Also see definition of "incense" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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incendiary | incendiary bomb | incendious | incensant | incensation | incense | incense cedar | incense tree | incense wood | incense-breathing | incensed



Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)
111 in 104 verses (in OT : 103 in 96 verses) (in NT : 8 in 8 verses)


incensev. t. [L. incensus, p. p. of incendere; pref. in- in + root of candere to glow. See Candle.].
  •  To set on fire; to inflame; to kindle; to burn.  [1913 Webster]
    "Twelve Trojan princes wait on thee, and labor to incense
    Thy glorious heap of funeral.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  To inflame with anger; to enrage; to endkindle; to fire; to incite; to provoke; to heat; to madden.  [1913 Webster]
    "The people are incensed him."
Syn. -- To enrage; exasperate; provoke; anger; irritate; heat; fire; instigate.
incensev. t. [LL. incensare: cf. F. encenser. See Incense, n.].
  •  To offer incense to. See Incense.  Chaucer.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To perfume with, or as with, incense.  Marston.  [1913 Webster]
incensen. [OE. encens, F. encens, L. incensum, fr. incensus, p. p. of incendere to burn. See Incense to inflame.].
  •  The perfume or odors exhaled from spices and gums when burned in celebrating religious rites or as an offering to some deity.  [1913 Webster]
    "A thick cloud of incense went up."  [1913 Webster]
  •  The materials used for the purpose of producing a perfume when burned, as fragrant gums, spices, frankincense, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Also used figuratively.  [1913 Webster]
    "Or heap the shrine of luxury and pride,
    With incense kindled at the Muse's flame.
    "  Gray.  [1913 Webster]
Incense tree, the name of several balsamic trees of the genus Bursera (or Icica) mostly tropical American. The gum resin is used for incense. In Jamaica the Chrysobalanus Icaco, a tree related to the plums, is called incense tree. -- Incense wood, the fragrant wood of the tropical American tree Bursera heptaphylla.


incense, n. & v.
1 a gum or spice producing a sweet smell when burned.
2 the smoke of this, esp. in religious ceremonial.
1 treat or perfume (a person or thing) with incense.
2 burn incense to (a deity etc.).
3 suffuse with fragrance.

incensation n.
incense, (often foll. by at, with, against) enrage; make angry.

ME f. OF incenser (as INCENDIARY)



adulation, agalloch, agape, aggravate, agitate, aloeswood, annoy, aroma, aromatize, arouse, asperges, aspersion, auricular confession, awake, awaken, balminess, bar mitzvah, bas mitzvah, blandishment, blandness, blarney, blow the coals, blow up, bouquet, bristle, bunkum, burnt offering, butter, cajolement, cajolery, calambac, call forth, call up, celebration, cense, chafe, circumcision, collection, compliment, confession, confirmation, drink offering, embalm, embitter, enkindle, enrage, ex voto offering, exasperate, excite, eyewash, fair words, fan, fan the fire, fan the flame, fawning, feed the fire, ferment, fire, flame, flattery, foment, fragrance, fragrancy, frankincense, frenzy, fret, fruitiness, fulsomeness, fumigate, glibness, grease, heat, heat up, heave offering, hecatomb, high celebration, holocaust, honeyed phrases, honeyed words, huff, human sacrifice, immolation, impassion, incite, infanticide, inflame, infuriate, instigate, invocation, invocation of saints, ire, irritate, joss stick, key up, kindle, kiss of peace, lather up, lesser litany, libation, light the fuse, light up, lignaloes, linaloa, litany, love feast, lustration, mactation, mad, madden, miff, move, muskiness, nettle, nosegay, oblation, odor, odorize, offering, offertory, oil, oiliness, olibanum, overexcite, palaver, pastille, pax, peace offering, peeve, perfume, piacular offering, pique, praise, pretty lies, processional, provoke, put up to, rally, rankle, reciting the rosary, redolence, rile, roil, rouse, ruffle, sacramental offering, sacrifice, sandalwood, scapegoat, scent, self-immolation, self-sacrifice, set astir, set fire to, set on, set on fire, set up, sic on, smoothness, smugness, soap, soft soap, soft words, spice, spiciness, steam up, stir, stir the blood, stir the embers, stir the feelings, stir up, suaveness, suavity, summon up, suttee, sutteeism, sweet nothings, sweet savor, sweet smell, sweet talk, sweet words, sycophancy, telling of beads, thank offering, the confessional, the confessionary, thurify, tickle, turn on, umbrage, unctuousness, vex, votive offering, wake, wake up, waken, warm, warm the blood, wheedling, whet, whip up, whole offering, work into, work up




N worship, adoration, devotion, aspiration, homage, service, humiliation, kneeling, genuflection, prostration, prayer, invocation, supplication, rogation, intercession, orison, holy breathing, petition, collect, litany, Lord's prayer, paternoster, beadroll, latria, dulia, hyperdulia, vigils, revival, cult, anxious meeting, camp meeting, ebenezer, virginal, thanksgiving, giving thanks, returning thanks, grace, praise, glorification, benediction, doxology, hosanna, hallelujah, allelujah, Te Deum, non nobis Domine, nunc dimittis, paean, benschen, Ave Maria, O Salutaris, Sanctus, The Annunciation, Tersanctus, Trisagion, psalm, psalmody, hymn, plain song, chant, chaunt, response, anthem, motet, antiphon, antiphony, oblation, sacrifice, incense, libation, burnt offering, heave offering, votive offering, offertory, discipline, self-discipline, self-examination, self-denial, fasting, divine service, office, duty, exercises, morning prayer, mass, matins, evensong, vespers, undernsong, tierce, holyday, worshipper, congregation, communicant, celebrant, worshipping, devout, devotional, reverent, pure, solemn, fervid, Int, hallelujah, allelujah!, hosanna!, glory be to God!, O Lord!, pray God that!, God grant, God bless, God save, God forbid!, sursum corda, making their lives a prayer, ora et labora, prayers ardent open heaven.


N rite, ceremony, ritual, liturgy, ceremonial, ordinance, observance, function, duty, form, formulary, solemnity, sacrament, incantation, service, psalmody, ministration, preaching, preachment, predication, sermon, homily, lecture, discourse, pastoral, baptism, christening, chrism, circumcision, baptismal regeneration, font, confirmation, imposition of hands, laying on of hands, ordination, excommunication, Bar Mitzvah, Bas Mitzvah, Bris, Eucharist, Lord's supper, communion, the sacrament, the holy sacrament, celebration, high celebration, missa cantata, asperges, offertory, introit, consecration, consubstantiation, transubstantiation, real presence, elements, mass, high mass, low mass, dry mass, matrimony, burial, visitation of the sick, seven sacraments, impanation, subpanation, extreme unction, viaticum, invocation of saints, canonization, transfiguration, auricular confession, maceration, flagellation, sackcloth and ashes, penance, telling of beads, processional, thurification, incense, holy water, aspersion, relics, rosary, beads, reliquary, host, cross, rood, crucifix, pax, pyx, agnus Dei, censer, thurible, patera, eileton, Holy Grail, prayer machine, prayer wheel, Sangraal, urceus, ritualism, ceremonialism, sabbatism, sabbatarianism, ritualist, sabbatarian, holyday, feast, fast, Sabbath, Pentecost, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Passion week, Holy week, Easter, Easter Sunday, Whitsuntide, agape, Ascension Day, Candlemas, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Holy Thursday, Lammas, Martinmas, Michaelmas, All SAint's DAy, All Souls' Day, Ramadan, Ramazan, Bairam Passover, Shabuoth, Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, Rosh Hashana, New Year, Hanukkah, Chanukkah, Feast of Lights, Purim, Feast of lots, ritual, ritualistic, ceremonial, baptismal, eucharistical, paschal, what art thou, thou idol ceremony?.


VB hate, detest, abominate, abhor, loathe, recoil at, shudder at, shrink from, view with horror, hold in abomination, revolt against, execrate, scowl, disrelish, owe a grudge, bear spleen, bear a grudge, bear malice, conceive an aversion to, take a dislike to, excite hatred, provoke hatred, be hateful, stink in the nostrils, estrange, alienate, repel, set against, sow dissension, set by the ears, envenom, incense, irritate, rile, horrify, roil.


VB resent, take amiss, take ill, take to heart, take offense, take umbrage, take huff, take exception, take in ill part, take in bad part, take in dudgeon, ne pas entendre raillerie, breathe revenge, cut up rough, fly into a rage, fall into a rage, get into a rage, fly into a passion, bridle up, bristle up, froth up, fire up, flare up, open the vials of one's wrath, pour out the vials of one's wrath, pout, knit the brow, frown, scowl, lower, snarl, growl, gnarl, gnash, snap, redden, color, look black, look black as thunder, look daggers, bite one's thumb, show one's teeth, grind one's teeth, champ the bit, champ at the bit, chafe, mantle, fume, kindle, fly out, take fire, boil, boil over, boil with indignation, boil with rage, rage, storm, foam, vent one's rage, vent one's spleen, lose one's temper, stand on one's hind legs, stamp the foot, stamp with rage, quiver with rage, swell with rage, foam with rage, burst with anger, raise Cain, have a fling at, bear malice, cause anger, raise anger, affront, offend, give offense, give umbrage, anger, hurt the feelings, insult, discompose, fret, ruffle, nettle, huff, pique, excite, irritate, stir the blood, stir up bile, sting, sting to the quick, rile, provoke, chafe, wound, incense, inflame, enrage, aggravate, add fuel to the flame, fan into a flame, widen the breach, envenom, embitter, exasperate, infuriate, kindle wrath, stick in one's gizzard, rankle, hit on the raw, rub on the raw, sting on the raw, strike on the raw, put out of countenance, put out of humor, put one's monkey up, put one's back up, raise one's gorge, raise one's dander, raise one's choler, work up into a passion, make one's blood boil, make the ears tingle, throw, into a ferment, madden, drive one mad, lash into fury, lash into madness, fool to the top of one's bent, set by the ears, bring a hornet's nest about one's ears.


N flattery, adulation, gloze, blandishment, blandiloquence, cajolery, fawning, wheedling, captation, coquetry, obsequiousness, sycophancy, flunkeyism, toadeating, tuft- hunting, snobbishness, incense, honeyed words, flummery, bunkum, buncombe, blarney, placebo, butter, soft soap, soft sawder, rose water, voice of the charmer, mouth honor, lip homage, euphemism, unctuousness, flattering, adulatory, mealy-mouthed, honey-mouthed, honeyed, smooth, smooth-tongued, soapy, oily, unctuous, blandiloquent, specious, fine-spoken, fair spoken, plausible, servile, sycophantic, fulsome, courtierly, courtier-like, ad captandum.


N fuel, firing, combustible, coal, wallsend, anthracite, culm, coke, carbon, charcoal, bituminous coal, tar shale, turf, peat, firewood, bobbing, faggot, log, cinder, ingle, tinder, touchwood, sulphur, brimstone, incense, port-fire, fire-barrel, fireball, brand, amadou, bavin, blind coal, glance coal, German tinder, pyrotechnic sponge, punk, smudge, solid fueled rocket, wax, paraffin wax, paraffin oil, lamp oil, whale oil, oil, petroleum, gasoline, high octane gasoline, nitromethane, petrol, gas, juice, gasohol, alcohol, ethanol, methanol, fuel oil, kerosene, jet fuel, heating oil, number 2 oil, number 4 oil, naphtha, rocket fuel, high specific impulse fuel, liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen, lox, natural gas, synthetic gas, synthesis gas, propane, butane, hydrogen, brand, torch, fuse, wick, spill, match, light, lucifer, congreve, vesuvian, vesta, fusee, locofoco, linstock, candle, oil, carbonaceous, combustible, inflammable, high octane, high specific impulse, heat of combustion.


N fragrance, aroma, redolence, perfume, bouquet, essence, scent, sweet smell, aromatic perfume, agalloch, agallochium, aloes wood, bay rum, calambac, calambour, champak, horehound, lign-aloes, marrubium, mint, muskrat, napha water, olibanum, spirit of myrcia, essential oil, incense, musk, frankincense, pastil, pastille, myrrh, perfumes of Arabia, otto, ottar, attar, bergamot, balm, civet, potpourri, pulvil, nosegay, scentbag, sachet, smelling bottle, vinaigrette, eau de Cologne, toilet water, lotion, after-shave lotion, thurification, perfumer, eucalyptus oil, pinene, fragrant, aromatic, redolent, spicy, savory, balmy, scented, sweet-smelling, sweet-scented, perfumed, perfumatory, thuriferous, fragrant as a rose, muscadine, ambrosial.

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