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hinterlandn. [G.; hinter behind + land land.].
     a remote and undeveloped area; originally, the land or region lying behind the coast district. The term is used esp. with reference to the so-called doctrine of the hinterland, sometimes advanced, that occupation of the coast supports a claim to an exclusive right to occupy, from time to time, the territory lying inland of the coast.  [Webster 1913 Suppl.]


hinterland, n.
1 the often deserted or uncharted areas beyond a coastal district or a river's banks.
2 an area served by a port or other centre.
3 a remote or fringe area.

G f. hinter behind + Land LAND



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N rear, back, posteriority, rear rank, rear guard, background, hinterland, occiput, nape, chine, heels, tail, rump, croup, buttock, posteriors, backside scut, breech, dorsum, loin, dorsal region, lumbar region, hind quarters, aitchbone, natch, natch bone, stern, poop, afterpart, heelpiece, crupper, wake, train, reverse, other side of the shield, back, rear, hind, hinder, hindmost, hindermost, postern, posterior, dorsal, after, caudal, lumbar, mizzen, tergal, behind, in the rear, in the background, behind one's back, at the heels of, at the tail of, at the back of, back to back, after, aft, abaft, astern, sternmost, aback, rearward, ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio, the other side of the coin.

For further exploring for "hinterland" in Webster Dictionary Online

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