-doing, good actions, good behavior, discharge of duty, fulfillment of duty, performance of duty, well-spent life, innocence, virtuous, good, innocent, meritorious, deserving, worthy, desertful, correct, dutiful, duteous, moral, right, righteous, right- minded, well-intentioned, creditable, laudable, commendable, praiseworthy, above all praise, beyond all praise, excellent, admirable, sterling, pure, noble, whole-souled, exemplary, matchless, peerless, saintly, saint-like, heaven-born, angelic, seraphic, godlike, virtuously, adj, e merito, esse quam videri bonus malebat, Schonheit vergeht Tugend besteht, virtue the greatest of all monarchies, virtus laudatur et alget, virtus vincit invidiam.


N innocence, guiltlessness, incorruption, impeccability, clean hands, clear conscience, mens sibi conscia recti, innocent, lamb, dove, innocent, not guilty, unguilty, guiltless, faultless, sinless, stainless, bloodless, spotless, clear, immaculate, rectus in curia, unspotted, unblemished, unerring, undefiled, unhardened, Saturnian, Arcadian, inculpable, unculpable, unblamed, unblamable, blameless, unfallen, inerrable, above suspicion, irreproachable, irreprovable, irreprehensible, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, unimpeachable, salvable, venial, harmless, inoffensive, innoxious, innocuous, dove-like, lamb-like, pure, harmless as doves, innocent as a lamb, innocent as the babe unborn, more sinned against than sinning, virtuous, unreproved, unimpeached, unreproached, innocently, with clean hands, with a clear conscience, with a safe conscience, murus aeneus conscientia sana, innocence, guiltlessness, incorruption, impeccability, clean hands, clear conscience, mens sibi conscia recti, innocent, lamb, dove, innocent, not guilty, unguilty, guiltless, faultless, sinless, stainless, bloodless, spotless, clear, immaculate, rectus in curia, unspotted, unblemished, unerring, undefiled, unhardened, Saturnian, Arcadian, inculpable, unculpable, unblamed, unblamable, blameless, unfallen, inerrable, above suspicion, irreproachable, irreprovable, irreprehensible, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, unimpeachable, salvable, venial, harmless, inoffensive, innoxious, innocuous, dove-like, lamb-like, pure, harmless as doves, innocent as a lamb, innocent as the babe unborn, more sinned against than sinning, virtuous, unreproved, unimpeached, unreproached, innocently, with clean hands, with a clear conscience, with a safe conscience, murus aeneus conscientia sana.

Good Man

N good man, honest man, worthy, good woman, perfect lady, Madonna, model, paragon, good example, hero, heroine, demigod, seraph, angel, innocent, saint, benefactor, philanthropist, Aristides, noble liver, pattern, brick, trump, gem, jewel, good fellow, prince, diamond in the rough, rough diamond, ugly duckling, salt of the earth, one in ten thousand, one in a million, a gentleman and a scholar, pillar of society, pillar of the community, a man among men, si sic omnes!.


N fool, idiot, tomfool, wiseacre, simpleton, witling, dizzard, donkey, ass, ninny, ninnyhammer, chowderhead, chucklehead, dolt, booby, Tom Noddy, looby, hoddy-doddy, noddy, nonny, noodle, nizy, owl, goose, goosecap, imbecile, gaby, radoteur, nincompoop, badaud, zany, trifler, babbler, pretty fellow, natural, niais, child, baby, infant, innocent, milksop, sop, oaf, lout, loon, lown, dullard, doodle, calf, colt, buzzard, block, put, stick, stock, numps, tony, bull head, dunderhead, addlehead, blockhead, dullhead, loggerhead, jolthead, jolterhead, beetlehead, beetlebrain, grosshead, muttonhead, noodlehead, giddyhead, numbskull, thickskull, lackbrain, shallowbrain, dimwit, halfwit, lackwit, dunderpate, lunkhead sawney, gowk, clod, clod-hopper, clod-poll, clot-poll, clot-pate, bull calf, gawk, Gothamite, lummox, rube, men of Boeotia, wise men of Gotham, un sot a triple etage, sot, jobbernowl, changeling, mooncalf, gobemouche, dotard, driveler, old fogey, old woman, crock, crone, grandmother, cotquean, henhussy, incompetent (insanity), greenhorn, dunce, lubber, madman, one who will not set the Thames on fire, one who did not invent gunpowder, qui n'a pas invente' la poudre, no conjuror, fortuna favet fatuis, les fous font les festinas et les sages les mangen, nomina stultorum parietibus harrent, stultorum plena sunt omnia.

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