Also see definition of "good" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: G G- G. G< Ga Gb Gc Gd Ge Gh Gi Gj Gl Gm Gn Go Gp Gr Gs Gu Gw Gy
gonzo | goo | goo-goo | goober | goober pea | good | good afternoon | good and | good authority | good book | good bye



Interjection, Adjective, Noun
586 in 539 verses (in OT : 340 in 320 verses) (in NT : 246 in 219 verses)


gooda. [AS. G, akin to D. goed, OS. g, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth. g; prob. orig., fitting, belonging together, and akin to E. gather. Gather.].
  •  Possessing desirable qualities; adapted to answer the end designed; promoting success, welfare, or happiness; serviceable; useful; fit; excellent; admirable; commendable; not bad, corrupt, evil, noxious, offensive, or troublesome, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good."  [1913 Webster]
    "Good company, good wine, good welcome."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Possessing moral excellence or virtue; virtuous; pious; religious; -- said of persons or actions.  [1913 Webster]
    "In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Kind; benevolent; humane; merciful; gracious; polite; propitious; friendly; well-disposed; -- often followed by to or toward, also formerly by unto.  [1913 Webster]
    "The men were very good unto us."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Serviceable; suited; adapted; suitable; of use; to be relied upon; -- followed especially by for.  [1913 Webster]
    "All quality that is good for anything is founded originally in merit."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Clever; skillful; dexterous; ready; handy; -- followed especially by at.  [1913 Webster]
    "He . . . is a good workman; a very good tailor."  [1913 Webster]
    "Those are generally good at flattering who are good for nothing else."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Adequate; sufficient; competent; sound; not fallacious; valid; in a commercial sense, to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; having pecuniary ability; of unimpaired credit.  [1913 Webster]
    "My reasons are both good and weighty."  [1913 Webster]
    "My meaning in saying he is a good man is . . . that he is sufficient . . . I think I may take his bond."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Real; actual; serious; as in the phrases in good earnest; in good sooth.  [1913 Webster]
    "Love no man in good earnest."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not small, insignificant, or of no account; considerable; esp., in the phrases a good deal, a good way, a good degree, a good share or part, etc.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not lacking or deficient; full; complete.  [1913 Webster]
    "Good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Not blemished or impeached; fair; honorable; unsullied; as in the phrases a good name, a good report, good repute, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    " Good, in the sense of wishing well, is much used in greeting and leave-taking; as, good day, good night, good evening, good morning, etc."  [1913 Webster]
    "A good name is better than precious ointment"  [1913 Webster]
    "The good woman never died after this, till she came to die for good and all."
    "Distinguished by good humor and good breeding."
    "My father always said I was born to be a good for nothing."
    "The good nature and generosity which belonged to his character."  [1913 Webster]
    "The young count's good nature and easy persuadability were among his best characteristics."
    "The good will of a trade is nothing more than the probability that the old customers will resort to the old place."
    "Each word made good and true."  [1913 Webster]
    "Of no power to make his wishes good."  [1913 Webster]
    "I . . . would by combat make her good."  [1913 Webster]
    "Convenient numbers to make good the city."
    "If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear."  [1913 Webster]
  •  That which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.; -- opposed to evil.  [1913 Webster]
    "There be many that say, Who will show us any good ?"  [1913 Webster]
  •  Advancement of interest or happiness; welfare; prosperity; advantage; benefit; -- opposed to harm, etc.  [1913 Webster]
    "The good of the whole community can be promoted only by advancing the good of each of the members composing it."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Wares; commodities; chattels; -- formerly used in the singular in a collective sense. In law, a comprehensive name for almost all personal property as distinguished from land or real property.  Wharton.  [1913 Webster]
    "He hath made us spend much good."  [1913 Webster]
    "Thy lands and goods
    Are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate
    Unto the state of Venice.
    "  [1913 Webster]
Dress goods, Dry goods, etc. See in the Vocabulary. -- Goods engine, a freight locomotive. [Eng.] -- Goods train, a freight train. [Eng.] -- Goods wagon, a freight car [Eng.] See the Note under Car, n., 2.
     Well, -- especially in the phrase as good, with a following as expressed or implied; equally well with as much advantage or as little harm as possible.  [1913 Webster]
    "As good almost kill a man as kill a good book."  [1913 Webster]
    "They who counsel ye to such a suppressing, do as good as bid ye suppress yourselves."  [1913 Webster]
As good as, in effect; virtually; the same as.
goodv. t. 
  •  To make good; to turn to good.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To manure; to improve.  Bp. Hall.


good, adj., n., & adv.
--adj. (better, best)
1 having the right or desired qualities; satisfactory, adequate.
2 a (of a person) efficient, competent (good at French; a good driver). b (of a thing) reliable, efficient (good brakes). c (of health etc.) strong (good eyesight).
3 a kind, benevolent (good of you to come). b morally excellent; virtuous (a good deed). c charitable (good works). d well-behaved (a good child).
4 enjoyable, agreeable (a good party; good news).
5 thorough, considerable (gave it a good wash).
6 a not less than (waited a good hour). b considerable in number, quality, etc. (a good many people).
7 healthy, beneficial (milk is good for you).
8 a valid, sound (a good reason). b financially sound (his credit is good).
9 in exclamations of surprise (good heavens!).
10 right, proper, expedient (thought it good to have a try).
11 fresh, eatable, untainted (is the meat still good?).
12 (sometimes patronizing) commendable, worthy (good old George; your good lady wife; good men and true; my good man).
13 well shaped, attractive (has good legs; good looks).
14 in courteous greetings and farewells (good afternoon).
1 (only in sing.) that which is good; what is beneficial or morally right (only good can come of it; did it for your own good; what good will it do?).
2 (only in sing.) a desirable end or object; a thing worth attaining (sacrificing the present for a future good).
3 (in pl.) a movable property or merchandise. b Brit. things to be transported, as distinct from passengers. c (prec. by the) colloq. what one has undertaken to supply (esp. deliver the goods). d (prec. by the) sl. the real thing; the genuine article.
4 (as pl.; prec. by the) virtuous people.
--adv. US colloq. well (doing pretty good).

as good as practically (he as good as told me). be so good as (or be good enough) to (often in a request) be kind and do (a favour) (be so good as to open the window). be (a certain amount) to the good have as net profit or advantage. do good show kindness, act philanthropically. do a person good be beneficial to. for good (and all) finally, permanently. good and colloq. used as an intensifier before an adj. or adv. (raining good and hard; was good and angry). the good book the Bible. good breeding correct or courteous manners. good faith see FAITH. good for 1 beneficial to; having a good effect on.
2 able to perform; inclined for (good for a ten-mile walk).
3 able to be trusted to pay (is good for {pound}100). good form see FORM. good-for-nothing (or -nought) adj. worthless.
--n. a worthless person. good for you! (or him!, her!, etc.) exclamation of approval towards a person. Good Friday the Friday before Easter Sunday commemorating the Crucifixion of Christ. good-hearted kindly, well-meaning. good humour a genial mood. a good job a fortunate state of affairs (it's a good job you came early). good-looker a handsome or attractive person. good-looking handsome; attractive. good luck
1 good fortune, happy chance.
2 exclamation of well-wishing.
good money
1 genuine money; money that might usefully have been spent elsewhere.
2 colloq. high wages. good nature a friendly disposition. good oil Austral. sl. reliable information. good on you! (or him! etc.) = good for you! goods and chattels see CHATTEL. good-time recklessly pursuing pleasure. good-timer a person who recklessly pursues pleasure. good times a period of prosperity. good will the intention and hope that good will result (see also GOODWILL). a good word (often in phr. put in a good word for) words in recommendation or defence of a person. good works charitable acts. have a good mind see MIND. have the goods on a person sl. have advantageous information about a person. have a good time enjoy oneself. in a person's good books see BOOK. in good faith with honest or sincere intentions.
in good time
1 with no risk of being late.
2 (also all in good time) in due course but without haste.
make good
1 make up for, compensate for, pay (an expense).
2 fulfil (a promise); effect (a purpose or an intended action).
3 demonstrate the truth of (a statement); substantiate (a charge).
4 gain and hold (a position).
5 replace or restore (a thing lost or damaged).
6 (absol.) accomplish what one intended.
no good
1 mischief (is up to no good).
2 useless; to no advantage (it is no good arguing). no-good
--adj. useless.
--n. a useless thing or person. take in good part not be offended by. to the good having as profit or benefit.
goodish adj.
OE god f. Gmc



adj. Sensible, madam, to the worth of this present writer. Alive, sir, to the advantages of letting him alone.



Christian, Christlike, Christly, Daedalian, God-fearing, OK, Roger, Sunday, able to pay, absolutely, acceptable, accomplished, according to Hoyle, ace, actual, adept, adequate, admirable, admissible, adroit, advantage, advantageous, advisable, affable, affectionate, agreeable, all right, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing, all-wise, allowable, almighty, alright, alrighty, amazing, ambrosial, amen, amiable, amicable, ample, angelic, appropriate, approving, apt, artistic, as you say, assets, assuredly, attractive, auspicious, authentic, authoritative, avail, aye, bad, balanced, barely sufficient, becoming, befitting, behalf, behoof, believable, belongings, benediction, beneficent, beneficial, benefit, benevolent, benign, benignant, benignantly, benignly, benison, best, binding, blameless, blessing, blissful, bon, bona fide, bonny, boon, boundless, bracing, brave, bravura, braw, bright, brilliant, brotherly, bueno, by all means, candid, capital, card-carrying, careful, certainly, champion, changeless, charitable, chaste, chattels, cheerful, choice, clean, clever, cloth, cogent, commendable, commensurate, commodities, company, compassionate, compatible, compelling, competent, complaisant, complete, complimentary, condign, congenial, congruous, considerable, considerate, consistent, constitutional, consumable, convenient, convincing, coordinated, cordial, correct, corresponding, crack, crackerjack, cracking, creating, creative, credible, creditable, crucial, cunning, cute, da, daedal, dainty, decent, decorous, defensible, deft, delectable, delicate, delicious, delightful, dependable, deserved, desirable, dexterous, dextrous, dinkum, diplomatic, due, dulcet, edible, effects, elegant, elevated, en rapport, encomiastic, enjoyable, enough, enthusiastic, equal to, equitable, erect, established, esteemed, estimable, eternal, eternally the same, ethical, eulogistic, even, evenhanded, everlasting, exactly, excellent, exemplary, expedient, expert, exquisite, extensive, extraordinary, fab, fabric, fabulous, fair, fair and pleasant, fair and square, famous, fancy, fantastic, favorable, favorably, favoring, feasible, felicific, felicitous, fine, first-class, first-rate, fit, fitten, fitting, flattering, following the letter, fortunate, fraternal, freight, fresh, friendly, fructuous, full, full of integrity, full of promise, gain, gear, genial, gentle, genuine, gifted, glorious, godlike, godly, godly-minded, godsend, golden, good enough, good for, good to eat, good-hearted, good-tasting, goodish, goodly, goodness, goods, graceful, gracious, grand, grateful, gratifying, great, groovy, gustable, gusty, hallowed, handy, happy, harmonious, health-enhancing, health-preserving, healthful, healthy, hear, heart-warming, heavenly, helpful, high-minded, high-mindedness, high-principled, highest, highly respectable, holy, holy-minded, honest, honest-to-God, honesty, honeyed, honorable, honorableness, human, humane, humanely, humanly, hygeian, hygienic, immaculate, immortal, immutable, inartificial, indeed, indeedy, infinite, ingenious, integrity, interest, invigorating, inviolate, irreproachable, ja, juicy, just, just so, justifiable, justified, kind, kindhearted, kindheartedly, kindly, kindly-disposed, knockout, kosher, lares and penates, large, laudable, laudatory, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, lawful, legal, legitimate, level, lifelike, likable, likely, limitless, line, literal, lofty, logical, loving, lucky, luminous, luscious, lush, magisterial, mais oui, majestic, making, manly, masterful, masterly, material, meet, meet and right, mellifluous, mellow, merchandise, merciful, merit, merited, minimal, minimum, moral, morality, most assuredly, movables, natural, naturalistic, naturally, naturellement, neat, nectareous, nectarous, needed, nice, nicely, no mean, nobility, noble, normal, normative, numinous, obedient, of course, of good omen, of gourmet quality, of happy portent, of promise, okay, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, one, opportune, orderly, original, otherworldly, oui, outstanding, palatable, paraphernalia, passable, penetrating, permanent, permissible, perpetual, personal property, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable, pleasureful, plenty, plenty good enough, politic, positive, positively, possessions, precisely, principled, probity, produce, professional, proficient, profit, profitable, promising, proper, propitious, proportionate, prosperity, prosperous, pure, pure in heart, purehearted, quick, quite, quite some, radiant, rather, ready, real, realistic, really, recommendable, rectitude, refreshing, regal, reliable, reputable, resourceful, respectable, respected, rewarding, right, right and proper, right-minded, righteous, righteousness, rightful, righto, royal, sacred, safe, saintlike, saintly, salubrious, salutary, sanitary, sapid, satisfactory, satisfying, savorous, savory, scrumptious, seasonable, secure, see you later, seemly, self-consistent, sensible, seraphic, serious, shapely, shaping, simon-pure, simple, sincere, sizable, sizeable, skilled, skillful, slick, smart, smashing, softhearted, softheartedly, solicitous, solid, solvent, some, sortable, sound, sovereign, spiritual, spiritual-minded, splendid, spotless, square, stainless, statesmanlike, sterling, stock, straight, stuff, stylish, substantial, succulent, sufficient, sufficient for, sufficing, suitable, superb, superior, supreme, sure, sure thing, sure-enough, surely, sweet, sympathetic, sympathizing, tactful, talented, tangibles, tasty, tender, tenderhearted, tenderheartedly, terrific, textile, the compleat, the complete, things, thorough, timeless, timely, to be desired, to be sure, tolerable, tonic, toothsome, toward, true to life, true to nature, true to reality, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, truly, trustworthy, ubiquitous, unadulterated, unaffected, unassumed, unassuming, unbelievable, unblemished, unbounded, unchanging, uncolored, unconcocted, uncopied, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, uncounterfeited, undefiled, undefined, undisguised, undisguising, undistorted, unearthly, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unflattering, unimagined, unimitated, unimpeachable, unindebted, uninvented, unlimited, unpretended, unpretending, unqualified, unromantic, unsimulated, unspecious, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, unsynthetic, untarnished, unvarnished, unworldly, up to, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, use, useful, usefulness, valid, vendibles, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, very good, very well, virtue, virtuoso, virtuous, virtuousness, wares, warm, warmhearted, warmheartedly, warmly, warrantable, warranted, weighty, welcome, welfare, well, well and good, well-behaved, well-being, well-disposed, well-done, well-founded, well-grounded, well-mannered, well-proportioned, well-thought-of, well-timed, wholesome, why yes, wicked, wise, wonderful, word-for-word, workmanlike, world of good, worth, worthwhile, worthy, yard goods, yea, yeah, yeomanly, yep, yes, yes indeed, yes indeedy, yes sir, yes sirree, yummy




N good, benefit, advantage, improvement, greatest good, supreme good, interest, service, behoof, behalf, weal, main chance, summum bonum, common weal, consummation devoutly to be wished, gain, boot, profit, harvest, boon, good turn, blessing, world of good, piece of good luck, piece of good fortune, nuts, prize, windfall, godsend, waif, treasure-trove, good fortune, happiness, goodness, utility, remedy, pleasure giving, commendable, useful, good, beneficial, well, aright, satisfactorily, favorably, not amis, all for the best, to one's advantage, in one's favor, in one's interest, so far so good, magnum bonum, good, benefit, advantage, improvement, greatest good, supreme good, interest, service, behoof, behalf, weal, main chance, summum bonum, common weal, consummation devoutly to be wished, gain, boot, profit, harvest, boon, good turn, blessing, world of good, piece of good luck, piece of good fortune, nuts, prize, windfall, godsend, waif, treasure-trove, good fortune, happiness, goodness, utility, remedy, pleasure giving, commendable, useful, good, beneficial, well, aright, satisfactorily, favorably, not amis, all for the best, to one's advantage, in one's favor, in one's interest, so far so good, magnum bonum.


N goodness, excellence, merit, virtue, value, worth, price, super-excellence, supereminence, superiority, perfection, coup de maitre, masterpiece, chef d'ouvre, prime, flower, cream, elite, pick, A, nonesuch, nonpareil, creme de la creme, flower of the flock, cock of the roost, salt of the earth, champion, prodigy, tidbit, gem, gem of the first water, bijou, precious stone, jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant, treasure, good thing, rara avis, one in a thousand, beneficence, good man, harmless, hurtless, unobnoxious, innocuous, innocent, inoffensive, beneficial, valuable, of value, serviceable, advantageous, edifying, profitable, salutary, favorable, propitious fair, good, good as gold, excellent, better, superior, above par, nice, fine, genuine, best, choice, select, picked, elect, recherche, rare, priceless, unparagoned, unparalleled, superlatively, good, bully, crackajack, giltedged, superfine, superexcellent, of the first water, first-rate, first-class, high- wrought, exquisite, very best, crack, prime, tiptop, capital, cardinal, standard, inimitable, admirable, estimable, praiseworthy, pleasing, couleur de rose, precious, of great price, costly, worth its weight in gold, worth a Jew's eye, priceless, invaluable, inestimable, precious as the apple of the eye, tolerable, up to the mark, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, satisfactory, tidy, in good condition, in fair condition, fresh, sound, beneficially, well, Jewels five words long, long may such goodness live!, the luxury of doing good, goodness, excellence, merit, virtue, value, worth, price, super-excellence, supereminence, superiority, perfection, coup de maitre, masterpiece, chef d'ouvre, prime, flower, cream, elite, pick, A, nonesuch, nonpareil, creme de la creme, flower of the flock, cock of the roost, salt of the earth, champion, prodigy, tidbit, gem, gem of the first water, bijou, precious stone, jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant, treasure, good thing, rara avis, one in a thousand, beneficence, good man, harmless, hurtless, unobnoxious, innocuous, innocent, inoffensive, beneficial, valuable, of value, serviceable, advantageous, edifying, profitable, salutary, favorable, propitious fair, good, good as gold, excellent, better, superior, above par, nice, fine, genuine, best, choice, select, picked, elect, recherche, rare, priceless, unparagoned, unparalleled, superlatively, good, bully, crackajack, giltedged, superfine, superexcellent, of the first water, first-rate, first-class, high- wrought, exquisite, very best, crack, prime, tiptop, capital, cardinal, standard, inimitable, admirable, estimable, praiseworthy, pleasing, couleur de rose, precious, of great price, costly, worth its weight in gold, worth a Jew's eye, priceless, invaluable, inestimable, precious as the apple of the eye, tolerable, up to the mark, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, satisfactory, tidy, in good condition, in fair condition, fresh, sound, beneficially, well, Jewels five words long, long may such goodness live!, the luxury of doing good.


N imperfection, imperfectness, deficiency, inadequacy, peccancy, immaturity, fault, defect, weak point, screw loose, flaw, gap, twist, taint, attainder, bar sinister, hole in one's coat, blemish, weakness, half blood, shortcoming, drawback, seamy side, mediocrity, no great shakes, no great catch, not much to boast of, one-horse shay, imperfect, not perfect, deficient, defective, faulty, unsound, tainted, out of order, out of tune, cracked, leaky, sprung, warped, lame, injured, peccant, frail, inadequate, crude, incomplete, found wanting, below par, short-handed, below its full strength, under its full strength, below its full complement, indifferent, middling, ordinary, mediocre, average, so-so, coucicouci, milk and water, tolerable, fair, passable, pretty well, pretty good, rather good, moderately good, good, good enough, well enough, adequate, decent, not bad, not amiss, inobjectionable, unobjectionable, admissible, bearable, only better than nothing, secondary, inferior, second-rate, second-best, one-horse, almost, to a limited extent, rather, pretty, moderately, passing, only, considering, all things considered, enough, surgit amari aliquid.


N completeness, completion, integration, allness, entirety, perfection, solidity, solidarity, unity, all, ne plus ultra, ideal, limit, complement, supplement, make-weight, filling, up, impletion, saturation, saturity, high water, high tide, flood tide, spring tide, fill, load, bumper, bellyful, brimmer, sufficiency, complete, entire, whole, perfect, full, good, absolute, thorough, plenary, solid, undivided, with all its parts, all- sided, exhaustive, radical, sweeping, thorough-going, dead, regular, consummate, unmitigated, sheer, unqualified, unconditional, free, abundant, brimming, brimful, topful, topfull, chock full, choke full, as full as an egg is of meat, as full as a vetch, saturated, crammed, replete, fraught, laden, full-laden, full-fraught, full-charged, heavy laden, completing, supplemental, supplementary, ascititious, completely, altogether, outright, wholly, totally, in toto, quite, all out, over head and ears, effectually, for good and all, nicely, fully, through thick and thin, head and shoulders, neck and heel, neck and crop, in all respects, in every respect, at all points, out and out, to all intents and purposes, toto coelo, utterly, clean, clean as a whistle, to the full, to the utmost, to the backbone, hollow, stark, heart and soul, root and branch, down to the ground, to the top of one's bent, as far as possible, a outrance, throughout, from first to last, from beginning to end, from end to end, from one end to the other, from Dan to Beersheba, from head to foot, from top to toe, from top to bottom, de fond en comble, a fond, a capite ad calcem, ab ovo usque ad mala, fore and aft, every, whit, every inch, cap-a-pie, to the end of the chapter, up to the brim, up to the ears, up to the eyes, as a as can be, on all accounts, sous tous les rapports, with a vengeance, with a witness, falsus in uno falsus in omnibus, false in one thing, false in everything, omnem movere lapidem, una scopa nuova spazza bene.


N pleasure, gratification, enjoyment, fruition, oblectation, delectation, delection, relish, zest, gusto, satisfaction, complacency, well-being, good, snugness, comfort, ease, cushion, sans souci, without worry, mind at ease, joy, gladness, delight, glee, cheer, sunshine, cheerfulness, treat, refreshment, amusement, luxury, mens sana in corpore sano, a sound mind in a sound body, happiness, felicity, bliss, beatitude, beautification, enchantment, transport, rapture, ravishment, ecstasy, summum bonum, paradise, elysium, third heaven, seventh heaven, cloud nine, unalloyed happiness, hedonics, hedonism, honeymoon, palmy days, halcyon days, golden age, golden time, Dixie, Dixie's land, Saturnia regna, Arcadia, Shangri-La, happy valley, Agapemone, pleased, not sorry, glad, gladsome, pleased as Punch, happy, blest, blessed, blissful, beatified, happy as a clam at high water, happy as a clam, happy as a king, happy as the day is long, thrice happy, ter quaterque beatus, enjoying, joyful, hedonic, in a blissful state, in paradise, in raptures, in ecstasies, in a transport of delight, comfortable, at ease, content, sans souci, overjoyed, entranced, enchanted, enraptures, enravished, transported, fascinated, captivated, with a joyful face, with sparkling eyes, pleasing, ecstatic, beatic, painless, unalloyed, without alloy, cloudless, happily, with pleasure, with glee, one's heart leaping with joy, a wilderness of sweets, I wish you all the joy that you can wish, jour de ma vie, joy ruled the day and love the night, joys season'd high and tasting strong of guilt, oh happiness, our being's end and aim!, there is a pleasure that is born of pain, throned on highest bliss, vedi Napoli e poi muori, zwischen Freud und Leid ist die Brucke nicht weit, the bridge between joy and sorrow is not wide.


N right, what ought to be, what should be, fitness, summum jus, justice, equity, equitableness, propriety, fair play, impartiality, measure for measure, give and take, lex talionis, Astraea, Nemesis, Themis, scales of justice, evenhanded justice, karma, suum cuique, clear stage, fair field and no favor, level playing field, morals, law, honor, virtue, right, good, just, reasonable, fit, equal, equable, equatable, evenhanded, fair, legitimate, justifiable, rightful, as it should be, as it ought to be, lawful deserved, rightly, +a bon droit, au bon droit, in justice, in equity, in reason, without distinction of persons, without regard to persons, without respect to persons, upon even terms, Int, all right!, fair's fair, Dieu et mon droit, in equal scale weighing delight and dole, justitia cuum cuique distribuit, justitiae soror incorrupta fides, justitia virtutem regina, thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just.


N approbation, approval, approvement, sanction, advocacy, nod of approbation, esteem, estimation, good opinion, golden opinions, admiration, love, appreciation, regard, account, popularity, kudos, credit, repute, best seller, commendation, praise, laud, laudation, good word, meed of praise, tribute of praise, encomium, eulogy, eulogium, eloge, panegyric, homage, hero worship, benediction, blessing, benison, applause, plaudit, clap, clapping, clapping of hands, acclaim, acclamation, cheer, paean, hosannah, shout of applause, peal of applause, chorus of applause, chorus of praise, Prytaneum, approving, in favor of, lost in admiration, commendatory, complimentary, benedictory, laudatory, panegyrical, eulogistic, encomiastic, lavish of praise, uncritical, approved, praised, uncensured, unimpeached, popular, in good odor, in high esteem, in favor, in high favor, deserving of praise, worthy of praise, praiseworthy, commendable, of estimation, good, meritorious, estimable, creditable, plausible, unimpeachable, beyond all praise, with credit, to admiration, well, with three times three, Int, hear hear!, bully for you!, well done!, bravo!, bravissimo!, euge!, macte virtute!, so far so good, that's right, quite right, optime!, one cheer more, may your shadow never be less!, esto perpetua!, long life to!, viva!, enviva!, Godspeed!, valete et plaudite!, encore!, bis!, probatum est, tacent satis laudant, servant of God, well done!.


N virtue, virtuousness, morality, moral rectitude, integrity, nobleness, morals, ethics, cardinal virtues, merit, worth, desert, excellence, credit, self-control, self-denial, well-doing, good actions, good behavior, discharge of duty, fulfillment of duty, performance of duty, well-spent life, innocence, virtuous, good, innocent, meritorious, deserving, worthy, desertful, correct, dutiful, duteous, moral, right, righteous, right- minded, well-intentioned, creditable, laudable, commendable, praiseworthy, above all praise, beyond all praise, excellent, admirable, sterling, pure, noble, whole-souled, exemplary, matchless, peerless, saintly, saint-like, heaven-born, angelic, seraphic, godlike, virtuously, adj, e merito, esse quam videri bonus malebat, Schonheit vergeht Tugend besteht, virtue the greatest of all monarchies, virtus laudatur et alget, virtus vincit invidiam.


N savoriness, good taste, deliciousness, delectability, relish, zest, appetizer, tidbit, titbit, dainty, delicacy, tasty morsel, appetizer, hors d'ouvres, ambrosia, nectar, bonne-bouche, game, turtle, venison, delicatessen, savory, delicious, tasty, well-tasted, to one's taste, good, palatable, nice, dainty, delectable, toothful, toothsome, gustful, appetizing, lickerish, delicate, exquisite, rich, luscious, ambrosial, scrumptious, delightful, per amusare la bocca, cela se laisse manger.


N assent, assentment, acquiescence, admission, nod, accord, concord, concordance, agreement, affirmance, affirmation, recognition, acknowledgment, avowal, confession of faith, unanimity, common consent, consensus, acclamation, chorus, vox populi, popular belief, current belief, current opinion, public opinion, concurrence, cooperation, ratification, confirmation, corroboration, approval, acceptance, visa, indorsement, consent, pressure to conform, herd instinct, peer pressure, assenting, of one accord, of one mind, of the same mind, at one with, agreed, acquiescent, content, willing, uncontradicted, unchallenged, unquestioned, uncontroverted, carried, agreed, nem, con, nemine contradicente unanimous, agreed on all hands, carried by acclamation, affirmative, yes, yea, ay, aye, true, good, well, very well, very true, well and good, granted, even so, just so, to be sure, 'thou hast said', you said it, you said a mouthful, truly, exactly, precisely, that's just it, indeed, certainly, you bet, certes, ex concesso, of course, unquestionably, assuredly, no doubt, doubtless, naturally, natch, be it so, so be it, so let it be, amen, willingly, affirmatively, in the affirmative, OK, all right, might as well, why not? with one consent, with one voice, with one accord, unanimously, una voce, by common consent, in chorus, to a man, nem, con, nemine contradicente, nemine dissentiente, without a dissentient voice, as one man, one and all, on all hands, avec plaisir, chi tace accousente, the public mind is the creation of the Master-Writ, you bet your sweet ass it is, what are we waiting for? whenever you're ready, anytime you're ready.

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